Sample Persuasive Speech Outline Using Monroe s Motivated Sequence

Sample Persuasive Speech Outline Using Monroe s Motivated Sequence

sample of Monroe motivated sequenceplzz pang speech lamang po..patulong​

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1. sample of Monroe motivated sequenceplzz pang speech lamang po..patulong​


Monroe's Motivated Sequence is seen in many real-life situations such as infomercials and sales pitches. When using this it is important to have a passionate, confident, and extemporaneous delivery. The five steps are: attention, need, satisfaction, visualization & call to action.


Sa G©©gle ko lang po yan kinuha

2. 1-5 Give the 5 steps to persuade others ( Monroe's Motivated Sequence)​


Step One: Get Attention

Get the attention of your audience. Use storytelling , humor, a shocking statistic, or a rhetorical question – anything that will get the audience to sit up and take notice.

Step Two: Establish the Need

Convince your audience there's a problem. This set of statements must help the audience realize that what's happening right now isn't good enough – and needs to change.

Use statistics to back up your statements.

Talk about the consequences of maintaining the status quo and not making changes.

Show your audience how the problem directly affects them.

Remember, you're not at the "I have a solution" stage yet. Here, you want to make the audience uncomfortable and restless, and ready to do the "something" that you recommend.

Step Three: Satisfy the Need

Introduce your solution. How will you solve the problem that your audience is now ready to address? This is the main part of your presentation. It will vary significantly, depending on your purpose. In this section:

Discuss the facts.

Elaborate and give details to make sure the audience understands your position and solution.

Clearly state what you want the audience to do or believe.

Summarize your information from time to time as you speak.

Use examples, testimonials, and statistics to prove the effectiveness of your solution.

Prepare counterarguments to anticipated objections.

Step Four: Visualize the Future

Describe what the situation will look like if the audience does nothing. The more realistic and detailed the vision, the better it will create the desire to do what you recommend. Your goal is to motivate the audience to agree with you and adopt similar behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs. Help them see what the results could be if they act the way you want them to. Make sure your vision is believable and realistic.

You can use three methods to help the audience share your vision:

Positive method – Describe what the situation will look like if your ideas are adopted. Emphasize the positive aspects.

Negative method – Describe what the situation will look like if your ideas are rejected. Focus on the dangers and difficulties caused by not acting.

Contrast method – Develop the negative picture first, and then reveal what could happen if your ideas are accepted.

Step Five: Action/Actualization

Your final job is to leave your audience with specific things that they can do to solve the problem. You want them to take action now.

Don't overwhelm them with too much information or too many expectations, and be sure to give them options to increase their sense of ownership of the solution. This can be as simple as inviting them to have some refreshments as you walk around and answer questions. For very complex problems, the action step might be getting together again to review plans.

3. example scenario of an entertaining speech, informative speech, demonstrative speech, persuasive speech, motivational speech ​


Examples of informational texts

biographies.reports.essays.newspapers.magazines.textbooks.instruction manuals.

4. example of motivational speech using cohesive device​


see solution on paper solution on paper


essakey on


The human mind is advancing through a fascinating rate. It is exploring many things and even beyond what it seems. However, the question does not lie on the minds advance concept but instead on how humane it still performs.

Since, the beginning Philosophers try to assess the emergence of the society. They believe that there was once a time in the human history where anarchy was the primary rule of the world. A period where man sees survival as a competition of death. A survival where man still follows the trails of the animals just to fill their starving stomachs with the latter’s meat. Later on, man’s mind suddenly shifts from the anarchic state to a much nobler state, the state of cultivation and vegetation. Man from this point in time, learns to settle in a single place where he himself can produce his own food. This settlement grows and it expands through the years, man sees that he is incapable of living in the new born society, so he proposed a social contract. An imaginary rule that binds the society to maintain peace and order. As years went by the society produces different products as well as different instruments to aid man’s work and livelihood. These instruments are the ancestors of the present technology we are using.

