Rizal And Education

Rizal And Education

*Name of the school of jose rizal in primary education.*Location of the school of jose rizal in primary education.*short Description of the School *Achievements in school of jose rizal in primary education.*Academic grades of jose rizal in primary education.*Masterpiece of jose rizal in primary education*Poem of jose rizal in primary education.​

Daftar Isi

1. *Name of the school of jose rizal in primary education.*Location of the school of jose rizal in primary education.*short Description of the School *Achievements in school of jose rizal in primary education.*Academic grades of jose rizal in primary education.*Masterpiece of jose rizal in primary education*Poem of jose rizal in primary education.​


*Rizal first attended an all-boys private school in Biñan,Laguna from 1870 to 1871 under Maestro Justiniano Aquiño Cruz.

*Biñan Laguna

Thats all what i can. but i hope it still helps you :)


School of Maestro Justinian Aquino Cruz

Binan, Laguna

An all-boys private school

He earned excellent marks in subjects like philosophy, physics, chemistry, and natural history. At this school, he read novels; wrote prize-winning poetry (and even a melodrama—“Junto al Pasig”); and practiced drawing, painting, and clay modeling, all of which remained lifelong interests for him.

2. highest education of rizal​


Rizal eventually earned a land surveyor's and assessor's degree from the Ateneo Municipal while taking up Philosophy and Letters at the University of Santo Tomas. Upon learning that his mother was going blind, Rizal opted to study ophthalmology at the UST Faculty of Medicine and Surgery.


tama Yan sinerge ko po..

3. What is education for rizal


kung wala ang barbecue ay magpaparty

4. Compare Rizal's education in Ateneo and UST

Answer: Ateneo de Manila which was formerly Ateneo Muncipal, was a boys' school and its graduates finish their education with the title bachiller en artes which is in Rizal's time was equivalent to today's high school. ... On the other hand, at the University of Santo Tomas, the students were given more freedom.

Pa brainliest

5. Why is education that important to Jose Rizal?​


Even at a young age, as a youth himself, Rizal saw that an education was key to creating a class of Filipinos that could lead the country to freedom and self-determination. Education was thus key to knowing oneself.


make me brainliest plz


For Rizal, the mission of education is to elevate the country to the highest seat of glory and to develop the people's mentality. Since education is the foundation of society and a prerequisite for social progress, Rizal claimed that only through education could the country be saved from domination. He also believes that the right to education is fundamental human rights. He also asked the government that education shall be free at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Rizal said "The Education of my People is My Supreme Aspiration". Rizal believed that reforms were possible through education and liberty.

sana makatulong


6. how was the early education of rizal​


Rizal had his early education in Calamba and Biñan. It was a typical schooling that a son of an ilustrado family received during his time, characterized by the four R's- reading, writing, arithmetic, and religion. Instruction was rigid and strict.

hope it help

7. rizal childhood and early education


June 19 1861

He Was Born In Calamba, Laguna

Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado Y. Alonzo


June 22 1861 He Was Baptized At Catholic Chruch At Calamba

At The Age of 3, 1864

His Fatger Built Nepa And Her Mother taught him now to read alphabet

8. what the influence of rizal on education​


Rizal always considered education as a medicine or something that could cure the problems of Colonial Philippines. He believed in education that is free from political and religious control. He asserted that reform can not be achieved if there is no suitable education, a liberal one available to Filipinos.

9. . Why is education a prime aspiration for Rizal?


he values education so much that he wants us to educate and learn more by reading educational books because education is the one that no one can steal from us and it can make our life better to contribute for the country's development.

Answer: Once in his lifetime he became an inventor, teacher, businessman, linguistic and even a civic worker. Rizal insists that education is the instrument of social progress. ... Rizal said "The Education of my People is My Supreme Aspiration". Rizal believed that reforms were possible through education and liberty.


Sana po makatulong

10. How was the higher education of rizal?


Rizal had a personal reason as well as an altruistic reason for his decision to study abroad. He wanted to become an eye specialist in order to cure her mother from an eye ailment. He also wanted to study the cultures, laws and governments of European countries in order to help his countrymen.

For Rizal, the mission of education is to elevate the country to the highest seat of glory and to develop the people's mentality. Since education is the foundation of society and a prerequisite for social progress, Rizal claimed that only through education could the country be saved from domination.

