Disadvantages Of Garden City Concept

Disadvantages Of Garden City Concept

what is the disadvantages of gardening​

Daftar Isi

1. what is the disadvantages of gardening​


May cause back pain for older people. It causes yard pests like moles, mice sometimes. they are hard to keep up with. fertilizer is heavy which may cause back pain as well.


Hope this helps :)


The Disadvantages of Planting a Garden

Gardens can supply fresh food and improve the appearance of the landscape, but growing your own vegetables or flowers comes with some potential drawbacks. A backyard garden requires a great deal of work and commitment throughout the growing season. Acknowledging the disadvantages of growing a garden can help you determine if the project is worth the effort to you.


Vegetable gardens are considered money savers, but a garden comes with its own expenses that may cost you more than buying the vegetables would. When you initially create your garden beds, potential costs include a tiller, shovel, rake, hoe and edging material. After the initial investment, the yearly costs are lower, but expenses still include seeds, plants, compost, topsoil, fertilizer, mulch and support systems like trellises or tomato cages. You also see an increase in your water bill for irrigation of the garden. Limiting your garden size can help keep costs under control.

Vacation Coverage

The typical growing season spans several months. In warmer climates, many plants grow most of the year. If you're gone for long periods of time, you'll either need to ask someone to watch your garden or risk unhealthy or dying plants when you return. Having a neighbor or friend harvest vegetables and perform garden maintenance tasks while you're gone can be repaid with fresh vegetables or cut flowers.

Lost Space

Even with efficient use of space, a garden takes away a portion of your lawn or patio. If your property is small, this means even less space for other activities like entertaining, playing or creating seating areas. Only making the garden large enough to grow what your family will eat can limit your lost area. Using trellises to train vine vegetables like peas or squash to grow vertically and mixing vegetable plants in with existing flower beds can also help.


Gardening requires physical exertion, including lots of bending, stooping, digging and carrying. The repeated gardening actions put strain on your back and joints like your knees. If you already have problems with pain or limited mobility, taking care of your garden can worsen those symptoms. Lifting, stooping or performing other actions incorrectly may also lead to injury, such as a pulled muscle. I makes sense to keep your garden small if you have physical limitations and take breaks while gardening to avoid injury to your muscles or joints. You can also hire a professional to handle some of the garden care.

Disadvantages of Gardening

1 Gardening isn’t necessarily fun

Digging, kneeling, stooping or bending over, and a variety of other repetitive movements that are all part of gardening can be harmful to your joints, to your bones, to your muscles, and can cause blisters on your hands and possibly also on your feet.

It’s possible to get carpal tunnel syndrome if you utilize your hands, or hand, in a repetitive motion when gardening.

When you’re kneeling, you can get knee-related problems.

When you’re bending over, your back can start to ache.

Plus, many types of gardening machinery are not necessarily completely safe to use. Chainsaw, anyone?

2 Garden-related infections

There’s no argument that garden soil can play host to harmful pathogens.

You can get tetanus (otherwise known as lock jaw), you can get Lyme disease, you can get Legionnaires disease, you can get Weil’s disease (from rats), you can pick up fungal infections that are the cause of respiratory illness.

3 Gardening is not a cheap pursuit

Ever thought about hiring a landscaper to design your garden? Unless you have an extremely small garden, you’ll be looking at investing many thousands into the project.

But, even if you don’t need to do any landscaping, there’s the gardening equipment to buy.

There are the plants to buy.

There are the variety of soil amendments to buy, inclusive of fertilizers.

Investment into a greenhouse, perhaps?

You may need some garden machinery, too, such as a lawnmower, a chainsaw, a hedge trimmer…

4 The law is not always on your side

You may not be aware of this, but throughout the country, there are municipal governments that do not permit backyard or front yard vegetable gardens.

If anyone complains about your veggie garden exploits, you could face a fine, you’ll be forced to ditch your veggie garden, and you could even face jail time.

