Importance Of Music In Our Life

Importance Of Music In Our Life

how important music to our life

Daftar Isi

1. how important music to our life

It's hard to live without music. When you're bored, you often listen to music.When you're sad,music is the key.

Music Is life itself. Music is the shoelace of the shoe, the icing of the cake, and the color of a painting. You feel me?

2. why that music is important to our life?

Music is important to our life because it expresses ourselves and our emotions. It is the one who tells the words that we can not express. Music also gives color to the world and adds life. It can act as a friend too when we feel like we don't have one....

--Mizumusic is important for us because it have good meaning to our lives

3. Why music is important in our life?​


because music can raise someone's mood


Music can raise someones mood,get them exited,or make them calm and relaxed.Music also-and this is important-allows us to feel nearly or possibly all emotions that we experience in our lives.

4. what is the important of music of our everyday life?​


it can make us relax, stress reliever

5. What is the importance of sacred music in our life as catholic​


Sacred Music has the important role of both as a means of lifting up the spirit to God and as a precious aid for the faithful in their “active participation in the most holy mysteries and in the public and solemn prayer of the Church


Hope it's help pa brainiest po


NASA picture po answer ko PA brainlest naman po jan

6. what is the importance of music in our daily life? elaborate your answer.

The Importance Music: It is the best way to express your feelings like anger, love, joy and other feelings. We can express our feelings through music. Music can touch your soul and will make you feel peaceful and complete.

7. What is the importance of music and other forms of arts in our dailylife?​


The importance of art in our daily lives is very similar to that of music. Just like art, music can make life extremely joyful and can have a huge effect on our mood. In the workplace in particular, music is something that can help people set the mood for what they are about to do.



Art and Music Music, same as art, is a universal language and its importance to our daily lives is undeniable. Subconsciously, we hear music through television shows, commercials, radio and through other media. Sounds, songs and music can make life extremely joyful and can have a huge effect on our mood.

8. importance of music in our daily life?

For Entertainment
For Religion
And Etc..

9. what do you think is the importance of sacred music in our life ?​


it is like calling God and thanking Him for everything he had done.


it is a kind of prayer

10. give 2 reason why music is important in our life


It brings joy to our lives

It Relieves stress


nag bibigay ito saya sa atin yung malongkot ka at nakinig sa manga kanta yung kanta lang nag papasaya sayu

11. why music is important in our life as a human being?

1. The Universal Language

While every country has it’s own language(s), there’s only one language we can all understand: the language of music. We don’t even need words to understand what music is saying. Every year I see a lot of different people from a lot of different countries attending festivals. When the music is being played, it seems every one understands what’s coming out of the speakers and they just start dancing to it.

2. Ambiance

Music creates ambiance. It adds up to the experience of whatever you’re doing. Can you imagine a party without music, a sports event without music, or a movie without music? Probably not.

3. Music Unites

Music plays a very important role in bringing people together. Whether it’s a festival, concert or a club night, people come together to enjoy the music that’s being played. I’ve had the privilege to attend a few big festivals in Europe, and it’s amazing to see the amount of people coming from different countries in the whole world, just to be part of the experience. At festivals like Tomorrowland or Ultra, you’ll see a lot of people from all over the world to enjoy the whole musical experience. It doesn’t matter where you come from, every one is treated the same. This is something we can all learn from.

4. Focus

If I have to do some business related stuff, I’d like to put on some music at the background in order to focus a little better. It is scientifically proven that music enhances brain functioning. Besides, listening to music in an environment with other people also makes sure you don’t get distracted by other people’s noises. For me as a producer, a good side thing is I get inspired a lot by listening to music when I’m busy doing things.  

5. Emotions

Music can do great things for your mood. If you want to feel happy, you can listen to songs that are happy and this works the other way around too. When you lost someone in your life, it’s helpful to listen to sad songs. Science says listening to sad songs can actually make you happier. If you want to know more about this

6. Imagination

I don’t think I’m the only one who listens to music and instantly has a vision in my head of surroundings that would fit that particular music piece. Music let’s your imagination flow and that’s obviously a good thing for your creativity and health.  

7. Memory

Music is good for your memory. I bet you can remember the lyrics of a bunch of songs much better than an article you recently read. In nursing homes, they started using musical therapy in order to let the elderly remember things of their past, which they couldn’t remember without listening to music.  

8. It’s just a pleasure

I’ll close off with probably the most important reason why we listen to music. It’s just a pleasure listening to music so let’s just continue doing so!

8 na po yan pili kana lang po jan <3

12. what is the importance of musical instruments in our life?​



Learning to play a musical instrument can help you learn new skills. Playing an instrument can also help you build confidence, improve your team working skills and your self esteem. Learning a musical instrument can also help people meet and make life long friends.

13. Give two reasons why music is important in our life as a human being


1.) Music can be used to express ourselves and express our emotions with how we feel.

2.)It can reach our moods that can make us excited, calm, loved, and relaxed.


1.)Most of the music artist or people use music to express themselves with how they feel. They also use music to express what they've experienced so it could serve as an inspiration.

