Richard Cory Poem Analysis

Richard Cory Poem Analysis

poem of richard cory​

Daftar Isi

1. poem of richard cory​


Whenever Richard Cory went down town,

We people on the pavement looked at him:

He was a gentleman from sole to crown,

Clean favored, and imperially slim.

And he was always quietly arrayed,

And he was always human when he talked;

But still he fluttered pulses when he said,

"Good-morning," and he glittered when he walked.

And he was rich—yes richer than a king—

And admirably schooled in every grace: In fine we thought that he was everything To make us wish that we were in his place.

2. Who is the speaker of the poem Richard Cory?

The Speaker of the poem "Richard Cory" is one of "we people on the pavement"; that is, the speaker is one of the common people who are citizens of the town in which Richard Cory dwells.

Thanks :)

3. what are the challenges of Richard cory’s poem?​


1。To be in wealth

2。He have forgoten what is happiness because of money.

3。To be "Admired" in such as "Depression" life.

4。And his life came to an end because of "Suicide".


Dark (T-T)

4. what is the sociological approach of the poem of Richard cory​


Richard Cory rhyme scheme

"Richard Cory" is made up of four heroic quatrains, four-line stanzas that follow an ABAB rhyme scheme. The expected meter of heroic stanzas differ by language; in English, as seen in "Richard Cory," the accompanying meter is iambic pentameter.

Explanation:sana tama<3

5. what is the central idea being conveyed in the poem ?Richard Cory​


In the end, though, they learn a valuable life lesson: Richard Cory kills himself, showing the people of the town that some things can't be purchased and that looks can be deceiving. The central idea, or theme, of “Richard Cory” is that wealth and status don't ensure happiness.

6. in your own opinion after reading the poem Richard Cory, what kind of person Richard Ciry is why?​


Richard Cory is a man who attracts attention and who cannot help but give off an image of privilege. A "gentleman from sole to crown", Cory is described as "clean-favored", which means clean-cut and reasonably good-looking. He is not just slim, but "imperially" slim.


#Carry on learning

7. What ways of resolving conflicts from Richard Cory poem?​

Answer: To resolve corny jokes. You can joke but cannot funny. That's rhe corny.


That is my answer. If you said thank i said welcome.

8. what are the social concerns illustrated in the poem "richard cory"?​


"Richard Cory" first appeared in the American poet Edwin Arlington Robinson's 1897 collection, The Children of the Night. In four brisk stanzas, "Richard Cory" tells the story of a wealthy man who often strolls the streets of a poverty-stricken town whose residents all envy his seeming glory. Yet the poem's final line reveals that, despite seeming to have everything he could want, Cory kills himself. The poem's thematic interests in wealth, poverty, and the elusive nature of happiness are deeply tied to its historical context: a series of economic depressions that struck the U. S. in the 1890s.



"Richard Cory" first appeared in the American poet Edwin Arlington Robinson's 1897 collection, The Children of the Night. In four brisk stanzas, "Richard Cory" tells the story of a wealthy man who often strolls the streets of a poverty-stricken town whose residents all envy his seeming glory. Yet the poem's final line reveals that, despite seeming to have everything he could want, Cory kills himself. The poem's thematic interests in wealth, poverty, and the elusive nature of happiness are deeply tied to its historical context: a series of economic depressions that struck the U. S. in the 1890s.


i hope it's correct

9. why do you think Richard Cory commit suicide? in the poem Richard Cory by Edward Arlington Robinson​

Answer: Richard Cory was commit suicide, because, despite all the things he had, his life was empty.

Explanation: that's my answer. and I sure it's that correct.!

Brainliest! Fast po please add nyo na rin ako. THANK YOU

10. 3. What is the main theme of the poem of richard cory​


In the end, though, they learn a valuable life lesson: Richard Cory kills himself, showing the people of the town that some things can't be purchased and that looks can be deceiving. The central idea, or theme, of “Richard Cory” is that wealth and status don't ensure happiness.

11. What are the social concerns illustrated in the poem Richard Cory


The poem's thematic interests in wealth, poverty, and the elusive nature of happiness are deeply tied to its historical context: a series of economic depressions that struck the U. S. in the 1890s.

12. what is the characteristic of townspeople on the poem of richard cory​


All of the townspeople look at Richard Cory when he walks around town. He is described as the quintessential "gentleman." The adjective "clean" and the adverb "imperially" add to the positive perspective of the speaker and townsfolk. Richard seems unassuming and "human," so he is personable and not arrogant.


Richard Cory is a wealthy man who is described as being "clean favored" and "quietly arrayed."

