Definition Of Terms In Research Example Chapter 1

Definition Of Terms In Research Example Chapter 1

pls help me I don't know how to make a chapter 1 in practical research 1 Chapter 1Introduction - Opening - History – International – LocalPurpose of the studyResearch QuestionSignificance of the studyDefinitions of the termsScope and Limitations of the studyReferences:​

Daftar Isi

1. pls help me I don't know how to make a chapter 1 in practical research 1 Chapter 1Introduction - Opening - History – International – LocalPurpose of the studyResearch QuestionSignificance of the studyDefinitions of the termsScope and Limitations of the studyReferences:​


Chapter 1: Introduction


Mathematics has always been one of the most important subjects in the education system. It is not only a subject but also a tool that can be used to solve real-life problems. Mathematics is considered as the foundation of many other subjects, and it is essential for students to have a strong foundation in math to excel in their academic pursuits. However, not all students find math interesting or easy to learn. In this study, we aim to explore the impact of math exam results on the motivation of A.B.M students in SMCC.

History - International:

The importance of mathematics in education has been recognized internationally. In 2015, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) launched the Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development. One of the main objectives of this program is to promote the teaching and learning of mathematics and science to enable learners to understand and address the challenges of sustainable development.


In the Philippines, the Department of Education (DepEd) has recognized the significance of mathematics in education. The DepEd has implemented various programs and initiatives to improve the quality of math education in the country. However, despite these efforts, the Philippines still ranks low in international math assessments.

Purpose of the study:

The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of math exam results on the motivation of A.B.M students in SMCC. Specifically, we aim to determine whether there is a correlation between math exam results and motivation levels among A.B.M students.

Research Question:

What is the impact of math exam results on the motivation of A.B.M students in SMCC?

Significance of the study:

This study is significant for several reasons. First, it will contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the relationship between math exam results and motivation levels among students. Second, the findings of this study can be used by educators and policymakers to develop interventions that can improve the motivation and performance of students in math. Finally, this study can help A.B.M students in SMCC to understand the importance of math and motivate them to improve their performance in this subject.

Definitions of the terms:

Math exam results - The scores obtained by students in math exams.

Motivation - The internal or external factors that drive a person to take action or achieve a goal.

A.B.M - Accountancy, Business, and Management strand, a senior high school strand in the Philippines.

SMCC - St. Mary's College of Catbalogan, a private Catholic school in the Philippines.

Scope and Limitations of the study:

This study will focus on A.B.M students in SMCC. The sample size will be limited to 100 students, and the study will only cover one academic year. The limitations of this study include the small sample size and the limited scope, which may affect the generalizability of the findings.


UNESCO. (2015). Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development. Retrieved from

Department of Education. (2021). Math. Retrieved from

2. Chapter I of a research paper include these parts EXCEPT.A. Research DesignC. Significance of the StudyB. Background of the StudyD. Definition of Terms​


A.Research Design


sana po makatulong


D Definition of terms

not sure ha

3. 1. Part of chapter of research paper is to give opportunities to show readers and reviewers why their research is worth reading. A. Title 8. Introduction Statement of the problem D. Definition and key terms


Introduction or definition and key

4. an example of introduction for a research Chapter 5 Practical Research II

Answer:Answer:an example of introduction for a research Chapter 5 Practical Research IIAnswer:an example of introduction for a research Chapter 5 Practical Research IIStep-by-step explanation:Answer:an example of introduction for a research Chapter 5 Practical Research IIStep-by-step explanation:salamat sa poits iiiiiiiidolo


1. research proposal/research project

2. Hindi ko po alm d2 Ang sagot

3. hypothesis

4. statement of the problem

5. introduction

6. significance of the study

7. definitions of terms

8. conceptual/theoretical framework

6. what is chapter 1 of a research paper


Introduction is the first if you did a research paper.


ihope its help you.

7. 16. In research, the "Defintion of Terms” can be found inA. Chapter 1C. Chapter 3B. Chapter 2D. Chapter 4​


Definition of terms works just like a glossary but have a different twist. It is placed on the last part of Chapter 1 to tell the meaning of the terms used throughout the said chapter.

Letter A.


Chapter 3 along with the research Methodology


Chapter 1 - Inteoduct6

Chapter 2- literature review

Chapter3 - methodology / definition of terms

Chapter 4 - Results & Discussion

Chapter 5- conclusion & recommendations

If you like my answer and was helpful to you please make me or give me the brainliest. Thank you!

