Causes And Effect Of Teenage Pregnancy Questionnaire

Causes And Effect Of Teenage Pregnancy Questionnaire

cause and effects of teenage pregnancy​

Daftar Isi

1. cause and effects of teenage pregnancy​


the causes is lack of education about sex and importance of life and the effect is your life can be ruined and have a early responsibility

2. Teenage pregnancy cause and effect


What causes teenage pregnancy?

Lack of information about sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Inadequate access to services tailored to young people.

Family, community and social pressure to marry.

Sexual violence.

Child, early and forced marriage, which can be both a cause and a consequence.

hope it help

3. cause and effect of teenage pregnancy

Cause- Pregnancy occurs when a sperm fertilizes an egg after it's released from the ovary during ovulation. Effect- Common side effects of pregnancy include nausea, vomiting, swelling, varicose veins, backaches, hemorrhoids, heartburn, fatigue, constipation and sleep loss. Proper prenatal care and avoidance of harmful substances and drugs can increase the chances of a healthy pregnancy.

4. teenage pregnancy questionnaire Pahingi po nang questionaire for Research instrument lang po about teenage pregnancy​


hi i attached the answer in the photo bcs it says i can't post it

5. cause of teenage pregnancy

The lack of education on safe sex, whether it is from parents, schools, or otherwise, is a cause of teenage pregnancy. Many teenagers are not taught about methods of birth control and how to deal with peers who pressure them into having sex before they are ready.

6. what is the cause and effects of teenage pregnancy

lack of support and education
regret and difficulties

7. Causes and Effects of Teenage Pregnancy



-drug and alcohol

-socio economic status

-peer pressure


-young and unprepared teen parent

-absence in school

-if the cases are rampant the population may inflate

_did for the young mother body is not yet ready to conceive a baby



8. effects of teenage pregnancy​


Early motherhood can affect the psychosocial development of the infant. The children of teen mothers are more likely to be born prematurely with a low birth weight, predisposing them to many other lifelong conditions. Children of teen mothers are at higher risk of intellectual, language, and socio-emotional delays.

9. What are the main causes of teenage pregnancy? What are the factors contributing to teenage pregnancy​


The main reason of teenage pregnancy is the lack of parental guidance. Nowadays, teens do what they see in social medias and other medias that they think is cool. Another reason is the lack of sex education. We need to enlighten the teens because this generation is so much different than the others because teens now are more curious and bolder about doing such things.

10. cause and effect of teenage pregnancy in the mid of pandemic​





usto ko po ng points HAHA


Violence against women or simply boredom


This one is honest mate.

11. Activity 2: "Cause and Effect"Identify the possible effect of the different issue/concerns on teenagers.CauseEffectIdentity CrisisSexual BehaviorPre-marital SexTeenage PregnancyAbortion paki sagot po please ​


Identity Crises:developmental event that involves a person questioning their sense of self or place in the world

Sexual Behavior:human sexual practice or human sexual behaviour is the manner in which humans experience and express their sexuality.

Pre Marital Sex:Premarital sex is sexual activity which is practiced by people before they are married

Teenage Pregnancy:Teenage pregnancy is pregnancy in a woman 19 years of age or younger

Abortion:the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy.



12. what are causes and effects of early teenage pregnancy?

*Drug and Alcohol
*Socio-Economic Status
*Peer Pressure

*Young and unprepared teen parents
*Absence in School
*If the cases are rampant the population may inflate
*Death for the young mother's body is not yet ready to conceive a baby

13. what are the causes and effects of teenage pregnancy explain thoroughly.​


Lack of information about sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Inadequate access to services tailored to young people.

Family, community and social pressure to marry.

Sexual violence.

Child, early and forced marriage, which can be both a cause and a consequence.

Teenage pregnancy in SA is a multifaceted problem with many contributing factors such as poverty, gender inequalities, gender-based violence, substance use, poor access to contraceptives and issues with termination of pregnancy; low, inconsistent and incorrect use of contraceptives, limited number of healthcare



Adolescent pregnancies are a global problem but occur most often in poorer and marginalised communities. Many girls face considerable pressure to marry early and become mothers while they are still a child.

Teenage pregnancy increases when girls are denied the right to make decisions about their sexual and reproductive health and well-being.

