List Of Entrepreneurs In The Philippines

List Of Entrepreneurs In The Philippines

List down (5) famous Entrepreneurs in the Philippines and their contribution to the Economy of the Philippines

Daftar Isi

1. List down (5) famous Entrepreneurs in the Philippines and their contribution to the Economy of the Philippines


Top 5 Filipino Entrepreneurs

Ben Chan.

Socorro Ramos.

Jose Concepcion Jr.

Tony Tan Caktiong.

Andrew Tan.

- Sana Makatulong sayu. God Bless!

2. . It refers to the list of traits of a successful entrepreneur. * CHOICE 1 Business Environment Entrepreneur Entrepreneurship Market PEC Place Price Product Promotion The Philippine Competition Act


entrepreneurship :D Not sure hehe



Step by step explanation:

3. Direction: Analyze the situation below and think of probable reasonsfor its failure."The Boston Consulting Group 2020 reports involving 5 companies publiclylisted in the Philippines since 2009. The said group claims that today almostone-tenth of all public companies fail each year," @ Entrepreneur diaries.​

Bad management, cost increases that can’t be passed through, products that are no longer in demand, new competition, new substitutes, poor customer service, trying to expand too much too fast, any of a hundred other reasons. Half of all new businesses, which includes the sole proprietorships and partner ships, not just publicly owned ones, don’t last to the five year mark and many never make it through the first year.

4. pleasss pa answer po ito need ko napo pleassss (brainlest answer)11. What kind of Marketing Strategy is reaching customers directly person-to-person? *1 pointa. online sellingb. keeping a record of salesc. direct sellingd. telemarketing12. A marketing strategy used to generate identity for target customers to recognize the product is called _____________ *1 pointA. brandingB. distribution of flyers, brochures, and pamphletsC. advertisementD. contract selling13. What kind of animal has relatively more expensive meat than chicken, pork, and beef? *1 pointA. goatB. fishC. pigD. cattle14. Which among the animals needs a larger area to roam around or graze? *1 pointA. fishB. goatC. cattleD. pig15. It refers to unnecessary leftovers or any form of animal discharge. *1 pointA. dairy productsB. animal wasteC. meat productionD. farm waste16. Some kinds of fishes commonly raised locally in the Philippines are the following, EXCEPT *1 pointA. bangus and tilapiaB. hito and carpC. milkfish and catfishD. salmon and stonefish17. The following are the benefits of raising animals, EXCEPT *1 pointA. It can add income through increased livelihood of the family.B. serve as a source of foodC. Animal manure increases crop yield by spreading it on the field.D. should primarily focused on Sales and Marketing18. Who is the successful entrepreneur famous for his high-grade Brahman cattle’s, one calf and four cows for AI rebreeding? *1 pointA. Ricardo LagareB. Robert PetinesC. Audie LimD. Oscar Garin19. Farm inventory, farm diary, input records, production records, scale records, consumption records, profits and loss accounts are under this category. *1 pointA. Sales and Marketing ListB. Farm recordC. Production recordD. Cash Record20. This category includes brushing, scratching, rubbing, etc. while the growth rate of fish in ponds is fast in the first year and from a fingerling to marketable size in five months from stocking *1 pointA. managementB. maintenanceC. treatmentD. care​