11. Describe Rizal’s education in Biňan. ​


Jose Rizal's first teacher was his mother, who had taught him how to read and pray and who had encouraged him to write poetry. Later, private tutors taught the young Rizal Spanish and Latin, before he was sent to a private school in Biñan. When he was 11 years old, Rizal entered the Ateneo Municipal de Manila.


correct me if i'm wrong !


Rizal had his early education in Calamba and Biñan. It was a typical schooling that a son of an ilustrado family received during his time, characterized by the four R's- reading, writing, arithmetic, and religion. Instruction was rigid and strict.


I hope helped you Bro.

12. what is the educational factor of rizal


For Rizal, the mission of education is to elevate the country to the highest seat of glory and to develop the people's mentality. Since education is the foundation of society and a prerequisite for social progress, Rizal claimed that only through education could the country be saved from domination.



13. jose rizal educational background

Jose Rizal’s Educational Background
Rizal’s first teachers:

1.Dona Teodora
- was his mother she was patient, conscientious and , understanding
- she discovered that her son had a talent for poetry
- she encouraged him to write poems

2. Private Tutors of Rizal
- Maestro Celestino
- Maestro Lucas
- Leon Monroy

Rizal goes to Binan,Laguna:
- June, 1869 Rizal left for Binan
- Was accompanied by Paciano his older brother
- He was taught by Maestro Justiniano
- In academic studies, Rizal beat all Binan boys
- He surpassed them all in Spanish, Latin, and other subjects

Life and Studies in Ateneo
- Ateneo De Municipal established by the Jesuits
- Rizal entered in 1872
- He belonged to the class composed of Spaniards, mestizos and Filipinos
- His teacher was Fr. Jose Bech
- He was considered as an inferior and was placed at the buttom of the class
- By the end of the month he became the emperor and received a prize, a religious picture
- To improve his Spanish Rizal took private lessons in Santa Isabel College
- During his 4th year in Ateneo he received 5 medals and graduated as sobresaliente
- He graduated on March 23, 1877(16 years old)
- Received the degree of bachelor of arts, with highest honors not a valedictiorian

Extra Curricular Involvement
- an emperor inside the classroom
- campus leader
- active member and became a secretary, the Marian Congregation Religious Society
- member of the Academy of Spanish Literature and the Academy of Natural Sciences
- poet
- studied painting under the famous Spanish Painter, Agustin Saez
- improved his sculpture talents under the supervision of Romualdo de Jesus
- engaged in gymnastics and fencing and continued the physical training under his sports-minded Tio Manuel.

Medical Studies in University of Sto. Thomas (1877-1882)

- After graduating , he continued his education at UST
- He finished a year in Philosophy and Letters
- He decided to shift to a medical course
- UST was under the Dominicans , rival of the Jesuits in education
- Remained loyal to Ateneo participated in extracurricular activities in Ateneo and completed a course in surveying
- As a Thomasian he won more literary laurels
- During his first term in 1877-1878 in UST, he studied Cosmology, Metaphysics , Theodicy and History of Philosophy.
- It was during the school term 1878-1879 that Rizal pursued his studies in medicine

Reasons why Rizal wanted to study Medicine:

- He wanted to be a physician so that he could cure his mother’s failing eyesight
- Fr. Pablo Ramon, the Father Rector of Ateneo whom he consulted for a choice of career, finally answered his letter , and recommended medicine

Pre- Med Course

- Curso de Ampiacion or Advanced course in Physics, Chemistry and Natural History.
- Out of the 28 young men taking Ampliacion only four including Rizal were granted the privilege of taking simultaneously the preparatory course and the first year of medicine
- Rizal also received his four year practical training in medicine at the Hospital de San Juan de Dios in Intramuros
- During his last year at the University, Rizal had obtained the global grade of Notable(Very Good) in all of his subjects, and he was the second best student in a decimated class of seven who passed the medicine course. After which, Rizal decided to study in Spain.
Academic Journey To Spain ( 1882-1885 )

