Persuasive Speech About Abortion

Persuasive Speech About Abortion

a persuasive speech about abortion

1. a persuasive speech about abortion

Answer: Do not do it if you can't handle it


2. abortion should be banned using persuasive speech


I stand before you today to talk about a topic that has been heavily debated and discussed in recent times - abortion. As a society, we have been divided on this issue and it is time for us to come together and take a stand. I strongly believe that abortion should be banned.

First and foremost, abortion goes against the sanctity of human life. Every human being has the right to life and no one has the right to take that away. By allowing abortion, we are giving individuals the power to decide who gets to live and who doesn't, which goes against the very foundation of human rights.

Secondly, abortion poses serious risks to the mother's health. While some may argue that it is a safe medical procedure, the truth is that it can lead to complications such as infection, bleeding, and even death. In addition, there are long-term psychological effects on the mother such as guilt, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Furthermore, abortion denies the child the right to life and the opportunity to grow and thrive. Many women who have had abortions have later regretted their decision and have spoken about the emotional trauma they have faced as a result. It is unfair to rob a child of its chance at life simply because it is inconvenient for the mother.

Lastly, there are alternatives to abortion such as adoption. Adoption allows the child to be raised in a loving and caring environment and also allows the mother to make the selfless decision of giving her child a chance at life.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that abortion should be banned. It goes against the sanctity of human life, poses risks to the mother's health, denies the child the right to life, and there are alternative options available. Let us come together and stand up for the rights of the unborn and protect the sanctity of human life. Thank you.


3. speech about abortion

Abortion? Para saakin hindi magandang solusyon ang abortion sa mga kabataang nabubuntis at hindi matanggap ito dahil ayon sa bible ang lahat ay may karapatan mabuhay sa mundong ating ginagalawan.

4. information about abortion​


killing baby inside your tummy

5. the truth about abortion

You were killing an innocent baby

6. pros and cons about abortion



Abortion may help pregnant women whose life is in line when they decide to keep the baby that will have the larger percent to be born dead or sick


Abortion can cause depression due to loss

7. question about abortion​


1. What is abortion?

2. Is abortion immoral?

3. Why is abortion not legal in the Philippines?

4. Is it considered immoral to have abortion in cases of ectopic pregnancy?

5. Why do people go for abortion?

6. Are there life long complications in abortion?

7. What are the methods of abortion?

8. What countries legalizes abortion?

9. Who are allowed to perform abortion?

10. Until how many weeks in pregnancy can abortion be performed?

8. thoughts about abortion​


An abortion is a procedure to end a pregnancy. It uses medicine or surgery to remove the embryo or fetus and placenta from the uterus. The procedure is done by a licensed health care professional.

The decision to end a pregnancy is very personal. If you are thinking of having an abortion, most health care providers advise counseling.


#sana makatulong

9. reflection about abortion​


Abortion is illegal in the Philippines. Although many people especially the young parents, do this when they found out they are pregnant. It is illegal in the Philippines because it is seen as killing a human even before it came out of the womb and seen the world.


Naisip ko lang po yan.

Correct me if iam wrong.


10. Example evidence about abortion ​


1. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that women who have abortions are no more likely to experience mental health problems than those who carry their pregnancies to term.

2. A meta-analysis of over 500 studies conducted by the American Psychological Association found that the majority of women who have abortions do not experience negative mental health effects.

3. A survey of women who have had abortions conducted by the Guttmacher Institute found that the majority reported feeling relief after the procedure and that the majority did not regret their decision to have an abortion.

4. A review of data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that the rate of unintended pregnancies and abortions has declined significantly in recent years, indicating that access to safe and legal abortion services is having a positive impact on public health.

5. A report from the World Health Organization found that unsafe abortions are a leading cause of maternal mortality and morbidity, and that access to safe and legal abortion services is essential for reducing maternal mortality and improving women's health.


11. more explanations about abortion

the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy.

It is morally and spiritually unjust in the eyes of the law and of God. It is a violation of human rights towards the unborn infant as it deprives it of life which is every human's right. It is spiritually wrong since God has given it life and we should preserve all living things.

12. evaluation about abortion ​


The evaluation of abortion-care programs and policies has been largely neglected by both national governments and international organizations. This article provides a conceptual framework for evaluating the intermediate outcomes of a safe abortion program, including laws and policies, women's care-seeking behavior, and the quality of, access to, and use of services. The methodological challenges in evaluating these outcomes are described. For each outcome, key indicators for measuring progress in program implementation are offered, along with country examples of successful evaluation approaches. The article concludes with recommendations for improvements in infrastructure, resource availability, and political commitment to support evaluation of safe abortion programs.

13. Conclusion about abortion

it sucks abortion is the worst thing someone can ever do

14. "the writer presented facts and data to support his claims that abortion should not be legalized in the country" it is a informative, persuasive, or argumemtative​


1.The writer presented facts and data to support his claims that abortion should be legalized in the country


2.A student defined the terminologies used in her research both denotatively and operationally to aid the readers in understanding how the words are used in the context of her research.


3.A politician delivered a public speech to convince the spectators to share his ideas and beliefs.


4.English teachers usually define the difficult words to improve their students' vocabulary and aid them' also in teaching especially in literature lessons.


5.Government representatives use gambits especially hen negotiating.


15. Slogan about abortion

take my hand not my life

16. speech about abortion

Did you know that there are about 3,700 abortions a day in the US? So approximately 1.3 million unpunished and LEGAL killings are occurring every year. I personally think that is absurd. Abortion is wrong and I am going to tell you why you shouldn’t get one or support them. Adoption, the after effects and the simple fact that it’s murder are all reasons why you shouldn’t go through with an abortion. I think that abortion is morally wrong and a highly debated topic in which there is a crystal clear answer.

