Evolution Of Information System

Evolution Of Information System

Evolution of the system software

Daftar Isi

1. Evolution of the system software


Software Evolution is a term which refers to the process of developing software initially, then timely updating it for various reasons, i.e., to add new features or to remove obsolete functionalities etc. The evolution process includes fundamental activities of change analysis, release planning, system implementation and releasing a system to customers.

The cost and impact of these changes are accessed to see how much system is affected by the change and how much it might cost to implement the change. If the proposed changes are accepted, a new release of the software system is planned. During release planning, all the proposed changes (fault repair, adaptation, and new functionality) are considered.

A design is then made on which changes to implement in the next version of the system. The process of change implementation is an iteration of the development process where the revisions to the system are designed, implemented and tested.

The necessity of Software evolution: Software evaluation is necessary just because of the following reasons:


I hope it will help you!,thank me later.

2. evolution of marketing system


Marketing has changed over the centuries, decades and years. The production centered system systematically changed into relationship era of today and over the period; the specializations have emerged such as sales versus marketing and advertising versus retailing. The overall evolution of marketing has given rise to the concept of business development. Marketing has taken the modern shape after going through various stages since last the end of 19th century. The Production oriented practice of marketing prior to the twentieth century was conservative and hidebound by rules-of-thumb and lack of information. Science & technology developments and specially the development of information technology have now changed the way people live, the way people do business and the way people sell and purchase. Following is a short summary of the various stages of evolution of marketing.

3. Evolution of windows operating system


The windows operating system started with the invention of  the windows 1, windows 2, Windows 3, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, windows XP, Windows vista, Windows 7,  Windows 8  and the latest is the windows 10. A computer operating system is software that controls the hardware of computers.


Windows 1 is the first operating system to use a graphical user interface is this piece of software. On November 20, 1985, this program was released. It was a 16-bit operating system that required less than 1 MB of memory.Windows 2. This is the second invented operating system and was launched on December 9 1987.This operating system is also 16 bits and this version is largely concentrated on the OS's speed and graphics. Windows 3. This type of windows was launched  on may 22 1990. There was a major upgrade of windows during this time. There was also improved icons  and features.Windows 95.  This windows was launched on August 24 1995. This windows introduced the ideas of plug-and-play and built-in dial-up internet support.Windows 98.  This windows was launched on  June 25 1998. This version enables reading from USB devices and DVDs.Windows 2000. This was launched on February 2000. This windows was created with the purpose to replace every prior edition on every business PC because this edition was an operating system geared for businesses.Windows XP. This is a new edition of windows and was was launched on October 25 2001 and is considered the best selling windows product in the history of Microsoft.Windows Vista. This windows was launched last 30 January 2007.For this edition to function properly, a 40 GB hard drive, 1 GHz processor, and 1 GB RAM card memory was needed.

The evolution of Operating System.​: brainly.ph/question/14161424


4. evolution of ignition system in less than 100 words​


An ignition system generates a spark or heats an electrode to a high temperature to ignite a fuel-air mixture in spark ignition internal combustion engines, oil-fired and gas-fired boilers, rocket engines, etc. The widest application for spark ignition internal combustion engines is in petrol (gasoline) road vehicles such as cars and motorcycles


Hope it helps

Pa brainliest naman po please

5. what is the most important evolution of computer system? why?​


The shrinking of the computer hardware which promotes the efficiency and speed of the overall system.

6. how genetic information provides evidence for evolution​


Homologous structures provide evidence for common ancestry, while analogous structures show that similar selective pressures can produce similar adaptations (beneficial features). Similarities and differences among biological molecules (e.g., in the DNA sequence of genes) can be used to determine species' relatedness.


pa follow ^_^


Homologous structures provide evidence for common ancestry, while analogous structures show that similar selective pressures can produce similar adaptations (beneficial features). Similarities and differences among biological molecules (e.g., in the DNA sequence of genes) can be used to determine species' relatedness.




