A Rose For Emily Symbolism

A Rose For Emily Symbolism

Analysis of the poison symbol in rose of emily 2-3 sentences Correct= Brainliest Wrong or nonsense= Report

Daftar Isi

1. Analysis of the poison symbol in rose of emily 2-3 sentences Correct= Brainliest Wrong or nonsense= Report


The poison symbol in Rose of Emily symbolizes death and decay, as it is associated with the rotting corpse of Emily's former lover, Homer. It suggests that her stubborn refusal to accept change has resulted in the death of her relationship with him. It also hints at the consequences of her refusal to face reality, a physical representation of the rot that has set into her life.

2. Is emily from a rose for emily a round characters?


Hover for more information. Emily Grierson is a round character in this story although we never really get her point of view of things. ... In this story, the town is a round character, the South, is forced to change in order to survive after the Civil War.


hope it helps

correct me if I'm wrong

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3. Ann has 120 roses, while Emily has 160 roses. How many roses should Emily give to Ann so that Emily will have 3 times less roses than Ann will have?


90 roses



[tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}Ann:&120&roses\\Emily:&160&roses\end{array}\right]\\\to Total=\:\:280\:\:\:\:roses[/tex]

Determination of the required number of roses for each person.

Let x and 3x represent the number roses that Emily and Ann should have respectively.


Let n represent the number of roses that Emily should give to Ann so that she will have three times less roses than Ann.

[tex]160-n=70\\-n=70-160\\-n=-90\longrightarrow \boxed{n=90}[/tex]

4. critique paper introduction of A rose for Emily​


It is difficult for me to provide a critique of a paper introduction without the context of the entire paper. However, I can give you some general tips for writing a strong introduction to a literary analysis of "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner:

Begin with a hook that grabs the reader's attention and sets the tone for the rest of the paper. This could be a quote from the story, an interesting fact, or a thought-provoking question.

Provide some background information on the story and its author, William Faulkner, to give readers context and a sense of the historical and cultural context in which the story was written.

Clearly state the thesis of the paper, which should be a specific and arguable claim about the story and its themes.

Preview the main points that will be discussed in the paper and the evidence that will be used to support the thesis.

Use literary terms and techniques from the story to introduce the literary analysis.

End the introduction with a sentence that leaves the reader wanting to know more about the story and the analysis that will follow.

It is also important to remember that your introduction should be engaging and well-written, and should provide a clear roadmap for the rest of the paper.

pa brainliests and follow

5. Reflection about the story of A Rose for Emily by William Fulkner.




titanic is the most sexy women

6. make own quote about rose for emily


Alive, Miss Emily had been a tradition, a duty, and a care; a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town

Roses are red
The Rally is red

7. the critical guiding questions used by the writer of a rose for emily​


In “A Rose for Emily,” Faulkner does not rely on a conventional linear approach to present his characters' inner lives and motivations. Instead, he fractures, shifts, and manipulates time, stretching the story out over several decades. We learn about Emily's life through a series of flashbacks.

8. rising action of the story A Rose for emily


The rising action in this story is when Homer Barron comes into town. He gains the affection of the town, and the love of Miss Emily.


9. figurative language a rose for emily​


William Faulkner's short story "A Rose for Emily" uses several types of figurative language to create vivid images and to convey the story's themes.


Symbolism: The rose in the title is a symbol of the tragic beauty of Emily's life, while her decaying mansion symbolizes the decay of the old Southern aristocracy.

Metaphor: Emily is compared to a "fallen monument" in the story, suggesting that she was once a respected and admired member of society, but has since fallen into obscurity and decay.

Simile: In the story, Emily's hair is compared to "iron gray," emphasizing her age and suggesting that she has lost some of her youthful beauty and vitality.

Personification: The town itself is personified in the story, with the narrator describing how it "watched" Emily and how it "refused to let her go" even after her death.

Foreshadowing: The story uses foreshadowing to hint at Emily's eventual fate. For example, the description of her father as "a spraddled silhouette" suggests that he was abusive and controlling, foreshadowing Emily's own mental and emotional decline later in life.

