Example Of Acknowledgement In Narrative Report

Example Of Acknowledgement In Narrative Report

Acknowledgement sample for ojt narrative report

Daftar Isi

1. Acknowledgement sample for ojt narrative report

Acknowledgment  Sample for OJT Narrative Report

This acknowledgment goes to the industry experts for guiding me during work immersion. My heartfelt gratitude to my wok immersion teacher that keeps us high morale. Many thanks to my co-students that serve my strength. I am indebted to my family for providing me the love and financial support every day. Lastly to our Almighty God for everything.

Elements of Acknowledgement

In general, these are the elements of acknowledgments:

Full name of all individuals who are being acknowledged. A brief testimonial as to what kind of help the writer has received.  

Guidelines in Writing Acknowledgement

Below are the general guidelines in writing acknowledgment:

Use the appropriate tone and form.  Start with the most important person. List other helpers.

Learn more:

Example of acknowledgment letter about work immersion: https://brainly.ph/question/1278445


2. example of acknowledgement


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher (Name of the teacher) as well as our principal (Name of the principal)who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic (Write the topic name), which also helped me in doing a lot of Research and i came to know about so many new things I am really thankful to them.

Secondly i would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in finalizing this project within the limited time frame.

3. example of Acknowledgment ​


Own opinion




I would like to thank my (subject) teacher who gave me a golden opportunity to work on this project. I’d also like to express my gratitude to my school principal (name of principal) wholeheartedly.

I must also thank my parents and friends for the immense support and help during this project. Without their help, completing this project would have been very difficult.


hope it's help, good luck : D

4. characteristics of a news story that pertains to proper acknowledgment by the news reporter of his sources? a. accuracy b. attribution c. proximity d. timing​


•B. attribution


•attribution is the action of ascribing a work or remark to a particular author, artist, or person.

5. Were the guests acknowledged properly as soon as they arrived in the restaurant?How they were acknowledge​


using good morning or good afternoon or welcoming them then get there order

hope it helps

6. example of acknowledgement for portfolio​


yan po yung example hope it help

7. example of acknowledgement for portfolio pahelp plss​


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher (Name of the teacher) as well as our principal (Name of the principal)who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic (Write the topic name), which also helped me in doing a lot of Research and i came to know about so many.

8. example of acknowledgement for my portfolio ​


how does academic writing help the students?

9. The dsm acknowledges that ________


a DSM diagnosis is only the first step, much more is needed to determine treatment


Hope it helps



10. exsample of Acknowledgment​



1. I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher as well as our principal who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic (Topic Name), which also helped me in doing a lot of Research and i came to know about so many new things. I am really thankful to them.

2. I would like to express my gratitude to my primary supervisor, Michael Brown, who guided me throughout this project. I would also like to thank my friends and family who supported me and offered deep insight into the study.

3. First and foremost, I would like to thank our English Teacher (Name of Teacher) who guided us in doing these projects. He provided us with invaluable advice and helped us in difficult periods. His motivation and help contributed tremendously to the successful completion of the project.

Besides, we would like to thank all the teachers who helped us by giving us advice and providing the equipment which we needed.

Also I would like to thank my family and friends for their support. Without that support we couldn’t have succeeded in completing this project.

At last but not in least, we would like to thank everyone who helped and motivated us to work on this project.

4.I am really really grateful to my English Teacher (Teacher’s Name) for advising me and introducing the project to me in a easy to understand way which has helped me complete my project easily and effectively on time.

I am dearly obliged to (Name) for giving me an opportunity to work on this project which has provided valuable information about (Topic of your Project).

Thank you


Sana makatulong po sana sa inyo

11. give 5 examples of simple expression that you can use to compliment or acknowledge of your own talento or others? ​


Your smile is contagious.

I bet you make babies smile.

You have the best laugh.

You light up the room.

You have a great sense of humor.

If cartoon bluebirds were real, a couple of 'em would be sitting on your shoulders singing right now.

You're like sunshine on a rainy day.


hope it helps

12. Why is it important to acknowledge sources in report or research


There are several important reasons for acknowledging the source of your ideas, including: • to support your argument through referring to 'authorities' or well-respected people or scholarly works; to enable others to consult sources with ease to, for example, get a deeper understanding of the issue you are addressing.