Girls must be able to make their own decisions about their bodies and futures and have access to appropriate healthcare services and education.


Lack of information about sexual and reproductive health and rights

Inadequate access to services tailored to young people

Family, community and social pressure to marry

Sexual violence

Child, early and forced marriage, which can be both a cause and a consequence

Lack of education or dropping out of school



Adolescent pregnancy remains a major contributor to maternal and child mortality. Complications relating to pregnancy and childbirth are the leading cause of death for girls aged 15-19 globally. Pregnant girls and adolescents also face other health risks and complications due to their immature bodies. Babies born to younger mothers are also at greater risk.

For many adolescents, pregnancy and childbirth are neither planned, nor wanted. In countries where abortion is prohibited or highly restricted, adolescents typically resort to unsafe abortion, putting their health and lives at risk. Some 3.9 million unsafe abortions occur each year to girls aged 15-19 in developing regions.

Adolescent pregnancy can also have negative social and economic effects on girls, their families and communities. Unmarried pregnant adolescents may face stigma or rejection by parents and peers as well as threats of violence. Girls who become pregnant before age 18 are also more likely to experience violence within a marriage or partnership.

14. Activity 2: "Cause and Effect"Identify the possible effect of the different issue/concerns on teenagers.CauseEffectIdentity CrisisSexual BehaviorPre-marital SexTeenage PregnancyAbortion paki sagot po please ​

identity crisis- Any type of crisis can also result in a decline in your mental health. Viewing yourself or your life negatively has been shown to be a marker for vulnerability to depression. If you have any signs of depression, consider seeking help. You should seek help immediately if they're accompanied by suicidal thoughts.

sexual behavior- Sexual Risk Behaviors Can Lead to HIV, STDs, & Teen Pregnancy. Half of all new STDs reported each year are among young people 15 to 24. Nearly 46% of sexually active high school students did not use a condom the last time they had sex.

pre-marital sex- Unwanted pregnancy, teenage pregnancy, abortion, STIs, HIV/AIDS, regrets, guilt, loss of self-respect, depression, loss of family support, substance abuse and even suicidal death are the health impact of premarital sexual behaviour among adolescents.

teenage pregnancy- How does teenage pregnancy affect teen mothers? Teens are at a higher risk for pregnancy-related high blood pressure (preeclampsia) and its complications than average age mothers. Risks for the baby include premature birth and low birth weight. Preeclampsia can also harm the kidneys or even be fatal for mother or baby.

abortion- Women commonly report seeking abortion in order to achieve personal life goals. Few studies have investigated whether an abortion enables women to achieve such goals.

Women report having abortions for a variety of reasons related to achieving personal life goals. A recent national study based on data from the Turnaway study (which is also the data source for the current study), found that among the primary reasons for wanting an abortion were: feeling not financially prepared (40 %), not the right time (36 %), and having a baby now would interfere with future opportunities (20 %)


effect of teenage pregnancy- you will not able to do what you want and you will not able to finish your school and in the age of that you already have a heavy responsibility

effect of abortion- it will hunt you for the rest of your life and the guilt trips is hella worst

effect of pre marital sex - unwanted pregnancy, teenage pregnancy,abortion,hiv/aids,regrets,guilt,loss of self respect, and depression

sexual behavior- kinda same like premarital sex

identity crisis- interest, achievements, beliefs, social position,self worth, questioning yourself, failures,and depression


always take care and protect yourself love no one will expect yourself , you'll be okay ❤️

15. what is teenage pregnancy cause and effect​



In some cultures, customs and traditions lead to early marriage which would therefore lead to early pregnancy. In these cases, pregnancy is acceptable and is most often intentional, however they are occurring in developing countries such as India and Sub-Saharan Africa[2]. In developed countries however, teenage pregnancy is most often unintentional and due to a variety of different reasons.


Becoming mother or father and having a child


There are many factors that causes teenage pregnancy. Some of these are poverty, addiction, peer pressure, and family problem. Poverty is one of the cause because some think that if they get pregnant they can escape poverty but the truth is they made the situation more complicated. Another is addiction, they lost their mind. They do not think the consequences they might face. Peer pressure, they are being pressured telling them that they are weak and coward. Family problem, they rebel and one way of rebelling to them is getting pregnant doing things that will make their parents annoyed. Their reasons are not valid. They make things more complicated. And being pregnant at ayoung age have health complications.

