Example Of Information Dissemination

Example Of Information Dissemination

information dissemination examples​

Daftar Isi

1. information dissemination examples​


An example of this transmission of information is in fields of advertising, public announcements and speeches. Another way to look at dissemination is that of which it derives from the Latin roots, the scattering of seeds. These seeds are metaphors for voice or words: to spread voice, words, and opinion to an audience.

2. information dissemination example ​


An example of this transmission of information is in fields of advertising, public announcements and speeches. Another way to look at dissemination is that of which it derives from the Latin roots, the scattering of seeds. These seeds are metaphors for voice or words: to spread voice, words, and opinion to an audience

3. information dissemination examples​

I dunno but as what I have understood. an example of this is social media, advertisement

4. is it for selling products or for disseminating information​


- Packaging is important to sell the product. Consumers will accept a substitute. Marketers focus on intense distribution, time utility


Brainly review*

5. information dissemination​


what is it again?? I didn't understand!

6. importance of information dissemination in principals​


Sufficient information should be provided in accessible and culturally appropriate ways. Providing information about benefits and disadvantages of the project at an early stage of the EIA process allows people time to think about the issues, consider implications, and formulate their views. An informed public will understand the trade-offs, be able to contribute meaningfully to project design, and have greater trust with the project proponent.


7. Information Dissemination about nature​


— Information dissemination: Sufficient information should be provided in accessible and culturally appropriate ways. Providing information about benefits and disadvantages of the project at an early stage of the EIA process allows people time to think about the issues, consider implications, and formulate their views. An informed public will understand the trade-offs, be able to contribute meaningfully to project design, and have greater trust with the project proponent.

The information is sent out and received, but no reply is given. An example of this transmission of information is in fields of advertising, public announcements and speeches. Another way to look at dissemination is that of which it derives from the Latin roots, the scattering of seeds.


8. Why information should be disseminated well?​


It should be disseminated well because once you've said a wrong information it lead to chaos.

9. is it for selling products or for disseminating information​


I'm sorry but we'll you make it more sense

10. what is the importance of disseminating information​


Question: what is the importance of disseminating information


Effective dissemination and communication are vital to ensure that the conducted research has a social, political, or economical impact. They draw attention of governments and stakeholders to research results and conclusions, enhancing their visibility, comprehension, and implementation.


11. Ano po ang information dissemination?

Information dissemination is to distribute or broadcast information

12. Examples of infornation dissemination?


here is my answer...

13. what is information dissemination

To disseminate (from lat. disseminare "scattering seeds"), in the field of communication, means to broadcast a message to the public without direct feedback from the audience.

14. Discuss the ways of obtaining and disseminating information? ​


15. Information dissemination plan


Information dissemination plan


16. What is informal dissemination ​

[tex]{ \huge \text{Answer:}}[/tex]

What is informal dissemination?

The kind of information is basically unsocial, this is highly opinionated and subjective.

17. activity 4 information dissemination​

sorry po hindi ko po ito alam

18. 5. Information Dissemination​


to disseminate is to distribute, spread, broadcast, or disperse widely. the act or process of disseminating is dissemination. the word is especially used in references to the distribution of information like files and ducuments.

hope it help


19. information dissemination sentences​

The History teacher lectures about medieval period.

20. dissemination information campaign ​


Information dissemination campaigns use mass media (TV, Internet, radio, newspaper, and billboard) to distribute information to the general population. Campaigns to disseminate information on drug misuse prevention are funded and organized by state or national agencies.


pa brainliest po


Information dissemination campaigns use mass media (TV, Internet, radio, newspaper, and billboard) to distribute information to the general population. Campaigns to disseminate information on drug misuse prevention are funded and organized by state or national agencies.

21. give me example of information dissemination​


Conversation presentation telephone

22. explain the role of multimedia in disseminating information, awareness, and advocacies. cite an example ​

The role of the media in disseminating information, awareness, advocacy, and examples.

1. The role of the media in disseminating information is to become a place for users to participate, share, and exchange information about something, someone, or an event.

An example is a news program about an important event that just happened.

2. The role of the media in spreading awareness is to become a place for individuals or groups to disseminate information about something that is considered important and must be conveyed to others.

An example is public advertisements on television about the importance of keeping a distance and wearing masks.

3. The role of the media in advocacy is to become a place for inviting audiences to cooperate in doing something or a place to ask for support from the public.

Examples are public advertisements about an invitation to dispose of trash in its place to maintain cleanliness and promotional advertisements from members of political parties to vote for him during general elections.

Learn more about the role of media in society



23. Why is communication necessary in disseminating information?​


Dissemination, Communication and the social life of research impact. ... This social element is vitally important because it ensures that knowledge is more likely to keep flowing rather than be lost or forgotten over time.