8. parts of research paper chapter 1



table of contents


9. Supply the missing words Directions: Complete the following sentences by writing the appropriate words on the blank spaces. Choose your answer from the box below 1. is the section of the paper that lists down all acronyms, jargons, technical terms, and other keywords used in the research paper and defines them according to the usage or application in the research study 2. When the term or word is defined based on what the dictionary, encyclopedia, published books, or any trusted sources tell you, Ris called 3. Definition of Terms section is often placed at the last part of Introduction of the research paper. 4. The term or word is defined based on the specific use or context in research study when was used 5. Your conceptual definition is in nature while your operational definitions in form.concrete Definidon of terms abstract Conceptual Definition Operational Definition Chapter 1​


1.) Definition of terms

2.) Conceptual Definition

3.) Chapter 1

4.) Operational Definition

5.) abstract


if mali man ang sagot ko check mo yung mods mo

10. how important chapter 1 is in research​


This chapter serves to introduce the subject of the research to the reader. ... It gives the backgrolll1d against which the research takes place and justifies the research based upon an identified problem.

11. _______1. It is a part of the Chapter 1 that provides the research questions to be answered in the proceeding chapters. ​

Chapter 1 includes research question and the the hypothesis are the ones were trying to prove if it's a null hypothesis or the alternative hypothesis.

12. give five examples for treatment of data-for practical research chapter 3​


1. Cleaning and Preprocessing: This involves the process of removing any erroneous or irrelevant data from a dataset, such as duplicates or missing values, and standardizing the data in preparation for analysis.

2. Data Transformation: This refers to the process of converting raw data into a more usable format for analysis, such as converting text data to numerical data, or normalizing data to ensure that all data points are on the same scale.

3. Data Aggregation: This involves the process of combining data from multiple sources or summarizing data to create a more concise and informative dataset. For example, calculating the mean or median of a set of data points or grouping data by specific categories.

4. Data Analysis: This involves using statistical methods and algorithms to extract insights and patterns from a dataset. This can include techniques such as regression analysis, clustering, or predictive modeling.

5. Data Visualization: This involves creating visual representations of data to help communicate insights and findings to others. This can include creating charts, graphs, or other visualizations to help convey the meaning and significance of data to stakeholders.


hope it helps, pa-brainliest thanks!

13. 1. Validation of Research Instrument is part of Chapter 2. a. True b. False2. A research paper should be subjective in terms or arguments, evaluation and interpretation. a. True b. False ​


1. a.

2. b.



a yan napo







14. five examples for treatment of data about ABM-for practical research chapter 3​


Here are five examples of data treatment in ABM (Accountancy, Business, and Management):

1. Financial statement analysis - This involves examining and interpreting a company's financial statements, including the income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows. Ratios such as profitability, liquidity, and solvency ratios can be calculated and analyzed to help identify trends, strengths, and weaknesses in a company's financial position.

2. Cost-benefit analysis - This method compares the costs of a particular decision or action to its potential benefits. This is useful in determining the feasibility of a particular project or investment opportunity.

3. Regression analysis - This statistical technique is used to establish relationships between variables. For example, regression analysis can be used to determine the impact of changes in one variable on another variable, such as the relationship between sales and advertising expenditures.

4. Data visualization - Data can be presented in various formats, including graphs, charts, and tables, to help identify trends and patterns. For example, a line graph can be used to show the trend in sales over time, while a pie chart can be used to show the breakdown of expenses by category.

5. Forecasting - This involves using past data to make predictions about future outcomes. For example, regression analysis can be used to forecast sales based on historical data, or time series analysis can be used to forecast demand for a particular product.


Here are five examples of data treatment techniques used in Agent-Based Modeling (ABM):

1. Data aggregation: This involves combining data from multiple agents to create a more concise and informative dataset. For example, aggregating data on the number of interactions between agents or on the average behavior of a group of agents.

2. Data normalization: This involves standardizing data to ensure that all data points are on the same scale. This is important when agents have different attributes and behaviors that need to be compared. For example, normalizing data on agent age or income to ensure that they are comparable across different agents.

3. Data filtering: This involves removing data that is irrelevant or erroneous from the dataset. For example, filtering out data on agents that are not relevant to the research question or data that is inconsistent or out of range.

4. Data visualization: This involves creating visual representations of data to help communicate insights and findings to others. This can include creating charts or graphs to help convey the meaning and significance of data to stakeholders.

5. Statistical analysis: This involves using statistical methods to extract insights and patterns from a dataset. This can include techniques such as regression analysis, clustering, or predictive modeling to identify relationships between agent attributes and behaviors.


brainliest, thankies!

