Compare And Contrast Rizal s Education In Ateneo And Ust

Compare And Contrast Rizal s Education In Ateneo And Ust

compare and contrast the efficacy of education in ateneo and ust during rizal's time​

Daftar Isi

1. compare and contrast the efficacy of education in ateneo and ust during rizal's time​


d ko po kabisado ang tanong

2. Compare Rizal's education in Ateneo and UST

Answer: Ateneo de Manila which was formerly Ateneo Muncipal, was a boys' school and its graduates finish their education with the title bachiller en artes which is in Rizal's time was equivalent to today's high school. ... On the other hand, at the University of Santo Tomas, the students were given more freedom.

Pa brainliest

3. Compare Jose Rizal's education in Ateneo and UST?​


This fish that Morga mentions, that cannotbe good until it begins


rot, is bagoong[salted and fermented fish or shrimp pasteused as a

sauce in Filipino cuisine] andthose who have eaten it and tasted itknow that it neither is nor should be rotten(Rizal 1890, 264).

Christianity was a weapon for facilitatingthe political and economic subjugation of the native.

Rizal noticed all Morga’s mistakes .Morga misspelled many native names of places, flora and fauna, and other socialclasses which Rizal corrected.

Rizal emphasized that native women,unlike their European counterparts, never lost their noble titles. It was the groomwho gave dowry to the parents becausethey going to lost their precious daughter.

Rizal clarified that Morga must havemeant sinamay. Which was wovenfrom abaca thread that comes from thebanana trunks not from the leaves.

Their daily fare is composed of: lice crushedin wooden pillars and when cooked is calledmorisqueta (this is the staple throughout theland); cooked fish which they have in a b un m pork, venieon, mountain buffaloeswhich they call carabaos, beef and fishwhich they know is best when it has


to mt and stink (Retana 1909,174).

By the Christian religion, Dr. Morga appearsto mean the Roman Catholic which by fireand sword he would preserve in its purity inthe Philippines. Nevertheless in other lands,notably in Flanders, these means wereineffective to keep the church unchanged,or to maintain its supremacy, or even tohold its subjects.

In Morga’s time, the Philippines exportedsilk to japan whence now comes thebest quality of that merchandise.

Morga’s remark that the Filipinos like fishbetter when it is commencing to turn badis another of those prejudices whichSpaniards like all other nations have.

Morga said that cotton was grownextensively in practically all the islandswhich the natives sold as thread andwoven fabrics to Chinese and other foreign merchants.

Comparison between Rizal's performance in Ateneo and UST. Greatest impact on Rizal was his family.




4. compare the jesuits system of education (ateneo) with that of the dominicans (ust) and that of your institution.


Jesuit schools like ateneo are “guided by a spirituality that seeks justice,” they write. “Inspired by the tenets of Catholic social teaching and its intellectual and social justice traditions, a Jesuit education places great emphasis on forming 'women and men for others while Dominican system of education are established by mendicant friars living the Rule of St Augustine and have a communial life and community prayer where they follow religious beiefs disciplinary, learning and personal competences, inspired by Christian values, which enable them to perform and develop integrally in the workplace and in their environment, and through generation of knowledge, innovation and connection with the environment, in relevant areas.

What school are you from? Then explain the system of education of your school

5. comparison between UST and ATENEO Education.​


First, the superiority of Santo Tomas as a University is way unrivalled to that of a secondary school like Ateneo. It is impossible to compare


yan lang po kasi sorry

6. compare the experiences of rizal as student in ateneo, ust and in madrid


During a stopover in Madrid from their studies at Universidad Internacional Menendez Pelayo (UIMP) in Santander, 24 Filipino scholars, including this writer, were toured by UIMP administration and Agencia Española de Cooperacion Internacional (AECI), in cooperation with the Philippine Embassy in Madrid, to retrace Jose Rizal’s footsteps as a young student and later as an expatriate in the Spanish capital in the late 19th century.

After his medical studies at University of Santo Tomas, Rizal left the Philippines on May 3, 1882, and arrived in Madrid in September 1882. He took courses in medicine at Universidad Central de Madrid as well as painting at Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando in Calle Alcala.

Rizal mentioned that he enrolled at Facultad de Derecho, but shifted to Filosofia y Letras, which he finished with highest honors on June 19, 1885.

Universidad Central de Madrid, now Universidad de Complutense de Madrid, has since moved to its new location at the outskirts of Madrid known as Ciudad Universitaria. It is a city within a city.

7. Compare the Education of Jose Rizal in Ateneo De Manila to that of his Education in University of Sant Tomas?​

Priest in Ateneo encouraged health education and he was not discriminated while in UST Rizal was racially discriminated by the Dominican Professors.

