Personal Response

Personal Response

Project Organization and Staffing Committee 1 Committee 2 Committee 3 Poes Committee La. Persons involved Persons involved Persons involved Persons involved Roles and responsibilities Roles and responsibilities Roles and responsibilities Roles and responsibilities​

Daftar Isi

1. Project Organization and Staffing Committee 1 Committee 2 Committee 3 Poes Committee La. Persons involved Persons involved Persons involved Persons involved Roles and responsibilities Roles and responsibilities Roles and responsibilities Roles and responsibilities​


EDUCAUSE member committees are of two kinds: advisory committees that contribute to particular activities and guide association strategies in various arenas, and event program committees that shape program content for specific conferences.

Because of the important role of the committees in representing the perspective of our core membership, high priority for appointments is given to primary or participating representatives of member institutions.

No person serving on the EDUCAUSE Board shall also serve on a committee, and in general a person should not serve the association in more than one capacity at any time, nor should two individuals from the same institution serve on the same committee.

Advisory committee membership will generally serve three-year terms, with one-third of the committee rotating off annually; terms begin and end at the association's annual conference. Event program committees are appointed for the planning cycle of a particular event.

All committee appointments will be made by the EDUCAUSE president, based upon recommendations from staff committee liaisons following a careful consideration of a list of volunteers as well as other sources. Chairs of the committees will also be appointed by the EDUCAUSE president, with thoughtful consideration given to recommendations of committee members and/or staff liaisons.

Most advisory committee appointments will be made approximately three months in advance of the annual conference. Newly appointed members will be added to their respective committee group on EDUCAUSE Connect at that time, so that new members can prepare for their service in advance of their first committee meeting during the conference. Appointment timetables for event program committees are contingent on the planning process for the specific event.

All advisory committees will hold meetings at least once a year during the annual conference, with travel expenses being covered by individual members. Some committees meet more than once, with additional meetings usually held at the EDUCAUSE office in Washington, DC or in Louisville, CO. Expenses entailed in traveling to non-conference meetings will be reimbursed by EDUCAUSE in accordance with current Travel Expense Policies.

Committees may also conduct business via their committee group on EDUCAUSE Connect, conference calls, and secure Web sites, all of which are supported by EDUCAUSE.

Committees may make recommendations to EDUCAUSE management through their staff liaisons following their annual meetings and throughout the year through EDUCAUSE Connect.

Committee Member Responsibilities

In addition to specific roles required by membership on individual committees, members of EDUCAUSE committees are expected to actively participate in the work of the committee, provide thoughtful input to committee deliberations, and focus on the best interests of the association and committee goals rather than on personal interests.

Members should

Review all relevant material before committee meetings

Attend committee meetings and voice objective opinions on issues

Pay attention to association activities that affect or are affected by the committee's work

Support the efforts of the committee chair and carry out individual assignments made by the chair

Work as part of the committee and staff team to ensure that the committee's work and recommendations are in keeping with the general association mission and goals

Committee Chair Responsibilities

In addition to specific roles required by the activities of individual committees, chairs of EDUCAUSE committees are expected to guide their committees and work with staff to develop necessary work plans and meeting agendas. Chairs should

Approve reports of committee meetings before their distribution

Report to the committee on decisions of the Board or of executive staff that affect the committee's work

Where appropriate, guide the committee in proposing new activities and service that will further the mission and goals of the association

Where appropriate, make policy recommendations to the president for transmission to the Board


2. it is the quality of a person's body responses to life demandsit is the quality of a person's body responses to life demands ​




is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand or threat. When you sense danger—whether it's real or imagined—the body's defenses kick into high gear in a rapid, automatic process known as the “fight-or-flight” reaction or the “stress response.

3. a person responsible for​

Responsible for what?


a person shoul be responcible for what he did

4. Personal hygiene is an important part of being a responsible person.

yes! being neat and clean is the best presentation of ourselves

5. a person responsible in serving food​


waiter-in a restaurant

6. why you are not responsible person?

A responsible person is eager to do chores and activities. That includes given duties and being able to take care of yourself and others and that you are also capable of making your own decisions.

7. 3 responsibilities of baptized persons ​

I. Study the Bible Regularly

Diligent Bible study is our only way of learning God's will and avoiding error. Acts 17:11; Psa. 1:2; 2 Tim. 2:15; 3:16,17.

Are you willing to study the Bible diligently?

II. Pray Frequently

Prayer is our means of thanking God, praising Him, and making known our needs. Phil. 4:6; 1 Pet. 5:7; Matt. 6:9-13; 1 Thess. 5:17.

Are you willing to pray regularly?