7. differentiate the theories of origin and evolution of the solar system. an essay​


theories- Is the idea of one man that have possibbility of what hapened to one thing.

origin- It is the beggining that where the things where form or created.

evulotion-It is all about the things that are evulved example mongkey tramform into human.And evolution is talking about forms example small to bigger.

8. The scientist behind the scientific theories of origin and evolution of the solar system


thanks sa points pa brainliest hehe.

9. the scientist behind the scientific theories of origin and evolution of the soler system?​

Answer:Nicolas Coppernicus


10. science fiction on the evolution of the solar system

The Big bang Theory po yata yun. Yung pag-expand ng universe from a small object.

11. what are the lesson that learn from evolution of computer system​


ambot lang sad wa pa ko nagtuon ana

12. What are the four evolution of information and communication technology?​


4 Evolution of ICT

Information and Communications Technology (ICT)  Refers to the technologies,both hardware and software,that enables humans to communicate with one another. ... 4 Main Periods of History  Premechanical Period  Mechanical Period  Electromechanical Period  Electronic Period. 5.

13. What's the origin and evolution of the solar system based on the protoplanet hypothesis

The dense area of the nebula and the gaseous matter surrounding it ceased to rotate uniformly. under the influence of turbulence and tidal action the nebula broke into whirlpools of gas within a rotating mass called PROTOPLANETS.

14. the scientist behind the scientific theories of origin and evolution of the solar system​


stephen hawking


15. The evolution of transmission of information​


process of changing from simple techniques of data and information

16. when did the solar system begin it's evolution?​


it was formed about 4.5 billion years ago from a dense cloud of interstellar gas and dust.

note:it is just based on my past knowledge but I hope it'll help(。・ω・。)ノ♡

17. relate evolution of man to the history of information.​


Human evolution is the evolutionary process that led to the emergence of anatomically modern humans, beginning with the evolutionary history of primates—in particular genus Homo—and leading to the emergence of Homo sapiens as a distinct species of the hominid family, which includes the great apes.

18. explain the major political milestone of the philippine financial system evolution?​


Commercial banks are the predominant financial institutions in the Philippines, holding roughly three-fifths of total financial system assets, as is shown in table 5.1. In 1985 there were thirty commercial banks operating in the country.

19. differentiate the theories of origin and the evolution of solar system​


The most widely accepted theory of planetary formation, known as the nebular hypothesis, maintains that 4.6 billion years ago, the Solar System formed from the gravitational collapse of a giant molecular cloud which was light years across. Several stars, including the Sun, formed within the collapsing cloud.

20. what is the evolution of solar system?​


Our solar system began as a collapsing cloud of gas and dust over 4.6 billion years ago. Over the next 600 million years, called by geologists the Hadean Era, the sun and the planets were formed, and Earth's oceans were probably created by cometary impacts.

Source is from NASA


The formation and evolution of the Solar System began 4.5 billion years ago with the gravitational collapse of a small part of a giant molecular cloud. ... Collisions between bodies have occurred continually up to the present day and have been central to the evolution of the Solar System.

21. What is the most important evolution of computer system? Why?


Each level of a system evolution is built on the previous, so that social computing emerges from personal computing, personal computing emerges from software, and software emerges from hardware. As computing evolves to higher system levels, so its design also changes, from technical to socio-technical design.

22. In 500 words, discuss the evolution and development of Philippine Administrative System​


The traditional approach towards administration has been limited in its scope and premise, the core of which was strict adherence to laid down rules and hierarchy. Bureaucracy is that arm of government which is responsible for executing plans and allocating resources at the grassroots, it is imperative that they take some risks and be innovative in approach, especially more so when the nation is a developing one.

The concept of Development Administration should be understood using two concepts Administration of Development and administrative Development.

Administration of Development: Resources are scarce, material or human thus the need to make optimum utilization of available resources and making new means for development gathers importance. So administration of development involves following objectives:

To achieve development goals it is necessary to that there is proper planning, optimum utilization of resources, skilled personnel, accountability in actions and words, self-reliance and emphasis on technology. At the same time we need to develop the bureaucracy, innovativeness, build capabilities, integrity and decentralized decision making.