11 A

12 A

13 A

14 B

15 B

16 A

17 C

18 D

19 B

20 A

5. Sana nman po matulungan niyo ako , sayang ung points,wag nman po sana sagutan kung di alam, thanks.ACTIVITIES ..Activity1 Tony Tan Caktiong (Jollibee) Tan was born to Chinese immigrant parents from Fujian. He attended high school at Chiang Kai Shek College and graduated from the University of Santo Tomas with a degree in chemical engineering. Tan had initially planned an ice cream parlor when he founded Jollibee, then added dishes such as hamburgers, french fries, and fried chicken. Eduardo Cojuangco Jr. (San Miguel Corporation) Eduardo M. Cojuangco, Jr. is the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, a position he has held since July 7, 1998. He is also the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Company. He also holds the following positions in other publicly listed companies: Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Ginebra San Miguel Inc.; and Chairman of the Board of San Miguel Food and Beverage, Inc. and Petron Corporation. Henry Tan Chi Sieng Sy Sr. (ShoeMart) At age 12, he and his family moved to the Philippines, where his father set up a shop that sold various household items. At his father's store, Sy helped his father sell rice, sardines and other merchandise. Following World War II, the store got obliterated along with the rest of Manila. His family decided to return to China, but Sy stayed in the Philippines where he completed his secondary education at an institution now known as the Chiang Kai Shek College and earned his Associate of Arts degree in commercial studies at Far Eastern University in 1950. While studying in school, he also learned how to speak in English and Filipino. Directions: 1. Study the set-up of the following entrepreneurs with their ventures and how they excel in their chosen career. 2. You can use the following guide questions to study each entrepreneur. a. What is the educational background of the entrepreneur? b. Is the line of entrepreneurial activity congruent to the educational background or skill of the entrepreneur? Why or Why not? c. What are the common traits of the entrepreneurs? d. Are the necessary skills in their chosen business learned or acquired? Explain. e. Do they employ others in their business? Expand your answer​


Sana nman po matulungan niyo ako , sayang ung points,wag nman po sana sagutan kung di alam, thanks.



Tony Tan Caktiong


Tan was born to Chinese immigrant parents from Fujian. He attended high school at Chiang Kai Shek College and graduated from the University of Santo Tomas with a degree in chemical engineering. Tan had initially planned an ice cream parlor when he founded Jollibee, then added dishes such as hamburgers, french fries, and fried chicken.

Eduardo Cojuangco Jr. (San Miguel Corporation)

Eduardo M. Cojuangco, Jr. is the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, a position he has held since July 7, 1998. He is also the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Company. He also holds the following positions in other publicly listed companies: Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Ginebra San Miguel Inc.; and Chairman of the Board of San Miguel Food and Beverage, Inc. and Petron Corporation.

Henry Tan Chi Sieng Sy Sr. (ShoeMart)

At age 12, he and his family moved to the Philippines, where his father set up a shop that sold various household items. At his father's store, Sy helped his father sell rice, sardines and other merchandise. Following World War II, the store got obliterated along with the rest of Manila. His family decided to return to China, but Sy stayed in the Philippines where he completed his secondary education at an institution now known as the Chiang Kai Shek College and earned his Associate of Arts degree in commercial studies at Far Eastern University in 1950. While studying in school, he also learned how to speak in English and Filipino.


1. Study the set-up of the following entrepreneurs with their ventures and how they excel in their chosen career.

2. You can use the following guide questions to study each entrepreneur.

a. What is the educational background of the entrepreneur?

b. Is the line of entrepreneurial activity congruent to the educational background or skill of the entrepreneur? Why or Why not?

c. What are the common traits of the entrepreneurs?

d. Are the necessary skills in their chosen business learned or acquired? Explain.

e. Do they employ others in their business? Expand your answer

6. WHAT'S NEW Task 3 Direction: Analyze the situation below and think of probable reasons for its failure. listed in the Philippines since 2009. The said group claims that today almost "The Boston Consulting Group 2020 reports involving 5 companies publicly one-tenth of all public companies fail each year." Entrepreneur diaries. Explore! 1. How did you find the activity? 3. Do you think manpower failure contributes company failure? Justify 2. Was it easy/hard to identify the reasons why businesses fail? your answer. 4. What kind of manpower is needed to make business more effective? Explain very briefly.​




1. How did you find the activity?  

The activity was brain-racking and mind blowing. Nevertheless, it was challenging and it becomes a learning moment.  

2. Was it easy/hard to identify the reasons why businesses fail? your answer

It was not easy but not hard either to identify the causes of business failures. That is because some reasons are external, and so they are obvious but the internal causes cannot be seen immediately.

3. Do you think manpower failure contributes company failure? Justify.  

Insufficient staff numbers inevitably see the few overloaded to a point where breakdown occurs.  

So yes, manpower can contribute to a company failure.  

