Helping Street Children s

Helping Street Children s

A. Box the verb/s in each sentence.1. Many poor people need our help.2. They live in small and dirty houses.3. Some beg on the streets.4. They have no money for food.5. We can share food to the hungry people,6. Bring neat clothes for street children.7. The school children give their old toys and books.8. Pupils learn the value of sharing9. Everyone likes to be helpful.10. Thank the Lord for everyday blessings.​

Daftar Isi

1. A. Box the verb/s in each sentence.1. Many poor people need our help.2. They live in small and dirty houses.3. Some beg on the streets.4. They have no money for food.5. We can share food to the hungry people,6. Bring neat clothes for street children.7. The school children give their old toys and books.8. Pupils learn the value of sharing9. Everyone likes to be helpful.10. Thank the Lord for everyday blessings.​


1. need

2. live

3. beg


5. share

6. bring

7. give

8. learn


10. thank

2. s (5-8) In many cities today, there are schools where traffic rules are discussed by police officers for safety. In a tiny "traffic city," pupils learn to drive small cars, to pedal bicycles properly, and to walk across the streets safely. They see films and slides. Bulletin boards with little magnetized cars, trucks, and buses are used to work out traffic problems 5. What is the general statement of the paragraph? A. How one city solves its traffic problem B. Who the teachers are in traffic schools C. How children learn to cross streets safely D. How children in some cities learn about traffic safety (6-8.) What are the specific statements of the paragraph? 6. 7. 8. Day 2 PA HELP PO​


noice noice noice noice noice noice noice


oh yeah thank you for the point

3. S-Simple sentence C-Compund sentence CL-Complex1.I will be at the mall2.Come on time and I'll be there3.If you can come ahead of me,please wait for me4.Cross the street carefully5.The children were standing at the corner while I walked straight ahead6.After getting up early, be sure eat your breakfast7.Mother help us move on time8.They want to rest before they their eat their supper9.As soon as you arrive, call me up10.We are all waiting for the program to start​


1. S


3. C

4. S

5. C

6. C

7. S

8. S

9. C

10. S

4. Directions: Read the items carefully following the given directions. Write your answer onyour answer sheets.1. Identify what social problem is being referred to in the following statements. Choose the correctanswer from the given options. Write the letter of the correct answer.A. PovertyB. Health problem C. Justice D. Public ServiceE. Environmental issues F. Education G. Traffic problem1. Many children and adolescents in the Philippines are not growing up healthily.2. A few months ago the congress and the senate investigated officials from PhilHealth due to somediscrepancies in the use of funds.3. Students were not able to go online classes due to internet connection.4. It is very hard for us to commute going to Manila due to bumper-to bumper of bust 's andjeepneys.5. News come out that a place somewhere in the Northern Luzon experienced wild fire.6. The mother of the flight attendant who was found dead inside the hotel is now seeking the truthwhat comes out after the investigation.7. It is our duty as teachers to look for the welfare of our students especially in this time ofpandemic.8. The government is now looking for the solution to stop street children begging for money/t, pods.9. The government is seeking/looking for the best vaccination.10. Garbage are found everywhere causing floods during rainy seasons.Pa help po need na po ngaun:(​













Hope it helps.

5. EXERCISE 4Read these sentence carefully. Identify each as simple, compound, or complex. Write S for simple, C forcompound, and CL for complex.1. I will be at the mall.2. Come on time and I'll be there.3. If you can come ahead of me, please wait for me.4. Cross the street carefully.5. The children were standing at the corner while I walked straight ahead.6. After getting up early, be sure to eat your breakfast.7. Mother helps us move on time.8. They want to rest before they eat their support.9. As soon as you arrive, call me up.10. We are all waiting for the program to start.11. When Elena called, you were not home yet.12. Come and see us.13. I put the books in my bags and they are very heavy.14. The water is colder than I thought.15. The team always exercises before practice begins.16. When you arrive, come to the front door.17. We visited the church and prayed for guidance.18. We can't start the program unless the music is complete.19. My work was loaded until he came.20. The visitors were applauding and they went on and on​


EXERCISE 4: Read these sentence carefully. Identify each as simple, compound, or complex. Write S for simple, C for compound, and CL for complex.