However, man does not only discover the instruments of helping him in his daily living. He also develops other mechanisms that will protect them from the harm of other creatures. From simple sharp rocks to fine and two edged swords to much complicated guns with terrible ammunitions. These equipment which are intended to protect man from beast later on become the weapons of instilling fear and chaos to the society. The weapons once used to maintain peace and order became an instrument for massacre. The society which was once a peaceful tribe of giving and sharing became a place of wrath and selfishness. Is this the society where technology must thrive? Where technology is used as weapons to exterminate life. Where technology is used as instruments for instilling fear to the masses. Where technology becomes a mechanism to eradicate the human race and will later on build a nation founded on the morality of power. If so, woe the mind who bore the first notion of technology. Woe to the hands who first invented technology. Woe to the people who become advocates of technology.

Albeit, cursing the technology for the bad effects will not make the world any better. If I will create a time machine now and try to reverse everything since the first technology was ever invented, then I will be one of those unjust rulers who is trying to manipulate the world in their own hands. Despite the bad effects of technology, still I cannot deny its beneficial effect to the human race. Thousands of years have come and gone, and we could see numerous contribution of technology in our way of living. It improved our transportation, food production and connectivity.

Finally, technology helps us to connect to persons away from us but it carries us away from the ones who are beside us. Technology can give either good or bad effects, it just depends on how we use it. So, please think before you click.


5. what is Motivational speech?​

A motivational speech is written to persuade, or convince the listeners, to take action to improve. This might involve convincing someone that increased effort and energy will lead to improved performance.

6. IL PERFORMANCE TASK Directions: Write a speech (entertaining/informative/demonstrative/persuasive/motivational) using at least 5 cohesive devices.​


Local government is responsible for a range of vital services for people and businesses in defined areas. Among them are well known functions such as social care, schools, housing and planning and waste collection, but also lesser known ones such as licensing, business support, registrar services and pest control.

7. why is a motivational speech during a conference dinner considered an entertainment speech and not a persuasive speech​


because we live in a circumstances that going out of nowhere to speak than talking to everything including all of the activities

8. 10. Which among the following is an example of a persuasive material?A. TV commercialC, Video LessonB. Motivational SpeechD. News Article​


D. News Article

Adverts and newspaper columns are good examples of persuasive writing. Though there are many techniques to write persuasively, most persuasive texts include a central argument, evidence to support the point and a conclusion, to summarize the text.



B. Motivational Speech


because motivational speech is the act of causing people to do or believe something

9. Which among the following is an example of a persuasive material? A. TV commercial B. Motivational Speech C. Video Lesson D. News Article

Answer: lesson


I don't know

10. write a speech (entertaining/informative/demonstrative/persuasive/motivational) using at least 5 cohesive devices.




The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is the defining global health crisis of our time and the greatest challenge we have faced since World War Two. Since its emergence in Asia late last year, the virus has spread to every continent except Antarctica.

We have now reached the tragic milestone of one million deaths, and the human family is suffering under an almost intolerable burden of loss.

“The climbing death toll is staggering, and we must work together to slow the spread of this virus.” - UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner.

But the pandemic is much more than a health crisis, it's also an unprecedented socio-economic crisis. Stressing every one of the countries it touches, it has the potential to create devastating social, economic and political effects that will leave deep and longstanding scars. UNDP is the technical lead in the UN’s socio-economic recovery, alongside the health response, led by WHO, and the Global Humanitarian Response Plan, and working under the leadership of the UN Resident Coordinators.

Every day, people are losing jobs and income, with no way of knowing when normality will return. Small island nations, heavily dependent on tourism, have empty hotels and deserted beaches. The International Labour Organization estimates that 400 million jobs could be lost.

The World Bank projects a US$110 billion decline in remittances this year, which could mean 800 million people will not be able to meet their basic needs.

11. ACTIVITY 6: WritingbreDirections: Write a speech(entertaining/informative/demonstrative/persuasive/motivational) using at least 5cohesive devices.​

Explanation:informative speech lang po Yung nakaya ko.i hope it helps☺️☺️

12. Make a persuasive/ motivational speech as a life coach.-speech encouraging/convincing someone to develop their goals in life and how can they achieve their goals.(500 words)/PATULONG PO/​


