Plato s Theory Of Imitation

Plato s Theory Of Imitation

Define theory of imitation as viewed by plato​

Daftar Isi

1. Define theory of imitation as viewed by plato​


In his theory of Mimesis, Plato says that all art is mimetic by nature; art is an imitation of life. He believed that 'idea' is the ultimate reality. Art imitates idea and so it is imitation of reality. ... Thus, painter's chair is twice removed from reality. Hence, he believed that art is twice removed from reality.


In his theory of Mimesis, Plato says that all art is mimetic by nature; art is an imitation of life. He believed that 'idea' is the ultimate reality. Art imitates idea and so it is imitation of reality. ... Thus, painter's chair is twice removed from reality. Hence, he believed that art is twice removed from reality.

2. The philosophical thought according to Plato that art is an imitation of the real that was an imitation of the ideal


Art is imitation This is a feature of both of Plato's theories. ... In the Republic, Plato says that art imitates the objects and events of ordinary life. In other words, a work of art is a copy of a copy of a Form. It is even more of an illusion than is ordinary experience

3. Do you agree With plato's statement That art is imitation?​




Not all arts are imitated. Some of artists creates their own unique ideas in doing their own arts.

Hope it helps

4. Discussed the theory of plato​


The theory of Forms or theory of Ideas is a philosophical theory, concept, or world-view, attributed to Plato, that the physical world is not as real or true as timeless, absolute, unchangeable ideas.



The theory of Forms or theory of Ideas is a philosophical theory, concept, or world-view, attributed to Plato, that the physical world is not as real or true as timeless, absolute, unchangeable ideas. ... Nonetheless, the theory is considered to be a classical solution to the problem of universals.


pa brainliest

5. who developed the theory of imitation​


Charles Batteux


In his the fine arts reduced to a single principle

6. Make a table differentiating the political theory of Plato and Aristotle?​


Plato (c. 428–c. ... Aristotle also investigated areas of philosophy and fields of science that Plato did not seriously consider. According to a conventional view, Plato's philosophy is abstract and utopian, whereas Aristotle's is empirical, practical, and commonsensical.

7. How can Descrates and Plato's theories on human perso be proven correct?​

Chicken wing chicken wing chicken wing

8. Do you agree with plato's statement That art is imitation why or why not?​


Plato says that art imitates the objects and events of ordinary life. In other words, a work of art is a copy of a copy of a form. However, it all depends on the artist. If an artist creates something that exists in nature, but with a much different view then I wouldn't call that an imitation.

9. What are the contributions of Empedocles, Anaxagoras, Leucippus and Democritus, Aristotle, and Plato to the Atomic Theory?


Leucippus is named by most sources as the originator of the theory that the universe consists of two different elements, which he called 'the full' or 'solid,' and 'the empty' or 'void'. Both the void and the solid atoms within it are thought to be infinite, and between them to constitute the elements of everything.Aristotle is a towering figure in ancient Greek philosophy, who made important contributions to logic, criticism, rhetoric, physics, biology, psychology, mathematics, metaphysics, ethics, and politics. He was a student of Plato for twenty years but is famous for rejecting Plato's theory of forms.

10. ____?theory is the imitation sounds emanating from those thing produced by men

Different theories of language origin include Necessity theories (warning, “yo-he-ho” and Lying hypotheses), natural evolution hypothesis, Invention hypothesis, the Natural Sound source, Bow-wow theory, and Natural cries of emotion.

Among these theories of language origin, only Natural cries of emotion, Yo-he-ho and Lying hypothesis indicate the early men’s imitation to natural sounds and gestures produced by themselves.  

Men naturally produce sounds that show emotion or extreme effort. According to natural cries of Emotion and Yo-he-ho Theories, the early men may have imitated these involuntary sounds to invent words signifying a thought or an object. According to the Lying hypothesis, gestures that men spontaneously make has always been part of human language and with the intention to communicate—this has developed with the invention of words.

There are many different theories of language origin and all of them has valid basis. Although each is distinct, what is common among the theories of language origin is the assumption that men has invented language by observing nature and natural behaviors that is seen among and around them,

For more information regarding imitation of sounds and how it developed into a language, visit:

11. imitation suggestions theory motives? ​


imitation, in psychology, the reproduction or performance of an act that is stimulated by the perception of a similar act by another animal or person. Essentially, it involves a model to which the attention and response of the imitator are directed.