15. A. Listed below are the terminologies used in research. To make good research, arrange the following parts in order under its chapter to where the terms belong. Research Design Research Instrument Summary Summary of Findings Related Studies Analysis Hypotheses Interpretation of Data Population Data Analysis Recommendation Related Reading Related Literature Research Problem Research Objectives Assumptions Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 5 Chapter 4​(patulong guys)(thanks)


chapter 1

rasearch problem

research objectives



chapter 2

ralated readings

related literature

related studies

chapter 3

research design


research instruments

chapter 4


data analysis

interpretation of data

chapter 5


summary of findings


sana nakatulong sainyu!!

16. What I Can Do I Directions: Listed below are the terminologies used in research in order to make a good research, arrange the following parts in order under its chapter to where the terms belong Research Design Summary Related Studies hypotheses Population Summary of Findings Related Literature research objectives Research Instrument Recommendation Analysis Interpretation of data Data Analysis Related Reading Research problem Assumptions Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5​


saan po dyan yung chapters

17. 15 FACTS: TRVE or FXLSE? Directions: Given the facts below, tell whether if the statement is TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, write in the box, if FALSE, write X. STATEMENTS 1. Definition of Terms section is written in the first chapter of a research or X paper. 2. Definition of terms is an essential section of research since it ensures a common understanding of key concepts and terminologies that is shared between the writer and the readers. 3. Review of Related Literature consists of keywords that were operationally defined to promote understanding of the terms used in the research paper. 4. Defining key terms will help clarify the purpose and direction of the study being conducted. 5. Definition of Terms section uses operational definition. 6. Common words should not be defined in the Definition of Terms section, only jargon and technical terms. 7. Conceptual Definition is based on a dictionary, encyclopedia, or any trusted sources of the meaning of words. 8. Operational Definition is based on the specific use or context of a keyword in a research study. 9. It is recommended that the list of words in the definition of terms are written in the order you want the keywords or terms to be placed in the section. 10. You should not change the meaning of a word or term used in the middle of the research paper.​


1. T

2. T

3.  X

4. T

5. T

6. T

7. T

8. T

9. x

10. T


18. experience of making chapter 1 in research​


Researchers focused much of their attention in studying the importance of Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and Emotional Quotient (EQ) because of the thought that these two are important determinants of success. But few years back, Dr. Paul G. Stoltz introduced another concept which talks about how well a person was able to cope, handle and withstand adversities, to recover from those adversities and to turn them into opportunities


19. CHOICES1. Chapter 12. Technical3. specific 4. plagiarism5. Citation6. vocabulary skills7. Definition of Terms8. real world 9. alphabetically 10. jargons 11.Chapter 2 1. Reading the "Definition of Terms" section may help you enhance your 2. In giving technical defintion, it is expected to use proper 3. There are numerous reference materials tobe used in giving defintion. 4. In research, "The Problem and its Background" is the title of 5. One of the parts of Chapter 1 is the 6. may be avoided through proper citation. 7. In giving operational definition, the researcher should give the definition of the term. 8.All information in the operational definition should based on 9.All or special words must be defined technically and operationally 10.In preparing the "Definition of Terms",list all termsBrainliest ko and follow makasagot 100 points yan ah​


1. Reading the "Definition of Terms" section may help you enhance yourvocabulary skills

2. In giving technical defintion, it is expected to use properCitation3. There are numerous reference materials to be used in giving defintion Chapter 2

4. In research, "The Problem and its Background" is the title of Chapter 1

5. One of the parts of Chapter 1 is the Definition of Terms

6. may be avoided through proper citation. plagiarism

7. In giving operational definition, the researcher should give the definition of the term. Technical

8.All information in the operational definition should based on real world

9.All or special words must be defined technically and operationally specific

10. In preparing the "Definition of Terms",list all termsalphabetically


have a nice day

20. what is chapter 1 in research





21. Exploring the Career Aspirations of ABM Strand Students: A Qualitative Study pa help po gumawa ng research title for this chapter 1 a. background of the study b. statement of the problem c .scope and delimitations of the study d. significance of the study e. definition of terms


Research Title: "Exploring the Career Aspirations of ABM Strand Students: A Qualitative Study"

Background: The Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) strand is one of the most popular strands in Senior High School (SHS) in the Philippines. The strand is designed for students who are interested in pursuing careers in business, finance, accounting, and management. However, little is known about the career aspirations of ABM students and the factors that influence their career choices.