8. 1. discuss the development of early education of rizal 2. explain the significance of RA1425 3. differentiate the life of rizal in ateneo and ust

Development of Early Education of Rizal
I. Introduction
A. Background information on Rizal’s childhood education
B. Brief overview of the education system in the Philippines during Rizal’s time
II. Early education of Rizal
A. Education under his mother
B. Education under his private tutor
C. Education at Biñan
D. Education at Ateneo Municipal de Manila

III. Rizal’s experiences in school
A. Relationship with his teachers
B. Interaction with his classmates
C. Influence of his education on his later life and works

IV. Rizal’s views on education
A. Importance of education in nation-building
B. Advocacy for education reforms in the Philippines
C. Comparison of the Philippine education system with other countries

V. Conclusion
A. Summary of Rizal’s early education and experiences
B. Reflection on the relevance of Rizal’s education in modern times

Significance of RA1425
I. Introduction
A. Background information on the Republic Act 1425 or the Rizal Law
B. Historical context and events that led to the enactment of RA1425
II. The provisions of RA1425
A. The inclusion of Rizal’s life, works, and writings in the school curriculum
B. The mandate for the National Historical Commission to produce teaching materials on Rizal
C. The requirement for all public and private schools to observe Rizal Day

III. The impact of RA1425 on Philippine education
A. Improved awareness and understanding of Rizal’s life and works among students
B. Strengthened sense of national identity and patriotism
C. Promotion of critical thinking and analytical skills among students

IV. The controversy surrounding RA1425
A. Opposition from some sectors of society, particularly the Catholic Church
B. Challenges in implementing the law in some schools and regions
C. Efforts to repeal or amend the law

V. Conclusion
A. Summary of the significance of RA1425 in Philippine education and society
B. Reflection on the relevance of Rizal’s life and works in modern times

Difference between the Life of Rizal in Ateneo and UST
I. Introduction
A. Background information on Rizal’s education in Ateneo Municipal de Manila and the University of Santo Tomas
B. Brief overview of the education system in the Philippines during Rizal’s time
II. Rizal’s education in Ateneo Municipal de Manila
A. Admission to Ateneo and academic performance
B. Relationship with his teachers and classmates
C. Influence of his education in Ateneo on his later life and works

III. Rizal’s education in University of Santo Tomas
A. Reasons for transferring to UST
B. Academic performance and achievements
C. Interaction with his teachers and classmates

IV. Comparison of Rizal’s experiences in Ateneo and UST
A. Differences in the educational philosophy and methods of Ateneo and UST
B. Contrasting experiences in terms of social and cultural exposure
C. Similarities in terms of the development of Rizal’s nationalistic and intellectual ideals

V. Conclusion
A. Summary of the differences and similarities between Rizal’s experiences in Ateneo and UST
B. Reflection on the significance of Rizal’s education in his life and works


1. The early education of Jose Rizal was shaped by his mother, Teodora Alonso, who was a well-educated and cultured woman. She taught Rizal to read and write at an early age, and he was able to read books in Spanish and Tagalog before he even entered formal schooling. Rizal’s first formal education was at a local school in his hometown of Calamba, where he was taught by Justiniano Aquino Cruz. In 1872, Rizal went to Manila and attended the Ateneo Municipal de Manila, where he completed his Bachelor of Arts degree. He then went on to study at the Universidad Central de Madrid in Spain, where he earned his degree in medicine and later a degree in philosophy and letters.

2. RA1425, also known as the Rizal Law, was signed into law on June 12, 1956, by Philippine President Ramon Magsaysay. The law mandates the inclusion of the study of the life, works, and writings of Jose Rizal in all public and private schools in the Philippines. The law recognizes the importance of Rizal’s contributions to the Philippine struggle for independence, and seeks to instill in Filipino students a sense of national pride and identity. The law has been controversial, with some arguing that it promotes hero worship and neglects other important figures in Philippine history.

3. Rizal’s life at the Ateneo and UST (University of Santo Tomas) were very different. At the Ateneo, Rizal was exposed to a liberal education that emphasized critical thinking and the development of the whole person. He was also introduced to the ideas of European Enlightenment thinkers such as Voltaire and Rousseau. In contrast, at UST, Rizal encountered the conservative, dogmatic teachings of the Spanish friars who controlled the institution. He was also exposed to the racism and discrimination that was prevalent in Philippine society at the time. Despite this, Rizal was able to excel academically at both institutions and use his education to become a leading voice in the Philippine nationalist movement.