Fist of all I just wan't to ask if ABORTION is good?

-of course no!

Abortion is to deliberate termination of a humans pregnancy, 

Abortion is a crime!  it is bad! because , even if it is not totally formed as a human it has lives. that given by our almighty GOD, and no one can get it back except on him. The greatest destroyer of piece today is ABORTION, because it is a war against the child,it is  a direct killing of  the innocent child murder by the mother herself!  

17. Delimitation of the study about abortion​


Information on the extent of abortion is generally obtained through direct enquiries of women. However, there is always the possibility of underreporting abortion due to several factors. In this article, the results of a study on underreporting of abortion in Cubuk Health Center are presented. Unlike the findings of similar studies, the overall underreporting of all abortion was only 4% and no relationship was found between the underreporting rate and sociodemographic characteristics of the women. The results have been discussed in the context of the special features of the health services provided in the study area.

18. everything about abortion

Abortion is the ending of pregnancy by removing a fetus or embryo before it can survive outside the uterus. An abortion that occurs spontaneously is also known as a miscarriage. Abortion is the killing of an unborn baby. The bible says this is wrong. IN exodus 20:13 it says “You shall not murder." Abortion is wrong i hope this helpsEvery woman should have a right to it.

19. abortion what about?

Abortion is the ending of pregnancy due to removing an embryo or fetus before it can survive outside the uterus. An abortion that occurs spontaneously is also known as a miscarriage. When deliberate steps are taken to end a pregnancy, it is called an induced abortion, or less frequently as an "induced miscarriage"

20. what figure of speech is used in the example "pregnany termination instead of abortion"​


euphimism yun ang answer

21. short speech about abortion​


short speech about abortion .


Abortion is defined in several ways all of which stop pregnancy.

22. thesis statement about abortion​


Abortion is the most controversial issue having no grounds of agreement among two ... Logic: No clear thesis statement.


I hope this help you

23. Abortion self-made speech. Express your answer in not less than 150 words.​


hope it helps thanks ;D :D

24. Conclusion about abortion​

Answer:The committee concludes that legal abortions are safe and effective. Safety and quality are optimized when the abortion is performed as early in pregnancy as possible. Quality requires that care be respectful of individual patient preferences, needs, and values so that patient values guide all clinical decisions.



25. pros and cons about abortion



1. Short-term satisfaction and relief

2. No responsibility in raising the child

3. No further expense needed in raising the child


1. Life-long regret

2. Depression

3. May be considered as murder

4. Anxiety

26. Agree about abortion​


The definition of abortion is the “termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus as the spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus during the first 12 weeks of gestation” (Webster Online). In Malawi abortion is restricted to mothers whose life would be in danger if allowed to carry on with the pregnancy up to the time of delivery. Except under such circumstances abortion is generally punishable by law. Section 149 of the country's penal code penalizes anyone who performs an abortion to 14 years imprisonment, while any woman who solicits one can be put in jail for up to seven years. It is from this view that some scholars have observed that the abortion laws which Malawi is currently using were imposed by the colonialists in 1930 while the British have themselves reviewed them twice. Some recent research studies has shown that unsafe abortion is the second leading cause of death among pregnant mothers.

I'm not agreeing about Abortion, because if you abort a fetus (or a baby), you're like and equal to killing a person.

27. disagre about abortion​

We disagree in abortion is it because it stated in the Bible that we should never kill. And we know that killing is a sin. It is one of God commandments.
When we abort a fetus or a baby it's already called a murder because they already have a life. Life is a gift from God that we should cherish.

28. stance about abortion​


The Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides a fundamental "right to privacy" that protects a pregnant woman's liberty to choose whether or not to have an abortion.

For many people, abortion is essentially a morality issue, concerning the commencement of human personhood, the rights of the fetus, and a woman's right over her own body. The debate has become a political and legal issue in some countries with anti-abortion campaigners seeking to enact, maintain and expand anti-abortion laws, while abortion-rights campaigners seek to repeal or ease such laws while expanding access to abortion. Abortion laws vary considerably between jurisdictions, ranging from outright prohibition of the procedure to public funding of abortion. The availability of safe abortion also varies across the world.

29. speech about abortion

Fist of all I just wan't to ask if ABORTION is good?
-of course no!

Abortion is to deliberate termination of a humans pregnancy, 
Abortion is a crime!  it is bad! because , even if it is not totally formed as a human it has lives. that given by our almighty GOD, and no one can get it back except on him. The greatest destroyer of piece today is ABORTION, because it is a war against the child,it is  a direct killing of  the innocent child murder by the mother herself!  

30. position paper about abortion​


What is abortion?

Abortion is the intervention and forceful way of ending pregnancy. If you are a religious person, abortion is definitely a no, no. Why? Because it negates a lot of things, such as (but not limited to):

 It is against life or creation

 It is against the teachings of the Bible

 it is almost the same as murdering someone (like a premeditated taking of one’s life)

Aside from that, abortion can also affect a woman’s whole being especially mental, emotional and physical well-being.  

- Mentally and emotionally, the act can bring nostalgia and nagging thoughts to a woman. It can be that the woman was willing at the time that she had an abortion but after, there could be regret.  

- Physically, yes, the life being was removed, but if the process of removing was not done properly, there could be health issues afterwards. There could also be a possibility that the woman may no longer be able to conceive when she wants to.

Finally, it really depends on the woman if she can go through it. But whatever she decides, she needs to be prepared mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

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