16. Scope and delimitation in the causes and effects of teenage pregnancy


causing to a baby born to be stubborn

17. the cause and effect of teenager Pregnancy patulong .​

How does teenage pregnancy affect teen mothers? Teens are at a higher risk for pregnancy-related high blood pressure (preeclampsia) and its complications than average age mothers. Risks for the baby include premature birth and low birth weight. Preeclampsia can also harm the kidneys or even be fatal for mother or baby.

18. the cause and effect of teenage pregnancy . patulong po introduction ​


the cause and the effect in the pregnant teenager


the cause is-she cant stand because her stomach is hurting when the baby kicks and when the baby is born the teenage need to push hard to get the baby out.She cant sleep well because of the baby.The effect is-while the baby get grow up she dont have to be stress because the baby is older brainliest oo


Teenage Pregnancy has become one of the most tackled topic in this era, mainly because of the increased of cases of teenagers who have been impregnated. It is caused by two teenagers engaging in a sexual activity without any protection, being impulsive and must face the consequences afterwards. Teenage pregnancy is not a violation of human rights but it is a door to a new and different lifestyle one has been used to. It limits one's freedom and availabiltity.


19. causes of teenage pregnancy​

Inadequate parental support and open communication regarding sexuality issues, poverty, dominance of abstinence as the only dogma in sex-education packages in school, and the growing use of television and social media were considered to be the major predisposing factors for high adolescent pregnancy rate


I hope it helps

20. Teenage Pregnancycauses​


Lack of knowledge about reproductive helath

Forced marriage

Sexual violence

Lack of parental care, communication and supervision

21. expository essay about teenage pregnancy: CAUSE AND EFFECT​


Teenage pregnancy has been a major issue in society for decades. It refers to pregnancy that occurs in girls who are 19 years old or younger. There are several causes of teenage pregnancy, including lack of education, poverty, peer pressure, and media influence. The effects of teenage pregnancy are far-reaching and can have serious consequences for both the teenage mother and her child.

One of the main causes of teenage pregnancy is the lack of education about sex and contraception. Many teenagers are not properly informed about the risks of unprotected sex and the methods of birth control available to them. As a result, they engage in sexual activity without using any form of protection, which increases their risk of becoming pregnant.

Poverty is another cause of teenage pregnancy. Teenagers who come from low-income families often lack access to quality education and healthcare, which can make it difficult for them to make informed decisions about their sexual health. They may also be more likely to engage in sexual activity as a means of escape from their difficult circumstances.

Peer pressure can also contribute to teenage pregnancy. Teenagers who feel the need to fit in with their peers may engage in sexual activity before they are emotionally or physically ready. They may also feel pressured to engage in unprotected sex as a way of proving their maturity or popularity.

Media influence is another cause of teenage pregnancy. The media often portrays sex in a casual and carefree manner, which can influence teenagers to engage in sexual activity without considering the consequences. Additionally, the media may not adequately address the importance of contraception and safe sex practices.

The effects of teenage pregnancy are numerous and can be long-lasting. Teenage mothers are more likely to drop out of school and have lower levels of education, which can limit their job opportunities and earning potential. They are also more likely to experience poverty and social isolation, which can have a negative impact on their mental health.

The children of teenage mothers are also at risk for several negative outcomes. They are more likely to have low birth weights and suffer from developmental delays. They may also be at higher risk for abuse and neglect, as teenage mothers may not have the knowledge or resources to properly care for their children.

In conclusion, teenage pregnancy is a complex issue with several causes and effects. It is important for teenagers to receive proper education about sex and contraception, and for society to address the underlying issues of poverty and social isolation. By taking steps to prevent teenage pregnancy, we can help ensure a brighter future for both teenagers and their children.

22. write an exposition or discussion on the cause and effects of teenage pregnancy.​


Adolescent pregnancies are a global problem but occur most often in poorer and marginalised communities. Many girls face considerable pressure to marry early and become mothers while they are still a child.

Teenage pregnancy increases when girls are denied the right to make decisions about their sexual and reproductive health and well-being.

Girls must be able to make their own decisions about their bodies and futures and have access to appropriate healthcare services and education.



