What Is Good Life For You Essay

What Is Good Life For You Essay

essay 200 words what constitutes the good life for you?​

Daftar Isi

1. essay 200 words what constitutes the good life for you?​


life mo yan wag ka mag tanong sa ibang tao whats your own opion

2. What is a good life for you essay provide picture that support your answer​


Feb 11, 2018·3 min read

Many people have a definition of what the good life means, but what does it really mean to live “a good life”? Is it helping others all of the time and not caring for yourself or Vic versa; being very selfish and having no remorse for others?

I think there are subjective things that each individual person will have, but I also think there are certain objective things that everyone should have.

The first thing should be your health. If you are not healthy and taking care of your body everyday, you are on board for a trip to the bottom because as your body degrades, as you get older, all of the unhealthy foods you have been eating and the months you have been putting off the gym will come back to haunt you. Eating healthy and working out is like cheap health insurance that adds up over time. Why wouldn’t you want to take advantage of that? And you see a lot of business people or people in general who work their butts off for money but they get a disease that ruins their quality of life.

There is this saying when people are younger, they use their health to get wealth and when they are older, they use their wealth to get back their health. It’s a circular logic and circular is illogical in this case.

And this isn’t just my opinion, there is amazing science to back this up. Weight lifting reverses the age of your telomeres, aerobic exercises help your brain function better, and etc. Even if you don’t have access to a gym, you can always run around your street.

The second thing you should have is money. Not just to tally it up, but just enough money to tell yourself,” I am financially independent”. You bread people who say ,”Money is the root of all evil”, but I don’t want to say that in a mean way, but money isn’t the root of all evil. Yes to a certain extent, I can see why people would say money is the root of all evil, but the lack of money should be the root of all evil. Just look at rich and poor countries.


3. what you understand about self-actualization and Good life? 250 w essay​

One basic way we use the word “good” is to express moral approval. So when we say someone is living well or that they have lived a good life, we may simply mean that they are a good person, someone who is courageous, honest, trustworthy, kind, selfless, generous, helpful, loyal, principled, and so on.

They possess and practice many of the most important virtues. And they don’t spend all their time merely pursuing their own pleasure; they devote a certain amount of time to activities that benefit others, perhaps through their engagement with family and friends, or through their work, or through various voluntary activities.

This moral conception of the good life has had plenty of champions. Socrates and Plato both gave absolute priority to being a virtuous person over all other supposedly good things such as pleasure, wealth, or power.

In Plato’s dialogue Gorgias, Socrates takes this position to an extreme. He argues that it is much better to suffer wrong than to do it; that a good man who has his eyes gouged out and is tortured to death is more fortunate than a corrupt person who has used wealth and power dishonorably.

In his masterpiece, the Republic, Plato develops this argument in greater detail. The morally good person, he claims, enjoys a sort of inner harmony, whereas the wicked person, no matter how rich and powerful he may be or how many pleasure he enjoys, is disharmonious, fundamentally at odds with himself and the world.

It is worth noting, though, that in both the Gorgias and the Republic, Plato bolsters his argument with a speculative account of an afterlife in which virtuous people are rewarded and wicked people are punished.

Many religions also conceive of the good life in moral terms as a life lived according to God’s laws. A person who lives this way—obeying the commandments and performing the proper rituals—is pious. And in most religions, such piety will be rewarded. Obviously, many people do not receive their reward in this life.

But devout believers are confident that their piety will not be in vain. Christian martyrs went singing to their deaths confident that they would soon be in heaven. Hindus expect that the law of karma will ensure that their good deeds and intentions will be rewarded, while evil actions and desires will be punished, either in this life or in future lives.

4. ~Essay~1.) How will you apply self-control to life as a member of your family? Explain and cite examples in not less than five (5) sentences. 2.) choose a bile character whom you think has set a good example of self-control. Explain why you choose him/her and how he/she has shown self-control. Answer in not less than five (5) sentences.3.) As a student, how will you apply honesty in your life? Explain and cite examplesin not less than (5) sentences.4.) From the story "lunch money mess-up", if you are Beth, what will you do?will you do the same or not? Explain in five (5) sentences why or why not?help...


1. As a member of the family self control is needed because if I have a self control there is less conflict.


-Self control in Answering back to the parents dabugdabog

-Self control in fighting with siblings

-Self control in using gadgets

-Self control in doing unpleasant things

-Self control in wasting money

2. My Father, because he has self control in his temper. He only use words reprimanding us. He also don't use unpleasant words, drink alcoholic drinks, smoking, etc.. He also control or budgeting the money. He is the ideal for self control.

3. I will honestly do things such as, answering modules. And being honest to the teacher of what i cant understand on his/her lesson. I will be honest to my classmates if what i dislike to her/him and what i like to her/him. And i will be honest and not gonna copy answers from classmates. I will be honest and do what is right.