13. Tell something about the author of the poem Richard cory​


Went home and put a bullet through his head. "Richard Cory" is a narrative poem written by Edwin Arlington Robinson. It was first published in 1897, as part of The Children of the Night, having been completed in July of that year; and it remains one of Robinson's most popular and anthologized poems


#learningpa brainlliests po plsss

14. what are the five aspects of man in the poem richard cory​



Step-by-step explanation:

Earth, Fire, Water, Air, Light everything was change when the fire nation attacked

15. How do people in the poem feel about Richard Cory?​


The townspeople look at Richard Cory with a mixture admiration,envy and awe.The crucial factor in their view of him is that he represent success.


hope it helps even though it's short

16. what are the social concerns illustrated in the poem "Richard Cory"?​

The Social Concerns Of Richard Cory

The poem's concerns in money, poverty, and the elusiveness of happiness are all profoundly rooted in the economic depressions that engulfed the United States in the 1890s, which served as its historical backdrop.

The rich, upper-class Richard Cory is contrasted with his lower-class contemporaries in the poetry "Richard Cory," which illustrates the social issue of class inequality. The poem also conveys the extent to which people's public identities do not accurately reflect their daily lives. The working-class locals have envy for Richard Cory's wealth and status and make generalizations about the standard of his life even though they have never met him.

The story of a man who appears to have it all is told in the narrative poem "Richard Cory." Richard Cory is held in high regard by the town's residents, who are undoubtedly of a lower socioeconomic class. They aspire to be like him and look up to him. However, they ultimately discover an important life lesson: By committing suicide, Richard Cory demonstrates to the residents of the town that not everything can be bought and that appearances can be deceiving. Richard Cory's main thesis is that material success and social standing do not guarantee happiness.

Learn more about related topics by visiting the link below: 16065585


17. who is being describe in the poem in the story of richard cory​





18. What are the figures of speech in the poem Richard Cory?​


The poem is a metaphor

The poem also uses figures of speech. One such figure is metaphor, which means an implicit comparison not using explicit comparative terms such as "like" or "as." Another figure of speech used in the poem is hyperbole or exaggeration.


One such figure of speech is metaphor and hyperbole or exaggeration.

19. what is the message of the poem? RICHARD CORY ​


We have to write the summary.


In the end, though, they learn a valuable life lesson: Richard Cory kills himself, showing the people of the town that some things can't be purchased and that looks can be deceiving. The central idea, or theme, of “Richard Cory” is that wealth and status don't ensure happiness

20. What are the social concern illustrated in the poem"richard cory"?


Analysis of "Richard Cory"

Summary and Theme

A narrative poem, “Richard Cory” is the story of a man who seems to have it all. The people of the town, who are clearly of a lower financial class, place Richard Cory on a pedestal. They look up to him and want to be just like him. In the end, though, they learn a valuable life lesson: Richard Cory kills himself, showing the people of the town that some things can’t be purchased and that looks can be deceiving. The central idea, or theme, of “Richard Cory” is that wealth and status don’t ensure happiness.


Robinson uses connotation extensively to place Richard Cory high on a pedestal above the townspeople. Connotation is the use of words to suggest meanings beyond the dictionary definition. To lower the townspeople, Robinson places them “downtown.” This suggests that Richard Cory is coming down, or lowering himself, to the level of the townspeople when he comes into town.

He also places people on the “pavement,” which is lower than the sidewalk where Richard Cory most likely walks. Robinson positions the characters to show the differences in their financial status. He also shows that it is the townspeople, and not Cory, that seem to define these positions.

Although this poem is written by an American poet and set in an American town, connotation is used to suggest a noble, royal image of Richard Cory. His name, Richard, is the name of many kings. Also, Richard contains the word “rich,” which suggests his wealth. There are many other royal connotations and images in this poem, including “sole to crown,” “imperially slim,” and “schooled in every grace.” Crown, imperially, and grace all suggest royalty.


Robinson uses denotation, or the use of words for their exact meaning, to emphasize this image of Richard Cory being local royalty. Richard Cory was a rich, well-educated man. Robinson writes, “And he was rich . . . and admirably schooled . . . ” to make his point. On the outside, Richard Cory is a perfect man.


Robinson uses metaphors to create a noble image of Richard Cory as well. A metaphor makes a descriptive comparison between two objects or ideas. Robinson says that Cory was “richer than a king” and “he glittered when he walked.” These statements are not literal, but they create an image of nobility and privilege. Richard Cory is a representation of wealth, status, and privilege.


The entire poem, before the last line, displays a tone of admiration and respect. The poorer, lower-class townspeople respect and admire Richard Cory. They look up to him, literally and figuratively. They want to be him. This build-up of Richard Cory’s character allows the last line to have a huge impact. The impact and irony of the last line is used to emphasize Robinson’s point that looks can be deceiving and to give the poem an ironic tone in the end.

Situational Irony

The irony of the poem is expressed by the tone and the theme. Irony, in this case situational irony, occurs when the outcome of a situation is unexpected or a surprise. Richard Cory appears to have it all. The people of the town want to be just like him because his life appears to be perfect. In reality, Cory is lacking happiness, the key ingredient to “having it all.” The irony of the poem is that this man, who seems to have everything, kills himself because he is unhappy.