9. 1. Why did Rizal enroll at Ateneo?2. List of poems written by Jose Rizal in UST?​


thanks ^_^^_^(^^)(^^)o:-):-!:‑X:-$

10. Compare and Contrast of Rizal’s scholastic journey at Ateneo and Ust


scholastic thriumphs at ateneo de manila (1872-1877)compares rizal's ability to interpret dreams.

11. enumerate 3 achievements of rizal when he was studying in ateneo and ust?​


Rizal’s achievements in UST and Ateneo:Land Surveyor’s and Assessor's Degree (Ateneo) Philosophy and Letters (UST) Ophthalmology (UST)

Rizal eventually earned a land surveyor’s and assessor’s degree from the Ateneo Municipal while taking up Philosophy and Letters at the University of Santo Tomas. Upon learning that his mother was going blind, Rizal opted to study ophthalmology at the UST Faculty of Medicine and Surgery.  

One of the reasons why he chose medicine was his desire to cure his mother’s growing blindness due to cataract. His grades in the medical course were “fair and good” unlike in Ateneo where he got excellent grades in all subjects. These gave Rizal a heavy heart for he knew he fared better than his peninsulares classmates.

After graduating with highest honor with the degree of Bachelor of Arts which was equivalent to only high school during the Spanish time in Ateneo, Jose Rizal decided to continue his studies in Manila.

Aside from his strong desire to finish his medical course due to his mother’s illness, there were three other reasons why Rizal decided to continue his studies abroad.

1. The biased and hostile Dominican professor against him.

2. He was disgusted with the antiquated method of instruction in the University.

3. The racial discrimination that the Dominican professor had against Filipino.

More about Rizal studying in UST:


12. Enumerate 3 achievements of Rizal when he was studying in Ateneo and UST. *


noli mi tangere


hehe ewan q

13. Compare the experiences of Rizal as a student in Ateneo Municipal, UST, and in Madrid.


The experiences of DR. JOSE RIZAL is become a STUDENT.

14. achievements of Rizal when he was studying in Ateneo and UST.


Rizal eventually earned a land surveyor's and assessor's degree from the Ateneo Municipal while taking up Philosophy and Letters at the University of Santo Tomas. Upon learning that his mother was going blind, Rizal opted to study ophthalmology at the UST Faculty of Medicine and Surgery.

15. compare the grades of rizal in ateneo and ust​


Grades of jose Rizal in Ateneo is much higher than in UST because he likes more to study in ateneo than in UST. Also he has a professor friend there.

16. enumerate 3 achievements of rizal in ateneo and ust


First, upgraded his academic literacy and studied a lot of courses. After finishing his first year of Philosophy and Letters (1877-1878), and many in between field of courses, he then transferred to the medical course

First, upgraded his academic literacy and studied a lot of courses. After finishing his first year of Philosophy and Letters (1877-1878), and many in between field of courses, he then transferred to the medical courseSecond, won many literary laurelsFirst, upgraded his academic literacy and studied a lot of courses. After finishing his first year of Philosophy and Letters (1877-1878), and many in between field of courses, he then transferred to the medical courseSecond, won many literary laurelsThird, he was a student activist. Consequent to the establishment of his brotherhood “Compañerismo”

First, upgraded his academic literacy and studied a lot of courses. After finishing his first year of Philosophy and Letters (1877-1878), and many in between field of courses, he then transferred to the medical courseSecond, won many literary laurelsThird, he was a student activist. Consequent to the establishment of his brotherhood “Compañerismo”Fourth, had romances with few women; andFirst, upgraded his academic literacy and studied a lot of courses. After finishing his first year of Philosophy and Letters (1877-1878), and many in between field of courses, he then transferred to the medical courseSecond, won many literary laurelsThird, he was a student activist. Consequent to the establishment of his brotherhood “Compañerismo”Fourth, had romances with few women; and.Fifth, relentlessly fought towards the indignations from Spaniard sentiments. 2.In UST, how

17. compare the experience of Rizal as a student in Ateneo Municipal and UST.​


During a stopover in Madrid from their studies at Universidad Internacional Menendez Pelayo (UIMP) in Santander, 24 Filipino scholars, including this writer, were toured by UIMP administration and Agencia Española de Cooperacion Internacional (AECI), in cooperation with the Philippine Embassy in Madrid, to retrace Jose Rizal’s footsteps as a young student and later as an expatriate in the Spanish capital in the late 19th century.


After his medical studies at University of Santo Tomas, Rizal left the Philippines on May 3, 1882, and arrived in Madrid in September 1882. He took courses in medicine at Universidad Central de Madrid as well as painting at Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando in Calle Alcala.


