Advantages Of SameMarriage

Advantages Of SameMarriage

Dis Advantages and Andvantages of Gestures​

Daftar Isi

1. Dis Advantages and Andvantages of Gestures​


The dis advantages of gestures is when you are saying somethings using it but others interpret it into bad things and the advantage of it is you don't need to talk to others just for them to understand you.


We no longer have to speak to communicate with each other.

It is useful to deaf people, which is why sign language is invented.


Some gestures have different meaning in other countries, meaning we might confuse people living there, or offend them.

It is useless to blind people.

2. reduce training cost anvantage or dis advantage​


advantage and advantage

3. What the advantages and dis advanteges of cost and average


What the advantages and disadvantages of cost and average?


A company has a cost advantage when it can produce a product or provide a service at a lower cost than its competitors. Companies with this advantage produce in higher quantities and benefit from one or more of the following elements: Access to low-cost raw materials. Efficient processes and technologies.


The average cost method has the following drawbacks: ... Product batches should be the same in amount – If the amount of inventory items per batch is inconsistent, then the costs assigned to each product will vary the same way, leading to inaccurate cost values.



4. venegar advantage and dis advantage​


advantage: it can mix to what your cooking and it can help to clean some messes in kitchen

dis advantage:it's a little bit sour smell that we don't like


pa brainliest plsss

5. the advantage and dis advantage of manuscript​


the advantage of manuscript is you can read your speech in front of people.

6. Netbeans advantage and this advantage ​


NetBeans is a great tool to install as it is quite easy to use. Its integration is great with other tools.

NetBeans is very good for the creation of testing scripts for automation testing.

7. Aluminum advantages and dus advantage


aluminum advantage is its handy and less expensive and its dis advantage is when u burn it its smoke is black and can lead you to danger if you have asthma

8. advantages and dis advantages of marijuana​



ㆍIto ay gamot

Dis advantages

ㆍMasama sa kalusugan pag nasubrahan

9. if one of the light bulbs is damaged or removed,all other light bulbs in the circuit will not light tooa. Advantageb. Disadvantagec. anvantages of a parallel circuitd. disadvantage of a parallel circuit​



Explanation: correct me if Im wrong

10. Question:1. What are sa 5 Advantages and Dis-advantages of Static Friction2. What are sa 5 Advantages and Dis-advantages of Rolling Friction3. What are sa 5 Advantages and Dis-advantages of Sliding Friction4. What are sa 5 Advantages and Dis-advantages of Fluid Friction​

1. Advantages of static friction:

Allows objects to remain stationaryEnables us to walk without slippingProvides stability for structures like buildings and bridgesAllows vehicles to accelerate from a stopCan be increased to prevent sliding.

Disadvantages of static friction:

Can make it difficult to move objects initiallyCan limit speed and efficiencyCan create wear and tear on surfacesCan lead to overheating and damageCan make it difficult to control objects in some situations.

2. Advantages of rolling friction:

Allows objects to roll smoothly and efficientlyCan be more energy efficient than other forms of frictionCan reduce wear and tear on surfacesCan provide stability and control for vehiclesCan reduce noise and vibration.

Disadvantages of rolling friction:

Can be difficult to start movingCan require more force to maintain speedCan cause objects to bounce or lose contact with the surfaceCan cause damage or wear to rolling surfacesCan be influenced by external factors such as terrain and weather.

3. Advantages of sliding friction:

Allows objects to move smoothly and predictablyCan be useful for braking or slowing downCan be easily controlled and adjustedCan provide stability for objects in motionCan be useful for polishing and finishing surfaces.

Disadvantages of sliding friction:

Can generate a lot of heat and wear on surfacesCan be less energy efficient than other forms of frictionCan make it difficult to control and maneuver objectsCan cause noise and vibrationCan be influenced by external factors such as surface roughness and lubrication.

4. Advantages of fluid friction:

Can provide resistance to help slow down or stop objectsCan be used for cooling and lubricationCan be easily controlled and adjustedCan be used to generate power in some situationsCan provide buoyancy and stability for objects in fluids.

Disadvantages of fluid friction:

Can be difficult to control and predictCan require energy to overcomeCan cause wear and tear on surfacesCan be influenced by external factors such as fluid density and viscosityCan be affected by turbulence and flow conditions.

11. 6) P #XATANNED Text i Director Complete me diagram Sym Horizontal Advantages Planting S stem Hexagonal system Advantaxes Advantages Contour system Il Directions: Frumo followin​


Harizontal :

layout in rectangular shape.

more space between row to row.

Inter-cultural operations can be done in both the ways.

plants get proper space and sunlight.