1.Ano-ano ang cohesive devices? Magbigay kahit tatlo

13. what is acknowledged?​

Acknowledge is defined as to show thanks or appreciation or to recognize someone's efforts or accomplishments.

Hope it helped

#carry on learning

Acknowledge is defined as to show thanks or appreciation or to recognize someone's efforts or accomplishments.

Hope it helped

#carry on learning

Acknowledge is defined as to show thanks or appreciation or to recognize someone's efforts or accomplishments.

Hope it helped

#carry on learning

Acknowledge is defined as to show thanks or appreciation or to recognize someone's efforts or accomplishments.

Hope it helped

#carry on learning

14. enumerate the sources that need to acknowledge and sources that need not be acknowledge​


•as your inspiration

•as the source of a theory, argument or point of view

for specific information such as statistics, examples or case studies

•for direct quotation (using the author's exact words)

•to paraphrase or summarise an author's work



15. the acknowledgement and attribution given to the originator of ideas that are used in a report or term paper​


In academic work, we acknowledge sources in written work by referencing the source in two areas: 1. in the body of the text, through in-text Citations, footnotes (placed at the bottom of a page), or endnotes (placed at the end of a chapter or report, but before the reference list); and 2.

Paraphrasing: Using someone's ideas, but putting them in your own words. This is probably the skill you will use most when incorporating sources into your writing. Although you use your own words to paraphrase, you must still cite the source of the information.

16. acknowledgement for fitness​


Give yourself a reward when you finish a challenge. Set manageable goals that come with rewards upon completion.

17. it pertains to proper acknowledgement by the news reporter of source (attribution)​


act of transferring information from one place, person or group to anotherOne of the most important keys to relationships is communication.


pa fallow(★^O^★)

18. after gathering the information needed for our research report write down all the source of the data you gathered and acknowledge the source by preparing a biography​


Not just biography but more importantly CITATIONS or else, its plagiarism

19. Why should you acknowledge your sources? in Primary and Secondary Sources "NONSENSE ANSWER WILL BE REPORTED"


You should acknowledge your sources whenever you use a source of information:

• as your inspiration.

• as the source of a theory, argument or point of view.

• for specific information such as statistics, examples or case studies.

• for direct quotation (using the author's exact words)

• to paraphrase or summarise an author's work.

20. Example of acknowledgement letter about work immersion


Acknowledgement Letter About Work Immersion

Work Immersion is an important part of the academic curriculum because this is where the students are being expose to the real life scenario he/she will be facing once graduated from studies. The Student should be able to test his skills and knowledge that was learned from school. Also, The student will be able to learn extra skills that are relevant to the chosen field of study.

Other than academic skills, the student will also be able to test his/ her adaptability as they transition from school environment with a working environment where a lot of challenges are present.

Going back, an Acknowledgement Letter for work Immersion is used to thank the your boss or the people you have worked with as you finish the hours required for the training.

The below can be a sample of a Work Immersion Letter.


(Name of the Company/ Organization)

Address of the Company/ Organization


Dear Sir/ Maam (Name of your boss),


As I end my work immersion training, I would like to give you my sincerest gratitude for accommodating me here in ( Put the name of the company here ). I will never forget the practical life skills that I learned in here. The technical skills that I have acquired as I did my immersion here will help me build my leverage among others.

Also, I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to Maam/ Sir ( indicate the names of the people you have worked with here. ) for patiently teaching me as I familiarize myself to the work processes of this company.

I hope in the future as I finish my studies I will still be welcomed here.

Thanks you once again and till we meet again.


(Your name here)


For other samples of Acknowledgment letter:



21. what is the acknowledgement

Recognition of the existence or truth of something. An expression of appreciation.

22. Acknowledgment or acknowledgement which is correct

it is both correct however the word with the"e" is the British English and the American one is without the e. hope this helps

23. give an example that you acknowledge the lordship of jesus christ in your every day life​


- by praying everyday.

by reading the Bible everyday.