4. What kind of manpower is needed to make business more effective? Explain very briefly.

 There’s a saying in business that if you take care of your workers, the business takes care of you.  


7. LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEET (LAS) for APPLIED ECONOMICS (WEEK 7) INDUSTRY ANALYSIS, ITS PRRINCIPLES, TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES LEADING TO THE IDENTIFICATION OF BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1 II. Learning Competency with Code Analyze different principles, tools and techniques in creating a business. (Quarter 2-Week 7) Background Information for Leamers In the Philippines there are different business opportunities run by Filipino entrepreneurs and many of them were successful in their chosen business. And, these business opportunities include online or e- business, food cart, ukay-ukay, affiliate marketing, cellphone loading, printing, laundry shop, purified drinking water supplier, poultry farming, handicraft business and many more. Business environment includes all the internal and external factors that affect how the company functions including employees, customers and management, supply, demand and business regulations. Instructions Try to test your capacity in answering the following activities that will measure your understanding about the lesson. Give your best in answering questions that you cannot answer so that it can be carified and for you to understand the correct answers to the lessons in this learning activity sheet. Activities A. Direction: Identify and list down at least five businesses found or operating in your barangay. After which, complete the given table below by providing answers in each column. IIL IV. Kind of Business Number/s Kind of Products/Services Sold Location 1. 2. 3 4​


HachiShaku-Sama is a little girl who got tricked by Sama and she grow up ki||ing ang crying by the time your in the forest hearing "PO~" run and lock your self in your room and put salt every where...

8. Pa answer need help po matinong sagot sana nonsense reported, if di po alam wag nalang po sumagot sayang naman kasi yung point :< DIRECTION: Read the academic texts below and summarize them using the listed procedures. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers. A. With the enactment of the K to 12 program, the basic education cycle is extended to include two additional years at the secondary level. Enrolment in senior high school (SHS), which will comprise Grade 11 and 12, is expected to increase to 2.0 million students in public schools and 0.7 million students in private schools in school year 2017/18. This will have an effect on the availability of classrooms for the SHS program. This Policy Note does an initial assessment of the K to 12 program’s effect on the supply of classrooms and teachers vis-à-vis the projected demand. It points to some windows of opportunities that may be considered as possible solutions, such as allowing higher education institutions to absorb the additional demand for places in SHSs. B. Filipino women are active as entrepreneurs. Data from the Department of Trade and Industry for 2009 show that 54 percent of enterprises are owned by women. This Policy Note discusses the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs. To achieve inclusively growth in the Asia- Pacific region, it is critical to increase the economic opportunities of women in the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies. APEC members must take national-level and regional actions toward creating enabling environments for women enterprises and empowering women entrepreneurs. The significant number of women entrepreneurs reflects the huge potential of women to make substantial contributions to the national economy. For this to be realized, they need to be supported through appropriate and timely interventions toward growing and scaling up their business. C. The Philippines has recently experienced economic growth despite the global economic slowdown. But there are people who wonder why economic growth has not translated into poverty reduction. The levels of income inequality have also barely changed, a pattern that could mean new opportunities created by economic growth do not allow the income of the poor to catch up with the rest. Inequality is a natural outcome of economic growth since people with access to capital are more likely to reap the benefits of growth first. What is critical is to make economic growth truly inclusive. This Policy Note examines trends in official (monetary) poverty statistics. It is also looks into why poverty reduction has been historically lackluster in the Philippines using available panel data that provide information on dynamics of household welfare and living conditions in the country. It pointed out that in the period 2003-2009, poor Filipinos were more likely to experience higher income growth, but some non-poor have also been vulnerable to slide in to poverty. This suggests that government should not only be concerned with the poor but should also have policy instruments to assist those who are non-poor but plagued by economic risks.


A. The K to 12 program has extended the basic education cycle and is expected to increase enrolment in senior high school. The Policy Note examines the program's effect on the availability of classrooms and teachers vis-à-vis the projected demand and suggests possible solutions.

B. Filipino women are active as entrepreneurs, owning 54% of enterprises. This Policy Note discusses the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs and the need for national and regional actions toward creating enabling environments and empowering women entrepreneurs.

