Vs Gender Essay

Vs Gender Essay

Compare genders vs sex Culture vs instinct​

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1. Compare genders vs sex Culture vs instinct​


Sex is usually categorized as female or male but there is variation in the biological attributes that comprise sex and how those attributes are expressed. Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, expressions and identities of girls, women, boys, men, and gender diverse people.


ano po yan?


Anong klaseng tanong yan.?

2. differentiate gender role socialization vs. gender stereotyping.​


Gender identity is about how someone expresses his or her gender. Despite the many roles men and women play in today's world, some people still judge others based on how they think males and females 'should' act. Stereotypes are ideas about how people will act, based on the group to which they belong.


3. Traditional Essay vs. Personal Essay​


personal essay

4. Essay: Explain the Similarities and Differences of CHRISTIANITY vs ISLAM vs JUDAISM. ​


Aside from being monotheistic belief systems that arose in the Middle East, Christianity, Judaism and Islam have a great deal in common. There are notable similarities in notions of sacrifice, good works, hospitality, peace, justice, pilgrimage, an afterlife and loving God with all one's heart and soul.

5. make a essay about cellphone vs laptop​


Phones are perfect for people who need to stay connected while on the go. Laptops are more powerful than phones and offer a bigger screen size. They also have a built-in keyboard, which can be helpful for typing long documents or emails. Laptops are ideal for people who need to do a lot of work while away from home.


Smartphones and tablets have less storage capacity than a computer, and their components cannot be modified like a desktop computer's can. Desktop and laptop computers can run more powerful software than a smartphone or tablet due to their size, components, and less restrictive power requirements.


hopes it's help

6. essay: human vs. robots​

Robots are already in our life, a computer is a stationary robot, phones and many more can be considered robots. However, I think that robots can never replace humans because unlike humans robots can only follow the commands that they are programmed. A robot can be consider a partial human or rather a human that lives on the past. They cannot adopt to new conditions and that’s what makes them far away from humanity. What makes a robot similar to humans is the fact that it is made by humans. It is just the product of made by men. It is a way that shows how smart humans are. It is a combination of all human developments and discoveries. Robots are made to help humans however they can replace them because they are in constant need of human development and care.

7. Love vs wealth, essay​

Would you choose love or money?

If you fell in love with a poor man would you stay with him because ‘love always wins?’

Assuming I can't have both, love and money, and I chose money, would that make me a gold digger? Money minded? Shallow?

They say love is the best feeling in the world and that those who are lucky enough to experience it are the happiest people in the world. That money should never be compared to love because love is endless and money can't buy love.

Love is more important than money? Have you met poor people? If love was all you needed to be happy in life then the poor would be the happiest, most content people on the planet.

Love is endless? Ever heard of divorce?

Love is not all sweet and rosy and filled with happily ever afters. Wake up and smell the coffee. You have to differentiate between fantasy and reality.

Money makes the world go round.

It's 2016, you are madly in love with your partner but you have no food to eat. What are you going to do? Beg for food or walk into a grocery shop and buy food with love?

Ever heard of The World’s Most Loving Couple? No. How about the World's Richest? Bet you have. Would you rather cry in a Porsche or on a bicycle?

Love is important. Don't ever think it's’ not. But don't think for a second you can survive in this century, in this world, only on love with ZERO money.

So yes, I will read your sweet poems, have long late night conversations with you and respond to your pet names with a few creative ones of my own. But if our love cannot permit us to lead a comfortable life and put at least three meals on the table for our children, I’m out.

8. love vs friendship essay​


As we know, our friends has their own experience about love. In conclusion, friend is more important than love because they will always with us no matter what happen. Always be with us when we have a problem. Love is our future but friendship is everything.

Between love and friendship if you have to choose one what would it be? Well for me I would choose friendship over love, why? Because I believe that we can still find love if it's not the right time and the right person then it wouldn't work out but a true friend is hard to find so if you have found a true friend already don't lose that person if you have to choose love vs. friendhip choose friendship because friendship is one of a kind you can't find another replacement especially now it's hard to distinguish if a friend is really true or plastic.


hope it helps!