III. Commit Yourself to the Local Church

New Testament Christians always were recognized as part of a local church. They committed themselves to be involved and actively participate in the work of that church. See Acts 9:26-28; 11:26; Heb. 13:17; 1 Cor. 1:2; Eph. 4:16 (cf. next point).

This church must be scriptural in worship, name, organization, salvation

8. how to be a responsible business person ?


10 Ways to Make Your Business More Socially Conscious

Establish a social mission. ...

Establish realistic goals. ...

Educate your employees. ...

Organize an in-house social responsibility team. ...

Direct contributions. ...

Encourage volunteering. ...

Ethical labor practices. ...

Think about sustainability.


9. sence of personal responsibility ​


About me is to take responsibility like studies and hard work because it gives pleasure to our parents and every weekend I help for my parents like cleaning house, dishwasher and others.

10. l think l am responsible or l ama not responsible person because ​


Because I dont know Why youre responsible or not responsible haha

11. Explain Personal Responsibility​


ano ba tungkulin mo sa bahay yon po sagot ayun po responsibility mo lods

12. being a responsible person is?​

Becoming a responsible person means being able to consciously make decisions, conduct behaviors that seek to improve oneself and/or help othe

13. it is used to summarize analyze and response to a literary text a response may be a view or personal response


literary analysis


hope it helps.

14. Personal rights and responsibilities​


Support and defend the Constitution.

Stay informed of the issues affecting your community.

Participate in the democratic process.

Respect and obey federal, state, and local laws.

Respect the rights, beliefs, and opinions of others.

Participate in your local community.


Personal rights and responsibilities


15. Physical fitness is a personal responsibility


True because physical fitness helps improve your health and reduce the risk of developing several diseases

16. it it the person responsible for the formation of the company.​

CEO or Founder

I guess but give it a shot :D

17. Responsibility is important for every person​


Is this true or false? If it is then true.


because if you do that then other people see you they Will respect you all other people


hope you like it

18. What is the person responsible of refrigerator?​

1740s. The first form of artificial refrigeration was invented by William Cullen, a Scottish scientist. Cullen showed how the rapid heating of liquid to a gas can result in cooling. This is the principle behind refrigeration that still remains today.

19. it is the proper way of waste segretion a responsible waste disposal b responsible parenthood c responsible pupil d responsible person


D responsible person yan ang sagot

20. responsibilities to protect personal rights​




21. personal responsibility

pic. po para masagot ko Ng maayos

22. what is personal response?​


Personal response is your stand about a particular issue.

For example:

If you saw Person A and Person B fighting in the street, what will you do?

You called the police.

Therefore, calling the police is your personal response.

23. how to be a responsible person?​



5 Tips on How to be a More Responsible Person

1. Stop making excuses for yourself

If, and when you make a mistake, own up to it.

2. Stop complaining

Complainers are usually the people who talk too much and do nothing.

3. Learn how to manage your finances

One of the major responsibilities you will have as an adult is to take care of your money.

4. Avoid procrastination

5. Be consistent and keep to your schedule

24. discuss personal responsibility​


PA brainlest


Personal responsibility is the level of commitment one is willing to make in setting and achieving clear goals. In other words, being personal responsible means taking responsibility for one's actions, words, and performance at work. ... They take credit for successes but also take responsibility for their failures.

25. refrigerator person responsible?​




not sure it's correct

I'm sorry





basta no yun na yun

hope it helps

26. What are your responsibilities as a person? What are your responsibilities as a student?


Becoming a responsible person means being able to consciously make decisions, conduct behaviors that seek to improve oneself and/or help others. ... This definition of responsibility emphasizes the need for the person to comply with the negative consequences of his or her actions.

attending classes on time and regularly.being prepared for classes with all necessary supplies.taking good care of school property.completing all homework assignments.organizing their time well.respecting themselves and others.reading on a regular basis.doing their best.

27. a person responsible for​


Both bad and good things that happen in the world.


im not sure abt my ans tho. hope it helped


good and bad things


"Kayla is the one responible for breaking mom's favorite vase"

"Yet Jerome, was the most responsible person she had ever met."

"Mom said Nai-omi will be the one responsible for watching us."

"That blue car is responsible for driving over the speed limit."

(meh, I dont know if this is helpful-)

28. is a person with no supervisory responsibilities​


A life without responsibility much complicated then what's the purpose you serve your life


Responsibilities are directly linked to your dreams

29. enterpreneurs are responsible person on the business​


because they hold the demand of business sustainable

30. 6. RESPONSIBILITY (Person's functions and responsibility for maintain the instructions)It is responsibility of the teacher In-charge to ...​


The responsibilities of teacher is Teaching us beacuse if they cannot teaching her students how they do if they don't now how to do

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