You should be mindful of tree-related issues, too.

2. look at the pictures of different models of garderent models of gardening draw ideas from the picture think of a concept that will give you aesthetic beauty to your vegetable garden

Answer: search this ;  broadcast method, hill method, drill method, furrow planting, ridge planting (IMAGES)


3. explain the concept of informed concent and cite an example​


The act of agreeing to allow something to happen, or to do something, with a full understanding of all the revelant facts, including risks, and available alternatives.


Correct Me, If I'm Wrong

4. disadvantages living in the city, 1,2,3,4,5​

Noise pollution caused by cars, trucks and many more.

Big Traffic jams


Bad habits of the people outside

Easy spreading of illness to one another

Hope this helps!

5. Is singapore's garden city same as botanic garden?

The answer is yes......................................

6. 1. Cite the monsoons' advantages and disadvantages in farming. ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES​



A weak or late monsoon slows down economic activities.

Water scarcity leads to low levels of agricultural activities.

The cost of electricity becomes expensive.


7. name five farm hand tools and give their advantage and disadvantages in gardening.​


1)shovel-is use for cleaning ditches, digging and moving soil and other granular material.they are also use for leveling a base for sill rock and steps.

2)spade-is use for removing trash or soil,digging canals or ditches and mixing soil media.

3)rake-is use for cleaning the ground and leveling the top soil.

4)bolo-is use for cutting tall grasses and weeds and chopping branches of trees.

5) electric drill is use for boring hole(s) in plastic or metal chass with the use of drill bits having sizes from 1/16 to approximately 1/4.

8. disadvantage of bio intensive gardening

The biggest disadvantage of biointensive gardening is that it takes more time to learn to do. It’s more time-consuming to plant according to triangular spacing, especially at smaller spacings. It’s more difficult to figure out exactly how many plants you’ll get in a certain area with triangular spacing.

9. 2. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of hydroponic gardening.​


Water can be reused, so hydroponics systems require 20 times less water than soil based gardening. Reduces nutrient leaching into the environment (and you save money) No pesticides, if you provide a sterile environment to the plant. Hydroponics systems need 20% less space for growing.



10. disadvantages of product concept in marketing

Product concepts can have some disadvantages for some marketing campaigns however. Relying on the product to ‘sell itself’ can result in some audiences being neglected from the advertising. Therefore there may be consumers that would have bought the product but are not made particularly aware of its launch and availability. Not carrying out detailed research about your target audience means that you could miss prime advertising opportunities or not supply the product specifications for the audience’s desires and needs.

11. Advantage and disadvantage of product concept



The first and foremost advantage of product concept of marketing is that company following this concept focuses on quality of the product rather than quantity of product because products of companies which focus on quantity over quality will be of substandard quality and such companies primary concern is to sell whatever they produce without thinking about the satisfaction level of the consumer which is not the case with product concept of marketing.


It helps the company in creating curiosity in the minds of the customers because since company adds a unique feature with every new launch customers as well as competitors know that the company will come with something new and hence that curiosity factor will always be there in the minds of the customer which will ensure that company will remain in the limelight both in the press or news as well as in the minds of the customers.


Companies following product concept of marketing can charge a higher price for their product even when there are competitors in the market because company under product concept of marketing is giving a quality product having different features than available competitors products and hence the scope of higher profit margin will always be there under this concept of marketing.



The assumption that if the quality of the product is good then customers will be willing to pay any price is flawed as the majority of consumers are price conscious and such type of customers will buy competitors products even if it is of lower quality. In simple words, this strategy can work only for those products or markets where the price of the product does not matter the only thing that matters is the quality of the product or service.


Another limitation of product concept of marketing is that sometimes companies pack their products with features which do not add value to the product and on the name of those features company charges a higher price from the customers. Hence for example if you are thirsty and want to drink water than it doesn’t matter whether you drink water in aluminum glass or silver glass but sometimes companies try to do exactly this that is they take more money for giving you silver glass even when you would have got the same satisfaction from drinking water in aluminum glass.


