Nationalism Essay Conclusion

Nationalism Essay Conclusion

Write a 3-part opinion essay (Introduction, Body, Conclusion) about the enhanced community quarantine declared by the national government.

Daftar Isi

1. Write a 3-part opinion essay (Introduction, Body, Conclusion) about the enhanced community quarantine declared by the national government.



Opinion Essay


Our government has declared safety measures and precautions in order just to care for the country men and to keep it safe. And we can't do anything about it. Some are babbling, ranting into social media not understanding how our Government tried to this an effort for the country.


My experience during the current CoViD-19 lockdown is sorrowful. I've been having a lot of things on my mind lately, i overthink about stuffs i shouldn't. I feel sad over everything. First, I feel unhappy because I'll just be staying at home(doesn't mean i disagree about the lockdown), i won't be able to socialize and have with friends and classmates at school, you know you'll realize school is fun when it's over, but very tiring when you're on it. I feel sad I can't go wherever I wanna be and hangout with some peers anytime I want to. On my home, it feels boring. You know it because the routine keeps back like a cycle. Do the house chores, cook, eat, sleep, surf on the internet, something like that. While worrying what worst could possibly happen? Everything is cancelled, even churches. So what we did with my family we just do evening and morning devotionals, church service at home when it's sabbath day, praying for everything to stop and make it normal. Hoping every minute, everyone is safe and is able to handle anything.


Therefore, I could say that this enhanced community quarantine is a good decision to make for all the people. Because it ensures the safety of the people, not just that it also makes our environment less polluted because our nature is now free from all the crowd finally can breath out  through itself.

#AnswerForTrees #BrainlyLearnAtHome

2. WRITE a NARRATIVE ESSAY ABOUT NATIONALISM! It should how can we show and express our love and support to our country. You could encourage as well other students like you to love this nation! Take note the parts of the essay as weel. 1. INTRODUCTION 2. BODY 3. CONCLUSION




Embracing Cultural Heritage:

To express our love for our country, we must embrace and celebrate our rich cultural heritage. Through art, music, dance, and literature, we can showcase the beauty and diversity of our traditions. Participating in cultural events, learning traditional crafts, and supporting local artisans not only preserves our heritage but also strengthens our sense of identity and national pride.

Volunteering for Community Service:

One powerful way to demonstrate our love for our country is by actively engaging in community service. By volunteering our time and skills, we contribute to the betterment of society and positively impact the lives of our fellow citizens. Cleaning up public spaces, participating in charity drives, and assisting in local initiatives are excellent avenues to show our commitment to the well-being of our nation.

Promoting Environmental Stewardship:

Caring for our environment is a fundamental aspect of loving our country. By practicing sustainable habits such as reducing waste, conserving energy, and planting trees, we contribute to the preservation of our natural resources. Additionally, joining environmental organizations and participating in initiatives that promote ecological awareness allow us to play an active role in protecting our country's natural beauty for future generations.

Advocating for Social Justice:

As young individuals driven by love for our country, we must also stand up for social justice and equality. By raising awareness about important social issues, supporting marginalized communities, and promoting inclusivity, we contribute to building a more just and harmonious society. Engaging in respectful discussions, organizing awareness campaigns, and actively challenging discrimination are crucial steps in expressing our love and support for all citizens of our nation.


In conclusion, as students, we have the incredible opportunity to showcase our love and support for our country. Embracing our cultural heritage, volunteering for community service, promoting environmental stewardship, and advocating for social justice are tangible ways in which we can actively express our devotion to our nation. Let us be the catalysts of change and inspire others to love and cherish our country as we do. By embracing nationalism and encouraging others to do the same, we pave the way for a brighter future, united under the banner of love for our beloved homeland. Together, let us rise and celebrate the beauty, diversity, and resilience of our nation.

3. WRITE a NARRATIVE ESSAY ABOUT NATIONALISM! It should how can we show and express our love and support to our country. You could encourage as well other students like you to love this nation! Take note the parts of the essay as weel. 1. INTRODUCTION 2. BODY 3. CONCLUSION


Nationalism, the deep love and devotion for one's country, is an essential aspect of building a strong and united nation. It fuels a sense of belonging, ignites patriotic fervor, and drives individuals to contribute positively to their society. In this narrative essay, I aim to explore the significance of nationalism and share personal experiences that have shaped my love for my country. Moreover, I hope to inspire fellow students to embrace nationalism and actively demonstrate their support for our nation

My journey towards embracing nationalism began with a deep exploration of my country's history, culture, and heritage. I delved into the stories of our heroes, their sacrifices, and their unwavering dedication to the betterment of our nation. Through books, documentaries, and conversations with older generations, I developed a profound understanding of the struggles our ancestors endured to secure our freedom and independence. In a nation as diverse as ours, celebrating and embracing cultural diversity is a powerful expression of nationalism. I actively participated in cultural festivals, wearing traditional attire, learning traditional dances, and indulging in regional cuisines. These experiences not only fostered a sense of appreciation for our diverse heritage but also promoted unity among different communities, transcending any differences and forging a shared identity.

Let us stand together, young and passionate, as we encourage one another to love this nation, to strive for its progress, and to uphold the values that define us. In doing so, we pave the way for a brighter future, a future where our love for our country knows no bounds.

