I Am Sam Full Movie

I Am Sam Full Movie

who is Sam of the movie of I am sam?

Daftar Isi

1. who is Sam of the movie of I am sam?

Sean Penn is the actor of that movie.

2. What is affect of lawyer in the life of sam in the movie of I am sam


I need the story pls


thank you

3. explain the stand of the state of Sam's case, in the movie in titled 'I am sam' ​


sorry I don't know the answer sorry I don't know the answer sorry I don't know the answer sorry I don't know the answer sorry I don't know the answer sorry

4. susan is here sam is here i am here we are all here​

Umm what kind of question is that??

wla aqng alam jan tenkyou nlg,

5. 1. I am cloud which is pushed out of the volcano. 1 2 2. am a Circular depression at the top of the volcano. 3 5 3. Sam the main tube that connects the magma chamber to the surface. 4. I become a molten rock after it reaches the Surface. 5. I am a cone that builds 6 7 up around. 8 6. The place when magma reaches the surface without going through the main vent 7. It molten rocks still underneath the ground 8. I store uhderground magma​



6. Mang inasal full video sam soliman


Wala akong paki-alam


:( :( :( :( olol


where are the question po


thank you

7. How does ' sugar' symbolize Sam's life, in the movie in titled 'I am Sam'​




Im not sure but i hope it helps

pa brainliest pls po

8. in story of the labors of Hercules . can Sam's disabilities ( I am Sam) be compared with the emotional condition of Hercules because of his guilt ? why?are the 2 men comparable? why?paki sagut po ng maayos please.​


Paano ba ang mag mahal


Kasi mahirap na

9. 17. Identify the idiom: I saw Sam at the store, and he gave me the cold shoulder.a. I saw Samb. Sam at the storec. gave me the coldd.cold shoulder​


non of the above, kunin mo yung binigay niya tapos wag mo na ibalik, kasi ikaw di na bilakan.

10. 4. Nobody expected Sam to get the job (nor/so) did I.​




Nor is use when there is neither on the sentence.

Sana po makatulong...



some people need jod


sana makatolong

11. how sam deal with her emotion in movie of perks of being a wallflower​


It is revealed that Sam was sexually abused as a child, and she kisses Charlie to ensure that his first kiss is from someone who truly loves him. Similar to his own experience, Charlie witnesses his sister's boyfriend hit her across the face, but she forbids him from telling their parents.


Ayan po!

12. John and Sam were watching a movie the time was 10:30 and the movie ends at 1:45 how much time did they spent watching the movie?


3 hours and 15 minutes

13. ACTIVITY 1: Identify the Elements ofInterpersonal Communication in followingexamples. Write your answer in the table below.Interpersonal Communication in followingexamples. Write your answer in the table below.Example 1Joe texts Rachel “I am throwing a party tonight, pleasecome” when they were in class and Rachel repliedtexting “I am in”.Example 2Sam was driving his car in 100 miles per hour, copfollowed him, blows the siren but Sam was listening tomusic so he couldn’t hear. Then cop drove closer blowsthe siren, this time Sam listened and stopped his car.Elements of Interpersonal Example 1 Example 2CommunicationSenderReceiverMessageNoiseFeedbackContextChannel( sana masagot nyo ng maayos ty)

Example 1

- Message





Example 2

- Channel



Hope it helps✨

Pabrainliest po thanks!!!

14. C. Underline the group of words if it is a sentence and circle if it is a phrase.Example: I am a grade 7 student.11.John hit12.Sam and Sherry went to class13.Go to the movies14.The animals live in the forest15.All day​



12.went to class

13.go to movies

14.live in forest

15.All day

15. give the implications of the title I am Sam​


It was a true story about a disabled father that sparked the idea for "I Am Sam" in Nelson's co-writer, Kristine Johnson. "I thought it was an incredible metaphor for what every parent must feel," says Nelson, married and the mother of a 7-year-old daughter.


Ganito ho ba?

