Women s Role In Society Past And Present

Women s Role In Society Past And Present


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Women have more rights now. And also women of past were uneducated and submissive where as women of today are well educated and not that submissive.

2. What are the roles of men in the society? What are the roles of women in the society? ​


Men who were also citizens had the most power in that society and the most responsibilities. Expectations for these men included participation in religious festivals and cults, military service, service to the community at large, and the funding of festivals.


role of women in society has ensured the stability, progress and long-term development of nations. ... Women, notably mothers, play the largest role in decision-making about family meal planning and diet

3. Role of women in thesociety?Then?​

Role of Women:

Caretakers, conscience, farmers, educators, and entrepreneurs.

4. What are the role of men and women to our society​


Gender roles in society means how we're expected to act, speak, dress, groom, and conduct ourselves based upon our assigned sex. For example, girls and women are generally expected to dress in typically feminine ways and be polite, accommodating, and nurturing. ... They can also change in the same society over time.


hope its help :)


5. what is the role of women in different societies?​


— Caretakers, Conscience, Farmers, Educators and Entrepreneurs. Throughout history, the central role of women in society has ensured the stability, progress and long-term development of nations. And, women self-report more often their initiative in preserving child health and nutrition.

6. compare the roles and responsibilities of men and women in the society​

Gender roles in society means how we're expected to act, speak, dress, groom, and conduct ourselves based upon our assigned sex. For example, girls and women are generally expected to dress in typically feminine ways and be polite, accommodating, and nurturing. ... They can also change in the same society over time.

Gender roles in society means how we're expected to act, speak, dress, groom, and conduct ourselves based upon our assigned sex. For example, girls and women are generally expected to dress in typically feminine ways and be polite, accommodating, and nurturing. ... They can also change in the same society over time.

7. role of women in our society

Women are to give birth. Women are to be mothers.

8. Roles of men and women in a democratic society: (any)Opportunities given to men and women in a democratic society: (any)​


Mens' role in societies have always been that of protector and provider

The Global Role of Women – Caretakers, Conscience, Farmers, Educators and Entrepreneurs

men and women were equally important, serving complimentaryroles to provide for the entire community.Men handled such physical activities such as toolmaking, warfare, canoe building and navigation and off-shore fishing.

9. what is the biggest role of women in this society​


Role of Women in Society The work and functions of women are greatly important for the family. Properly educated and trained women can be of immense help to their husbands and working members of the family. They can teach, train and bring up their children on the right lines.


the explanation is on the answer. I hope this helps. Please Brainliest my answer, thank you.

10. the role of women in Philippine society​

Answer:Modern-day Philippine women play a decisive role in Filipino families.They usually handle the money,act as religious mentors, and can also make all the important family decisions.

In the Philippines, women are still strongly tied to their traditional roles as mother & wife. Women plays a very vital role in human progress and have a significant place in the society. They are not at all inferior to men. They are capable of sharing all the responsibilities of life.

11. what is the role of women in different societies?​


To do thier own best to survive in a new genra of this coming m9re years ❤❤❤

12. What are the roles of women in the development of a society ​


Women are the primary caretakers of children and elders in every country of the world. International studies demonstrate that when the economy and political organization of a society change, women take the lead in helping the family adjust to new realities and challenges.

13. 3 stanza poem that reflects the role of women in the society​


Roses are red

Violets are blue

Your opinion doesn't matter.

hope this helps

14. In gender relationships, our society too has a lot to sayabout women, their images and roles that may haveinfluenced the Social and Cultural Growth of a society. Fillin the table with how you observe the society regardingthe images and roles of women and their influence to thesociety.InfluenceThen (Before)Now (Present)​


before women only stays at home doing house chores , taking care of children and husband

now , women tend to do what men do sometimes more than what men can do , they are now a career women , they do a professional work at the same time they also take charge in house .