4. 1. The first paragraph of your essay should outline the topic, provide background information necessary to understand your argument, outline the evidence you will present and states your thesis. A. Body paragraphs B. Conclusion C. Introductory Paragraph D. Thesis Statement 2. One paragraph that restates your thesis and summarizes all of the arguments made in your body paragraphs. A. Body Paragraphs B. Conclusion C. Introductory Paragraph D. Thesis Statement 3. A typical argumentative essay comprises three or more paragraphs that explain the reasons why you support your thesis. A. Body Paragraphs B. Conclusion C. Introductory Paragraph D. Thesis Statement 4. This is part of your first paragraph. It is a concise, one-sentence summary of your main point and claim. A. Body Paragraphs B. Conclusion C. Introductory Paragraph D. Thesis Statement 5. Refers to a judgment of the rightness or wrongness of something or someone, or of the usefulness of something or someone, based on a comparison or other relativity. A. critical judgment B. careful judgment C. moral judgment D. value judgment 6. A piece of writing that takes a stance on an issue. A. Argumentative Essay B. Informative Essay C. Persuasive Essay D. Expository Essay 7. Problem that influences many citizens within a society. A. environmental issue B. social issue C. international issue D. national issue 8. Sound Analysis is a way of understanding a subject or an issue by using these elements EXCEPT: A. making assertions C. including examples B. extending the significance D. excluding the facts 9. We often say that value judgments are which means they evaluate things with respect to certain standards or norms. A. subjective B. descriptive C. normative D. prescriptive 10. People should not wear masks when exercising, as masks may reduce the ability to breathe comfortably. The important preventive measure during exercise is to maintain physical distance of at least one meter from others. A. True B. False C. Both D. None of the Above 21 aninot covn. 19​







yan po own knowledge po yan

5. How to revise essay POVERTYWe can define poverty as the condition where the basic needs of a family, like Food, shelter, clothing, and education are not fulfilled. It can lead to other problems like poor literacy, unemployment, malnutrition, et A poor person is not able to get an education due to lack of money and therefore remains unemployed. An unemployed person is not able to buy enough & nutritious food for his family and their health decline. A weak person lacks the energy required for the job. A jobless person remains poor only. Thus we can say that poverty is the root cause of other problems. Poverty is about not having enough money to meet basic needs including food, clothing, and shelter. However, poverty is more, much more than just not having enough money. The World Bank Organization describes poverty in this way: poverty is hunger. Poverty is a lack of shelter. Poverty is sick and not and not being able to see a doctor. Poverty is not having access to school and not knowing how to read. Poverty is not having a job, fear of the future, and living one day at a time. Despite many definitions, one thing is certain; poverty is a complex societal issue. No matter how poverty is defined, it can be agreed that it is an issue that requires everybody’s attention. Many people believe that poor people are poor because they have chosen to be poor. Most rich people said that all poor people should look for a job that would help them live better, and help them to maintain their family in a warm place, and alive. Rich people said this because they have realized that every person that is rich has to work very hard they also realize that if poor people start working hard like they do they would not have to be in poor situations by the poor working hard they would be able to get out of poverty. Like it tells us about a better life, “poor people could look for jobs that will allow them to have a much better life with more money than the one they have,” In this evidence, we are able to see that poor people are being offended by the believes that rich people have because they think that the life of poor people is just as easy as the life they have. This is telling us that most rich people think that being poor is easy and that because they have worked hard on everything they have, they should not be responsible for helping them. Many of these rich people also think that they are not forced to help those people in need, because rich people work hard on their money and on everything they have, and they believe that they don’t have to waste their money on other people that don’t have any money. In conclusion, poverty is not the problem of a person but the whole nation. Also, it should be dealt with on an urgent basis through the implementation of effective measures. In addition, the eradication of poverty has become necessary for the sustainable and inclusive growth of people, society, country, and economy.​

Okay I will revise your essay.

Poverty is a complex societal issue that affects individuals, families, communities, and nations. It is defined as the inability to afford basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, and education. However, poverty is much more than just a lack of money. It is hunger, sickness, unemployment, lack of access to education and healthcare, and living one day at a time. Therefore, poverty requires urgent attention from everyone, and it is not just the problem of the poor individual, but also the entire nation.

Unfortunately, many people have the misconception that poverty is a choice made by the poor. They believe that poor people should just work harder to improve their lives. However, this is not always the case. In many situations, the poor lack access to education, healthcare, and job opportunities, which makes it difficult for them to escape poverty. It is not fair to judge people in poverty without understanding the structural and systemic issues that contribute to their plight.

To eradicate poverty, effective measures must be implemented by the government and society at large. These measures should focus on providing access to education, healthcare, and job opportunities to the poor. The eradication of poverty is essential for sustainable and inclusive growth for people, society, country, and the economy.

In conclusion, poverty is a societal issue that requires the attention of everyone. It is not just the problem of the poor individual, but also the entire nation. To eradicate poverty, we must address the systemic issues that contribute to it and provide access to education, healthcare, and job opportunities for the poor. It is only by working together that we can create a world without poverty.

Here are some tips on how to revise this essay on poverty:

Check for clarity: Make sure your ideas are clear and easy to understand. Remove any unnecessary jargon or complex language that might confuse your reader.Review your thesis statement: Your thesis statement should be clear and concise. Does it accurately reflect the main idea of your essay? If not, revise it accordingly.Review your introduction: The introduction should grab the reader's attention and set the tone for the rest of the essay. Ensure that it effectively introduces the topic of poverty and its impact on society.Check for coherence: Ensure that your ideas flow logically and are well-organized. Make sure each paragraph connects to the overall argument of the essay.Review your evidence: Make sure your evidence is credible and supports your argument. Remove any evidence that does not effectively support your thesis statement.Check for grammar and punctuation: Review your essay for any grammar or punctuation errors. Correct any mistakes to ensure that your essay is well-written and easy to read.Edit for length: Ensure that your essay is not too long or too short. Cut down any unnecessary information or expand on any ideas that need more explanation.Review your conclusion: Your conclusion should summarize your main points and restate your thesis. Ensure that it effectively wraps up your argument and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