16. How does ' sugar' symbolize Sam's life, in the movie in titled 'I am Sam'​


Sam Dawson (Sean Penn) is mentally handicapped. He has a daughter but the mother runs away right out of the hospital. He finds himself as a working single dad to Lucy Diamond Dawson (Dakota Fanning). He gets his reclusive neighbor Annie Cassell (Dianne Wiest) to help along with his mentally challenged friends. Calgrove (Loretta Devine) and the Department of Child and Family Services go to court with prosecutor Mr. Turner (Richard Schiff) and take Lucy from Sam. Sam finds Rita Harrison Williams (Michelle Pfeiffer) from the Yellow Pages who has trouble communicating with her own son. She relents to do the case pro bono.

This is such a heart-wrenching movie. I really want it to work out for these characters but the movie doesn't make it easy to like it. The light comical tones get really annoying. Some of it is sort of cute but the movie really suffers from it. I don't want to laugh AT Sam and his friends. I want to laugh with them. And the movie is also trying very hard to manipulate the sentimentality. Sometimes less is more.

While Sean Penn overacts sometimes, I still like his character. And who doesn't love Dakota Fanning's character. Pfeiffer is the overwhelmed working mother character. Then add Dianne Wiest to the mix. It's awkward at times. It tries way too hard but I want good things for all these characters. That carries the day for me.



17. I Learning Task 1. (28/28): Identify the Clements of interpersonal Communication in the following examples. Write your answer in the table below Example 1 Joe texts Rachel, I am throwing a party tonight, please come," when they are in class, and Rachel replies, texting, "I am in Example 2 Sam was driving his car at 100 miles per hour, cop followed him, blows the siren but Sam was listening to music so he couldn't hear. Then the cop drove closer blows the siren, this time, Sam listened and stopped his car Elements of Interpersonal Communication Example 1 (2 pts each) Example 2 (2 points each) Sender Receiver Message Noise Feedback Context Channel NONSENSE ANSWER REPORT ​

that's is an chemical exploration


ty stay safe

18. ACTIVITY 1: Identify the Elements of Interpersonal Communication in following examples. Write your answer in the table below. Interpersonal Communication in following examples. Write your answer in the table below. Example 1 Joe texts Rachel “I am throwing a party tonight, please come” when they were in class and Rachel replied texting “I am in”. Example 2 Sam was driving his car in 100 miles per hour, cop followed him, blows the siren but Sam was listening to music so he couldn’t hear. Then cop drove closer blows the siren, this time Sam listened and stopped his car. Elements of Interpersonal Example 1 Example 2 Communication Sender Receiver Message Noise Feedback Context Channel

U answer your own question bruh

19. II. Underline the correct conjunctions to complete the sentences6. Miko studied hard for the test. (and, or, but he passed it with flying colors7. I be late to the party, (and, but, for ) I am working unbil six8. Sam does not like the mountains, (and, but, or ) does he like the ocean​


6. Miko studied hard for the test. (and, or, but he passed it with flying colors.

7. I be late to the party, (and, but, for ) I am working unbil six

8. Sam does not like the mountains, (and, but, or ) does he like the ocean


hope it helps


6. And 7. For 8. But


San'a makatulong

20. smates and hereyour religion. This data will be part of my input in the survey that I am doing.morning classmates, as our requirement in Statistics may1. From the above conversations, which scenario/s do you think can be classified2. State the reasons why or why not the above scenarios a function.Ana 1:1 am a Catholic.Kevin: I am also a Catholic.Sam: I am a member of the Iglesia ni Cristo.Joey: I am a Born Again Christian.Lanie: My family is a MuslimJen: We are sacred a Catholic Family.Andrei: Thank you classmates for your responses.Reflect on this!as function?Scenario 1:Scenario 2:Scenario 3:What is It​

all scenario's are function..

you can read the reasons why all the scenario's ar efunction below the activity

21. i am a five digit number greater than 40 000 but less than 60 000.my ones digit is 3 more tha my ten thousanddigit.all my other digits are the sam ,the sum of my digits is 28 what number can i be?