These examples of figurative language help to create a haunting and eerie atmosphere in the story and to convey the tragic and unsettling nature of Emily's life.

10. critique paper of story "A rose for Emily" by William Faulkner​




because William is the men of creation

11. resolution about the story a rose for emily?​


In "A Rose for Emily" the resolution is Miss Emily dying. The conflict in this story is Miss Emily's fear of losing her loved ones. Although this resolution may not be favored by all readers, it solves the conflict. In this short story the falling action is when Miss Emily is beginning to get old.

12. Why all cast of exorcism of emily rose died?

Erin Bruner, an ambitious lawyer seeking to become a senior partner in her law firm, takes the case of Father Richard Moore, a Catholic diocesan priest charged with negligent homicide following an attempted exorcism of 19-year-old student Emily Rose. While the archdiocese want Moore to plead guilty to minimize the crime's public attention, Moore instead pleads not guilty. During the trial, the statements of the witnesses are visualized via flashbacks. Prosecutor Ethan Thomas interrogates several doctors and neurologists to establish a medical cause for Emily's death, particularly epilepsy and schizophrenia. Emily had dropped out of her college studies after being consistently struck by delusions and muscle spasms at 3:00 am. She returned to her parents' home and was treated with epilepsy and psychosis medications. Moore was consulted when her condition failed to improve, and his assessment and observations led him to the conclusion that Emily was being possessed by a demon. With the consent of Emily's parents, Moore subjected Emily to an exorcism that ultimately failed. Moore surmised that Emily's medications were to blame for the unsuccessful expulsion, as they paralyzed Emily's brain activity and kept the demon out of reach.

Moore, wanting to tell Emily's story, gives his testimony when he is called to the witness stand. Bruner begins experiencing supernatural phenomena at home, waking up at 3:00 am. to the smell of burning material. Moore warns her she may be a target for the demons, revealing he too has experienced similar phenomena on the night he was preparing the exorcism. Bruner supports Moore by summoning anthropologist Sadira Adani to testify about the beliefs surrounding spiritual possession from various cultures, but Thomas dismisses her claims as nonsense. Graham Cartwright, a medical doctor who attended the exorcism, gives Bruner a cassette tape on which the exorcism was recorded, and Moore presents the recording as evidence. Cartwright's testimony to authenticate the exorcism and refute the prosecution's medical case is prevented when he is suddenly struck and killed by a car. A distraught Bruner retreats to her office, where her boss threatens her with termination if she allows Moore to testify again. Bruner visits Moore in his jail cell, where he convinces her to allow him to tell the rest of Emily's story despite her boss's threat.

The next day, Moore takes the witness stand again and reads a letter that Emily wrote before she died. On the morning after the exorcism, Emily was visited by the Virgin Mary in a field near her house and was permitted the choice of ascending to Heaven. However, Emily chose to endure her suffering and later received stigmata on her hands. Thomas does not interpret the markings as a divine sign, but rather as traces of self-inflicted injuries. The jury ultimately reaches a verdict of guilty but surprises the court by asking Judge Brewster to give a sentence of time served. Although momentarily shocked by the suggestion, Brewster ultimately accepts it, and Moore is free to go. Bruner is offered a partnership in her firm, but declines. Later, Moore and Bruner pay a visit to Emily's grave, and Moore states that the time will come wherein Emily will be declared a saint.

If this is wrong then ask the director

13. what is the significance of A rose for emily ​


The rose serves as a symbol of sympathy for Emily,who is presented as a stubborn and sometimes harsh character.Faulkners mentioned of a rose helps the reader to see a softer side of her

14. State your learnings upon seeing the movie “Exorcism of Emily Rose”​

I learned that demons are real and possession is one of their way to ruin someone’s soul. I also learned that the heaven is real through what Mary said in the movie...that Emily will be the reason why most of the people will believe in heaven and hell


its very affraid for me because a lot of people can fell this situation

15. a rose for Emily sypnosis​


A Rose for Emily is the story of Emily Greison who died an old maid in Jefferson. When she was young, she was forbidden by her father to socialize, he even drive away her suitors. All the decisions that she have to make will depend on his father's choice.