Companies in product concept of marketing add features to the product according to their internal research rather than taking customers opinion which ensures that customer interests are ignored because customers do not get the product they want rather they get that product which company has conceptualized.

Read more here:

Difference between social and non-profit marketing


What is marketing?


Goals of marketing



12. what are the disadvantages of global city​


BLOG: Big City Disadvantages

Jobs. Although, the big city has more job opportunities; there are also more people competing for a single job. ...

Cost-of-Living. ...

People. ...

Traffic. ...


13. What are the disadvantages of backyard gardening​


Gardening requires physical exertion, including lots of bending, stooping, digging and carrying. The repeated gardening actions put strain on your back and joints like your knees. If you already have problems with pain or limited mobility, taking care of your garden can worsen those symptoms.


We need to grow our own food with the kind of world we’re in. There is no excuse whatsoever to consume poisonous food. Farmers use a lot of chemicals to increase yield and battle pests. Such chemicals represent a real danger to us. We have long-term and health effects on our bodies. Such results are also passed on to the next generations in many situations. Therefore, at any cost, we must counter this. We can choose Natural or Gmo Foods. But not a lot of farmers opt for organic farming. It is, therefore, the best option to grow your own meat.



[tex]it \: is\: more \: risk \: of \: pests \\ because \: pests \: eats \: vegetable[/tex]


14. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city?


Cities provide more jobs for people because all kinds of big institutions, organizations, and industries are located in the city area. A huge number of people come to the city in search of jobs. Disadvantages: Expensive – Living in the city comes at a premium for some people that means living in congested places

15. 5 advantages and 5 disadvantages of having a backyard garden ​














16. disadvantages living in the city​


DisadvantagesBusy towns or cities can feel crowded and may mean you feel more stress or pressure. ...DisadvantagesBusy towns or cities can feel crowded and may mean you feel more stress or pressure. ...Urban areas tend to be more expensive to live in. ...DisadvantagesBusy towns or cities can feel crowded and may mean you feel more stress or pressure. ...Urban areas tend to be more expensive to live in. ...Houses are more compact in urban areas. ...DisadvantagesBusy towns or cities can feel crowded and may mean you feel more stress or pressure. ...Urban areas tend to be more expensive to live in. ...Houses are more compact in urban areas. ...There are often fewer green spaces in a town or city.



Some potential disadvantages of learning the concepts of demand and supply include:

Overgeneralization: Focusing solely on the demand and supply framework can lead to oversimplification and may not capture the complexities of real-world economic phenomena.

Limited applicability: The demand and supply model is primarily focused on market dynamics and may not be directly applicable to other aspects of economics such as macroeconomic policy.

Assumptions: The model makes certain assumptions about the behavior of consumers and producers that may not always hold true in reality.

Lack of precision: The concepts of demand and supply are often expressed in broad terms and may not provide precise predictions or explanations for economic phenomena.

Overreliance: Relying too heavily on the demand and supply model may limit the development of alternative economic theories and approaches.


pa brainliest po salamat

18. Activity 2: State the advantages and disadvantages of these activities:ADVANTAGESACTIVITYGardeningDISADVANTAGESFast cycling/Bicycling​

GardeningAdvantages Helps fight disease.Builds strength.Improves memory.Boosts mood.Reduces stress.Helps addiction recovery.Fosters human connections.Heals and empowers.ActivityWatering the garden.Digging.Picking flowers.Planting vegetables, fruits and flowers in the correct season.Feeding the worms and using the 'worm tea' from the worm farm as fertiliser.Picking vegetables and fruits when they are ready to eat.DisadvantagesYou can develop different kinds of illness because of rats