1. I will be at the mall.

Simple sentence (S)

2. Come on time and I'll be there.

Compound sentence (C)

3. If you can come ahead of me, please wait for me.

Complex sentence (CL)

4. Cross the street carefully.

Simple sentence (S)

5. The children were standing at the corner while I walked straight ahead.

Complex sentence (CL)

6. After getting up early, be sure to eat your breakfast.

Complex sentence (CL)

7. Mother helps us move on time.

Simple sentence (S)

8. They want to rest before they eat their support.

Complex sentence (CL)

9. As soon as you arrive, call me up.

Complex sentence (CL)

10. We are all waiting for the program to start.

Compound sentence (C)

11. When Elena called, you were not home yet.

Complex sentence (CL)

12. Come and see us.

Simple sentence (S)

13. I put the books in my bags and they are very heavy.

Compound sentence (C)

14. The water is colder than I thought.

Complex sentence (CL)

15. The team always exercises before practice begins.

Complex sentence (CL)

16. When you arrive, come to the front door.

Complex sentence (CL)

17. We visited the church and prayed for guidance.

Compound sentence (C)

18. We can't start the program unless the music is complete.

Complex sentence (CL)

19. My work was loaded until he came.

Complex sentence (CL)

20. The visitors were applauding and they went on and on.

Compound sentence (C)



6. EXERCISE 4Read these sentence carefully. Identify each as simple, compound, or complex. Write S for simple, C forcompound, and CL for complex.1. I will be at the mall.2. Come on time and I'll be there.3. If you can come ahead of me, please wait for me.4. Cross the street carefully.5. The children were standing at the corner while I walked straight ahead.6. After getting up early, be sure to eat your breakfast.7. Mother helps us move on time.8. They want to rest before they eat their support.9. As soon as you arrive, call me up.10. We are all waiting for the program to start.11. When Elena called, you were not home yet.12. Come and see us.13. I put the books in my bags and they are very heavy.14. The water is colder than I thought.C с15. The team always exercises before practice begins.16. When you arrive, come to the front door.С C 17. We visited the church and prayed for guidance.18. We can't start the program unless the music is complete.19. My work was loaded until he came.20. The visitors were applauding and they went on and onکی​


EXERCISE 4: Read these sentence carefully. Identify each as simple, compound, or complex. Write S for simple, C for compound, and CL for complex.

1. I will be at the mall.

Simple sentence (S)

2. Come on time and I'll be there.

Compound sentence (C)

3. If you can come ahead of me, please wait for me.

Complex sentence (CL)

4. Cross the street carefully.

Simple sentence (S)

5. The children were standing at the corner while I walked straight ahead.

Complex sentence (CL)

6. After getting up early, be sure to eat your breakfast.

Complex sentence (CL)

7. Mother helps us move on time.

Simple sentence (S)

8. They want to rest before they eat their support.

Complex sentence (CL)

9. As soon as you arrive, call me up.

Complex sentence (CL)

10. We are all waiting for the program to start.

Compound sentence (C)

11. When Elena called, you were not home yet.

Complex sentence (CL)

12. Come and see us.

Simple sentence (S)

13. I put the books in my bags and they are very heavy.

Compound sentence (C)

14. The water is colder than I thought.

Complex sentence (CL)

15. The team always exercises before practice begins.

Complex sentence (CL)

16. When you arrive, come to the front door.

Complex sentence (CL)

17. We visited the church and prayed for guidance.

Compound sentence (C)

18. We can't start the program unless the music is complete.

Complex sentence (CL)

19. My work was loaded until he came.

Complex sentence (CL)

20. The visitors were applauding and they went on and on.

Compound sentence (C)