Six of the lines in the poem begin with “and.” The repetition of this word helps to build a mental picture of Richard Cory. More importantly, the repetition places Cory higher and higher on his pedestal. This use of repetition helps build the narrative towards the climax. This technique adds to the impact and shock of the last line of the poem.

The Meaning of the Poem

Robinson uses the elements described above to create an image of the human condition. The townspeople are striving for the dream of having it all. Richard Cory is their role model for this perfect life. In striving for what they interpret to be the top, everyone, except Richard Cory, forgets that happiness is more important than money and status. With his suicide, Richard Cory shows that having even the greatest financial wealth and status does not mean that a person has everything needed for a fulfilling life.

21. What are the social concerns illustrated in the poem "Richard Cory"?

The poem's thematic interests in wealth, poverty, and the elusive nature of happiness are deeply tied to its historical context: a series of economic depressions that struck the U. S. in the 1890s.

22. If you were Richard Cory, what would you do to prevent such an incident from happening? Richard Cory Poem


If I were Richard Cory,I'm going to entertain myself and find the reason why and what is purpose i live in this world... and since richard cory is richer than a king, i will help kids to fulfill their dreams so i can help and i have even make myself myself happy


Sharing is caring and sharing is fun

23. social issue highlighted in the poem Richard Cory


SCRUTINIZING THE ISSUE FROM A DEEPER VIEW ... most celebrated poems in the world of literature entitled 'Richard Cory'. ... highlights the features which present all the themes of the poem, or to be more exact, it tries to ... The belief and judgment that wealth, power, or high social status can bring happiness is.


sana po naka tulong

24. What was the traffic problem in reference to at the end of the poem Richard Cory? Why do you think the poem ends abruptly with Richard Cory's death? Why doesn't the poem reflect on it at all?

The traffic problem in reference to at the end of the poem Richard Cory was his suicide by shooting himself in the head

The abrupt ending of the poem with Richard Cory's death is intentional and serves to emphasize the shock and surprise of his suicide. The poem does not reflect on it because the focus is on the stark contrast between Cory's outward appearance of wealth and success and his inner turmoil and despair

25. what are the social concern illustrated in the poem 'richard cory'?


The poem's thematic interests in wealth, poverty, and the elusive nature of happiness are deeply tied to its historical context: a series of economic depressions that struck the U. S. in the 1890s.


Sana makatulong po

26. What was the traffic problem in reference to at the end of the poem Richard Cory? Why do you think the poem ends abruptly with Richard Cory's death? Why doesn't the poem reflect on it at all?


1. The traffic problem at the end of the poem "Richard Cory" is a metaphorical reference to the social and economic disparities between Richard Cory, a wealthy and privileged man, and the ordinary people who live in his community. While Richard Cory is wealthy and seemingly has everything he could want, the people around him struggle with poverty and other challenges. The traffic metaphor emphasizes the distance between Cory and the people in his community and highlights the sense of isolation that he must have felt.

2. The poem ends abruptly with Richard Cory's death to create a sense of shock and contrast between his external appearance and his internal reality. The poem does not reflect on his death because the focus of the poem is on the contrast between Cory's external appearance and his internal reality, rather than on his death itself. By ending the poem abruptly, the poet emphasizes the suddenness and unexpectedness of Cory's death, leaving the reader to draw their own conclusions about the reasons for his suicide. The poem is a commentary on the dangers of idolizing wealth and status, and the ultimate emptiness of a life built on external appearances.

27. richard cory- how does the poem reflect the attitude and belief of the time the poem was written​


Where po yung poem babasahin ko lang po

28. What are the social concern illustrated in the poem richard cory?


The peom's thematic interests in wealth, peverty, and the elusive nature of hapinness are deeply tied to its historical context: a series of economica depressions that struck tge U. S. in the 1890's

29. 6 social concerns illustrated in the poem, richard cory​


Richard Cory is a representation of wealth, status, and privilege. The entire poem, before the last line, displays a tone of admiration and respect. The poorer, lower-class townspeople respect and admire Richard Cory. They look up to him, literally and figuratively.



The central idea, or theme, of “Richard Cory” is that wealth and status don't ensure happiness. Robinson uses connotation extensively to place Richard Cory high on a pedestal above the townspeople.


30. what are the social concerns illustrated in the poem "RICHARD CORY"?​


Yet the poem's final line reveals that, despite seeming to have everything he could want, Cory kills himself. The poem's thematic interests in wealth, poverty, and the elusive nature of happiness are deeply tied to its historical context: a series of economic depressions that struck the U. S. in the 1890s.


Richard Cory has concerns/problem because of the money so she didn't know what she do.

sana nakatulong

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