Fast Cycling/BicyclingAdvantagesincreased cardiovascular fitness.increased muscle strength and flexibility.improved joint mobility.decreased stress levels.improved posture and coordination.strengthened bones.decreased body fat levels.prevention or management of disease.Can get to your destination fasterActivityCycling is mainly an aerobic activity, which means that your heart, blood vessels and lungs all get a workout. You will breathe deeper, perspire and experience increased body temperature, which will improve your overall fitness level. The health benefits of regular cycling include: increased cardiovascular fitness.DisadvantagesExposure to the Elements.Unexpected Expenses.Dangerous Drivers.Road Hazards.Poor Lights.Lack of Cycle Lanes and Trails.Lack of Storage.Limited Travel Distance.

Hope it helps!

19. make a list of the advantages and disadvantage of living in the city based on the text​



Cities are the high quality places and more futuristic ones where you can find jobs, sell things quickly, and visit places, in the city, alot are very popular yet expensive and it is hard to live there especially when you dont have a permit to either buy or sell illegal things, a city is very advantage to alot of things such as works, and is more modern than provinces

disadvantages: unlike in province, cities may now have been very polluted and too much noisy or alot people unlike in province, plus, in cities, it is more dangerous because of tourists and people especially when its your first time in province, the city is a very big place to memorise and to know each ones attitude whether a scam, or a rich thief, unlike in province, it maybe very hard to sell or find money, but its peaceful and more environmentally good



Cities provide more jobs for people because all kinds of big institutions, organizations, and industries are located in the city area. A huge number of people come to the city in search of jobs. Disadvantages: Expensive – Living in the city comes at a premium for some people that means living in congested places.


20. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Life in the City?



Cities provide more jobs for people because all kinds of big institutions, organizations, and industries are located in the city area. A huge number of people come to the city in search of jobs.

Disadvantages: Expensive – Living in the city comes at a premium for some people that means living in congested places.



Cities have trains or subways, buses, and plenty of taxis and ride sharing drivers so you can get where you need to go. Many public transportation options such as the bus and train are very affordable and free you of the hassle of driving. It is possible to live without a car in most major cities.


Living Expenses: In the city, salaries are higher than in rural areas, but this come at a higher cost of living as well. ... High Rent & Expensive Real Estate: Need and willingness to live in urban areas has brought a large number of people to the city.


21. advantage and disadvantage in living global city​


nasa explanation


living in global city have a advantage in economy like malls,market,schools,and companies.etc.

but the disadvantage of the global city was air pollution,Flood because the loose of trees,unbalance ecosystem,and poor people have no houses.etc




22. which of the following cities the disanvantage of GMO


Notice must be given of all applications for licensing of new GMOs. Following this, invitations to comment on these applications are widely.


hope it helps

23. How did you understand the concept of a global city? Describe both its positive side and negative side by citing examples.


global city


Geography & Travel

Cities & Towns

Cities & Towns C-G

global city

BY Greig Charnock | View Edit History

global city, an urban centre that enjoys significant competitive advantages and that serves as a hub within a globalized economic system. The term has its origins in research on cities carried out during the 1980s, which examined the common characteristics of the world’s most important cities. However, with increased attention being paid to processes of globalization during subsequent years, these world cities came to be known as global cities. Linked with globalization was the idea of spatial reorganization and the hypothesis that cities were becoming key loci within global networks of production, finance, and telecommunications. In some formulations of the global city thesis, then, such cities are seen as the building blocks of globalization. Simultaneously, these cities were becoming newly privileged sites of local politics within the context of a broader project to reconfigure state institutions.