7. AssessmentDirections: Identify the type of editorial show in each part of theedhorials. Write the letter of the correct answer on a separate sheet ofpaper1. "BAYANIRAN: FILIPINO CULTURAL HERITAGE: Theeffectiveness of the "bayanihan spirit was best shown by groups ofstudents, hundreds of them, as they took to the streets in support of theMetro Manila clean-up and beautification drivea. Criticalc. Persuasiveb. Interpretived. Praising2. "A TALE OF HORROR: POPULATION EXPLOSION Today thePhilippines has a population of 30 million. At the present rate of growth,this small country, would only be most affected by the evil effect ofpopulation explosion. This means that most of our high school studentsnow, who would only be in their early 40's or 50. at that time, will be theones to be most affected by the evil effect of population explosiona. Criticalc. Persuasiveb. Interpretived. Praising3. "A JUNE 12 THOUGHT: RESPECT FLAG RITES: A flogceremony, wherever it be a flag raising or a flag retreat is sacred.Therefore, it should be observed with all the solemnity and sacredness aFilipino citizen can muster."a. Criticalc. Persuasiveb. Interpretived. Praising4. "ATTITUDE TOWARDS STUDY: We are in school because wewant to learn. Our study is for our own benefit and not to accommodatesomeone else. As such we have to relate it to our own aims or ambitionin life.Assessment 15a. Criticalb. Interpretive c.c. Persuasive d. Praising5. "COMMITMENT: The Josephine Journal is our victory a product of all the concerted effort of the CAS-Whilostaffers and the CAS studentry amidst tremendous hardships we encountered along thewaya. CriticalPersuasiveb. Interpretived. Praising6. WHY CONSERVE: We are faced with an important decision. We know that thousands of offerent species are thebecoming extinct. Once they are gone, they will never come back. There are probably thousands more in existemknow about because we haven't discovered them yet. Conservation can save some of these species but cost money andpeople's lives. Why should we botherwith it?"a. Criticalc. Persuasiveb. Interpretived. Praising7. "PROMENADE: Prom is a pointless feature of high school that has no practical purpose and should be cancelledformal dance is an essential part of the high school experience."A Criticalc Persuasiveb. Interpretived. Praising8. "RETIRING TEACHER: Retired but forever a teacher at heart. I loved teaching children ching them grow andgenerally being an active citizen of my community. It was upsetting, though as I got closer to retirement age becauseloved my job so much."a Criticalc Persuasiveb. Interpretived. Praisinghelp plss​













BRAINLEST ❤️❤️❤️❤️

8. Processing Questions ;1. What did you observed from the pictures?2. From the pictures, identify what belongs to tangible culture and intangible culture. Enumerate them basing from the pictures.3. Being an Anthonian or student of a Catholic school, how can you preserve the cultural heritage of your own group? ( ex. IIocano, Igorot , Itawes, Ibanag , etc. )Activity 3. Matching Type. Match the examples from Column A to the different aspects of culture in Column B. Write the letter of your correct answer in your answer sheet.COLUMN ACOMLUMN B1. The traditional music during the 1920’s was mostly jazz,A. Culture is dynamicAnd broadway music while the popular music during the 1970’sWas disco music.2. You have a classmate who grew up in the USA and only started B. Culture is adaptiveLiving in the Philippines a few months ago. You help him learn Our culture by asking him to play outdoor games like patintero And to eat Filipino dishes like adobo and sinigang.3. During the early times, culture is taught and passed to the next C. Culture is sharedGeneration by means of their parents through verbal communication.4. Because we are now more inclined to use computers and tablets D. Culture is learnedespecially when playing games, some children are not able to playstreet games anymore.This pushed some game developers to introduce Filipino street games as video games.5. During the American colonization, Americans were the ones to E. Culture is transmittedintroduced democracy in our country.V. NEW IDEAS. What I learned in this lesson ?As an Anthonian, the values that I learned in this topic is _________________________________________ and I can practice in my everyday life by ​

Activity 3:

1. Culture is shared

2. Culture is learned

3. Culture is transmitted

4. Culture is adaptive

5. Culture is dynamic

Hope it helps

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