11 + 3 x = 23
3 x = 12
x = 4

Since the 5th digit is greater than 40, 000 but less than 60, 000, we are left with only 5 as the option. Let 5 be the 5th digit. since the ones digit is 3 more than the 5th digit. Subtract 3 to 5, this will lead to the number "2". first and last digit is now determined. Next add the first and last digit. 5+2 = 7, then subtract it to the total of the 5 digits which is 28, 28-7=21. Since the three middle digits are all the same, divide 21 with 3, 21/7 = 7.

The answer will be 57,772

22. Pre-Activity Director Answer the RIDDLES below. I can fly but I am not superman, I do not have an engine nor magic in hand. I'm free but I am all tied up by a string What am I? 1. You can't see me but you can feel me. I can be strong and weak. I make all frees dance with glee What am I? 2. Pete's father has three sons: Paul, Sam and ? 3. I have two hands and a face but have no legs. What am I? Address Capanas St., San Francisco Mabalacat City Pampanga 2010 Email Address sanfrancisco.es@depedmabalacat.org

2. Wind
3. Pete
4. Clock

Hindi ko po alam yung sagot sa question 1.

23. analysis or reflection of I am Sam and Educating Peter 1992​


Peter, a boy diagnosed with Down Syndrome, was first seen filmed as a third-grader entering his first year in a general classroom rather than one with only students with disabilities. “Educating Peter,” was a film made in 1992 following Peter’s journey being the first child with a severe mental disability, to be included in a general classroom at his elementary school. Elementary school was a challenge for Peter, his parents and his teachers. However, as Peter continues to get older, the film “Graduating Peter,” showcases the story of Peter’s academic accomplishments and struggles as he prepares to graduate from high school. A particular part of the video that stood out to me was when Peter’s mother talked about the loss of control she…show more content…

An individual with intellectual disabilities can face many barriers in not only their academic life, but also their social life. Peter, has faced barriers to his successful inclusion in the classroom. One of the barriers the video mentions is teachers displaying unwillingness to including Peter in their classroom simply because teachers do not accept him or his disability. I believe prejudice is a barrier many people with intellectual disabilities are forced to face at a given point in their lives. I think the prejudice stems from fear and misunderstanding of people who are physically or mentally different. In chapter nine of this week’s readings, it highlights on the importance of individual relationships are between the teacher and the student with a disability. Focusing on a student’s strengths rather than there IQ or weaknesses is essential to their success. “Some teachers focus on her IQ, but that’s not a useful fact. Everything depends on the relationship Rachel and I have with educators, on their skills, and on Rachel’s attitude, behavior, and self-determination.” (Turnbull. p. 187). Another barrier Peter faces is the desperate struggle of wanting his independence, yet still needing outside assistance for things. The loneliness and the inability to properly communicate his emotions are one of the biggest mental barriers Peter has faced. Peter overcame and managed these barriers through


24. Sam started practicing basketball at 6:00 am and finished at 8:30 am. How long was his practice


2 hours

Step-by-step explanation:

6.30 - 8.30 = 2.00


2 Hours


hope helpss

25. How did you feel after washing the movie? I am sam​


Exciting, Happy, Scared, Sad


26. reflection of I am Sam and Educating Peter 1992​


This documentary really brought to life for me the reality of what an inclusion class could look like.  Often times when I think of inclusion classes I think of children with less severe learning disabilities being included in a regular classroom, not those children like Peter with down syndrome and other more severe disabilities.  However, this documentary really inspired me to see the role that the teacher and the other students played in Peter’s life in the classroom.

Having any child with a learning disability in a classroom puts extra strain and work on the classroom teacher to make sure they are providing adequate and helpful ways for that child to learn.  It is clear in the video, that Peter’s teacher, while worried at the beginning of the year because of Peter’s frequent outbursts and physical abuse of other children has a belief that all children can learn.  This belief pushes her to expect great things from Peter concerning his learning.  She pushes him and expects him to do many of the same things that the other children are doing in her class.