Many people take for granted the opportunities they receive through the hard work of others, but this attitude needs to stop because it has become the “norm” for students to expect their teachers and professors to provide them with an education. While it is true that in the United States, students are required to attend school until the age of eighteen, many children around the world lack this luxury. This “right” is commonly looked down upon by students, because they do not have the motivation to succeed, as they did not have to work to get into school and to pay for their schooling. Everyone takes something for granted, whether it is an education, a roof over one’s head, food on the table, or the commencement speaker at one’s high school graduation, everyone forgets to be thankful. As Admiral McRaven stated, “But of all the things I remember, I don’t have a clue who the commencement speaker was that evening, and I certainly don’t

Rather than continuing to take the opportunities presented to me for granted, I will strive to use these chances to make a difference in the lives’ of others. As Admiral McRaven said, “Generations were saved by one decision, by one person.” The presence of one person and their decisions can easily change the lives of dozens of people if that person allows themselves to invest in the lives’ of those around them. As a member of the Embry-Riddle Prescott Honors Program, I am held to and hold myself to a higher standard. By making the most of my time at Embry-Riddle, I can not only change my own future, but also influence the decisions others make. I will use my time at Embry-Riddle to change not only my own life, but those of my peers through listening to the advice of Admiral McRaven, and using my decisions to change the world around me, rather than taking for granted the opportunity to positively impact another


800+ words

13. propaganda techniques are use as persuasion, motivators perspective buyers true or false?​



brainliest please.

14. A type of speech which has the goal of convincing listener. A. informativeB. persuasiveC. entertainment D. motivation ​


B. persuasive


sana maka tulong


A type of speech which has the goal of convincing listener.


A. informative

informatives is speech to convincing the listener.

15. ACTIVITY 6: WritingDirections: Write a speech(entertaining/informative/demonstrative/persuasive/motivational) using at leastcohesive devices.​


Whether you’re a speaker or not, there come times in all of our lives where we need a little motivation. Maybe you’re struggling to find your purpose or are unsure about your path in life. Maybe you just had a bad day and need a reminder that tomorrow’s a fresh start. In either case, looking to famous speakers – and their corresponding motivational speech examples – is one sure way to boost your mood and help you find the energy to keep on keepin’ on.

Hope this helps for ur speech:)

16. Composed a speech based on types of speeches.--TYPES OF SPEECHES-- -entertaining speech-informative speech-demonstrative speech -persuasive speech -motivational speech -impromptu speech -explanatory speech-eulogy or funeral speech-farewell speechplsss help meeee guysssssneed ko na bukas plsss help help help help plssss​


The purpose of a demonstrative speech is to educate the audience on something. It can include visual aids that add to the demonstration and describe in practical terms how to do something. Demonstrative speeches are similar to informative speeches but informative speeches normally do not include actual demonstrations. If you give a talk on how to start a blog, how to write a cover letter, or even how to make money on to internet, these can be considered demonstrative speeches.

17. motivational speech for a broken hearted​


Hearts will never be practical until they are made unbreakable. The saddest thing about love is that not only that it cannot last forever, but that heartbreak is soon forgotten.i'd rather have a broken arm than a broken heart.It's hard asking someone with a broken heart to fall in love again.

18. This type of speech's goal is to influence, motivate, or change the audience's mind.a. Informative Speechb. Persuasive Speechc. Special Occasion Speechd. Impromptu Speech​


persuasive speech


baby ko si kulot follow

19. Motivational Speech for students

Answer: Pursue Passion, and Success Will Follow


It is often said that if you follow your passion, success will follow. This statement has been echoed by many successful people throughout history and is often used to motivate people to pursue their dreams. But is this statement true?

The idea of “follow your passion and success will follow” has become popular in recent years, but the concept is far from new. It is an ancient concept that has often been used in literature and other art forms. The idea is that if you follow your passion, you will eventually find success. It implies that you should continuously pursue something you are passionate about and that success will come eventually.

However, while there is some truth to this concept, it is essential to understand that success does not always follow passion. Many successful people attribute their success to hard work and dedication rather than just following their passion. Passion alone is not enough to achieve success, and it is important to remember that hard work and commitment are essential to achieve success.

It is also essential to recognize the difference between following your passion and working hard to achieve success. One can be passionate about something and work hard to achieve success. Still, if they have not developed the necessary skills or put in the required effort, their passion will not be enough to achieve success. Similarly, one can be passionate about something and not put in the necessary action, but without power, the hit will be much harder to achieve.