9. similarity argumentative vs informative essay​


An argumentative essay contains a combination of facts and writer's personal ideas. The main difference between argumentative and informative essays is that an informative essay contains only information to explain a topic, whereas an argumentative essay contains statistics, facts and writer's personal ideas


An argumentative essay contains a combination of facts and writer's personal ideas. The main difference between argumentative and informative essays is that an informative essay contains only information to explain a topic, whereas an argumentative essay contains statistics, facts and writer's personal ideas


10. Equality vs equity eatablishing gender equality comfort room inside the school RRL​

Gender equality and equity are related concepts that are often used interchangeably, but they have different meanings. Gender equality refers to the equal rights, opportunities, and treatment of individuals of all genders. Gender equity, on the other hand, refers to the fair and just treatment of individuals of all genders based on their unique needs and circumstances.

Establishing gender equality comfort rooms inside schools is a step towards achieving gender equity. These comfort rooms are safe and private spaces where individuals of all genders can access facilities that meet their unique needs. They are particularly important for individuals who do not feel comfortable using gender-segregated facilities, such as transgender or gender non-conforming individuals.

Research has shown that the establishment of gender equality comfort rooms can have positive effects on students' sense of belonging, mental health, and academic success. These spaces can help to create a more inclusive and welcoming school environment, where all students feel valued and supported.

In terms of establishing gender equality comfort rooms, it is important to involve and consult with stakeholders, including students, parents, teachers, and administrators. This can help to ensure that the needs and concerns of all individuals are taken into account, and that the establishment of these facilities is done in a respectful and inclusive manner. Additionally, it is important to provide ongoing education and training to all members of the school community to promote understanding and acceptance of gender diversity.

11. 19. Pitting characters against phenomena like ghosts, gods, or monsters raises a. Character vs. supernatural b. Character vs. self c.Character vs. nature 20. A character is in conflict with some kind of technology a. character vs. man b. Character vs. technology c. Character vs. nature 21. A character is in an opposition with society, the government, or a cultural tradition a. Character vs. society b. Character vs. technology C. Character vs. nature 22. It is an essay that gives the reader detailed information about a specific topic. a. Persuasive essay c. Descriptive essay b. Informative essay d. Narrative essay 23. What is the purpose of an informative essay? a. To provide information, b. To tell a story C. To entertain the readers​


19. A.20. B.21. A.22. A.23. A.



12. Your Childhood VS. RIZAL'S (essay)​




kasi childhood

13. In a Venn diagram, compare and contrast an argumentative essay vs. informative essay.​


Introduction: present the topic and main ideas

Body: as many body paragraphs as necessary to present facts and information

Conclusion: summarize main points from the


Persuasive writing - your goal is to persuade the reader to agree with your opinion.

Often a combination of facts (informative) and personal point of view (persuasive)

Focus on benefits of your point of view

Use strong, comparable facts for both sides; never stretch facts to strengthen your argument

Persuasive paper outline:

Introduction: present the topic and your claim/point of view

Identify the purpose and maintain focus.

Informative writing - you are the reporter remaining unbiased, objective, and only presenting facts.

Give information

Explain an issue or topic

Provide straightforward facts with a balanced explanation of the topic Informative paper outline:

Introduction: present the topic and main ideas

Body: as many body paragraphs as necessary to present facts and information

Conclusion: summarize main points from the body persuade the reader to agree with your opinion.

