Video Games Adversely Affect Children s Brains

Video Games Adversely Affect Children s Brains

video games adversely affect children brains

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1. video games adversely affect children brains


Addiction pattern


The researchers reported that the more hours spent on the video gaming, the stronger the association with lower verbal IQ and subtle changes on brain areas described as loss of white matter integrity suggestive of an addiction pattern.


if you don’t want your child to get addicted on video games, first of, give them time

2. Reaction about Video games adversely affect children's brains


I agree with this because video games make a lot of children less focused about the things on their surroundings.

3. Reaction about Video games adversely affect children's brains


if not chrildren a video game if not

4. why the philippines adversely affected by the political instability in spain​


The political instability in Spain adversely affected Philippine affairs because it brought about periodic shifts in colonial policies and periodic rigodon of colonial officials


I hope it helps

5. GENRTSHS-Internal or external that can adversely affect the business.​

No external factors affect business more than an economic condition, which is the present state of the economy. Positive economy condition can be favorable for business development and adverse ones may generate negative consequences such as narrow down business scale, capital shortage or even bankrupt.

hope it's help this to you! <3

Paki brainly answer po please

Pasensya na po late ko na po talaga nasagutan :(

6. How do the additive effects of adverse childhood experiences impact the developing brain?​


So ACEs can impact brain development, which in turn impacts functions such as decision-making, self-regulation, fear-processing, memory and stress management. ... ACEs are counteracted by resiliency. Resilience means an individual's ability to overcome adversity and continue their normal development.



7. 4. does globalization adversely affect communication?​


Global communication is directly affected by the process of globalization, and helps to increase business opportunities, remove cultural barriers and develop a global village. Both globalization and global communication have changed the environmental, cultural, political and economic elements of the world.


Global communication is directly affected by the process of globalization, and helps to increase business opportunities, remove cultural barriers and develop a global village. Both globalization and global communication have changed the environmental, cultural, political and economic elements of the world



8. Is the argument generally logically acceptable video games adversely affect childrens brain


The researchers reported that the more hours spent on video gaming, the stronger the association with lower verbal IQ and subtle changes on brain areas—described as loss of white matter integrity—suggestive of an addiction pattern. These changes were detected after three years of follow-up.


pa thanks

9. Which of these corrects the shift of voice in the following sentence? Everyone feels attached to material things, but hoarders are adversely affected by it. A. Everyone feels attached to material things, but hoarders are adversely affected. B. Everyone feels attached to material things, but it adversely affects hoarders. C. An attachment to material things is felt by everyone, but it adversely affects hoarders. D. An attachment to material things is felt, but it adversely affects hoarders.

An attachment to material things is felt, but it adversely affects hoarders

10. Is Globalization an environment that favorably or adversely affect the business?​


One of the effects of globalization is that it promotes and increases ... are not the way to go, as many countries doing it have failed.

Broadly speaking, economic, financial, political, technological and social factors have paved the way to globalization. Economic factors mainly include lower trade and investment barriers.


11. 1_is the potential for harm , or adverse affect on a employee's health.​


Basically, a hazard is the potential for harm or an adverse effect (for example, to people as health effects, to organizations as property or equipment losses, or to the environment).


12. does corruption adversely affect growth​


Evidence indicates that corruption is likely to adversely affect long-term economic growth through its impact on investment, taxation, public expenditures and human development.This, in turn, may undermine long-term sustainable development, economic growth and equality.


13. how increase in human population adversely affects biodiversity​


If no changes are made in the ways humans use resources on earth, there will continue to be a degradation of biodiversity until human lives can no longer be sustained. Humans affect biodiversity by their population numbers, use of land, and their lifestyles, causing damage to habitats for species.

14. what does the issue talk about? what is the writer's stand about issue? video game adversely affects children's brains​


brainlest please?(´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`)


The researchers reported that the more hours spent on video gaming, the stronger the association with lower verbal IQ and subtle changes on brain areas—described as loss of white matter integrity—suggestive of an addiction pattern. These changes were detected after three years of follow-up.