In conclusion, while “follow your passion and success will follow” is often used as motivation, it is crucial to recognize that hard work and dedication are essential to success. Passion alone is not enough to achieve success, and it is necessary to remember that while following your passion is essential, it is only one part of the equation.

20. Propaganda techniques are used as: A. entertainment B. persuasion to motivate buyers C. figurative language D. idiomatic expression ​


Question:Propaganda techniques are used as:ChoicesA. entertainmentB. persuasion to motivate buyersC. Figurative languageD. Idiomatic expressionAnswer:

B. persuasion to motivate buyers


Propaganda techniques are used to motivate and attracts buyers/customers to towards your product and change their view about other products.Propaganda is used to promote your product for it to be popular and bought by many people.



21. what is demonstrative speech,informative, and motivational speech​

Question 1:What is Demonstrative speech?


A Demonstrative speech is a kind of speech which tells or demonstrates on how to do something Example: How to Make (something)

Question 2:What is Informative speech?


An Informative speech is providing information being held by someone in a topic

Question 3:What is motivational speech?


A motivational speech is used to encourage or persuade someone to take action about something






( • .•)Here have some food

> (food) >


nasa explanation



Demonstrative speech is the type of speech you want to give to demonstrate how something works or how to do a certain thing.


When you want to educate your audience about a certain topic, you'll probably opt to create an informative speech.


A motivational speech is a special kind of persuasive speech, where the speaker encourage the audience to pursue their own well being.



22. Motivational speech (Dreams)


fight, and never give up, one day you will get to it.

23. Motivational speech about family problem through the effective use of appropriate cohesive devices

Need q kse Brainliest eh:)

24. motivation technology sample photos​



25. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not. Write your answers below. (10 points)1. There is one best type of persuasive speaking. 2. Persuasive speaking is observed in any situation.3. Your ultimate goal as a persuasive speaker is to convince your audience to believe in you. 4. Persuasive speakers have a clear goal. 5. Errors in reasoning should be avoided in persuasive speeches. 6. There are various organizational patterns that can be observed in persuasive speaking. 7. Monroes Motivated Sequence is an improved pattern of problem-solution. 8. As organizational patterns, problem-solution and problem-cause-solution are the same. 9. Supporting statements are not really necessary in persuasive speaking. 10. We deliver a question of policy speech to call for action.​


1. True 2. True 3. False 4. False 5. True 6. True 7. False 8. False 9. True 10. True

26. ACTIVTI Y 6: WritingDirections: Write a speech(entertaining/informative demonstrative persuasive/motivational) using at least 5cohesive devices.​


ambot sa lobot


mag ML kanalang

27. a short motivational speech for your very close friend using cohesive devices appropriately.​

a short motivational speech for your very close friend using cohesive devices appropriately.​a short motivational speech for your very close friend using cohesive devices appropriately.​a short motivational speech for your very close friend using cohesive devices appropriately.​a short motivational speech for your very close friend using cohesive devices appropriately.​a short motivational speech for your very close friend using cohesive devices a short motivational speech for your very close friend using cohesive a short motivational speech for your very close friend using cohesive devices appropriately.​a short motivational speech for your very close friend using cohesive devices appropriately.​a short motivational speech for your very close friend using cohesive devices appropriately.​a short motivational speech for your very close friend using cohesive devices appropriately.​

anf short motivational speech for your very close friend using cohesive devices appropriately.​

devices appropriately.​a short motivational speech for your very close friend using cohesive devices appropriately.​a short motivational speech for your very close friend using cohesive devices appropriately.​

a short motivational speech for your very close friend using cohesive devices appropriately.​

appropriately.​a short motivational speech for your very close friend using cohesive devices appropriately.​

28. ACTIVITY 6: WritingDirections: Write a speech(entertaining/informative/demonstrative/persuasive/motivational) using at least 5cohesive devices.​


Explanation:informative speech lang po Yung nakaya ko.i hope it helps☺️☺️



29. can y'all make a motivational speech using atleast 5 cohesive devices please?​


ano Po sasagutan?


what gonna answer?

30. what art elements and principles used in Marilyn Monroe? ​


talented ghkfrhkufcdyk


Warhol's use of the silkscreen technique further “ flattens” the star's face. ... In this way, the painting suggests that “Marilyn Monroe,” a manufactured star

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