Then, when her father died, she doesn't know what to do because all her life she have depended on her father.

One day she met Homer Barron a contract worker. They were seen together by the town's people, they thought that the two would end up together and get married but he did not show up for awhile in the town. Until Emily bought a poison for rats, the town's people thought that she might end her life.

Homer Barron once again showed himself and was seen going inside the house of the Greison but he was not seen again after that.

Time goes by, Emily gets older and older until she dies. On the day of her funeral, the people got curious about what's inside that one particular room. They were shocked to find out the skeleton of Homer Baron laid on the bed and a strand of long grey hair of Emily beside the dead body of Homer.

Learn about synopsis here:



Mary Grace Cantillo

16. determine the approach used in the story of A rose for emily​


is very happy story for the love story

17. what is the point of view of a rose for emily?

What is the Point of View of A Rose for Emily?

—The point of view of the story is first person, but not the typical first person. There is not one named narrator whose mind we follow. Instead, it is "our town." It is almost as if the town itself is telling the story, or one person is sharing multiple perspectives gleamed from rumors.


18. what is the significant human experience in the story a rose for emily


The main argument in "A Rose for Emily" is that the human condition is in constant need and search for some form of happiness. Unfortunately the ways in which we attempt to find it is what makes us less than perfect as a human race.


19. paragraph of "A Rose for Emily"​


The story “A Rose for Emily” says Emily is a very obstinate lady who lives her life in her own way and finds her own ways to deal with situations. Emily refuses to pay the taxes and she doesn’t care about the restrictions of society. The town’s people inhabitants felt sorry for her after the death of her father. They were eager to know about her way of living and they kept a pay careful attention to Emily. She poisoned Homer Barron when he rejects her marriage proposal and keeps his body with her. This is against the rules of society but she used to live her life as she wants. Emily faces some sort of problems to deal with matters of life.

Emily has been left cloistered all her life and she has certain characteristics that make her take vengeance. She is obstinate in her language and activities as shown in her actions. It is because of this obstinateness that Emily ends up murdering Homer Barron.

William Faulkner’s stories have isolation as a theme. An example of a character in Barn Burning who was staying in isolation from other children of the town is Sartoris. The same thing replicated in the case of Emily who has been staying in isolation because she was never permitted to communicate with the people staying in the town. The isolation that they were staying in changed both the characters.

The story was influenced by the southwestern regions. A rose for Emily is a story pirouette around the past. Emily is always cloistered from other people. Even after her father’s death, she didn’t communicate much with the people of the town. She reprobated all the ideas of the modern world and stayed by her own will. It is clearly shown in the story that Emily is against modern techniques when she was against having a mailbox outside her residence.

Emily’s father is responsible for the obstinateness found in Emily. The acumen brought to her by her father impaired her whole life. But the spunk shown by Emily in the story can be highly addressed as she showed courage to cope up with the oppression brought to her by life. William Faulkner uses the theme of compromise in various of his stories with different conditions. Many characters in the story are trying to compromise with the conditions and some have succeeded while some have not. However, Emily isn’t able to compromise with her refusal from Homer because of which she decides to murder him. ‘A Rose for Emily’ may somewhat be meant to show how uncompromising nature creates difficult situations in life. The uncompromising habits lead to greater distresses like that of Emily who lives with her dead soul all over her life.

Isolation and compromise are the common themes of Faulkner’s stories which helps one to understand the characters well. The story depicts that Emily faced many problems throughout her life.