15. how the loss of biodiversity adversely or badly affects humans?​

When biodiversity is lost, significant value to the biosphere and to humanity may be lost with it. Biodiversity benefits medicine, agriculture, and ecosystem services

Biodiversity loss can have significant direct human health impacts if ecosystem services are no longer adequate to meet social needs. Indirectly, changes in ecosystem services affect livelihoods, income, local migration and, on occasion, may even cause political conflict.


Biodiversity loss, also called loss of biodiversity,a decrease in biodiversity within a species, an ecosystem, a given geographic area, or Earth as a whole.biodiversity,or biological diversity, is a term refers to the number of genes, species, individual organisms within a given species, and biological communities within a defind geographic area,ranging from the smallest ecosystem.

16. (3)list down at least 3 adverse health affect​


•skin disease


•reproductive toxicity

17. why are some children more resilient than others in face of adversity?​


Several factors are vital to the probability that children will develop resilience in the face of adversity: Positive relationships between children and adults. The ability to monitor and regulate emotions. Opportunities to develop skills for adapting to the environment


18. how the loss of biodiversity adversely or badly affects humans?​


Biodiversity loss can have significant human health impacts of ecosystem services are no longer qdequate to meet social needs.

19. s the argument in video games adversely affect children’s generally logically acceptable


Takeuchi, from the Division of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, at the Tohoku University, in Japan, published in this month's issue of Molecular Psychiatry their study showing that more hours of video gaming in children are linked to lower verbal IQ and adverse changes .


They play video games at the expense of homework, sleep, exercise or relationships with family and friends. They may have depression, anxiety, shyness, aggression, and problems with too much cell phone use. Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) may be particularly vulnerable.


20. What decalcifying agent adversely affect staining?


Decalcifying agents – Strong acids

Strong acids such as hydrochloric or nitric acid at concentrations up to 10% are the most rapid in action, but if used for an excessive time, will rapidly cause a loss of nuclear staining and can macerate tissues.

21. Video Games Adversely Affect Children’s BrainsBy: Rafael CastilloA lot of children in the Philippines and worldwide are crazy about video game play (VGP).Some parents even encourage it with the belief that it can increase their children’s dexterityand could even improve their IQ. We now have robust scientific data indicating thisimpression to be erroneous.Although some scientific studies suggest that VGP may improve certain types of visual agilityskills, negative effects of VGP outweigh them, with unfavorable effects on verbal memory,attention, sleep, learning and comprehension.Most children regularly engaging in VGP have demonstrated by sophisticated imaging studiesthat the release of the hormone dopamine is increased, which is associated with most types ofaddiction.A high level of dopamine makes one experience pleasure. Repeated exposure to an addictivesubstance or behavior such as playing video games conditions the brain cells in key areas likethe prefrontal cortex—the area of the brain involved in planning and executing tasks—to craveand go after the substance or behavior causing the release of dopamine. The end result is being“addicted” to the source of pleasure, and in our children’s case—addiction to video games.Some scientists describe the effect of video games as “hijacking the pleasure center,” which isthe same reward circuit in the brain involved with motivation and memory. Since an addictivebehavior like VGP stimulates the same circuit, this part becomes “hijacked and overloaded,”unfavorably affecting the child’s memory, learning and motivation to acquire other knowledgeand skills. Hence, for many children, they may prefer playing their video games than doingtheir school assignments or reviewing for their exams. Source: Excerpts from, Rafael Castillo,“Video Games Adversely Affect Children’s Brains,” 2015, www. Inquirer.netTask 3.Directions: In two paragraphs, write your reaction in your notebook to the arguments presented by the writer in the manifesto above. Use the questions below as guide in writing your reaction.A. Is the argument generally logically acceptable?B. Are the evidences presented realistic?C. Is the argument leading to the development of society?​

A Reaction to Video Games Adversely Affect Children’s Brains by Rafael Castillo

A. The argument presented by the manifesto about children going crazy about the video game they are playing was logically acceptable. It was based on a phenomenon that is experienced by many people and has backups to the claims.