- by trusting him from what will happen tomorrow or the next day.

- by believing in him in his power, in his righteousness, and his will.

- Devotion.

- Praise.

- Faith is also important.


Turn to him before it's too late! repent your sins!

24. He acknowledged the sources he used in his report

Answer:he knowledge

Explanation:because he acknowledge

Sorry po yan din kasi sinagot sakin ih hahah

25. Copy five words of wisdoms and acknowledge the Author/s Example: if it is not right, don't do it.if it is not true, don't say it. - Marcus Aurelius​


the window and saw the new year and I have to go to the store and get some rest and feel better soon and that is why I am asking for a friend to talk to you about it when I


thanks for the update and for the record I have to go to the store and get some rest and feel better soon

26. example of acknowledgement about reproduction of cattle:breeding for articleplease help me I need right now​


not really sure that would help

27. resourceful:source::acknowledge:



i think. hehe


realize I think PO

Sana makatulong

28. what is acknowledged​


acknowledged is welcome or accomplishment


To admit to be real or true; recognize the existence, truth or fact

29. what is acknowledgment​

1a: the act of acknowledging something or someoneacknowledgment of a mistake

b: recognition or favorable notice of an act or achievementreceived acknowledgment for his charitable works

2: a thing done or given in recognition of something receivedan author's acknowledgments of assistance

3law : a declaration or avowal of one's act or of a fact to give it legal validity

Synonyms & Antonyms


admission, avowal, concession,confession, self-confessionAntonymsdisavowal, nonadmissionExamples

They made several public acknowledgments of their company's mistake.He paid the fine without acknowledgment of his guilt.He paid the fine without acknowledgment of his guilt.Special acknowledgments will be made at the end of the meeting.He paid the fine without acknowledgment of his guilt.Special acknowledgments will be made at the end of the meeting.He has finally received the acknowledgment he deserves for his charitable work.He paid the fine without acknowledgment of his guilt.Special acknowledgments will be made at the end of the meeting.He has finally received the acknowledgment he deserves for his charitable work.They presented him with an award in acknowledgment of his charitable work.

30. enumerate the sources that need to acknowledge and sources that need not be acknowledge​


What does acknowledging sources involve?

Sources of information and the ideas of others that you use in your assignments, research and class

activities may include books, journal articles, newspaper or magazine articles, company documents and

web-sites, government or institutional reports, patents, and personal communication, among others.

Information and ideas from these sources are found in a variety of forms, including words, numbers and

statistics, diagrams, tables, logos, music, video, plans, computer source code, and so on.

In academic work, we acknowledge sources in written work by referencing the source in two areas:

1. in the body of the text, through in-text Citations, footnotes (placed at the bottom of a page), or

endnotes (placed at the end of a chapter or report, but before the reference list); and

2. a reference list placed at the end of an aSSignment or thesis, but before appendices.

In this course, the preferred method is in-text Citations, along with a reference list. Footnotes may be

used sparingly for additional information (e.g. statistics of or limited side comments), but normally not for

referencing the sources of information.

Why should you acknowledge sources?

There are several important reasons for acknowledging the source of your ideas, including:

• to support your argument through referring to 'authorities' or well-respected people or scholarly


to enable others to consult sources with ease to, for example, get a deeper understanding of the

issue you are addressing or to confirm your interpretation;

• to provide evidence of wide reading and research; and

• as an academic courtesy and indication of academic honesty.

Failure to appropriately acknowledge sources may constitute plagiarism, which amounts to academic

misconduct. It could also put you in breach of copyright law.


Plagiarism refers to the presentation of the words or ideas of another author (it may be a

text writer or another student) as your own. This is not acceptable practice. Throughout

your studies, you will be asked to learn about and discuss the views and theories of others.

This should be done with appropriate acknowledgment of source material. In general:

(a) always express your own ideas in your own words. When drawing from the work of

other authors, acknowledge the source;

(b) do not incorporate the words used by writers (e.g. in text books or journal articles), your

professor or other students in your answer unless you attribute those words to their

author(s); and

(c) never hand in an assignment which is the same as, or closely similar to, another

student's assignment.


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