6. MINA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOLBangac - Talibong Grande, Mina, IloiloWrite an essay describing the process of photosynthesis using claims and2 points)Outline of EssayIntroduction: What will you be talking about?Why is this important to you and the reader?Engage readerBody Paragraphs(s): Describe major steps in photosynthesisInclude equationClaims, evidence, reasoningConclusion: Wrap up everything in this sectionSummarize what you have written in first 2 sections of essay5CategoryPURPOSEThe essayhad a clear topic,purpose and the theme.All parts of the essaycontributed to the clearand interesting part ofthe topic, purpose andRubric4The essayhad a topic, but itspurpose and themewere only somewhatclear. All the parts of3The essahad a topic,purpose andwere not cconveyed.the essaythe partssaid something ratheressa​


haba nman


bat ganon ang haba ng question sorey

7. 17. What is the similarity between an opinion and a commonplace assertion?A. They can be opposed.B. They are subjective and personal.C. They are based on evidence or proof.D. They are generally accepted to be true.18. Which is not a category of an opinion statement?A. Statement of TruthC. Statement of PolicyB. Statement of ValueD. Statement of Preference 1001avid 2100oma19. Under what category of opinion statement does the following statement belong to? Online selling has become a veryviable source of income nowadays.A. Statement of TruthB.. Statement of PolicyC. Statement of ValueD. Statement of Preference20. Which of the following is a well-constructed opinion statement?A. Baguio is the safest city to live in during this pandemic.B. I think the local government of Baguio deserves recognition for its efforts.C. LGU leaders in the city always make sound and calculated decisions.menD. Mayor Benjamin Magalong exemplary handled the pandemic in his jurisdiction.21. Which of these statements is neither an opinion nor a commonplace assertion?A. Women careful drivers.B. All industrial nations are first world countries.C. There are more men than women who became president of the country.D. The number of males in the Senate and Congress suggests that males are better lawmakers.22. A commonplace assertion is commonly referred to as stereotypes. Which of these statements is an example ofstereotype?A. All boys are more open-minded than girls.B. Most religions allow only the males to be the leaders.C. Schools across the country advocate gender equality. noua.D. Women deserve the same opportunities that are given to men.23. What makes the following statement an example of commonplace assertion? Milk is good for your body.A. It asserts that milk is the best source of calcium which makes bones and teeth stronger.B. It makes people believe that milk contains all the vitamins and minerals that the body needs.C. It disregards the fact that some people are lactose intolerant, and milk may cause stomach upset.D. All of the above24. What criterion refers to the relationship and logical connection of sentences or paragraphs in a text?B. coherence C. correctnessD. continuationA. content25. What criterion refers to the writing mechanics of a text which includes grammar, spelling, and punctuation?B. coherence C. correctnessD. conclusionA. content26. Which of the following is used to show coherence in a text?A. news leadsC. sentence patternD. transitional wordsB. linking verbs27. It is a type of essay that tries to change the reader's mind by convincing the reader to agree with the writer's pointof view.B. InterrogativeC. DeductiveD. NarrativeA. Argumentativeir before the numberble​

17. d.they are generally accepted to be true


1. Standardized tests are most widely used in the field of education to assess the academic performance of students.

2. Tests do not provide accurate evaluations of a student's knowledge and capabilities.

3. Improvements must be made in the distribution of standardized tests to encourage students to strive for the highest academic achievement.

4. Automatic machines designed for checking standardized tests help make them more objective.

5. He/She weighs in on both advantages and disadvantages of the standardized tests so the position is not clear.

9. For your introduction, choose one of the struggles experienced by the Filipinos during the Spanish period. Explain how these struggles affect their lives as native Filipinos. 2. For the body of your essay, relate these struggles with your own experiences by citing instances where you encountered struggles in your life and how you were able to cope with them. 3. For your conclusion, as a student explain how these struggles helped deepen your sense of nationalism. You may cite ways on how a student like you can deepen the sense of nationalism.


During the Spanish period in the Philippines, one of the struggles experienced by the Filipinos was the loss of their cultural identity. The Spaniards imposed their language, religion, and way of life, which greatly affected the lives of the native Filipinos. They were forced to abandon their traditional practices and beliefs, and were made to conform to the ways of their colonizers.

This struggle of losing their cultural identity greatly affected the lives of the Filipinos. They felt a sense of displacement and alienation in their own land. They were made to feel inferior and ashamed of their own culture. This struggle also led to a loss of self-esteem and confidence, which hindered their progress and development as a people.

Personally, I have also experienced struggles in my life. One of the most challenging experiences was when I failed an important exam in school. It made me feel like a failure and I lost confidence in myself. However, I was able to cope with this struggle by seeking help from my teachers and studying harder. I realized that failure is not the end of the world and that I can always learn from my mistakes.

These struggles, both in the past and present, have helped me deepen my sense of nationalism. I realized that as a Filipino, it is important to preserve our cultural identity and to be proud of our heritage. As a student, I can deepen my sense of nationalism by learning more about our history and culture, participating in cultural events and activities, and promoting our local products and traditions.

In conclusion, the struggles experienced by the Filipinos during the Spanish period, such as the loss of their cultural identity, have greatly affected their lives. These struggles have also taught us the importance of preserving our culture and heritage. As a student, I believe that deepening our sense of nationalism is essential in promoting our country's progress and development.