What impressed me the most throughout this video were Peter’s classmates.  (only 3rd graders!)  While many of the students were hit, slobbered on, and yelled at by Peter, none of the students ever retaliated or resented Peter for his actions.  They all desired to see Peter succeed and were eager to help him throughout the day.  I believe that one of the important things that allowed a community like this to form was the opportunity the students were given at the beginning of the year to talk as a class with their teacher and an EC teacher about what Peter’s disability was and how it affected him and what they could do to help Peter, even during his outbursts.  This meeting I believe laid the groundwork for students to see Peter for who he was, a student just like them, who just had some different struggles that made learning a little bit more difficult for him.

With the teacher’s belief in him and the support of his peers and parents, I believe that Peter’s 3rd grade experience in a regular classroom was beneficial to Peter, his teacher, and his classmates.  The tight knit community that was formed in the classroom and the strides that Peter made in his learning and behavior was truly remarkable!

While my student teaching placement doesn’t have students with as severe disabilities as Peter, several of the students in my class are faced with various learning disabilities and language barriers.  Watching this video encourages me that having a belief in every child to learn and creating an environment and community where students feel welcomed and important can make all the difference in helping each student in the classroom, no matter their ability, make strides in their education.



This documentary really brought to life for me the reality of what an inclusion class could look like.Often times when I think of children with less severe learning disabilities being included in a regular classroom not those children like Peter with down syndrome and other more severe disabilities. However this documentary really inspired me too see the role that the teacher and the other students played in Peter life in the classroom


Sana makatulog ako

Hindi ko kinaya yung na unang nagsagot

27. The Jam by Jilliane H. Capistrano One afternoon, Sam and Tam went to the market near a dam. Sam got a jam while Tam took the ham. The jam is sweet and tasty. It is made of purple yam. "Ohh, I love it!" said Sam. While walking, they saw a boy named Barn. Bam was crying along the street. "I am hungry. I want to eat. Please help me." Sam decided to give the jam to Bam. 1. What is the story all about? 2. Who are the characters in the story? 3. Where did Sam and Tam go? 4. What did they get when they went to the market? 5. What did Sam do to the boy who was crying along the street? Why? 6. What do you do when you see a child along the street? 7. What part of the story you liked the most?​


The JamSam,Tam and BamMarketJam and HamShe gave the jam to Bam because he was hungry.Help them.The part where Sam gave jam to Bam because this shows that everyone can help whoever you are.


28. help re-write the sentence po thanks :D you were like a brother to me anakin exclaimed obi-wan i loved you its 700am in manila right now oh no this sentence must be fixed immediately ill be your driver for today karen you are the student i am the teacher my goodness you look good i need the following tomorrow bacon eggs ham toasted bread this persons wallet is big i cant bring it back unless i have a bag he enjoyed watching the lego movie good work sam


Obi-wan, you were like a brother to me, Anakin exclaimed.

It's currently 700 a.m. in Manila.

Oh no, this sentence must be corrected right away.

Karen, I'll be your driver today.

I am the instructor, and you are the student.

You look fantastic, by the way.

Tomorrow I'll need the following: bacon eggs ham toasted bread

This person's wallet is so large that I won't be able to carry it back unless I have a bag.

He had a good time viewing the Lego movie.

Sam, you are doing an excellent job.


ganyan po ba??

29. At first, my boss didn't want to hire Sam. But, because I had previously worked with Sam, I told my boss that he __________________take another look at his resume and reconsider him for the position.​


must or have to


because this is a type of modal is used to express responsibility or commitment


30. Why do we need an honest and responsive government?para lng toh kay sam,,pag hindi si Sam i papa ban ko agd​

This means that governments should be effective, transparent, accountable and not corrupt.

People should have a say on what the government’s priorities should be, and have confidence that they will implement those priorities competently.

Governments should agree and implements standards for making information available to all people on how public money is spent.”

This means that governments should be effective, transparent, accountable and not corrupt.

People should have a say on what the government’s priorities should be, and have confidence that they will implement those priorities competently.

Governments should agree and implements standards for making information available to all people on how public money is spent.”

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