23. write a three paragraph story on the origin and evolution of the solar system​



Roughly 4.6 billion years prior, the close planetary system was a dust storm and gas known as a sunlight based cloud. Gravity crumbled the material in on itself as it spun, shaping the sun in the focal point of the cloud. ... Little particles drew together, limited by the power of gravity, into bigger particles

24. what is the evolution of the Philippine police system?​


The Philippine National Police (PNP) originated from the Philippine Constabulary or the PC, which was inaugurated on August 8, 1901, establishing it as an insular police force under the American regime. On August 8, 1975, Presidential Decree no.

25. Describe the evolution of information technology

evolution is so perfect to technology

26. Discuss the evolution of ignition system in not less than 100 words.


An ignition system generates a spark or heats an electrode to a high temperature to ignite a fuel-air mixture in spark ignition internal combustion engines, oil-fired and gas-fired boilers, rocket engines, etc. The widest application for spark ignition internal combustion engines is in petrol (gasoline) road vehicles such as cars and motorcycles.

Compression ignition Diesel engines ignite the fuel-air mixture by the heat of compression and do not need a spark. They usually have glowplugs that preheat the combustion chamber to allow starting in cold weather. Other engines may use a flame, or a heated tube, for ignition. While this was common for very early engines it is now rare.

27. discuss the evolution of the human nervous system​

Discuss the evolution of the human nervous system​.

- The study of the evolutionary development of the nervous system traditionally concentrated on the structural differences that exist at various levels of the phylogenetic scale, but certain functional characteristics, including biochemical and biophysical processes laid down early in evolution and amazingly well conserved to the present, can no longer be ignored. Two basic aspects of the evolution of the nervous system must be considered: first, how primitive systems serve newer functions, and, second, how the formation of new systems serves newer functional requirements.

Early theories on the evolutionary origin of the nervous system argued for a three-stage process: first, the development of non-nervous “independent effectors,” such as muscle cells; second, the appearance of non-nervous receptors responding to certain modalities in a receptor-effector mechanism; and finally, the formation of a “protoneuron,” from which primitive nerves and ganglia evolved. This model is no longer considered valid. In primitive systems there appear to be many examples of non-nervous electrical conduction. For instance, large areas of epithelium covering the swimming bells in the hydrozoan order Siphonophora (which contains certain families of jellyfish) contain neither nerve nor muscle, yet depolarizing potentials between cells of the epithelium have been recorded. Similar examples from other systems in related orders suggest that the evolution of the nervous system may have begun with non-nervous epithelial tissue. The conduction of electrical potentials from one epithelial cell to the next may well have been via tight junctions, in which the plasma membranes of adjacent cells fuse to form cellular sheets. Tight junctions have low electrical resistance and high permeability to molecules. They also occur in large numbers in embryos, suggesting that the electrical potentials of cells joined in this manner serve as a driving force for the movement of ions and even nutritive substances from one cell to the next. These phenomena suggest that electrically mediated junctional transmission is older than chemically mediated synaptic transmission, which would require that some epithelial cells secrete chemical substances.

Hope it helps


Early theories on the evolutionary origin of the nervous system argued for a three-stage process: first, the development of non-nervous “independent effectors,” such as muscle cells; second, the appearance of non-nervous receptors responding to certain modalities in a receptor-effector mechanism;


28. examples of information age in evolution of media​


Personal Computers

Mobile Devices

Wearable Technology

29. 2.2. The evolution of Operating System.​


Operating system evolution.


The first computers used batch operating systems, in which the computer ran batches of jobs without stop. Programs were punched into cards that were usually copied to tape for processing. In the 1960s, time-shared operating systems began replacing batch systems.

30. differentiate the theories of origin and evolution of the solar system​


the haring Pluto it provide you a darkness way to

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