24. what is the meaning of the information dissemination

BASICS OF INFORMATION DISSEMINATION 5 Structure 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Importance of Information Dissemination 5.2.1 Problem-centered Nature of Adult Learning 5.2.2 Special Nature of Information Dissemination for Adult Community 5.3 Customizing Information for Dissemination 5.3.1 Issues of Relevance to Adult Community 5.3.2 Assessing Information Needs 5.3.3 Types of Information for Communication 5.3.4 Media and language for Communication 5.4 Approaches to Information Dissemination 5.4.1 Model 1: Searching Indexed Resources 5.4.2 Model 2: Non-indexed Sources 5.4.3 Model 3: Establishing Public Platforms for Reaching Out to Community Members (Nicknamed ‘Choupal’) 5.5 Database Creation 5.5.1 The First Step 5.5.2 Record Structure 5.5.3 Software for Creating Database 5.6 Conclusion 5.7 Apply what you have learnt 5.1 Introduction Unit 5 pertains to acquiring skill and applying the same to your professional activities and we hope that Unit 5 will be of especial relevance to your day-today work at adult learning set-up. Information dissemination is a proactive We hope that after going through Unit 5, you will be able to Form your own understanding of various aspects of information dissemination. Share your understanding of the basics of information dissemination with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) organizing adult education projects and programs. Facilitate the NGOs efforts to develop skills and techniques required for organizing information dissemination services for the benefit of the adult community. S M DHAWAN Learning Objectives S M DHAWAN 46 information service designed to educate and inform focused groups of users on social, economic and educational issues, problems, and opportunities of interest to them. It requires systematic planning, collection, organization, and storage of information for its delivery to the target It is a fact that survival and selfdevelopment are the major issues central to several adults in many communities. The need to raise their socio-economic status is thus necessary and urgent. This requires empowering adults, the under-privileged and economically weaker sections of society with technical skills and education. However, organizing programs meant mainly for raising awareness, education, and training are information and communication dependent. Information dissemination as such constitutes an important and critical factor for the success of adult education and learning programs. More often than not, organizers perceive information dissemination to be a oneway form of communication, circulating information and advice mainly through mass media in a cost-effective and timely manner. In some cases, the media are posters and pamphlets, while in some others reliance is exclusively on text-based print medium. However, two-way form of communication is relatively more relevant and effective for organizing awareness programs and activities in adult education. 

25. create a slogan disseminate information​



26. mark was asked to disseminate the information​


what is your questions miss/sir¿¿

27. having explored the different examples of infographic over the internet what do you think are the limitations of using infographic to disseminate information​


To sum up that has been stated the limitations of infographics to dissimenate information are it's time consuming, hard to express and not seo friendly the thing we should remember is that good graphics won't matter at all because we all need is the informations not the designs.

28. The importance of news article in disseminating information​


because it's to educate, explain or promote a concept, process or principle.

29. Explain the role of multimedia in disseminating information awereness and advocacies. Cite an example.​


Multimedia refers to the use of multiple forms of media, such as text, images, audio, and video, to convey information and ideas. It has become an essential tool for disseminating information, raising awareness, and promoting advocacies in various fields, including education, health, and environmental conservation.

One of the key advantages of multimedia is its ability to engage and captivate audiences. By combining different forms of media, multimedia can create a rich and immersive experience that engages the senses and captures the attention of the audience. This is particularly useful for conveying complex or abstract ideas, as it allows the audience to better understand and retain the information.

Another advantage of multimedia is its ability to reach a wide and diverse audience. With the proliferation of digital technologies, multimedia can be easily accessed and shared via the internet, allowing it to reach a global audience. This is particularly useful for raising awareness and promoting advocacies, as it allows organizations and individuals to reach a large number of people and engage them in their causes.

An example of the use of multimedia in disseminating information and raising awareness is the "Together" campaign by the World Health Organization (WHO). The campaign uses a combination of text, images, and videos to raise awareness about the importance of mental health and the need to address mental health disorders. The campaign uses multimedia to create a compelling and engaging experience that reaches a global audience and promotes the WHO's advocacy for mental health.

In conclusion, the use of multimedia is an effective way of disseminating information, raising awareness, and promoting advocacies. By engaging and captivating audiences, and reaching a wide and diverse audience, multimedia can help to create a more informed and aware society


30. 2 examples of Information Dissemination 2 examples motivation 2 examples emotional expression


1 Publishing Program

2 Policy Briefs

1 Intrinsic Motivation

2 Extrinsic Motivation

1 Smiling

2 Scowling

correct nyoq kung mali man<3

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