Persuasive writing - your goal is to

Often a combination of facts (informative) and personal point of view (nersuasive)


ayan po sana makatulong ty po

14. COMPARE AND CONTRAST Flowchart Vs. Essay


Comparison: both of them gives or shows your opinions

Contrast: flowchart is drawn by graph but essay is written by paragraphs or sentences


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Arigatou ❤️

15. what is imaginative vs technical writing in essay​


the imaginative Is what have technical writing



16. what needs vs wants, essay

Needs and wants are defined by different meanings. Needs mean the things are necessary for us. We have to get them to survive or to reach our purposes. Some people who are contented with a simple and economical life but they are still happy; Wants are the things they don’t have and they want to get for satisfying themselves and take something for granted. They pursue the luxurious life and ‘waste a lot of things’ in many perspectives. I think the needs come from the requirement of survival and the wants come from a sense of vanity and temptation.

Needs are the basic requirement of the human being for surviving. Basically consist of the materialistic needs and the spiritual ones. About the materialistic needs, such as air, food, water, nutrition, protein, the things we need to use in daily life. In general, materialistic needs are depend on different people because we all have different standards to distinguish the needs. The spiritual needs are technically consist of the love between families, the love between couples or between friends, the care come different walks of life, the donations from the society and many people believe one of the religions as their believes.

Hope it helps<3

17. Sample essay about Nature vs. Nurture ​



Nature principle holds that biological characteristics of individuals get inherited from the genetic makeup in their lineage. Character traits such as height, weight, vulnerability to certain illnesses and skin complexion are inherited and determined by the genetic combination of individuals. Such biological combination is usually similar amongst individuals who are blood relatives, and for this reason, they tend to have almost a uniform genetic combination. Moreover, other behavioral, mental and personality attributes are also a reflection of our genetic makeup and usually inherited from individuals’ close blood relatives (Kong et al. 2018). Through the traits, it is easier to identify closely related individuals just by looking at their appearance and conduct.

Besides, specific characteristics do not become evident during birth, and when a person reaches a certain age, for instance, during puberty, that is when the hidden attributes begin showing up. The biological clock guides such characteristics, and when the right time comes, the physical and behavioral attributes mature and become conspicuous. Such traits get programmed in a way that for them to grow visible, they will take a certain period to develop. Moreover, they are also dependent on other biological factors within our bodies for them to manifest. However, the traits still maintain the genetic combination and the similarity of a specific lineage.


On the contrary, through nurture, an individual acquires specific attributes from the environment that surrounds them. When a child is born, for instance, its mind is black and empty. It is through its interaction with the surrounding and the people around it that will make the infant acquire some of their traits through learning, observation and aping their conducts. In other words, nurturing is dependent on the environment, experience, and learning as the individual interacts with the environment with time (Vazsonyi, Roberts, Huang & Vaughn, 2015). The way an individual was nurtured or brought up will influence their aspect of child development. Maturation will only affect biological development. The environment plays a vital role in the development process.

Similarly, the type of relationships also plays a crucial role in the nurturing, especially during child development. For instance, an infant develops an emotional attachment to its parents because of the love and affection it receives. Moreover, children who are given proper care and affection will reciprocate the same while growing up. On the contrary, infants who receive harsh treatment from their parents will develop withdrawal symptoms while growing up. Also, the infants also try and learn how and what to talk by studying the speech of those around them. The cognitive development comes from the exposer that the infant receives and conditions surrounding it.

Correspondingly, certain traits are acquired based on what an individual went through. Children who got abused or molested when growing up develop specific antisocial characteristics, for instance, being high tempered, harsh and develops particular disorders. For example, bipolar disorders manifest because an individual underwent harsh treatment which affects their psychological stability after that. Some of them become abusers and molesters in their future relationships as a way of imitating and justifying what they experienced while growing up. Imitation is a way of implementing what the individual has learned during the nurturing process by putting the lessons into practice

18. Imported vs local productsmake it essay​


Goods Versus Imported Goods" explores the reasons why locally produced goods are better than imported goods. For example, the imported goods do not offer cheap rates over a long time. Studies show that locally produced goods are better. …

19. differentiate pedon vs soil profile essay​

A soil profile is smaller than a pedon. It is exposed by a two-dimensional vertical cut through the soil.

