Review Of Related Literature About Public Display Of Affection

Review Of Related Literature About Public Display Of Affection

Give the Review Related Literature about abortion

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you can make a review about statistical data showing the number of children born and aborted.


A review of related literature (RRL) is a detailed review of existing literature related to the topic of a thesis or dissertation. In an RRL, you talk about knowledge and findings from existing literature relevant to your topic. ... When writing the review, begin by providing the background and purpose of the review.





Nowadays, the rapid development of the Internet and its effect on daily life has introduced a new consumer profile which is referred to as the 'online consumer'. Such consumers are affected by different factors and they have different purchasing habits with respect to traditional consumers. The main goal of this paper is to depict the factors that have an impact on consumers' online purchase intentions through an in-depth analysis of the relevant literature. After an extensive literature review, 100 relevant articles are identified. The factors influencing consumers' online purchase intentions, which have been examined in these selected articles, are classified according to their similarities, and grouped under relevant categories. The study results reveal that while most of the studies focus on the impact of consumer characteristics, and merchant and product characteristics on online purchase intention, the impact of social media is generally underestimated in the literature. This can be attributed to the fact that this is a recently emerged research area. The originality of our paper stems from highlighting a future research agenda for consumers' online purchase intentions.

hope it helps you.


you can search about various types of religions from around the world.


A systematic review is a review of a clearly formulated question that uses systematic and reproducible methods to identify, select and critically appraise all relevant research, and to collect and analyse data from the studies that are included in the review


literature. ... Initially we can say that a review of the literature is important because without it you will not acquire an understanding of your topic, of what has already been done on it, how it has been researched, and what the key issues are.




thanks for the points points


the question says what is YOUR idea don't ask other people


Million Past Arround The World

read and analyzed the question please


sorry I didn't mean that I can get it to me mommy syempre kanya kanyang putahe to

This is the chapter that tacle more about the related literature and related studies in research ...


A literature review may consist of simply a summary of key sources, but in the social sciences, a literature review usually has an organizational pattern and combines both summary and synthesis, often within specific conceptual categories.

14. topic?5. What's the difference between literature review and a review of a literatureA. The review of a literature topic makes people aware of a masterpieceand contribute to a contemporary debate, while the literature review hasa personal dimension that aims to develop the skills and abilities of theresearcher as well as having a public dimension.B. the literature review makes people aware of a masterpiece andcontribute to a contemporary debate, while the review of a literature topichas a personal dimension that aims to develop the skills and abilities ofthe researcher as well as having a public dimension.C. The review of a literature topic makes people learn information abouta research topic, while the literature review makes people learninformation about a masterpiece.D. The literature review makes people learn information about theirsubjects and the review of a literature topic makes people learninformation about novels, romance, etc.​




A literature review establishes familiarity with and understanding of current research in a particular field before carrying out a new investigation. Conducting a literature review should enable you to find out what research has already been done and identify what is unknown within your topic.


you can search for studies showing the effects of skipping classes to the grades of students

Coconut and its by-products have been used for centuries as culinary, cosmetic, and medicinal agents. More recently, virgin coconut oil (VCO) is gaining recognition as a functional food due to its perceived health benefits. Virgin coconut oil has a high proportion of medium-chain triglycerides, which unlike the long-chain triglycerides, are oxidized to energy in the liver. In addition to its excellent antioxidant profile, coconut oil is said to have antimicrobial and hypolipidemic properties too. This review focuses on the historical and functional aspects of coconut oil, with special emphasis on its health properties.

can you give more contexts please


It establishes the authors' in-depth understanding and knowledge of their field subject. It gives the background of the research. ... Demonstrates how the research fits within a larger field of study. Provides an overview of the sources explored during the research of a particular topic

20. issue about PDA or public display of affection​


PDA in an acronym that stands for public displays of affection... However, being too affectionate in public shows a lack of general etiquette skills. When you and your main squeeze make out in front of other people, they are likely to feel extremely uncomfortable


online shoping is a place that you can buy and where to buy stuff




Answer po ba?


Related Literature

Related literature is defined as a composition of facts, studies, principles, which are related to your research topic.