B. The evidence presented by the manifesto was according to scientific studies. It is also aligned with what is being observed in the behaviors of children who are playing video games. It does not exaggerate at all.

C. The argument presented by the manifesto seems to be a warning or a wake-up call for game developers in our society. It has given evidence of the effect of games that are too violent. This could lead to regulation around the development of video games to ensure that they would not lead to any addiction and violent behaviors in our children.

Learn more about Video Games here:


22. what are the arguments state in the text about video games adversely affect children's brains​


A lot of children in the Philippines and worldwide are crazy about video game play (VGP). Some parents even encourage it with the belief that it can increase their children’s dexterity and could even improve their IQ. We now have robust scientific data indicating this impression to be erroneous.

Although some scientific studies suggest that VGP may improve certain types of visual agility skills, negative effects of VGP outweigh them, with unfavorable effects on verbal memory, attention, sleep, learning and comprehension.  

23. Video Games Adversely Affect Children’s Brains By: Rafael Castillo A lot of children in the Philippines and worldwide are crazy about video game play (VGP). Some parents even encourage it with the belief that it can increase their children’s dexterity and could even improve their IQ. We now have robust scientific data indicating this impression to be erroneous Although some scientific studies suggest that VGP may improve certain types of visual agility skills, negative effects of VGP outweigh them, with unfavorable effects on verbal memory, attention, sleep, learning and comprehension. Most children regularly engaging in VGP have demonstrated by sophisticated imaging studies that the release of the hormone dopamine is increased, which is associated with most types of addiction. A high level of dopamine makes one experience pleasure. Repeated exposure to an addictive substance or behavior such as playing video games conditions the brain cells in key areas like the prefrontal cortex—the area of the brain involved in planning and executing tasks—to crave and go after the substance or behavior causing the release of dopamine. The end result is being “addicted” to the source of pleasure, and in our children’s case—addiction to video games. Some scientists describe the effect of video games as “hijacking the pleasure center,” which is the same reward circuit in the brain involved with motivation and memory. Since an addictive behavior like VGP stimulates the same circuit, this part becomes “hijacked and overloaded,” unfavorably affecting the child’s memory, learning and motivation to acquire other knowledge and skills. Hence, for many children, they may prefer playing their video games than doing their school assignments or reviewing for their exams. A. Directions: Read the manifesto above and analyze the arguments presented by the writer by answering the questions below. (15 points) 1. What is the main point or idea of the manifesto above? 2. List down the evidences presented as proof to the argument. 3. What category does the above manifesto belong? Defend your answer


Ihave no ideA what is this thing

24. the researcher should ensure that the participants will not be adversely affected


Respect for colleagues

25. Is the argument generally logically acceptable for video games adversely affect childrens brain?


→Research to date suggests that playing video games can change the brain regions responsible for attention and visuospatial skills and make them more efficient. The researchers also looked at studies exploring brain regions associated with the reward system, and how these are related to video game addiction.


→βrainliest Pls

26. how is biodiversity adversely affected by human activity?​


Deforestation 1990

The main threats facing biodiversity globally are: destruction, degradation and fragmentation of habitats. reduction of individual survival and reproductive rates through exploitation, pollution and introduction of alien species.

27. They adversEly affect man's health_________​


Sahil Kong ano ano cguro kinakain kaya ganyan ang health condition nya

28. Do you think smoking has an adverse effect on the functions of the brain?Explain your answer​


Yes!, because smoking is bad idea and it's dirty to be in our brain!


pa brainlies and pa follow


29. 9. S T R E H A T- internal or external that can adversely affect the business. ​.


9. THREATS - internal or external that can adversely affect the business. .

30. which human activities adversely affect species diversity?​


Five main threats to biodiversity are commonly recognized in the programmes of work of the Convention: invasive alien species, climate change, nutrient loading and pollution, habitat change, and overexploitation.

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