Related Topics: city globalization

Early research on global cities concentrated on key urban centres such as London, New York City, and Tokyo. With time, however, research has been completed on emerging global cities outside of this triad, such as Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Houston, Los Angeles, Mexico City, Paris, São Paulo, Sydney, and Zürich. Such cities are said to knit together to form a global city network serving the requirements of transnational capital across broad swathes of territory.


im not really sure tho


Global city, an urban centre that enjoys significant competitive advantages and that serves as a hub within a globalized economic system. The term has its origins in research on cities carried out during the 1980s, which examined the common characteristics of the world’s most important cities. However, with increased attention being paid to processes of globalization during subsequent years, these world cities came to be known as global cities. Linked with globalization was the idea of spatial reorganization and the hypothesis that cities were becoming key loci within global networks of production, finance, and telecommunications. In some formulations of the global city thesis, then, such cities are seen as the building blocks of globalization. Simultaneously, these cities were becoming newly privileged sites of local politics within the context of a broader project to reconfigure state institutions.



They bring economies of scale, develop markets, create jobs and encourage new economic activities to flourish. As economies move from primary activities such as farming, fishing and mining to industrial production and then on to services, the role of cities in the global economy increases with each transition


Environmental threats

Common environmental threats include flooding, tropical cyclones (to which coastal cities are particularly vulnerable), heat waves and epidemics. Owing to the physical and population density of cities, such threats often result in both devastating financial loss and deaths.

hope it helps

24. How is hydroponic gardening different from traditional gardening? (Remember to mention the advantages and disadvantages of hydroponic gardening over traditional gardening.)


Hydroponic gardening is a method of growing plants without soil, while traditional gardening involves growing plants in soil.

Advantages of hydroponic gardening over traditional gardening include:

1. Water conservation: Hydroponic gardening uses significantly less water than traditional gardening since water is continuously recirculated through the system, reducing waste.

2. Space efficiency: Hydroponic systems can be set up vertically, allowing for more plants to be grown in a smaller area compared to traditional gardening.

3. Faster growth: Plants grown hydroponically typically grow faster than those grown in soil since they receive a balanced nutrient solution and do not have to compete with other plants for nutrients.

4. Fewer pests and diseases: Hydroponic gardening is less susceptible to pests and diseases than traditional gardening since the soil does not provide a breeding ground for them.

Disadvantages of hydroponic gardening over traditional gardening include:

1. Cost: Hydroponic systems can be expensive to set up and maintain, requiring specialized equipment and a consistent supply of nutrients.

2. Expertise: Hydroponic gardening requires more knowledge and expertise than traditional gardening since it involves monitoring and maintaining complex systems.

3. Power dependency: Hydroponic systems require electricity to run pumps and lights, making them dependent on a consistent power supply.

4. Limited crop selection: Certain crops may not grow well in hydroponic systems, limiting the types of plants that can be grown.

In summary, hydroponic gardening offers several advantages over traditional gardening, including water conservation, space efficiency, faster growth, and fewer pests and diseases. However, it also has some disadvantages, including higher cost, expertise requirements, power dependency, and limited crop selection.

25. cite advantages and disadvantages​


ito ata sagot?



CITES regulates international trade in over 36,000 species of plants and animals, including their products and derivatives, ensuring their survival in the wild with benefits for the livelihoods of local people and the global environment.

Disadvantages :

What are the disadvantages of Cites?

The enforcement problems faced by CITES are not just the limitations of the treaty language but also limitations within individual party states:

Lack of adequate domestic laws.

Lack of an adequate number of government employees - lack of pay and training for the employees that do exist.

26. cite disadvantage of supervisor ​


The Disadvantages of Being a Supervisor

More Work. Supervisors often have more -- not less -- work to do than their subordinates. ...

More Accountability. Supervisors often have a higher level of accountability than other types of workers. ...

Different Skills. ...

Caught in Between. ...

Dreaded Chores.

27. disadvantage without home garden

Answer:Time. A garden requires a time commitment from the planning stages through harvest time. ...Cost. ...Vacation Coverage. ...Lost Space. ...Injuries.


it's not necessarily to have a garden at home but in most cases nowadays it's better to have your own garden at your home or at your backyard because we can harvest fresh and nutritious food to provide for the entire family


hope this will help! :>

28. what is disadvantage of square system gardening in horicul​

Answer:row to row is kept equal. The planting is done at each corner of the squares.