10. This refers to the logical transition of one sentence or paragraph to another Answer: What is the author's conclusion? Select one: a. a hard-hitting quote about the advantage of volunteering b. a retelling of an experience that will further cement the essay's persuasiveness. c. a summary of all the points that he/she presented in the essay. d. a paraphrased version of his/her thesis statement Question 16 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Not flaggedFlag question Question text Choose the proper pattern of arrangement of the following jumbled paragraph. (A) For the first time however, the waters of Laguna de Bay are serving a new and different purpose. (B) Today, these lands can be planted to palay during off-season. (C) They are being harnessed to water rice field along the shores which are idle during the dry season. (D) Fish abound in its waters and its shores have been favorable breeding ground for ducks. (E) Laguna de Bay has, for centuries, been a major source of livelihood for people living along its shores. Select one: a. B, E, D, A, C b. E, C, A, B, D c. E, D, A, B, C d. C, A, B, E, D e. A, D, B, E, C Question 17 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Not flaggedFlag question Question text Which of the following contains the topic sentence? (A) Today’s world has been divided into developing and industrialized countries which the main difference between them is the amount of money that governments apply in important sectors such as education, health and commerce. (B) Most of the poorer nations are buried in debts as a result of their unbalanced finances which are reflect in a failed health care, an unstructured education system and a weak international trade. (C) This vicious cycle will continue indefinitely unless wealthier nations show interest in minimizing the worldwide economic differences, as well as taking more responsibility for assisting less fortunate countries. Select one: a. A b. C and A c. B and C d. A and B e. B f. C Question 18 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Not flaggedFlag question Question text Type TRUE if the given statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect. The rising action refers to events caused by the climax. Answer: Question 19 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Not flaggedFlag question Question text Identify the topic sentence. (A) Everyday in one way or another we are trying to find happiness in a complete chaos, that is what all we are struggling for. (B) Actually, temporary happiness is everywhere if we want to find it and search for it. (C) Sometimes it is just as close as a cute kitten to us, sometimes giving a hand to someone who is in need of us is enough. (D) Even taking a breath may give somebody the absolute happiness at times. (E) But what if we leave temporary happiness alone and decide to construct our lives on basic principles of permanent happiness? (F) Certainly these principles depend on one’s characteristics and point of view. (G) In my opinion, social relations, acceptance and independence are the most important elements of permanent happiness in life. Select one: a. it was not stated in the given paragraph b. D c. C d. G e. F f. B g. A h. E Question 20 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Not flaggedFlag question Question text Which among the set of sentences is most appropriate to be the 4th sentence? (A) Yet allergies remain a mystery that is only partially understood and only partially treatable. (B) Still others are in trouble if they accidentally eat honey, chocolate, or water chestnuts. (C) Doctors have made some progress in diagnosis. (D) For others a big, furry dog or a soft feather pillow brings on the sneezes or itchy eyes. (E) Although millions of Americans have allergies, no one knows definitely how allergies develop or why some people have them and others do not. (F) For some people the little green tassels dropping from the trees and the fluffy pink, white, and yellow blossoms announce the arrival of allergy season. Select one: a. E b. A c. B d. D e. C f. F plsss asap w9

Answer #15:  c. a summary of all the points that he/she presented in the essay.

Answer #16:  c. E, D, A, B, C

Answer #17:  a. Today’s world has been divided into developing and industrialized countries which the main difference between them is the amount of money that governments apply in important sectors such as education, health and commerce.

Answer #18:  NA

Answer #19:  a. it was not stated in the given paragraph

Answer #20:  (E) Although millions of Americans have allergies, no one knows definitely how allergies develop or why some people have them and others do not. 

Yung first question the right answer is "Consistency". Hope this helps :)

11. Option B: Choose a persuasive essay, or an editorial article from a local or national newspaper (or the essays given in this module), and then rate its contentusing the rubric below. Justify your rating by writing a two to three-sentence feedback about the essay, particularly on the arguments presented. (Note: If the total score is below 12 points, suggest ways on how the persuasive essay can be improved.) Criteria Excellent (5) Good (3) Needs Improvement (1) Focus/ Content The writer’s stand about the issue is very clear. Problems, solutions and call for action are presented. The writer’s stand about the issue is clear; however, he failed to clearly present and discuss the problems and solutions, hence the conclusion is rather vaguely related. The writer doesn’t have a clear stand about the issue. Likewise, he failed to discuss the problems and possible solutions, and didn’t make a call for action. Clarity of Ideas The text presents clear and sound arguments, as well as authentic evidences that support the arguments Most of the arguments are clear and sound, but there are some evidences that do not support them, or are not related to the topic. The arguments are not quite related to the issue, and the facts and evidences provided do not support the arguments. Development/ Organization There is logical arrangement of statements, and the There is logical arrangement of statements, but the The content of the essay/article is not organized, from thetopic is developed thoroughly with examples and supports.topic is not very well developed because of lack of examples and support.thesis to the arguments and evidences; hence the text is not comprehensible to the readers.Language Use and MechanicsThe writer used language that is appropriate for the target audience, and has good choice of words and expressions. The text displays very minimal errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar.The writer used appropriate language, and word choice is generally suited for the audience and the topic. However, there are quite a few glaring errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar.The language used and word choice are not appropriate for the audience and the topic. There are also too many errors on the text, making reading and comprehension difficult.Score​


according of di ko alm Yong sagot bago siguro yan

12. 11- PERFORMANCE TASK A. Module 1: Argumentative Essay Direction: From the argumentative essay below, identify its parts by rewriting the important information in the box. The Whales and Dolphins There is no doubt that marine mammals should not be held in captivity. They are part of nature and should not be bought, sold, or thrown in an aquarium. Marine mammals have the right to be kept in their natural environment. Captivity causes many health problems in marine mammals. Many tanks have water full of chemicals and bacteria; this results to blindness and many skin problems in dolphins and other marine mammals. Marine mammals in captivity die from pneumonia, ulcers, and other stress-related diseases. Most of these helpless creatures suffer from boredom. Dolphins in wild can swim up to 40-100 miles per day, but in pools they go around swimming repetitive patterns. Due to boredom and limited space, many dolphins abuse themselves; they often bang their heads against tank and aquarium walls. In addition, some of these poor innocent creatures face abusive treatment by their caretakers; thus, shortening their life span. In fact, Keiko, the killer whale star of Free Willy, was a victim of this type of abuse. It was known to be said that he was 1000 pounds underweight and developed a wartlike disease. His teeth were ground down chewing the sides of the pool due to boredom, and he also had a problem with his dorsal fin. mam st Marine mammals also breed very poorly in captivity with very high infant death rates. For this reason, when a baby dolphin is born into captivity, its birth is usually kept a secret from its mother until it shows signs of survival. Marine do breed in captivity, but the birth rate in captivity is not as successful as in the wild. On the contrary, some people think that holding animals in captivity helps in study and research. But the truth is, scientists prefer to learn about animals in their natural environment, so they get firsthand knowledge. In conclusion, marine mammals should definitely not be held in captivity. Mahatma Ghandi once said, "The greatness of nation and its moral process can be measured by the way its animals are treated." In a world where much of nature and the wild has already been lost, it is up to us to let these beautiful marine mammals free. The Whales and Dolphins Introduction: (5 points) Body: (10 points) Conclusion: (5 ​

Introduction: The essay starts by stating that marine mammals should not be held in captivity and that they have the right to be in their natural environment.