- His departure for Spain was kept secret from Spanish Authorities, friars and even his parents especially his mother because she would not allow him to go
- To avoid detection , he used the name Jose Mercado
- On May 3, 1882 he boarded on Salvadora bound for Singapore where he was the only Filipino passenger
- On November 3, 1882, he enrolled in Universidad Central de Madrid taking up two courses: Philosophy an Letters and Medicine
- On June 21, 1884 , he conferred the degree of Licentiate in Medicine
- The Following academic year , he studied and passed all subjects leading to the degree of doctor of medicine
- Unfortunately, he was not able to submit the thesis required for graduation nor paid the corresponding fees
- With that, he was not awarded his Doctor’s Diploma
- Jose Rizal also finished his studies in Philosophy and Letters with higher grades
- He was awarded the Degree of Licentiate in Philosophy and Letters by the Universidad Central de Madrid June 19, 1885 with the rating of excellent.

Opthalmology studies and travels in Europe
- Jose Rizal went to Paris and Germany in order to specialize in ophthalmology. Among all branches, he chose this specialization because he wanted to cure his mother’s failing eyesight.
- In 1885, after studying at the Universidad Central de Madrid, Rizal, who was then 24 years old, went to Paris to acquire more knowledge in ophthalmology

Rizal friends in Europe:
- Maximo Viola
- Senor Eusebio Corominas
- Don Miguel Morayta
- Dr. Louis de Weckert

14. describe rizal educational background

Rizal is example of Many highly skilled and splendid geniuses who is also a polymath. Rizal studied many courses and finished it with excellent Remarks. Rizal was a highly intelligent with his scholastic achievement prove it to the prying eyes of the Friars and his enemies.

15. Educational background of rizal


Hope that this answer can help to your question

16. rizal early education​


Jose Rizal's first teacher was his mother,

who had taught him to read and pray and who had encourage him to write poetry.


rizal is brainly


pls brainleast thank you

17. was the accusation of rizal by spanish authorities justifiable?particularly on the area of rizal education​





18. do you agree with the way rizal valued education? explain (in the poem education gives luster to motherland by Jose Rizal)​


I agree that education is important for it will give us a better future. Not only that education is important for it helps us in our everyday life. If we follow rizal's footsteps on how he used education for our country it is also a good way why education is important

19. Values of Religion  to Education according to Rizal​


Rizal always considered education as a medicine or something that could cure the problems of Colonial Philippines. He believed in education that is free from political and religious control. He asserted that reform can not be achieved if there is no suitable education, a liberal one available to Filipinos

20. Education of rizal??? saan​

Ateneo Municipal de Manila


Ang Ateneo Municipal de Manila ang unang paaralan sa Maynila na kaniyang pinasukan noong ikadalawa ng Enero 1872.

university of santo tomas din nagaral si rizal

21. Rizal contribute to his life and education​


jjujbhnsjujwjsiidjdjjdjdn. hs

22. early education of Rizal timeline​


Jose Rizal [Education] Rizal had his early education in Calamba and Biñan. It was a typical schooling that a son of an ilustrado family received during his time, characterized by the four R's- reading, writing, arithmetic, and religion. Instruction was rigid and strict.


José begins school under the instruction of Justiniano Aquin Cruz at just nine years of age.


José continues his education under the instruction of Lucas Padua.


Rizal is examined by those in charge of college entrance to St. Tomas University in Manila; he enters the school system as a scholar.


Rizal enters the Ateneo as a boarder at just 14 years of age.


At the age of 15, Rizal receives a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the Ateneo de Manila. He not only receives this degree, but receives it with the highest honors possible.


In June José begins to go to school at St. Tomas University in Manila where he studies philosophy.

Writing Career


In November Rizal writes a poem and receives recognition for his writing from the Royal Economic Society of Friends of the Country, also known as Amigos del Pals. The recognition comes in the form of a diploma of merit and honorable mention.


In June Rizal decides to switch gears in his educational pursuits and transfers into the medical courses at St. Tomas University. During this time he also writes an additional two poems that win him further recognition.


At the age of 19 Rizal writes another poem for a competition where he should have won first prize. However, he was not given this prize due to discrimination.In December Rizal produces his first Operetta called On the Banks of the Pasig.


Rizal creates the commemorative medal in wax for the Royal Economic Society of Friends centennial celebration.