Explanation: tama yan promise

29. cite the advantages,disadvantages​


Participants cited advantages and disadvantages of the emigration on the personal, financial, medical education system, healthcare system, and national levels.

You're Welcome

30. 5 disadvantages of having a backyard gardening​



The first disadvantage that comes to mind regarding home gardens is weeds. You pull them out and they just seem to come right back.

Dirty Fingernails, Blisters and Other Hand Injuries

Digging in the garden will give you dirty fingernails and this can require a lot of scrubbing. The best way to avoid this is to wear gloves. If gloves are not your thing, running your fingernails over a bar of soap before pulling weeds or using garden tools should make cleanup a breeze.

Gloves will also help protect your hands from blisters and other similar hand injuries.

Back and Knee Strain

Another problem common to gardeners is back injuries. Bending, stooping, digging and carrying can put a strain on your back and joints like your knees. If you already have problems with pain or limited mobility, taking care of your garden can make these symptoms worse.

Keep your garden small if you have physical limitations and take breaks while gardening to avoid injury to your muscles or joints. You can also set up raised garden beds or gardening containers that make it easier to tend your garden where you don’t have to bend so much.

To prevent this type of injury, always use proper body mechanics.

Insect Bites and Stings

Insect bites and stings can make gardening downright uncomfortable.

However, there are ways to minimize these problems as well. Avoid using perfumed soaps, shampoos and deodorants. Be sure to cover exposed skin, especially if you are working in the garden when bugs are most active and apply DEET to clothing. Wear shoes when gardening. If you see bees or wasps nearby, remain calm around them. Never disturb their nests. Remove any standing water where mosquitoes can breed. Keep any drinking containers covered (especially sweetened drinks) to prevent insects from getting inside.

Having to Wait for Results

In our world of instant breakfasts, microwave ovens, and cell phones, waiting for a harvest is difficult. Let’s face it. If you plant a seed today, it will be several weeks, if not months before you get a crop. Delayed gratification is a good practice to cultivate along with your garden, so plant your seeds and learn to enjoy the wait.

High Costs

Cost of getting started can be high, especially if you’re buying power equipment.

So called experts say that having a vegetable garden can save you money, but gardening can get expensive if you don’t watch your costs. When you initially create your garden beds, potential costs include a tiller, shovel, rake, hoe and edging material. After the initial investment, the yearly costs are lower, but expenses still include seeds, plants, compost, topsoil, fertilizer,. mulch and support systems like trellises or tomato cages. You also see an increase in your water bill for irrigation of the garden. Limiting your garden size can help keep costs down

Vegetable Gardening Takes Space

Even with efficient use of space, a garden takes away a portion of your lawn or patio. If your property is small, you’ll have less space for entertaining or play areas.

Need to Care for the Garden Even When You're on Vacation

The typical gardening season lasts several months and often during vacation time. If you're gone for more than a few days, you'll either need to ask someone to watch your garden or risk unhealthy or dying plants when you return. Having a neighbor or friend harvest vegetables and perform garden maintenance tasks while you're gone can be repaid with fresh vegetables. You can also offer to do gardening for another gardening friend if you know that that friend will also be going on vacation during gardening season.

Wasted Garden Produce

In some cases, extra produce becomes too much and garden produce is wasted because you planted too much or mother nature decided that this year was the year of bounty for that specific crop. Though this is not a terrible problem to have, it may seem like a waste.

Dirty Produce Can Be Hard to Clean

When gardens are planted using traditional methods where bare ground is the rule, produce picked is often dirty especially produce like lettuce. To prevent this, mulching helps keep your garden produce clean.

Insects and Disease

Plant diseases, insects, and other animals can wipe out entire crops. The best way to deal with plant diseases is to understand why the plant diseases existed and do what you can to rectify the problem.




-Vacation Coverage.  

-Lost Space.  



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