Explanation:brainlist me please

12. Advantage Dis advantage​


As nouns, the difference between disadvantage and advantage is that disadvantage is a weakness or undesirable characteristic; a con while the advantage is any condition, circumstance, opportunity, or means, particularly favorable to success, or any desired end.


pa brainliest pls

13. advantages and dis anvantages of tv comercial pls​


ng seller or ng buyer?


specific po hehe


Advantages: you can learn from it. And try to inspire you

DisAdvantage: Scam and other crimes, sexual

14. Give some advantages of ICT systems which of these adavantages do you consider the most essential?​



1.Communication - Speed / time – money can be saved because it’s much quicker to move information around. With the help of ICT it has become quicker and more efficient.

2. Globalization - Video conferencing saves money on flights and accommodation. ICT has not only brought the countries and people closer together, but it has allowed the world's economy to become a single interdependent system to contact either a business or family member.

3. Cost effectiveness - It feels free to send an email (although it isn’t); it’s without doubt cheaper than phone calls. ICT has also helped to automate business practices, thus restructuring businesses to make them exceptionally cost effective.

4.Greater Availability - ICT has made it possible for businesses to be automated giving clients access to a website or voicemail 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

5.Bridging the cultural gap – Greater access to technology has helped to bridge the cultural gap by helping people from different cultures to communicate with one another, and allow for the exchange of views and ideas, thus increasing awareness and reducing prejudice.

6.Creation of new jobs - Probably, the best advantage of ICT has been the creation of new and interesting jobs.

7.Education – Computer’s along with their programs and the Internet have created educational opportunities not available to previous generations.

8.Through ICT , images can easily be used in teaching and improving the retentive memory of student.

9.Complex structure - through ICT, teachers can easily explain complex structure ,instruction and ensure students comprehension.

10.Through ICT , teachers are able to create interactive classrooms and make the lesson more enjoyable..


Hope it helpss

15. advantage and dis advantagr of promotion nad repetition in school ​


Advantages and Disadvantages

Costs to the retained students include the shame and embarrassment of being held back and the separation from age mates in the short run, as well as alienation from schooling as an institution and a much greater propensity to drop out prior to graduation in the longer run. Costs to teachers include increases in the student motivation and classroom management challenges that are involved in teaching classes that include a significant number of retained students, as well as the problems that ensue in junior high and high school when physically more mature older students are in the same classes with less developed younger students. For school districts, there are costs in both expense (grade retentions translate into higher class sizes and related logistical problems) and effort (increased administrative responsibilities for establishing and maintaining mechanisms to implement grade retention policies and for defending them when students or their families challenge them).

- Advantage
• You will get closer to graduating

- Disadvantage
• It will get harder per grade year

- Advantage
• You already know the grade’s topics

- Disadvantage
• It is humiliating/embarrassing
• You’re past classmates are one step ahead of you now

16. advantages and dis advantages of evaporation​

The advantages of evaporation include the fact that it is a naturally occurring process and requires no energy to operate. Additionally, evaporation can be used to purify water and remove dissolved solids. The disadvantages of evaporation include the slow rate at which it occurs and the fact that it is not 100% efficient in terms of removing impurities from water.

17. advantage and dis advantage of anarchism​



This paper questions whether Critchley's ethical project can adequately talk about anarchism without acknowledging the critiques that political position has of philosophy. It argues that Critchley is too quick to dismiss "philosophical anthropology" as a way of understanding the link between politics and a certain notion of infinity. By a comparison of Noam Chomsky and Emmanuel Levinas, it attempts to show that there is a way of conceiving politics that does not give philosophy the final say.

18. ActivitiesActivity 1: In My Opinionin your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the K to 12Qumcukum? Fain the columns below.AdvantajesDisadvantages​



• The students will learn more knowledge that will help them on their future.

• The students will improve and enhance their ability, talents and knowledge.

• Will help them to gain more friends and better interactions with others.


• The students will consume more years on studying.

• The students may not afford to pay their tuitions for many years.

• A lot may drop out or stop on studying because they can't afford the expenses.


I hope it helps✨

19. On a whole sheet of paper, copy the diagram below. Fill the boxes with the required information. Theory Classification Organizational Design Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages: Disadvantages: Advantages TRADITIONAL Disadvantages Advantages: Disadvantage Advantages: Disadvantages: Advantages: MODERN Disadvantages Advantages: Disadvantages:​


Betwin traditional and modern is a big gap.


Because of technology in modern ways all transaction is easier, but over use it can damage compare to traditional the more time you work the beautiful the result..