As a descriptive term, imitation covers a wide range of behaviour. In their native habitats, young mammals can be observed copying the activities of the older members of the species or the play of each other. Among human beings, imitation can include such everyday experiences as yawning when others yawn, a host of unconsciously and passively learned replications of social conduct, and the deliberate adoption of the ideas and habits of others.


hope makatulung

12. Whose theory or view fits your personal view of the self, Plato or Socrates?


Socrates and plato both viewed the self as the immaterial part of human being. The part of that is,in theory fully separate from the material part.

13. Make a table differentiating the political theory of Plato and Aristotle?​


Comparison of Plato's Political

Philosophy with Aristotle's Political




14. plato and Aristotle theory of form essay​

Already by Plato’s time a conventional set of virtues had come to be recognized by the larger culture; they included courage, justice, piety, modesty or temperance, and wisdom. Socrates and Plato undertook to discover what these virtues really amount to. A truly satisfactory account of any virtue would identify what it is, show how possessing it enables one to live well, and indicate how it is best acquired. ( Britannica .)

`` The fundamental theatre hypothesis suggested here is: Modernist -> postmodernist -> metamodernist.So don't leave past postmodernism, because you can turn out with the low-cost, empty tin version of metamodernism.That moves particularly for so-called integralists who have no or virtually no idea of the beauty of postmodernism. ''5 matters that give you Metamodern, Hanzi Freinacht

One explanation of prehistoric cave creation, advocated by French anthropologist Marc Azéma, is that the flickering flame behind the artist or observer could have lent the hint of animation to the animal paintings,Which frequently seem to be composed of multiple shapes directly.(Azéma has worked some lessons into uncannily convincing GIFs.)The glinting tiles of Byzantine mosaics in black cathedrals achieve the same result, the implied movement happening before the image in place.

This concept will also be used to researching the effectiveness of group Change resources in promoting the twenty-first-century accomplishments of digital youth, but as pantaleo's discoveries suggested that group Change resources are tools to teach critical thinking skills,Optical skill, and more.33 Lastly, this drawing calls for future research that explores how this interaction between changing resources and youth may have an effect on young getting twenty-first-century skills,Because these are important skills in enhancing the sense of authority in youth by increasing their ability to learn, move, and educate.

15. Described Plato's Theory of Forms?​


Plato means by its theory that this physical world is 'not' the real world, instead he believes that the real world exist beyond our physical world.

16. In what respects do the ethical theories of plato and aristotle stand in sharp contrast

Differences between Plato's and Aristotle's ethical theory.

Aristotle and Plato are philosophers from Greek. Aristotle was born in Stagira, Northern Greece, in 384 BC while Plato was born in Athens in 427 BC. Plato is Aristotle's teacher and in philosophy, Aristotle and Plato did have some differences of opinion.

The most basic difference between Plato and Aristotle is in the theory of ideas. Plato believed that ideas came before reality, while Aristotle believed that reality came before ideas.

Another theory put forward by Plato and Aristotle is the ethical theory.

Ethical theory is theories that contain the concept of thinking about morals and human behavior. For example, ethical theories that try to distinguish right and wrong, good and bad from human actions.

The term "ethics" comes from the ancient Greek "ethos" which means character, morals, and habits.

Plato and Aristotle both have their own ethical theory

Plato believed that ethics was rational and intellectual or could be explained logically.

Plato divides ethics into two types, the first is the ethics of nobility that comes from within the soul, and the second is the ethics of nobility that comes from the morals of society and the main purpose of human life is to do good things.

Plato's theory of ethics is based on the knowledge that is only possible to have with reason.

Knowing that it is right to do good and wrong is to do bad. Plato believed that goodness could be taught by telling what was right and wrong.

Aristotle's opinion on ethics is not much different. However, the fundamental difference is that according to Aristotle, goodness cannot be achieved by only knowing what is good and bad, but also by having the intention to do good with the right action.

Learn more about Plato's philosophy of art


17. own opinion why Aristotle rejected Plato's theory pa help plss ​


mahirap  yan


18. What is Plato theory of forms?(ipaliwanag)​


Plato's Theory of Forms asserts that the physical realm is only a shadow, or image, of the true reality of the Realm of Forms. So what are these Forms, according to Plato? The Forms are abstract, perfect, unchanging concepts or ideals that transcend time and space; they exist in the Realm of Forms.