15. How does a patriarchal society impact the role of the mother figure, marriage roles, and the place of women in the society?


yes po tama po


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16. roles of men and women in post industrial society​



Actual change in gender stereotypes

In postindustrial societies, women continue to be perceived as more communal and men as more agentic, despite women's rising labor force participation (Lueptow, Garovich-Szabo, & Lueptow, 2001; Spence & Buckner, 2000). Social role theory might be taken to imply that increases in women's employment rates would yield increases in their stereotypic agency. So far, this change in the female stereotype has been demonstrated only in some cultural contexts (e.g., in Spain, López-Sáez, Morales, & Lisbona, 2008) and on the specific attribute of intelligence, on which women have exceeded men in U.S. national surveys (Newport, 2001; Pew Research Center, 2008). A more subtle shift is evident in the effects of employment on the perceived agency of women and men. At least in the United States, where women are increasingly employed full time, employment no longer conveys the higher levels of agency and lower levels of communion that it did in earlier decades when such employment was less typical of women (compare Bosak, Sczesny, & Eagly, 2012, to Eagly & Steffen, 1984). Thus, employed women and men are perceived as similar to men and women in general.

Even though the general content of stereotypes of women may not have changed, the breadth of stereotypes may have increased due to the diversity of women's roles. Although some women have entered into male-dominated managerial and professional jobs, most women continue to be concentrated in traditionally female dominated, communally demanding jobs. In fact, women's most common occupations in the United States are secretaries and administrative assistants; registered nurses; elementary and middle school teachers; cashiers; retail salespersons; and nursing, psychiatric, and home health aides (U.S. Department of Labor, 2011). Moreover, women's entry into management and the professions has not been accompanied by their commensurate entry into the upper-level leadership roles regarded as particularly demanding higher levels of agentic attributes (Eagly & Carli, 2007). Women are also more diverse than men in how much they are employed, with more women than men employed part time or not at all (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2011, Tables 6, 7, and 20). Thus, the change in many women's occupational and family roles, along with the continuity in other women's roles, likely promotes the breadth of stereotypes of women.

In evidence of the broader stereotypes about women than men, college students judged that stereotypic women could move more comfortably across diverse situations than stereotypic men (Eckes, 1996). Also, stereotypes about specific subtypes of women (e.g., housewife; Deaux, Winton, Crowley, & Lewis, 1985) were more heterogeneous than stereotypes about specific subtypes of men (e.g., jock). Furthermore, social perceivers ascribed masculine characteristics to women to a greater extent than they ascribed feminine characteristics to men (see present time conditions in Diekman & Eagly, 2000), and they approved of desirable counterstereotypical qualities in women more than in men (Diekman & Goodfriend, 2006; Prentice & Carranza, 2002).

In summary, as descriptive and prescriptive expectations, gender roles apply to all women and men in a society (Ridgeway, 2011). Given these consensual social expectations, in conjunction with socialization that prepares girls and boys to have attributes appropriate to their adult roles, people come to view the division of labor in their society as reflecting the genuine attributes of men and women. By inferring different essential attributes of women and men, people justify current social arrangements as following from these differing attributes. Such essentialist beliefs appear to have multiple components reflecting both nature and nurture. Nurture theories—that is, social essentialism—allow people to believe in change in the division of labor across cultures and time periods in response to changing circumstances. Nature theories—or biological essentialism—act as a conservative force by suggesting a more rigid division of labor.

17. Discuss how the role of Filipino women in society


The role of Filipino women in society is an incredibly important one, as they are often the unsung heroes of family and home life. For centuries, Filipino women have been responsible for the day-to-day running of the household, from childcare to meal preparation to cleaning. This role is still very much alive in Filipino culture today, with many Filipino women in modern families taking on a more traditional role in the home.


They usually handle the money, act as religious mentors, and can also make all the important family decisions.


Modern-day Philippine women play a decisive role in Filipino families

18. 1. What are the roles of women in the Bible and society?​


Women did tasks as important as those of men, managed their households, and were equals in daily life, but all public decisions were made by men. Men had specific obligations they were required to perform for their wives including the provision of clothing, food, and sexual relations.