Body: The body of the essay presents several arguments to support the claim that marine mammals should not be held in captivity. The first argument is that captivity causes many health problems in marine mammals, including blindness, skin problems, and stress-related diseases. The second argument is that captivity leads to boredom and limited space, which causes dolphins to abuse themselves by banging their heads against tank and aquarium walls. The third argument is that some of these marine mammals face abusive treatment from their caretakers, which shortens their lifespan. The fourth argument is that marine mammals breed poorly in captivity with high infant death rates.

Conclusion: The essay concludes that marine mammals should not be held in captivity and that it is up to us to let these beautiful marine mammals free. The author also cites a quote by Mahatma Ghandi, emphasizing the importance of treating animals with respect and kindness.

13. Activity 2 MY MINI CRITIQUE Directions: Read the essay "Memories of Childhood" By Kate Denise Ojeda, HUMSS 11 of Lambunao National High School. When you are done, write your mini critique using the format/template of writing a critique. Copy the table and then write response in Column B. (See attachment of the story and rubric) for scoring The Mini Critique) A INTRODUCTION 1. Introduce the subject of your critique - the reading under analysis. Make sure to name the work being reviewed, as well as the date when it was created, as well as the name of the creator 2. Describe the main argument or purpose of the work 3. Explain the context in which the work was created. This can be a social orpolitical context. Review the background facts or issues that must be understood before the point of the reading can be appreciated: significance, design, appeal, and so on. You may also discuss the place of the work in a creative or academic tradition, or the relationship between the work and creator's life experience. 4. Review the assumptions in the reading that must be understood before you take a position 5.Make an umbrella statement that can give the reader a sign as to what your evaluation is going to be. For instance, it may indicate whether it is positive, negative, or a mixed evaluation. In doing this, make your position statement clear: what is your evaluation? Body 6. The critical evaluation section What different elements of the work wereevaluated? Was the critique writer able to provide evidence from the work itself? Give examples. 1. 2. 3. CONCLUSION 7. State your conclusions, reminding the reader of the points you have made and your reasons for making them.kung masagutan mo loadan kita 200 plss need ko na talaga​

what subject po yan para ma sagutan kona ty

14. pahelp po 1. According to the video, who led the Cavite Mutiny and what’s the reason behind this? essay 1.Was the 1872 Cavite event a local mutiny or a national revolution? 2.Aside from knowing the two faces of the Cavite Mutiny, what is the relevance of this event in the history of the Philippines? 3.Based on the sources introduced, how does it contribute to your understanding of the past? With the two different versions given about the Cavite Mutiny, choose one in each of these versions and answer the questions on the table CONTENT What is the main idea? CONTEXT What is going on when the source is cre COMMUNICATION Is the source reliable ? Explain why. CREATOR Who creates the source? CONNECTION What is your prior knowledge and your newly acquired knowledge ? CONCLUSION How does the source contribute to your understanding of the past ?


According to the video, the Cavite Mutiny was led by Andres Bonifacio and other members of the secret society called the Katipunan. The reason behind the mutiny was their desire to seek independence from Spanish colonial rule and to establish a Philippine republic.


The 1872 Cavite event can be seen as both a local mutiny and a national revolution. On the one hand, it was a local mutiny in the sense that it was a rebellion against Spanish colonial rule that was limited to the Cavite region. On the other hand, it can also be seen as a national revolution in the sense that it was part of a wider movement for independence that was taking place throughout the Philippines at the time.

The Cavite Mutiny is an important event in the history of the Philippines because it marked the beginning of the Philippine Revolution, which eventually led to the country's independence from Spanish colonial rule. It is also significant because it brought to light the issues of colonial oppression, exploitation, and injustice that were prevalent in the Philippines at the time, and helped to galvanize the movement for independence.

Based on the sources introduced, my understanding of the past has been enhanced by learning about the different perspectives and interpretations of the Cavite Mutiny. The sources have provided valuable insights into the motivations and goals of the revolutionaries, as well as the context in which the mutiny took place. They have also helped to shed light on the complex and multifaceted nature of the Philippine Revolution, and the many different factors that contributed to it.

For the table:

CONTENT: The main idea of the Cavite Mutiny is that it was a rebellion against Spanish colonial rule that was led by Andres Bonifacio and other members of the Katipunan.

CONTEXT: The Cavite Mutiny took place in the Cavite region of the Philippines in 1872, at a time when the country was still under Spanish colonial rule.

COMMUNICATION: The source is reliable because it is based on historical records and accounts of the event.

CREATOR: The source was created by historians who have studied the Cavite Mutiny and the Philippine Revolution.

CONNECTION: Prior to reading this source, my knowledge of the Cavite Mutiny was limited to a general understanding of its significance in the history of the Philippines. The source has provided me withmore detailed and nuanced information about the event, such as the motivations and goals of the revolutionaries, the context in which the mutiny took place, and the different perspectives and interpretations of the event.

CONCLUSION: The source has contributed to my understanding of the past by providing valuable insights into the Cavite Mutiny and the Philippine Revolution, and by helping to shed light on the complex and multifaceted nature of these events. It has also helped me to better understand the issues of colonial oppression, exploitation, and injustice that were prevalent in the Philippines at the time, and the role that the Cavite Mutiny played in the movement for independence.