Rizal mentioned that he enrolled at Facultad de Derecho, but shifted to Filosofia y Letras, which he finished with highest honors on June 19, 1885.


Universidad Central de Madrid, now Universidad de Complutense de Madrid, has since moved to its new location at the outskirts of Madrid known as Ciudad Universitaria. It is a city within a city.


However, the old brick-and-plaster building where our national hero finished his medicine course still stands in its old location, and few classes are still being held there.


I visited the old university site during my first sojourn in Spain in 1962-63 while on a nine-month scholarship grant from Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores in Madrid for my postgraduate studies in Spanish.


Returning to Madrid this time was sheer pleasure and an exhilarating experience as it gave me the opportunity to research and retrace more historical and cultural landmarks associated with Rizal.


Boarding houses

According to Gregorio Brilliantes, “from 1882 to 1885 and during his second shortest stay in Madrid, in 1890-91, he lived in at least nine boarding houses, hostels or residences.”

He continues: “One of the reasons for Rizal’s frequent transfer from one boarding house to another and the search for the best possible rooming house was due to the fact that he wanted to look for a cheaper place in order to save, also the proximity of the place to his school, the tranquility of its neighborhood, for nights of study and writing; the state of the house itself and the composition of its tenants.”


18. compare the experiences of Rizal as a student in ateneo municipal UST and in Madrid ? explain​


During a stopover in Madrid from their studies at Universidad Internacional Menendez Pelayo (UIMP) in Santander, 24 Filipino scholars, including this writer, were toured by UIMP administration and Agencia Española de Cooperacion Internacional (AECI), in cooperation with the Philippine Embassy in Madrid, to retrace Jose Rizal’s footsteps as a young student and later as an expatriate in the Spanish capital in the late 19th century.


After his medical studies at University of Santo Tomas, Rizal left the Philippines on May 3, 1882, and arrived in Madrid in September 1882. He took courses in medicine at Universidad Central de Madrid as well as painting at Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando in Calle Alcala.


Rizal mentioned that he enrolled at Facultad de Derecho, but shifted to Filosofia y Letras, which he finished with highest honors on June 19, 1885.


Universidad Central de Madrid, now Universidad de Complutense de Madrid, has since moved to its new location at the outskirts of Madrid known as Ciudad Universitaria. It is a city within a city.


However, the old brick-and-plaster building where our national hero finished his medicine course still stands in its old location, and few classes are still being held there.


I visited the old university site during my first sojourn in Spain in 1962-63 while on a nine-month scholarship grant from Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores in Madrid for my postgraduate studies in Spanish.


Returning to Madrid this time was sheer pleasure and an exhilarating experience as it gave me the opportunity to research and retrace more historical and cultural landmarks associated with Rizal.


Boarding houses

According to Gregorio Brilliantes, “from 1882 to 1885 and during his second shortest stay in Madrid, in 1890-91, he lived in at least nine boarding houses, hostels or residences.”

He continues: “One of the reasons for Rizal’s frequent transfer from one boarding house to another and the search for the best possible rooming house was due to the fact that he wanted to look for a cheaper place in order to save, also the proximity of the place to his school, the tranquility of its neighborhood, for nights of study and writing; the state of the house itself and the composition of its tenants.”


19. How can you relate it to our culture in the present time. of rizal either in ateneo or ust



20. how many degree earned by Rizal in Ateneo, UST Central de madrid, etc.​

Jose Rizal earned several degrees throughout his life:

Bachelor of Arts degree from Ateneo Municipal de Manila (1877)Licentiate in Medicine from Universidad Central de Madrid (1884)Doctorate in Medicine from Universidad Central de Madrid (1885)Licentiate in Philosophy and Letters from Universidad Central de Madrid (1885)Doctorate in Philosophy and Letters from Universidad Central de Madrid (1885)


21. Complete the following chart to show the major differences of the educational system of UST and Ateneo during Rizal’s time.Category University of Santo Tomas Ateneo Municipal de Manila Aim/goalCurriculumEducational SystemMethod of Teaching​


d ko po alam kc d ko po magets tanong

22. enumerate achievements of rizal when he was studying in ateneo and ust?​


Rizal eventually earned a land surveyor's and assessor's degree from the Ateneo Municipal while taking up Philosophy and Letters at the University of Santo Tomas. Upon learning that his mother was going blind, Rizal opted to study ophthalmology at the UST Faculty of Medicine and Surgery.