C. Economic growth in the Philippines has not translated into poverty reduction or significant changes in income inequality. This Policy Note examines trends in poverty statistics and household welfare to suggest that policy instruments should assist not only the poor but also those who are non-poor but plagued by economic risks for inclusive growth.


isang brainliest lang ty

9. 23. Another term for a bond's face value.a. par valueb. maturityb. coupond. final payment4. A bond that pays all of its interest and principal at the bond's maturity datea. bond fundC. coupon bondb. par-value fundd. zero-coupon bond5. Which financial assets carries the most risk?a. bondC. savings depositsb. stockd. checking deposits6. Which is the LEAST risky Investment?a. stocksc. Philippines treasury bondsb. corporate bondd. mutual funds7. A person or agent who actually trades for you and charges a fee or commission for executing buys and sells ofstocks through a stock exchange.a. stockbrokerC. entrepreneurb. stockholderd. politician8. What is stock portfolio?a. the online tool used to track stock prices.b. a list of all the stocks you own.c. the document that you receive for purchasing stock.d. a group of stocks that you can purchase at one time on a stock exchange.9. Why do people buy stocks?a. there is no chance of a loss.b. they expect to earn a return.c. the government encourages them to buy stock.d. they are guaranteed interest payment each year.10. What is the best explanation of a bond?a. It is an ownership interest in a company.b. It is an equity or share in a company.c. It represents a corporate or government debt obligation.d. It is a debt Instrument.11. Diversifying can occur bya. buying different stocks and bonds in different Industries,b. buying similar stocks and bonds in the same Industries.c. buying similar stocks and bonds in different industries.d. buying different stocks and bonds in the same Industries12.Which best defines the risk of a financial asset?​











10. 1. If a researcher would like to study the way of life of the Igorots, their folkways, mores, s/he will most likely use what research design? *a. Phenomenologyb. Case Studyc. Ethnographyd. Grounded Theory2. When a researcher aims to investigate the life and experiences of an alcoholic, a teenage mom, or a successful entrepreneur, what research deign should s/he use? *a. Phenomenologyb. Case Studyc. Ethnographyd. Historical Approach3. If you want to study about the evolution of print journalism in the Philippines through the study of collections of new papers, which qualitative research design is appropriate to use? *a. Phenomenologyb. Narrative Inquiryc. Ethnographyd. Historical Approach4. As a researcher, how are you going to use phenomenology as an approach to a qualitative study about the victims of typhoon Yolanda? *a. Ask the victims on their experiences during the typhoon.b. Look for historical data about instances where the victims were also victims of flooding in the past.c. Have an in-depth understanding on the socio-economic impact of typhoons.d. Formulate a theory.5. If I conduct a research and recruit for my sample my friend Will, and he recruits his friend Mark, and he recruits his friend Aileen, and she recruits her friend Glendy, that is an example of what kind of sampling technique? *a. convenience samplingb. purposive samplingc. snowball samplingd. systematic sampling6. Angelika is interested in what kinds of activities are enjoyed by most third graders. She makes a list of the third graders in her school district, alphabetizes the list, and asks every 10th student what they like to do for fun. What method of sampling is this? *a. purposive samplingb. simple random samplingc. stratified samplingd. systematic sampling7. If I put all names of the Grade 11 students taking the ABM strand in a box and draw one out, that is an example of what kind of sampling? *a. purposive samplingb. simple random samplingc. stratified samplingd. systematic sampling8. If a researcher chooses only men over 60 for a study, this is an example of what type of sampling method? *a. purposive samplingb. simple random samplingc. stratified samplingd. systematic sampling9. A researcher was interested in the effectiveness of a given learning program in preparing 100 high school juniors from five different schools for the National Achievement Test (NAT). What is the sample? *a. Filipino high school studentsb. High school juniorsc. 100 high school juniors from 5 different high schoolsd. 5 different high schools10. What influences the sample size of a qualitative research? *a. research designb. saturation pointc. a and bd. none of the above​




nag sagot nako ng ganyan kinopy ko nlng pa branliest salamat

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