15. C _1. A literature review is best described as:A. A list of relevant articles and other published material you have read about your topic, describing thecontent of each sourceB. An internet search for articles describing research relevant to your topic criticizing the methodology andreliability of the findingsC. An evaluative overview of what is known about a topic, based on published research and theoreticalaccounts, which serves as a basis for future research or policy decisionsD. An essay looking at the theoretical background to your research study2. Choose the best answer. A literature review isA. Conducted after you have decided upon your research questionB. Helps in the formulation of your research aim and the research questionC. Is the last thing to be written in your research reportD. Is not part of a research proposal3. One important factor while doing a research when avoiding plagiarism.A. Research SamplingC. Establishing ReliabilityB. Citing SourcesD. Establishing Validity4. It is more commonly used when writing research topics in Arts and Humanities.A. MLAB. APAC. Chicago manual StyleD. All of these5. It is a way of telling readers that certain material in your work came from another source.A. Introduction B. DiscussionC. CitationD. Conclusion6. What do you call the combining of two or more sources of information to form a new information?A. AnalyzingB. Synthesizing C. EvaluatingD. Applying7. What information should be gathered in doing synthesis?A. The SummaryC. Each and every informationB. The most relevantD. Part of the information8. What referencing style that is also called "author date"?A. American Psychological Association (APA)B. Modern Language Association of America (MLA)C. Chicago Manual StyleD. All of the above9. Why is it important for a researcher to review the literature?A. Because it is part of the research contentB. Because it identifies like-minded researchersC. Because it will find anyone has done the work beforeD. None of these10.Being honest, truthful and grateful in doing the review of related literature is practicing:A. EthicsB. Cut and paste C. IndividualismD. Smartness11. It is a form of research misconduct.A. Discrimination B. Insubordination C. Plagiarism D. Theft12. You were given the task to keep the survey questionnaires answered by senior high studentsof Dauin National High School. You must;A. Show the answered questionnaires to your parentsB. Tell your friends about itC. Ensure confidentialityD. Let your teachers know about it13. She identified the styles or approaches of RRL (Review of Related Literature) to be applied inconducting research study.A. JeanB. Ridley C. RaileyD. Remy14. What does "systemic" means?A. Methodological B. MethodicalC. Technical D. Practical​


1.a, 2.a, 3. d, 4.b, 5.a,6.b, 7.b, 8.b, 9.b, 10.a, 11.c, 12.c, 13.a, 14.a


conducting interviews and explaining each of that is research

16. Goals: Your goal is to write a reflective essay on developing the sense of nationalism. Your goal is to write a reflective essay expressing your appreciation to the struggles of the Filipinos during the Spanish colonization which helped you develop your sense of nationalism. Role: You are a Filipino student. Audience: Your classmates and teachers. Situation: In this time that your generation’s (Generation Z) sense of nationalism, is being challenged by globalization, you are tasked to reflect and ask yourself about how much love you have for your country. You should share your own experience, which you think is comparable to the experiences of the Filipinos during the Spanish colonization in their struggle to achieve freedom and unity. You should also suggest ways on how your generation can deepen the sense of nationalism. Performance: As you write your essay, you should consider the following: 1. For your introduction, choose one of the struggles experienced by the Filipinos during the Spanish period. Explain how these struggles affect their lives as native Filipinos. 2. For the body of your essay, relate these struggles with your own experiences by citing instances where you encountered struggles in your life and how you were able to cope with them. 3. For your conclusion, as a student explain how these struggles helped deepen your sense of nationalism. You may cite ways on how a student like you can deepen the sense of nationalism.


Reflection Nationalism


When we say nationalism, it is the unconditional love for our country and identifying ourselves as a part of the certain place by supporting and raising our flag. Through believing on what our country can do, to support, recognize and be proud of our ethnicity and culture that represents our country, Philippines. I was born and raised in the Philippines and throughout the years, I have seen the changes in the attitudes, practices, culture, and beliefs of the Filipinos. The world is continuously evolving, and the modernization is spreading across the world. Each one of us have the duty and responsibility to fulfill that most of us already forgotten about it and even these changes occur, there are still ways to show the respect and love for our country.

17. One of the forces that our brothers and sisters in Africa are struggling with is poverty. Despite all of Africa's beauty in diversity, absolute poverty remains stubbornly high in Africa. Sobering facts and figures from the research were revealed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. Videos and pictures of malnourished children often depict the poverty they are experiencing. Compose a three paragraph essay discussing the current situation of Africa in terms of poverty. Your first paragraph will serve as your introduction, the second paragraph as body, and the third paragraph will serve as your conclusion. You may use the back portion of this page for your output. Your essay will be assessed using the rubric below.​



More than a quarter of the hungry in the world live on the African continent. One fifth of people living in Africa are considered malnourished. This gives the continent the highest rate of malnourished people worldwide. More than 30 percent of African children suffer from growth disorders such as stunting due to their chronic malnutrition.

18. s! buv Option B: Choose a persuasive essay, or an editorial article from a local or national B. rence of the si newspaper (or the essays given in this module), and then rate its contentusing the rubric below. Justify your rating by writing a two to three-sentence feedback about the essay, particularly on the arguments presented. (Note: If the total score is below 12 points, suggest ways on how the persuasive essay can be improved.) co با ادب Criteria Focus/ Content Excellent (5) The writer's stand about the issue is very clear. Problems, solutions and call for action are presented. Clarity of Ideas The text presents clear and sound arguments, as well as authentic evidences that support the arguments Development/ Organization There is logical arrangement of statements, and the topic is developed thoroughly with examples and supports. Good (3) Needs Improvement (1) The writer's stand about The writer doesn't have a the issue is clear; clear stand about the however, he failed to issue. Likewise, he failed clearly present and to discuss the problems discuss the problems and possible solutions, and solutions, hence the and didn't make a call conclusion is rather for action. vaguely related. Most of the arguments The arguments are not are clear and sound, but quite related to the there are some evidences issue, and the facts and that do not support evidences provided do them, or are not related not support the to the topic. arguments. There is logical The content of the arrangement of essay/article is not statements, but the organized, from the topic is not very well thesis to the arguments developed because of and evidences; hence the lack of examples and text is not support. comprehensible to the readers. The writer used The language used and appropriate language, word choice are not and word choice is appropriate for the generally suited for the audience and the topic. audience and the topic. There are also too many However, there are quite errors on the text, a few glaring errors in making reading and spelling, punctuation comprehension difficult. and grammar Language Use and Mechanics The writer used language that is appropriate for the target audience, and has good choice of words and expressions. The text displays very minimal errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar. Score Adapted from Celebrating Diversity through World Literature (Learner's Material)​

