Conclusion Of Women s Role In Society

Conclusion Of Women s Role In Society

LEVEL 3: ADVANCE Advance your skills! As a critical thinker, one should know how to analyze statements and draw conclusions from them. In this way, misunderstanding can be avoided. Your next task is to make or draw out a claim of value from each given argument. Example: The world has sped up over the past generation; technology has gotten more complicated and ideas more complex. Hence, higher math like Algebra should be introduced as early as grades 7 and 8. However, children in grades 7 and 8 are experiencing plateau growth. They are not in their optimal years of learning, thus the growing number of failing students. Claim of Value: It is better to introduce higher math like Algebra in grade 10 instead. Dealing with unruly siblings can be maddening. Sometimes, we tend to easily lose our control and we wouldn’t notice we’re already raising our voices up to our ceiling. However, yelling towards our siblings is a costly mistake. Yelling only works in the moment. It can also cause our siblings to secretly dislike us. Another is, when we yell, we only train them to listen to us only when we raise our voice. No matter how frustrated you may get with your siblings, yelling should never be or should be the least of your option/s. Claim of Value: _______________________________________________________________________________________ ‘Dark’ is a mind-bending and meticulously crafted TV series. It is arguably the best time travel show that I have witnessed. It doesn’t limit itself to that theme alone. It also tackles quantum entanglement, parallel, and alternative universe. Predictability does not count in the series. There will always be revelations. The plot is indeed perplexing but decently maintained all throughout. Overall, I must say, it’s a great show to binge watch. Claim of Value: _______________________________________________________________________________________ The library is a place for readers to explore, create, relax, and simply be. It is a window to investigate and see the world. The experience transforms readers from the narrow existence of daily life to the wide world beyond our brick and mortar walls. Public libraries play a very important role in fostering the intellectual development of society. It is one of the critical links to different institutions in our society, such as schools. Claim of Value: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Divorce should never be legalized in our country. It is not the answer to marital problems. It threatens the sanctity of marriage. The proposition will actually increase the number of failed marriages. It can also introduce the child to destructive behavior. The existence of divorce will also mean loss of faith in marriage and family unit. Divorce takes a toll on a family’s income which may lead to poverty aggravation. Claim of Value: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Filipinos have been a fan of beauty pageants. Beauty pageants have been entertaining us for the past decades. However, I believe beauty pageants degrade women. Women in such competitions are treated as physical objects for pleasure and not as human beings. They are judged based on their physical attributes mostly. They spend more time parading in swimsuits and gowns and very little time on intelligence. Claim of Value: ​

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1. LEVEL 3: ADVANCE Advance your skills! As a critical thinker, one should know how to analyze statements and draw conclusions from them. In this way, misunderstanding can be avoided. Your next task is to make or draw out a claim of value from each given argument. Example: The world has sped up over the past generation; technology has gotten more complicated and ideas more complex. Hence, higher math like Algebra should be introduced as early as grades 7 and 8. However, children in grades 7 and 8 are experiencing plateau growth. They are not in their optimal years of learning, thus the growing number of failing students. Claim of Value: It is better to introduce higher math like Algebra in grade 10 instead. Dealing with unruly siblings can be maddening. Sometimes, we tend to easily lose our control and we wouldn’t notice we’re already raising our voices up to our ceiling. However, yelling towards our siblings is a costly mistake. Yelling only works in the moment. It can also cause our siblings to secretly dislike us. Another is, when we yell, we only train them to listen to us only when we raise our voice. No matter how frustrated you may get with your siblings, yelling should never be or should be the least of your option/s. Claim of Value: _______________________________________________________________________________________ ‘Dark’ is a mind-bending and meticulously crafted TV series. It is arguably the best time travel show that I have witnessed. It doesn’t limit itself to that theme alone. It also tackles quantum entanglement, parallel, and alternative universe. Predictability does not count in the series. There will always be revelations. The plot is indeed perplexing but decently maintained all throughout. Overall, I must say, it’s a great show to binge watch. Claim of Value: _______________________________________________________________________________________ The library is a place for readers to explore, create, relax, and simply be. It is a window to investigate and see the world. The experience transforms readers from the narrow existence of daily life to the wide world beyond our brick and mortar walls. Public libraries play a very important role in fostering the intellectual development of society. It is one of the critical links to different institutions in our society, such as schools. Claim of Value: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Divorce should never be legalized in our country. It is not the answer to marital problems. It threatens the sanctity of marriage. The proposition will actually increase the number of failed marriages. It can also introduce the child to destructive behavior. The existence of divorce will also mean loss of faith in marriage and family unit. Divorce takes a toll on a family’s income which may lead to poverty aggravation. Claim of Value: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Filipinos have been a fan of beauty pageants. Beauty pageants have been entertaining us for the past decades. However, I believe beauty pageants degrade women. Women in such competitions are treated as physical objects for pleasure and not as human beings. They are judged based on their physical attributes mostly. They spend more time parading in swimsuits and gowns and very little time on intelligence. Claim of Value: ​


ano pong sagot hehe hinde ko alam ang sagot jan

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