Lack of information about sexual and reproductive health and rights

Inadequate access to services tailored to young people

Family, community and social pressure to marry

Sexual violence

Child, early and forced marriage, which can be both a cause and a consequence

Lack of education or dropping out of school


not sure pero sana maka tulong

23. What is the cause and effect of the case pregnancy teenage.


Cause: teenagers not using protection/condoms

Effect :

-teenage pregnancy


24. cause and effect of teenage pregnancy by listing down your answerPremarital Sexteenage Pregnancyabortion​


For Premarital sex


Consequently, kissing, embracing, or doing anything that causes arousal can lead to premarital sex.

The effects of premarital sex can cause individuals to take on life responsibilities that they have not prepared for.


Teenage Pregnancy


-Lack of information about sexual and reproductive health and rights, etc.


-It can affect the psychosocial development of the infant.

Premarital Sex


-caused due to premature and unprotected sexual contacts in teenagers and youth.


-Unwanted pregnancy, teenage pregnancy, abortion, STIs, HIV/AIDS, regrets, guilt, loss of self-respect, depression, loss of family support, substance abuse and even suicidal death.



-Other causes include vascular disease (such as lupus), diabetes, other hormonal problems, infection, and abnormalities of the uterus.


-Effect on fertility, health and future pregnancies . Having an abortion does not increase the risk of breast cancer or mental health issues.

25. Task 5. Cause and EffectDirection: Show your understanding of the Causes and Effects of Teenage Pregnancy​



1. She was raped.

2. She have a Boyfriend early that she doesn't aware before.


She can't study well because she has a child/children to care. She will have a lot of problems because it's hard to be a young parent. She cannot afford baby supplies and for the needs of a child/children.

26. what are the causes and effects of teenage pregnancy explain thoroughly.​


How does teenage pregnancy affect teen mothers? Teens are at a higher risk for pregnancy-related high blood pressure (preeclampsia) and its complications than average age mothers. Risks for the baby include premature birth and low birth weight. Preeclampsia can also harm the kidneys or even be fatal for mother or baby.


Approximately 90% of births to girls aged 15-19 in developing countries occur within early marriage where there is often an imbalance of power, no access to contraception and pressure on girls to prove their fertility. Factors such as parental income and the extent of a girl's education also contribute.Teenage pregnancy is a multifaceted problem with many contributing factors such as poverty, gender inequalities, gender-based violence, substance use, poor access to contraceptives and issues with termination of pregnancy; low, inconsistent and incorrect use of contraceptives, limited number of healthcare .Health results of teen pregnancy. Teenage parenthood is perceived to be both a cause and consequence of social exclusion [9]. Teenage parents are more likely to be unemployed, live in poverty, and to give birth to low birth-weight babies, who as toddlers are likely to be at increased risk of childhood accidents.


hope it helps

pls make me brainliest

27. questionnaire for qualitative research topic of teenage pregnancy​


28. teenage pregnancy give at least 3 cause and give at least 3 effects​



1.having a boyfriend at young age

2.not studying and focusing in relationship

3.not listening to parents advice


1.cant focus on studying a birth at young age

3.having bad or miserable life






-unprotected sex

-under liquor influence

-lack of education about teenage pregnancy

-In a relationship at young age

-irresponsible/hard headed

-family problem


-Drop from school



-Burden (both to the teenager and his/her parents)

-Ashame to socialize

-Huge Responsibility



29. 26. The causes of early teenage pregnancy and its effects to the family​


teenage pregnancy can also have negative social and economic effects on girls, their families and communities. Unmarried pregnant adolescents may face stigma or rejection by parents and peers as well as threats of violence.


Lack of information about sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Inadequate access to services tailored to young people.

Family, community and social pressure to marry.

Sexual violence.

Child, early and forced marriage, which can be both a cause and a consequence.


30. What are the causes and effects of quackery in terms of teenage pregnancy?


Cause of teenage pregnancy

•lack of information about sexual and reproductive health and rights.

•Family community and social pressure to marry.

•sexual violence

•early and forced marriage which can be both a cause and consequence.


Effects on teenage pregnancy


•poor mental health outcomes

•delivering at low birth weight

•STDS(Sexually transmitted diseases.

•dropping out of school.

Explanation: hope this helps you thank you

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