2.)With music, it can make our moods or emotions feel like we can relate to the music. So we sometimes feel excited, loved, calm, sadness or relaxed. Music can always reached someone's mood.

That is why I think Music is important, amazing singers that sings a wonderful song, people who plays musical instruments, dancers that moves along with musics, Music artist that express themselves through music and many more. So without music, our live will be boring and like sort of empty.

14. what is the importance of music in our life?(essay)​

this is my own opinion. the importance of music in our life is it's giving us relaxation. it gives good vibes and it helps us to overcome the stress.

hope it helps


Music is an important part of our life as it is a way of expressing our feelings as well as emotions.

15. Why is music important to our daily life? ​


Music is a crucial element of everyday life. ... The research in this area shows that music can have considerable effects on cognition, emotion, and behavior. It also indicates that people use music to serve various functions, from emotion regulation to self‐expression to social bonding.


I hope it helps


Music can raise someone's mood, get them excited, or make them calm and relaxed. Music also - and this is important - allows us to feel nearly or possibly all emotions that we experience in our lives.

16. What are the importance in music/sound in our daily life


Music and sound can have a powerful impact on our emotions. Listening to music that we enjoy can help us feel more relaxed, motivated, or uplifted. On the other hand, sounds that we find unpleasant or irritating can make us feel stressed or anxious.


Music relates most in our daily life cause music was created by our experiences .. and it is important cause music gives inspiration to human ..

18. how important music our in our life?in what way?


Music is an important part of our life as it is a way of expressing our feelings as well as emotions. Some people consider music as a way to escape from the pain of life. It gives you relief and allows you to reduce the stress. ... Music plays a more important role in our life than just being a source of entertainment.


tama na po ba yan

It is really important.It releases stress,depression or relieve pain/any kind OF emotion we feel everytime we hear music.Music is not just a groove or what?Music has its own message and emotion that when you hear,you feel.

19. give two reasons,why music is important to our life as a human being​


Music can do great things for your mood. If you want to feel happy, you can listen to songs that are happy and this works the other way around too. When you lost someone in your life, it’s helpful to listen to sad songs.

Music creates ambiance. It adds up to the experience of whatever you’re doing.

20. what is the importance of sacred music in our daily life

Playing sacred music is another way of worshipping God. It could help to strengthen our faith in Him and it could also gave us hope whenever we face challenges in our lives.

21. Give two reason, why music is important in our life as human being?​


Two reasons


Music can raise someone modd and music also important cause it allows us to feel nearly

22. what is the importance of musical ensemble in our life?​

1280 na po points ko wag kana po mamigay ng points

23. Based on this activity can you see how important music is in our life?​


music is important because it give as career in our life.


yan lang po

• | Question

° | Based on this activity can you see how important music is in our life?

• | Answer

° | Music is important in our life because it helps us to relieve our stress specially when we are in a bad mood and also music can raise someone's mood,get them excited or make them calm and relaxed. music allows us to feel nearly or possibly all emotions that we experience our lives.This possibilities are endless. ...It is important part of their lives and fills a need or an urge to create music.


24. give at least five reason why music is important in our life​


1: Music can raise someone's mood.

2.Music has the ability to convey all sorts of emotions to people

3.allows us to feel nearly or possibly all emotions that we experience in our lives.

4.Music makes you happy


hope it helps

25. Give two reasons, why music is important in our life as a human being​


Music can raise someone's mood, get them excited, or make them calm and relaxed. Music also - and this is important - allows us to feel nearly or possibly all emotions that we experience in our lives. ... It is an important part of their lives and fills a need or an urge to create music.



because music makes us chill

and this makes us happy, this can also make our mood

26. why is music important in our life?​


it gives us chill and the same time you can relax by listening to it


I just love music


music is verrryyy important to our life, we could express our emotions through writing lyrics and singing it. music eased the pain, and loneliness we felt within

27. What do you think is the importance of sacred music in our life


Music is the very language of the soul, its most intimate and exalted expression. Sacred music is the blood and bone of the liturgy, the carrier of its organic life, the texture of its being, the architecture of its prayer. If something goes wrong with music, as Plato saw long ago, the culture is lost.


28. 1. How important music is in our life? In what way?​


Yan po answer tama po yan





important because music is the way of our life if no music our life doesn't mater

29. What is the importance of music in our everyday life?​


It can lessen the stress, pain, struggle, distraction and bring positivity and calmness in our daily life. Music holds the power to bring people together in different ways. Music can make us expressive and help us in understanding our feelings and emotions in a better manner.


that's all

30. why music is important in our life?/

Music is very important in our Lives.. Like Air that is vital for life, so does Music. Music lifts ones Soul, from practical and mundane circumstances of our lives into Communion with the Universe. Music is a different World, a hidden behind what is already hidden, it is different from the World we usually live in. Music touches our Feelings and Speaks to us in a Special Language. It Rewinds the Special Times of Past experiences. Music Open our Deeper Feelings Like Music We Sang For God, The Best Music We have in our Mouth and Instruments, Because We are His Creations.

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