20. who has the money and power In the rose for emily story​


In the story "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner, the character with the most money and power is Emily's father, Mr. Grierson. He was a wealthy and influential man in the town, and he exerted control over Emily's life, keeping her isolated and unmarried. After his death, Emily became the wealthiest person in town, but her power and influence were limited by her reclusive nature and her eccentric behavior. Ultimately, she becomes a tragic figure, a victim of her own family's history and the rigid social norm of her time

21. The moral lesson of the story a rose for emily.​

A Rose for Emily is a story about a lonely old woman, Emily, who is actually a murderer, and the town that continues to tip toe around her due to the rose colored glasses that they wear. One moral of this story is the risk we take in wearing rose colored glasses because we can't properly see the worl when wearing them.

22. Emily places 15 roses in a beautiful glass vase. It holds 6 yellow roses and 9 red roses. What fraction of roses are red?

Answer: 3/5

Solution: 9/15 to get the lowest term, find the GCF = 3

9 divided by 3 = 3
15 divided by 3 = 5

Answer: 9

Explanation: Because there are 9 red roses.

I hope it's correct

23. What does the author of a rose for emily tells us from the story?


I don't know ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok

24. How does the story "A Rose for Emily" reflects the time in which it was written?A A Rose for Emily - I think this means an offering to her as she symbolizes a rose, beautiful but still with flawsB. The author wanted to explore the ideas of repression and selfishness.C. As what the author described the setting in the story, the descriptions that Faulkner gave and the images heconjuredD. The story is like a mirror of the culture in the society. "A Rose for Emily" is set in Jefferson, the governmentalcenter of the fictional county of Yoknapatawpha in Mississippi.​



Sana maka help po ako

sabihin mo kung mali. ☺️

25. ano ang nangyari kay emily rose at bakit


where is the story?


i can answer it with story

26. Write another ending of a story " A Rose for Emily" ​


Kindly give me the story first so I can give the ending.



27. give me a critique paper of the story of "A rose for Emily" by William Faulkner​

"A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner

is a short story that explores themes of isolation, tradition, and the passing of time. The story is narrated by an unnamed narrator who speaks on behalf of the entire town of Jefferson, Mississippi. The narrator recounts the life of Emily Grierson, a reclusive woman who has lived in isolation for most of her life.

One of the strengths of this story is the way Faulkner uses a non-linear narrative structure to reveal the events of Emily's life. The story jumps back and forth in time, adding layers of meaning and complexity to the characters and their actions. This structure also creates a sense of mystery and intrigue, keeping the reader engaged until the end.

Another strength of the story is the way Faulkner uses symbols to add depth and meaning to the narrative. The title of the story, "A Rose for Emily," is a symbol of the love and affection that Emily never received. The rose also symbolizes Emily's fading beauty and the fleeting nature of life. Similarly, the house that Emily lives in is also symbolic, representing the decay of the Old South and the way time has passed it by.

However, one of the weaknesses of the story is the way the narrator speaks on behalf of the entire town of Jefferson. This creates a sense of homogeneity in the characters, and it is difficult to understand the motivations and feelings of individual characters. The narrator's voice also reinforces the idea that the town is complicit in Emily's isolation and her eventual descent into madness.

Overall, "A Rose for Emily" is a powerful and evocative story that explores themes of isolation, tradition, and the passing of time. The non-linear narrative structure and the use of symbols add depth and complexity to the story, but the use of a collective narrator diminishes the individuality of the characters. Despite this weakness, "A Rose for Emily" is a masterful and thought-provoking story that will continue to be studied and enjoyed for many years to come.

28. what is the significance of A rose for emily? ​


emily loves rose she even turn her back on her family just to have a house full of roses.


brainliest ty

29. Story About A Rose Of Emily​


where po is the story 'A Rose for Emily'

30. What is the significance of A rose for emily? ​


[tex]54 \times 46[/tex]

[tex]56 \times 57[/tex]

[tex]62 \times 75[/tex]

[tex]85 \times 24[/tex]

[tex]63 \times 37[/tex]


[tex]31 \times 58[/tex]

[tex]16 \times 73[/tex]

[tex]23 \times 65[/tex]

[tex]95 \times 88[/tex]

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