The theory of Forms or theory of Ideas is a philosophical theory, concept, or world-view, attributed to Plato, that the physical world is not as real or true as timeless, absolute, unchangeable ideas.

19. whata are the deffirent environmental theories in this lesson PLATO'S​

His most famous contribution is the theory of Forms known by pure reason, in which Plato presents a solution to the problem of universals known as Platonism (also ambiguously called either Platonic realism or Platonic idealism). He is also the namesake of Platonic love and the Platonic solids.

20. How platos's theory of body and souls differs from St.Augustine?


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21. own definition of plato theories


Plato was an ancient Greek philosopher who lived from around 428 BCE to around 348 BCE. His exact dates of birth and death are not known. Plato is widely considered to be one of the fathers of Western philosophy, and many of his ideas continue to be influential in philosophy today. Notable among these ideas was Plato's Theory of Forms.

The Theory of Forms is ultimately a way of understanding reality. Plato argued that what people see and experience in their daily lives is actually just a representation of actual reality, which people cannot access but which influences the world nonetheless. This theory is not intuitive to most people, but it has had a big influence on philosophy, with similarities to Kantian metaphysics and other philosophical theories.

22. Do you agree with plato's statement That art is imitation why or why not​




because art is a copy (●'◡'●)

23. Make a table differentiating the political theory of Plato and Aristotle?​


Plato (c. 428–c. 348 BCE) and Aristotle (384–322 BCE) are generally regarded as the two greatest figures of Western philosophy. For some 20 years Aristotle was Plato’s student and colleague at the Academy in Athens, an institution for philosophical, scientific, and mathematical research and teaching founded by Plato in the 380s. Although Aristotle revered his teacher, his philosophy eventually departed from Plato’s in important respects. Aristotle also investigated areas of philosophy and fields of science that Plato did not seriously consider. According to a conventional view, Plato’s philosophy is abstract and utopian, whereas Aristotle’s is empirical, practical, and commonsensical. Such contrasts are famously suggested in the fresco School of Athens (1510–11) by the Italian Renaissance painter Raphael, which depicts Plato and Aristotle together in conversation, surrounded by philosophers, scientists, and artists of earlier and later ages. Plato, holding a copy of his dialogue Timeo (Timaeus), points upward to the heavens; Aristotle, holding his Etica (Ethics), points outward to the world.

24. what is theory of imitation​

in a strict sense,theory refers Imitation of a reality that can be percieved through senses,however,the Imitation theory need not be limited to the visual arts.on the contrary,it is a theory which asserts that the essence of each art form is based on the Imitation of sensibly perceptible reality.


hope it helps

25. What are the theories of Thales, Aristotle, Socrates, Aristophanes and Plato?

because its poweful for zues and hera

26. what are the benefits and imitation of information processing theory​

on the pic poe


hope it helps haha

27. How does literary theory resemble the practice of philosophy as it was developed by Plato and Aristotle?​


Literary theory asks fundamental questions about literary interpretation, and at the same time builds specific systems of literary interpretation. C. Literary theory relies totally on speculation rather than history ...


brainliest please

28. who is more wise among socrates, plato and aristotle in terms of business theory​




Depends on what you mean by “wise”. By Socrates’ own definition, which equated wisdom with “knowing what you know and what you don’t”, he would be wiser than either, because he knew he knew nothing, whereas both Plato and Aristotle thought they knew something.

If we think of wisdom as meaning something like “proposing a worldview that is solid, consistent and reasonable”, then Aristotle would probably be more wise, just because the Platonic Theory of Forms runs into insoluble difficulties, among them the Third Man argument, noted by Plato himself, as well as the rather humorous “form of mud” argument that Parmenides raises with Socrates in the dialogue of that name. While ultimately unsuccessful, the Aristotelian theory of substance goes a lot farther in explaining the real world, something that Plato’s theory always had difficulty with.


29. What is Plato's theory in politics?​


Plato believes that conflicting interests of different parts of society can be harmonized.


sana makatulong :)

30. What is plato's theory? About the alegorya of the cave.

There are many people who's contented in there life and not doing anything to achieve their dreams, meanwhile there's some people who want to educate more and be a successful person.

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