In May Rizal gets money from his brother and travels secretly from Manila to Spain aboard a French ship and railroad entering Spain at the Port Bou.In June St. Tomas University realizes Rizal is nowhere to be found and threatens to take land away from his father who is a tenant even though his father has no idea of his whereabouts.June 15 Rizal makes his arrival in Barcelona and begins to study again in Madrid in October of that same year.


Rizal receives a degree in medicine from the Central University of Madrid at the age of 23. He then becomes an assistant to Dr. L. de Wecker and visits many universities in Berlin, Leipzig, and Heidelberg in the country of Germany

23. dr jose rizal education​

Jose Rizal’s first teacher was his mother, who had taught him how to read and pray and who had encouraged him to write poetry. Later, private tutors taught the young Rizal Spanish and Latin, before he was sent to a private school in Biñan.

When he was 11 years old, Rizal entered the Ateneo Municipal de Manila. He earned excellent marks in subjects like philosophy, physics, chemistry, and natural history. At this school, he read novels; wrote prize-winning poetry (and even a melodrama—“Junto al Pasig”); and practiced drawing, painting, and clay modeling, all of which remained lifelong interests for him.

Rizal eventually earned a land surveyor’s and assessor’s degree from the Ateneo Municipal while taking up Philosophy and Letters at the University of Santo Tomas. Upon learning that his mother was going blind, Rizal opted to study ophthalmology at the UST Faculty of Medicine and Surgery. He, however, was not able to complete the course because “he became politically isolated by adversaries among the faculty and clergy who demanded that he assimilate to their system.”

Without the knowledge of his parents, Rizal traveled to Europe in May 1882. According to his biographer, Austin Craig, Rizal, “in order to obtain a better education, had had to leave his country stealthily like a fugitive from justice, and his family, to save themselves from persecution, were compelled to profess ignorance of his plans and movements. His name was entered in Santo Tomas at the opening of the new term, with the fees paid, and Paciano had gone to Manila pretending to be looking for this brother whom he had assisted out of the country.”

Rizal earned a Licentiate in Medicine at the Universidad Central de Madrid, where he also took courses in philosophy and literature. It was in Madrid that he conceived of writing Noli Me Tangere. He also attended the University of Paris and, in 1887, completed his eye specialization course at the University of Heidelberg. It was also in that year that Rizal’s first novel was published (in Berlin).

Rizal is said to have had the ability to master various skills, subjects, and languages. Our national hero was also a doctor, farmer, naturalist (he discovered the Draco rizali, a small lizard; Apogania rizali, a beetle; and the Rhacophorus rizali, a frog), writer, visual artist, athlete (martial arts, fencing, and pistol shooting), musician, and social scientist.

24. Rizal's life: family, childhood, and education. ​


Jose Rizal came from a wealthy family in Calamba, Laguna, Considered one of the largest families in those times, the 13-member-family consisted of his father Francisco Mercado II, his mother Teodora Alonso Realonda, himself, nine sisters and one brother.


The first memory of Rizal, in his infancy, was his happy days in the family garden. Because he was frail, sickly, and undersized child, he was given the most tender care by his parents. 9. His father built a nipa cottage in the garden for him to play in the daytime


Rizal had his early education in Calamba and Biñan. It was a typical schooling that a son of an ilustrado family received during his time, characterized by the four R's- reading, writing, arithmetic, and religion. Instruction was rigid and strict.


25. Rizal's life: family, childhood, and education."​




tapos nung gagawin ko Jan?,

26. what are the contibution of jose rizal in education?​


Rizal Insist on Education as the Instrument for Social ProgressA major contribution to the making of the Filipino nation was Rizal's insistence on the education of his people, a social commitment of any government. He considered this as a cornerstone of the reform the country so urgently needed at the time.

27. how does rizal value education​


He value the education because education is the most important thing in life, and nothing can buy education even you spent a billion dollars

28. reflection about educational experiences of rizal? ​


,yan po yung sagot


I hope na makatulung


nasa taas po ang answer

29. Describe Rizal's education. ​


Rizal in an exemplary in his academics, no wonder he got flat 1 in his scholastic book that can be seen in UST and Ateneo. Although he's the smartest young boy in town, he manage to get the degree he wanted and pursue it by helping his fellow Filipinos

30. Why was education a supreme aspiration of Rizal?


Because he learned a lot of things during his lifetime and he went to a country to study there

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