This study aims to explore the career aspirations of ABM strand students and the factors that shape their career choices. The study will use a qualitative research design, which is suitable for exploring the experiences, perceptions, and motivations of individuals.

The study will involve conducting in-depth interviews with a sample of ABM strand students. The interviews will be guided by open-ended questions that explore the students' career aspirations, their reasons for choosing the ABM strand, their perceptions of different careers, and the factors that influence their career choices. The data collected from the interviews will be analyzed using thematic analysis to identify common themes and patterns.

The findings of the study will contribute to a better understanding of the career aspirations and motivations of ABM strand students, which can inform career guidance and counseling programs in SHS. The study can also provide insights into the factors that shape career choices among youth in the Philippines, which can have implications for workforce development and planning.

22. Research 1 Chapter 4: Introduction​


I don't know hehehKahavj

23. What are the parts of chapter 1 of research?​


the chapter 1 is not of the beginning or the end but that is the first you see in the part


Sana makatulong☺️


Background of the study
Statement of the problem
Theoretical framework
Conceptual framework
Scope and delimitation

24. Eto pag pipilian: Technical, plagiarism, real world, citation, alphabetically vocabulary skills, jargons, definition of terms, chapter 2, chapter 1, specific 1. In preparing the "Definition of Terms", this all terms _______. 2.Reading the "Definition of Terms" section may help you enhance your ______. 3.______ may be avoided through proper citation. 4.One of the parts of chapter 1 is the ______. 5.There are numerous reference materials to be used in giving _______ definition. ​



2.real world

3.alphabetically vocabulary skills

4.chapter 2









sana makatulong^^

26. how important chapter 1 is in research​


para malaman Ang pagkakasunod sunod


pa brainliest po


para malaman Kung anong numero kana

27. Direction: Arrange the parts of research from title page to curriculum vitae; refer to the box below (1-25).I.Research LocaleTable of ContentsAbstractInstrumentCurriculum VitaeTitle pageStatement of the problemConceptual FrameworkBibliographyData CollectionAcknowledgementDefinition of termsResearch designIntroductionChapter 1: Problem and Its BackgroundAppendicesHypothesisSignificance of the StudyScope and DelimitationsChapter II: Review of Related Literature and StudiesChapter III: MethodologyChapter IV: Results and DiscussionChapter V: Summary. Conclusions and RecornmendationsSample and Sampling ProcedureStatistical Analysis​


Title page




Table of contents

Chapter 1


Statement of the problem


Significance of the study

Scope and Delimitation

Chapter 2

Conceptual Framework

Chapter 3

Research Design


Research locale

Definition of terms

Chapter 4

Data collection

Chapter 5

Statistical analysis


Curriculum Vitae


If you like my answer and was helpful to you please make me or give me the brainliest. Thank you!

28. Research chapter 1: background of the study



The background of a study is the first section of the paper and establishes the context underlying the research. It contains the rationale, the key problem statement, and a brief overview of research questions that are addressed in the rest of the paper.

29. this is where you provide an introduction to the topic of your research: you give the context in terms of content of the research project in practical research chapter 1 help mi plsss​


It should begin by providing your reader a general understanding of the overall topic. The middle of the introduction should narrow down the topic so your reader understands the relevance of the topic and what you plan to accomplish in your paper.

"A strong introduction to a research paper should probably be written last. The introduction needs to include: 1) what the topic is focused on, 2) how the research was conducted(method), 3) what the findings are (generally), 4) and how the paper contributes to the overall field.



30. 5. What I Can Do research, arrange the following parts in ortler under its chapter to where the terms otorg Directions: Listed below are the terminologies used in research in order to make a g 2. 3. Research Design Summary Related Studies hypotheses Chapter 1 Population Summary of Findings Related Literature research objectives Chapter 2 Research instrument Recommendation Analysis interpretation of date Chapter 3 Das Arts Chapter 4 Assumptions​


Chapter 1:

- Introduction- Background of the Study- Research Objectives- Research Questions/Hypotheses- Significance of the Study- Scope and Limitations- Definition of Terms

Chapter 2:

- Review of Related Literature- Theoretical Framework/Conceptual Framework- Research Design- Population and Sampling Technique- Data Collection Procedure- Research Instrument

Chapter 3:

- Data Analysis and Interpretation- Presentation of Data- Summary of Findings- Recommendations

Chapter 4:

- Conclusion- Implications of the Study- Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research- Assumptions and Delimitations- ReferencesExplanation:

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