23. Compare and contrast rizals scholastic journey at the ateneo municipal and Ust


d ko po magets ang tanong d ko po kabisado

24. discuss rizal's significant experiences in studying at Ateneo municipal and ust.​


thanks po hehe ty ty ty oppsss

25. After studying the early and higher education experiences of Rizal, compare now his experiences as a student in Ateneo Municipal and UST.


Jose Rizal had a different experience as a student in Ateneo Municipal and the University of Santo Tomas (UST).

At Ateneo Municipal, he received a liberal and well-rounded education in Spanish, Latin, rhetoric, and philosophy, as well as mathematics, history, and natural sciences. He was known to excel in his studies and was recognized as one of the top students in his class.

At UST, he pursued a medical degree, but was unable to finish due to discrimination against his nationality. Nevertheless, his time at UST provided him with opportunities to engage with the intellectual and political elite of the Philippines, where he was exposed to various ideas and debates on Filipino nationalism and the situation of the Philippines under Spanish colonial rule.

Overall, Rizal's experiences at Ateneo Municipal and UST demonstrate the breadth and depth of his education, as well as the challenges he faced as a student. Both institutions played a significant role in shaping his intellectual development and political consciousness.

26. Compare and contrast the experience of jose rizal as he attends Ateneo and UST


nice but he died and he just been live

27. In your understanding the lesson Explain the life of Rizal in ateneo and ust​


Jose Rizal’s first teacher was his mother, who had taught him how to read and pray and who had encouraged him to write poetry. Later, private tutors taught the young Rizal Spanish and Latin, before he was sent to a private school in Biñan.

When he was 11 years old, Rizal entered the Ateneo Municipal de Manila. He earned excellent marks in subjects like philosophy, physics, chemistry, and natural history. At this school, he read novels; wrote prize-winning poetry (and even a melodrama—“Junto al Pasig”); and practiced drawing, painting, and clay modeling, all of which remained lifelong interests for him.

Rizal eventually earned a land surveyor’s and assessor’s degree from the Ateneo Municipal while taking up Philosophy and Letters at the University of Santo Tomas. Upon learning that his mother was going blind, Rizal opted to study ophthalmology at the UST Faculty of Medicine and Surgery. He, however, was not able to complete the course because “he became politically isolated by adversaries among the faculty and clergy who demanded that he assimilate to their system.”

Without the knowledge of his parents, Rizal traveled to Europe in May 1882. According to his biographer, Austin Craig, Rizal, “in order to obtain a better education, had had to leave his country stealthily like a fugitive from justice, and his family, to save themselves from persecution, were compelled to profess ignorance of his plans and movements. His name was entered in Santo Tomas at the opening of the new term, with the fees paid, and Paciano had gone to Manila pretending to be looking for this brother whom he had assisted out of the country.”

Rizal earned a Licentiate in Medicine at the Universidad Central de Madrid, where he also took courses in philosophy and literature. It was in Madrid that he conceived of writing Noli Me Tangere. He also attended the University of Paris and, in 1887, completed his eye specialization course at the University of Heidelberg. It was also in that year that Rizal’s first novel was published (in Berlin).

Rizal is said to have had the ability to master various skills, subjects, and languages. Our national hero was also a doctor, farmer, naturalist (he discovered the Draco rizali, a small lizard; Apogania rizali, a beetle; and the Rhacophorus rizali, a frog), writer, visual artist, athlete (martial arts, fencing, and pistol shooting), musician, and social scientist.

28. Compare the Jesuit's system of education (Ateneo) with that of the dominicans (UST) and that our institution​


The comparison of Rizal - The comparison of Rizals performance ...

comparison of Rizal - The comparison of Rizals performance ...The comparison of Rizals performance in Ateneo de Municipal and Santo Tomas is not viable ... 1) (History-UST website, 2009, para. ... It was in the nature of a university to be different.



29. achievements of rizal when he was studying in ateneo and ust


Rizal eventually earned a land surveyor's and assessor's degree from the Ateneo Municipal while taking up Philosophy and Letters at the University of Santo Tomas. Upon learning that his mother was going blind, Rizal opted to study ophthalmology at the UST Faculty of Medicine and Surgery.

Achievements of Rizal. Rizal was a polymath, skilled in both science and the arts. He painted, sketched, and made sculptures and woodcarving. He was a prolific poet, essayist, and novelist whose most famous works were his two novels, Noli Me Tángere and its sequel, El filibusterismo.


30. How did the experiences ofRizal at Ateneo municipal de Manila and UST influence his character.​


One of the movement's leaders was Philippines national hero Jose Rizal who was educated at UST. UST nurtured the educated Filipino youth who became the ecclesiastics, lawyers, physicians, pharmacists, poets and journalist who would become the intellectual engines of the Revolution


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