19. How does the role of women affect the society​


Women are the primary caretakers of children and elders in every country of the world. International studies demonstrate that when the economy and political organization of a society change, women take the lead in helping the family adjust to new realities and challenges.

20. what is the women's role in the society in the ancient times?


The role of women in ancient societies varied greatly depending on the culture and time period. However, there are some general patterns that can be observed.

In many ancient societies, women were primarily responsible for domestic duties such as cooking, cleaning, and child-rearing. They were also often responsible for textile production, such as weaving and spinning. Women's roles in agriculture varied depending on the society, but in some cultures, they played a significant role in farming.

In terms of social status, women generally had lower status than men in ancient societies. They were often excluded from political and economic power and had limited opportunities for education or professional advancement. However, there were exceptions to this pattern. For example, in ancient Egypt, women could hold positions of power and influence in government and religion.


In reality, wives or close relatives of prominent men could have political influence behind the scenes and exert real, albeit informal, power. In public, though, women were expected to play their traditional role in the household. They were responsible for spinning and weaving yarn and making clothes.

21. What roles does creon see for women in society?


Creon wants men to be leaders and women to be subjects. He even describes women as fields to be furrowed. Ismene capitulates to this standard and even urges her sister to submit.


hope it helps

pa brianliest po salamat

22. How does the role of women affect the society​


Women are the primary caretakers of children and elders in every country of the world. International studies demonstrate that when the economy and political organization of a society change, women take the lead in helping the family adjust to new realities and challenges


pa follow

23. How does the society distinguish the role of women from the men's role???​


As a general rule, women had less power than men in both Han China and Imperial Rome. Social and political structures were male dominated. Many women did not follow strict laws designed to govern their behavior; their lives were instead dictated by religious philosophies, political contexts, and socio-economic status.

24. What is the role of society in violence against women? ​


CTTO for my answer

hope its help:)




Violence affects its direct victims, those who witness violence, family members, co-workers, service providers and all members of society. All forms of violence have damaging short- and long-term effects on mental, physical and spiritual well-being.

25. role of women and men in society

They make our society be even more big and have more wealth.....

(Only my guess)

26. Negative roles of women in the society


Negative roles of women in the society?

1. Women perform 66% of the world's work and produce 50% of the food but earn only 10% of the income and own just 1% of the property.

2. Despite progress, men still outnumber women in paid work, and women are often relegated to vulnerable forms of employment, with inadequate earnings, benefits and working conditions.


sana makatulong yarns.

27. discuss the importan roles of women in the society?​


The Global Role of Women – Caretakers, Conscience, Farmers, Educators and Entrepreneurs. Throughout history, the central role of women in society has ensured the stability, progress and long-term development of nations. ... Women, notably mothers, play the largest role in decision-making about family meal planning and diet ...

28. Filipino women who have strong advocacies in the role of women in society.


The role of women in the Philippines (Filipino: Kababaihan sa Pilipinas) is explained based on the context of Filipino culture, standards, and mindsets. The Philippines is described to be a nation of strong women, who directly and indirectly run the family unit, businesses, government agencies and haciendas.

I hope it helps ☺️

29. gender equality women's role in the society


Here is My 20 Strict Rule's

Do not loveDo not take a drugDo not disturbDo not take cigaretteDo not drinkDo not shipDo not bullyDo not be lazyBe confidentRemove and wash dirty clothes every one week. Be intelligentRead books everydayBe coolMarry until you're 30- 35Love someone until you're 26- 35Do your assignmentEat fruits and vegetables everydayPhysical fithealthy dietregular exercise everyday


meron pa akong 15 rule's

I hope it helps to you all my rule's


30. discuss the role of women in society as portrayed in pride and prejudices​



Even when Pride and Prejudice was a novel about love and how many obstacles can be overcome, women played a very poor part. During the novel and the plot, we can see many types of women: single, married, strong, and weak. They all had something in common: how difficult it was for them to face life in general.

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