A pedon description is commonly based on examination of a profile, and the properties of the pedon are inferred from the properties of the profile.



A soil profile is smaller than a pedon. It is exposed by a two-dimensional vertical cut through the soil. ... A pedon description is commonly based on examination of a profile, and the properties of the pedon are inferred from the properties of the profile.


pabrainliest po plss

God bless you po

20. Fresh Vs Frozen compare and contrast essay ​


yan po ba

correct me if I am wrong

21. Flowchart vs. Essay​


Comparison: they both gives our opinions

Contrast: flowchart is drawn by graph while essays are written by paragraphs or sentences


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Arigatou ❤️

22. Traditional vs Online Learning argumentative essay


traditional learning dapat dahil madami kapang malalaman

23. Flow chart vs Essay compare and contrast


Comparison:they both give/show our opinions

Contrast :flowchart is drawn by graph while essays are written by paragraphs or sentences


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24. viewpoint of flight attendants win gender discrimination vs PAL​





I said the day that i met you the day i thought forever

25. Essay about aerobic vs anaerobic​




earobic ask i said its not just a exirside he relax ourmind and body

26. write an essay tittled "The Front Liner Vs. Covid19"​


ikaw na magsagot


ang sakit sa brain cells

27. Argumentative essay about “Nature vs. Nurture”​


Nature vs. Nurture The nature versus nurture debate is one of the oldest debates in psychology. The nature aspect, which is the more scientific theory of the two, is the idea that genes have a greater impact on a person’s development. The nurture aspect is centered around if a person’s environment has a more significant impact on a person’s development. Scientists know for a fact that eye color, hair color, height, and other similar traits are in our genetic makeup. However, there is no way for scientists to tell if intelligence, personality, likes and dislikes, and sexual orientation is coded in a person’s DNA. The biggest studies that people who debate on this theory look at are ones where twins are separated at birth.On the nature side, behavior can be explained by how a person’s brain is wired to act a certain way. Depression, for example, is a chemical imbalance in the brain. Depression affects a person’s behavior in many ways. Depression is a biological explanation of why some people are anxious, irritable, have loss of interest, and general feelings of sadness. However, take for example the Ferguson, Missouri riots that occurred in August of 2014. According to the Buchanan of the New York Times, the town of Ferguson came together due to a local teen getting shot by a local police officer. However, the town did not come together in a well behaved manner. The town broke out in riots and civil unrest. The protests began the day after the shooting occurred, which all started with one person. If the environment around those people in Ferguson would have been calmer, the riots and city-wide lootings might not have been a result of the shooting. This could very well be an example of the nurture side of the debate because it shows that surroundings in the environment can affect how a person reacts to a situation. Behavior can be shown in both aspects of nature and nurture, as can. Nancy was extremely involved in the community and did everything she could to help out the younger girls in her home town of Holcomb. For example, Nancy got a call one afternoon from a young girl in the town, Jolene. Jolene’s mother asks if Nancy could teach Jolene how to bake a cherry pie. When Nancy realizes that she has many other things to do that day, including helping another young girl, Roxie, with her trumpet solo. Her father, Herb Clutter was like that as well, actively involved in the community.



Flowchart is a visual explanation of processes by showing diagrams while essay is a written literature of statement. So, flowchart is a process in picture while essay is any written article. However, both had a purpose of giving information.

29. tunggaliang tao vs sarili essay​


asaan po ang sasagutan



30. Comparison and Contrast essay of Books vs. Internets.​


Difference between Internet vs Books

Internet is an electronic medium of information and entertainment but books are physical form of source of information. Books are read for a more thorough study and internet is used for an overall view of the subject

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Comparison and contrast of books and Internet

Difference between Internet vs Books


1.Internet is an electronic medium of information and entertainment but books are physical form of source of information.

2.Books are read for a more thorough study and internet is used for an overall view of the subject.

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