san pic? Patingin pic ang i’ll try to answer

19. As you Already Identified the different national artist in the Philippines now you are going to explain the question below through an essay remember the tree parts of a Composition introduction body and conclusion"Do you Think it is important to recognize artistic individuals? how will this recognition help in the development of Philippine artist?"answer this ​

Yes because recognizing an artistic individual is how you see or what is your point of view to certain someone.

20. Below is a jumbled informative essay. Arrange the paragraphs in order by taking notes of the transition markers used in each sentence. Write the answer on the blank, 1if it is the first part, 2 second, 3 third, 4 fourth and 5 fifth._______1. In addition, within the first quarter of his rule, Duterte made derogatory comments about US President Barack Obama, the Pope, the European Union, and the United Nations._______2. Also, to the horror of many observers around the world, Duterte committed himself to extinguishing drug addicts in the Philippines on the same scale as the Holocaust_______3. At the same time, he expressed his admiration for Adolf Hitler._______4. In conclusion, Award-winning investigative journalist Sheila S. Coronel’s essayunravels the “No Man’s Land where policing and criminality become indistinguishable” (168). In this uncharted territory of “extortion, theft, abduction, and murder in which the police are both enforcers of the law and its worst offenders,” the police emerge as “entrepreneurs looking formaximum gain” (189)._______5. To begin with, in June 2016, Davao City mayor Rodrigo Duterte was elected president of the Philippines. He was the first politician from Mindanao to claim the seat at Malacañang Palace. He vowed to “kill them all,” alluding to anyone involved in the trade and consumption of drugs. He promised that the fish in Manila Bay would fatten up from feeding off the bodies of drug addicts that would be dumped into the water.​

1)      3

2)     2

3)     4

4)     5

5)     1

21. Task 2: WHICH IS WHICHDirections Read the sample informative essay. Then identify its introduction supportingdetails (body) and conclusionMa'am Gennie D Tubal is one of the educators of Tagaytay City National High SchoolIntegrated Senior High School. Though becoming a teacher was not her choice, shelearned to embrace it because of her mother who was also a teacher. She saw how muchher mother loved her profession, colleagues and students. And now, she has been teachingfor more than twenty-one years Sometimes people have choices in life that they think arethe best for them. But sometimes the ones that they don't choose can give them betteropportunities to have a good future.IntroductionBody: 12.3Conclusion:​


Introduction: Ma'am Gennie D. Tubal is one of the educators of Tagaytay City National High School Integrated Senior High School

Body: 1.Though becoming a teacher was not her choice.

2. She learned to embrace it because of her mother who was also a teacher, she saw how much her mother loves her profession,colleagues and student.

3.And now, she has been teaching for more than twenty-one years.

Conclusion:But sometimes the ones that they don't choose can give them better opportunities to have a good future.


Hope it helps po

22. 3. These are words or phrases used to identify opinion? A. fact B. marking opinion signals C. opinion marking signals D. transition 4. Which of the following signals used to conclude opinion? A. In my experience B. In my opinion C. It seemed to me that D. For the reason above 5. What is the purpose of persuasive writing? A. to inform B. to persuade C, to tell a story D. to tell 'ho-to' 6. What are the components of a persuasive essay? A. Argument, Details, Thesis B. Topic sentence, Details, Concluding Sentence C. Introduction, Body Paragraphs, Conclusion D. Thesis, Details, Conclusion 7. Which two paragraph are the most similar? A. Introduction and Conclusion B. Introduction and Body Paragraphs C. Conclusion and Body Paragraphs D. None of the paragraphs are similar RMDS8. "I think you are beautiful with At." The italic expression is the expression of? A. asking opinion B. giving invitation C. giving opinion D. Showing appreciation 9. What do you think about my new hairstyle? Am I beautiful with it?" The underline expression is the expression of? A. asking opinion B. giving invitation C. giving opinionD. Showing appreciation 10. Which of the following sentences is an opinion? A. In the early 1800s, the United States negotiated treaties with European nations to settle boundary disputes. B. The treaty, that removed warships from the Great Lakes, is called the Rush- Bagot Agreement. C. The state of Florida was bought from Spain in the Adams-Onis Treaty. D. The treaty of Ghent tried to settle boundary disputes between the United States and Canada, and was the worst treaty ever.​