Review of Related Literature

 A review of related literature is the process of collecting, selecting, and reading books, journals, reports, abstracts, and other reference materials. The following information may be collected: Background information about the problem and related concepts. Theories that explain the existence of the problem and the possible connection between certain factors and the problem Data that confirms the existence and seriousness of the problem General and specific findings of studies related to the problem Recommendations for further study given in related studies

Sysmatic Review or Related Literature

Systematic reviews are a type of review that uses repeatable analytical methods to collect secondary data and analyse it. Systematic reviews are a type of evidence synthesis which formulate research questions that are broad or narrow in scope, and identify and synthesize data that directly relate to the systematic review question.


5 laveles and 7given her and allows anyone else is unauthorized persons date placa and my bio and a cone is 12 raveles total

“The Impact of Social Media on Students’ Academic Performance” by Mensah, and Nizam, 2016  (Malaysia)

According to this study, Facebook users often experience poor academic performance.  Studies have shown a greater negative effects of social media than the positive ones.  The use of social media has led to students’ addiction.

“The Impact of Social Media on the Academic Development of School Students” by Hashem, 2015  (Germany)

This study shows otherwise.  According to its findings, there are no correlation between the use of social media and the effect on the academic performance of the students based on their overall grade average.  Students have shown an average result in their grades and the hours they spend using social media, thus making no significant difference.

Read the link for the benefits of social media:



Oregano is an herb that has been cultivated for centuries in the Mediterranean area, although it now can be found on most continents. Actually, there is not simply one "oregano," but rather several species that may contribute to the oregano used for culinary purposes. Origanum vulgare (also referred to as Spanish thyme and wild marjoram), a member of the plant family Lamiaceae, is generally the spice variety sold as oregano in Europe and the United States. Medicinal uses for oregano date back to the ancient Greek and Roman empires where applications of the leaves were used to treat such maladies as skin sores and relieve aching muscles and as an antiseptic. Oregano also has been used in traditional medicines for such ailments as asthma, cramping, diarrhea, and indigestion. In Greece, an oregano infusion is still used as a folk remedy against colds and upset stomach and to maintain general health. Based on the current scientific literature, oregano extracts and individual constituents consistently have demonstrated antimicrobial actions in vitro toward food-borne pathogens, although the capacity to counter human infections is not well studied. Oregano contains several potent antioxidants that may contribute to the findings in preliminary studies that oregano exhibits benefits toward the cardiovascular and nervous systems, relieves symptoms of inflammation, and modulates blood sugar and lipids. Well-controlled human studies substantiating these health effects are lacking


Chapter 2


The review of the literature for this study focuses on procedures used to identify

teaching and learning styles and what effect a match between the two has on student

learning outcomes and evaluation of instructors. The review focuses on a number of

different instruments used to identify teaching and learning styles. The chapter begins

with a definition of learning styles, teaching styles, and matching, followed by the

findings of researchers using various instruments to measure learning and teaching styles.


fo reviewing about the topic, you can use articles about student's performance in school.

you can search about the effect of this to students

Cutworms are a type of caterpillar that can cause significant damage to a variety of crops, including corn, tomatoes, and lettuce. Here is a brief review of some of the relevant literature on cutworms:

1. Biology and Control of Cutworms: Cutworms are a complex of several species of caterpillars that can cause severe damage to crops. This review article provides an overview of the biology and ecology of cutworms, as well as various methods for controlling their populations. The authors discuss both chemical and non-chemical control methods, including cultural practices, biological control, and genetic approaches.

2. Cutworm Damage in Vegetable Crops: This study investigated the impact of cutworms on vegetable crops in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. The authors found that cutworm damage was most severe in lettuce and spinach crops, and that planting date and crop rotation were important factors in reducing cutworm populations.

3. Insecticide Resistance in Cutworms: This review article discusses the issue of insecticide resistance in cutworms and other pest species. The authors highlight the importance of monitoring insect populations for resistance, as well as developing new control strategies that minimize the use of insecticides.

4. Molecular Approaches to Cutworm Control: This article explores the potential for using molecular techniques to control cutworm populations. The authors discuss the development of RNA interference (RNAi) approaches, which target specific genes in cutworms to disrupt their development and reduce their impact on crops.

5. Integrated Pest Management for Cutworms: This review article provides an overview of integrated pest management (IPM) strategies for controlling cutworms. The authors discuss the importance of monitoring and threshold levels, as well as the use of cultural practices, biological control, and chemical control methods in an integrated approach to cutworm management.


Writing a Literature Review

•define and clarify the problem/question you're addressing.

•summarize current understanding of the topic, highlighting different studies and how the authors addressed the problem/question.

•identify similarities, contradictions, gaps, and inconsistencies in the literature.


give review


related literature about human

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