20. What I Have Learned Activity No. 4 IT'S MISSING! Directions: Complete the box below by answering Advantages and sadvantages of Different Chemical Sanitizers. Follow the format below. -10 points CHEMICALCONCENTRATIONCONTACT TIME ADVANTAGE DISADVANTAGE TIME​


contact time po


hope it helps

21. dis advantage and advantage of chlorine​


dis advantage and advantage of chlorine


Residual chlorine levels allows water to remain safe from pathogens that could contaminate it downstream of the treatment plant. It is the most cost-effective method known to do this. Drawbacks: It cost money to treat water (but nowhere near the public health costs of treating the results of unsafe drinking water).May 5, 2020

22. tsismis advantage and dis advantage? ​




ADVANTAGE:makakakuha ka ng mga bagong impormasyon at opinyon rito

DISADVANTAGE:maaaring may Mali rito o nakakasira ng iba katulad ng pag tsitsismis ng buhay ng iba

sana po makatulong

23. true or false there are no advantage and davantage in using online survey tools​




there are advantages and disadvantages in using online survey tools

24. give at least 2advantages and dis advantage of staying at home to study​



1. You can study how you want, with the comfort of a tracksuit and shoes at home. In addition, not depending on a schedule, you can take advantage of the nights or mornings to study. You set the calendar.

2. The biggest advantage of studying at home is that you have everything at your disposal without having to leave the chair. In addition to books and notes, you can use the computer, the printer, the scanner etc..


1. Studying all day at home can be quite exhausting, and you may need some time to enjoy the outdoors. In addition, being in the room for so long can increase the temptation of lying in bed, surfing social networks, or taking a nap between the topics.

2.Silence is essential to study and concentrate properly, although sometimes your home (if you live with more people or have noisy neighbors) is not the oasis of tranquility that you need. If you can not focus on the subject, perhaps you also entertain more because of the easy access to the Internet, your books, your video games, etc

25. what is advantange and dis advantage of haiku deck​

Pros: Tremendous amount of design choices, images, tutorials, and sharing options. Cons: It's the little things that are missing, like image captions and the ability to "undo." Bottom Line: Haiku Deck doesn't teach the essentials of good presentations, but it's great for users who already know the basics.

(~ ̄³ ̄)~


Pros: Tremendous amount of design choices, images, tutorials, and sharing options. Cons: It's the little things that are missing, like image captions and the ability to "undo." Bottom Line: Haiku Deck doesn't teach the essentials of good presentations, but it's great for users who already know the basics.



26. advantage dis advantage of a goal​


patay na si marites huh :<



This can lead to better decision making, increased motivation and higher productivity. As you get closer to your goals, you'll get a sense of purpose and personal satisfaction.It will increased your motivation, accountability and greater efficiency are all potential benefits of goal setting


a rise in unethical behavior, over-focus on one area while neglecting other parts of the business, distorted risk preferences, corrosion of organizational culture, and reduced intrinsic motivation.

27. what are the advantage and dis advantage​


Advantage means that it provides a beneficial function to something. A disadvantage means that it prevents beneficial functions.

28. What is the advantage and dis advanteges of uding plastic​ 50 points


The advantages of plastics: It is durable, low cost, water resistant, lesser energy and heavy chemicals requirements in manufacture and are light weight. Many studies comparing plastic versus paper for shopping bags show that plastic bags have less net environmental effect than paper bags, requiring less energy to produce, transport and recycle; however these studies also note that recycling rates for plastic are significantly lower than for paper.Plastic carrier bags can be reused as trash bags or bin bags. Also, plastic bags are complimentary in many locations but are charged or "taxed" in others.


The disadvantages of plastics: Plastics bags are make of a non-renewable resource, which gives us more reasons to use recyclable shopping bags. Plastic bags are also flimsy and do not sit as well as either paper or cloth. They are a hazard to wildlife animals, if they are not disposed properly. Lastly, plastic bags clogs roadside drains, which could cause the flooding of the street at heavy rainfalls.



Disadvanteges of Plastics

Natural decomposition of plastic can last from 400-1000 years and few types of plastics are non-degradable as well

Advantage of plastic

The plastics industries only consumes 4% of the worlds oil production as feedstock


29. replan in 2 stence about the advantage and theas the chart belowADVANTAO​


the pumkin kingdom of minecreft ayjs

30. advantage and dis advantage for phone?​


advantages: can talk to someone anytime, when you get bored you can use it

disadvantages: you have to be secured so it won't be missing or you need to be secure so nobody can steal it


I tried :))



It helps us learn during pandemic.

It helps find information in media.

Research about the things we need and we want.

Text people and communicate them even in outside country.


It may affect our eyes.

We can find bad or fake news in social media.

Cellphone can affect our time


Hope it helps :》

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