pa brainliest po thank you hope it helps po

23. REPUBLIKA NG Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region II- Cagayan Valley SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ISABELA CABATUAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL DEL PILAR, CABATUAN, ISABELA 16. Please don't bring up irrelevant ideas to my class. A. write B. mention 17. Will you come along with me in the beach? B. refuse Twee D. give A. break C. accompany loniesste D. disa 18. What do you call the synopsis or digest of the essence of an entire text? B. outline C. summary D. para A. breakdown 19. This is the main idea D. gest C. get of a writing. B. ghost A. gist ASID C. great 20. These are words use to discuss another person's writings or assertions. A. regular verbs B. reporting verbs 21. Where do you usually find the thesis statement C. irregular verbs in a paragraph? B. conclusion C. introduction D. mid A. body 22. This offers a concise summary of the main point or claim of the essay, conce reaction paper, position paper, reports, and research paper. A. thesis report B. thesis summary O C. thesis statement D. the 23. Which of the following is not a part of a thesis statement? C. gist A. claim B. context D. acti D. sub 24. Which of the following is true about thesis statement? A. It is a complete sentence, not a fragment. B. It should be worded as a question. C. It must be not too specific. 13-on D. It must be not too broad. aqt seity insurteuma bris fabrinin disins 25. It is a system that helps you see whether your ideas connect well with one a A. outlining B. paraphrasing C. restating D. orga 26. It is a systematic arrangement that consists of words and short phrases. D. idea A. subject outline B. sentence outline 27. It is a type of outline A. subject outline 28. In this approach, you need to focus your analysis on the formal feature of th not on the profile of the creator. C. topic outline that uses to express specific and complex details. B. sentence outline C. topic outline D. idea A. biographical B. historical C. formalism D. psycholo 29. It asserts that a work of art is done by a person and understanding his/her helpful to understand the work itself. What approach is being referred to? A. biographical B. historical C. formalism D. psycholo 30. It involves understanding the subject by using an analysis of social, cultura intellectual context surrounding the work of art. What approach is being refer A. biographical B. historical C. formalism D. psychole TEST II. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is tru statement is false. If your answer is FALSE write the correct word to make Write your answer after each statement. (2 points each)​

1. A thesis statement should be broad and general. - FALSE, It must not be too broad.

2. Outlining is a system that helps you organize your ideas. - TRUE

3. Paraphrasing means expressing complex details using long sentences. - FALSE, It means expressing complex details using your own words.

4. Historical approach in analyzing a work of art focuses on the creator's profile. - FALSE, It focuses on the historical context surrounding the work of art.

5. Formalism approach in analyzing a work of art focuses on the subject's social and cultural context. - FALSE, It focuses on the formal features of the work of art.

24. PLEASE HELP MEH18. What are the implications of Mohandas Gandhi's campaign on British colonialism in India indicate?a. Mohandas Gandhi is a great revolutionary leader,b. Colonialism can be fought peacefully,C. The oppression of the colonialists has an end.d. Mohandas Gandhi became a symbol of the unity of the people in India.19. Indians fought for their independence. What method did they used to achieve their goal?a. Allied with the westernersc. Indian National Congress wasb. Boycott English products andestablishedservicesd. Assisted the British during WWI20. The outbreak of the First and Second World Wars was a demonstration of the Nationalist leaders inAsia toa. Achieve freedom from the hands ofC. Change their livelihoodthe Imperialists.d. The battle between the two sidesb. Have unityintensified21. The Indians gained their independence from the British in 1947 because of the efforts of MohandasGandhi. Pakistan was formed because they fought to have their own country for Muslims. Meanwhile,West Asian countries gained independence from the west after the First World War. What conclusioncan you draw about this?a. Experiences during colonialism helped to unite the citizensb. Nationalism has influenced Asians to fight for their freedomC. Asians and Westerners have had good relations during imperialismd. The freedom and development of Asians today is the result of their deep love for their country22. "Change is not a guarantee of progress, but development requires change". If you are tasked withconsolidating educational policies for Asian countries in South and West Asia, which of the followingshould you give with importance?a. provision of education for all youngc. conformity to the Law of religionpeopled. use of "Mother Tongue"b. extending education for all23. As part of a program for the unity of Asians, there will be an exhibit about prominent Asians who haveexpressed feelings of nationalism. You are assigned to create a campaign material about your chosenpersonality. You will present it to the officers of exhibit. Which of the following is appropriate to do?a. PosterC. Essayb. Slogand. Proposal24. The uprising of the Indian soldiers against the English in protest of racial discrimination was calleda. Indian Muslim LeagueC. Sepoy Rebellionb. Indian National Congressd. Amritsar Massacre25. Why is nationalism in West Asia different from the nationalism shown by the countries in South Asia?What could have caused this?a. Because most of the countries here were held by the former strong and stable OttomanEmpire.b. There is no unity among the countries of western AsiaC. Leaders do not strive to achieve independence.d. The First World War was coming to an end.II. True or False. Analyze the statements from each item. Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE IFthe statement is false.1. Due to the imperialistic urge of the European powers, they ended competing forcolonies that ultimately led to World War I in June 28, 1914.2. European dominated Asia was not actually involved in the war. However, Asians tookthis event as an advantage on their part to gain independence from western control.3. Indians gained independence after they helped Britain in the First World War4. The Rowlatt Act of 1919 was signed to grant India its independence after the firstWorld War.5. The Republic of Turkey was established in 1928 after the Treaty of Lausanne was signedwith the help of Mustafa Kemal​



18.a. Mohandas Gandhi is a great revolutionary leader,

19.c. Indian National Congress was

20.a. Achieve freedom from the hands of

21.b. Nationalism has influenced Asians to fight for their freedom

22.b. extending education for all

23.a. Poster

24.b. Indian National Congress

25.C. Leaders do not strive to achieve independence.












hope it helps

25. A descriptive essay describes something—object, person, place, experience, emotion, situation, etc. It allows the readers to experience, through imagination, what the author had experienced because of the descriptive words that appeal to the readers’ senses. An essay has three parts: the introduction, body, and conclusion. Based on the article that you read, and based on your personal knowledge, write an INTRODUCTION PART ONLY of a DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY about how nationalism is demonstrated by our country/citizens during this pandemic time.NON SENCE REPORT​


Not all heroes wear capes. During the pandemic, while we were stuck in our rooms hoping to find the cure, frontliners were working 24/7 for us. Tiring and sleepless days they have gone through just for our benefit. They were sweating profusely in their medical and thick hazmat suits. Tight facemasks start to leave a mark on their faces. And having to use multiple masks, frontliners were catching up their breaths making it hard to talk. Additionally, one of their challenges was managing, not only the outbreak, but also taking care of the patients. But regardless, despite the stress, pressure, anxiousness, and tiredness, they were still determined to get the job done. And for that, they are truly the definition of modern-day heroes.

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