4. (sorry but i didn't know this story)

5. health is wealth.there is nothing in our life that is more valuable than health. without health, there is no peace, no success and no happiness When we are ill, we do not want to work or play. Health robs us of good sleep and appetite. Life becomes a burden for a person who is sick all the time. He feels tired of life and always complains about something. But a person with good health enjoys his life. He never gets tired of work or play. He enjoys the beauty of the world and is happy with everything. He is able to work hard to make his dreams become a reality. He never complains and is always happy and cheerful. He may be poor, he may have to work hard to earn his living, but even the richest ma will envy him for his good health So, I believe that the saying, "Health is Wealth" is very true.1. Which part of this essay happened in your life?2. How is this essay similar to other things thatyou've read?3. How is this text similar to things that happen in the world? 4. What have you learned from the text? 5. What is the essay about?non sence <report>brainliest ko yung tamang sagot​


1.when we are ill,we do not want to work or play.Health robs us of good sleep and appetite.


3.Almost similar,why?because this pandemic really a burden to us.The text says that HEALTH IS WEALTH yes that's true,nowadays many people are dying because of sickness,even the rich man cannot afford a GOOD HEALTH they cannot buy it.There's nothing more valuable than our health.

4.Life is not all about being famous,being rich but also valuing your health,being at a good condition keeps you happy and peaceful you can do whatever you wants.So let's take care of ourselves for this is the best treasure that we have in this world.

5.Valuing you health

6. Make an essay about the 2 (two) questions stated below. You write your essay on the space provided after each question Your essay will be rated based on the rubrics. Questions: 1. If you were given a chance to become an athlete, particularly a runner, what will you do to be good and successful in this field? 2. How can you use the skills you have learned in running and swimming in real life situations? ​

Answer:1. I will become an athlete, so i will practice every day. I won't give up and i will survive. I know the role I'll play is hard so that is why i will practice everyday because practice makes progress

2. I will use to helping or saving lives. for example, chase the thieves and save a person who is drowning in the water.

7. 1. What is the main idea of the excerpt? a. societyb. humanityc. equalityd. human values2.What type of text is Values? a. dramab. novelc. essayd. poemAccording to the selection, which of the following should NOT be your attitude towards others? a. Treat others with a little respect.b. Consider others better than yourself.c. Respect everybody no matter their status.d. Realize that you need each other to be efficient.What is the purpose of the author in writing the text? a. to give an adviceb. to reveal the truthc. to present factsd. to express a feelingWhat does the essay reveal about the concept of human values? a. Man in nature is always good.b. Man forgets his values in life.c. Man has become pre-occupied with himself.d. Man should be compassionate towards others.​​







hope it helps




sana makatulong^_^

8. thank you for helping meFriends can be classified according to their honesty , loyalty , the type that fits you into their schedule , or the type that finds time for you when they need something. An honest friend tells you the truth even if it’s not always what you want to hear. In the long run , that honest friend may have saved you from embarrassment or possibly rejection. They give you constructive criticisms overall. The loyal friend is the type of friend that will be there for you through thick and thin. They don’t care how good or bad you may look one day; they are sensitive to your feelings , they respect you and the other people in your life, and most of all they will never let you down when times are hard. They may be what you call a best friend. The third group, the person that fits you into their schedule , is the type of person that is always on the go. They barely have time for themselves let alone another person. More than likely they will not be there for you when you need them most, because they are so wrapped up in their busy , hectic life. Then you have the self-absorbent type of friend that finds time for you only when they need something. This type of person isn’t what you would call a friend. This person may always be extremely nice to you because they know that from being nice they will more than likely get what they want. They will call you every once in a while when it is almost time for them to use that person again. It may be for a ride to work, home or they just want somebody to hangout with because they have no other friends. If the person that is being used is smart they will eventually realize that they are getting used and will stop being there for that person. ( Amy Neil, 2005)Comprehension Questions 1. What are the three types of friends?2. What basis is used by the author to classify friends?3. How does the author develop the classification essay?​


1. 3 types of friends:

—Friendships of utility: exist between you and someone who is useful to you in some way.

—Friendships of pleasure: exist between you and those whose company you enjoy.

—Friendships of the good: are based on mutual respect and admiration.

2. Friends can be classified according to their honesty, loyalty, the types that fits you into their schedule, or the type that finds time for you when they need something.

3.Step 1: Get Ideas. Before you start doing anything, you have to get classification essay ideas.

Step 2: Formulate the thesis Statement.

Step 3: Plan the Process.

Step 4: Do more research.

Step 5: Write the classification paper.

Step 6: Do the Revisions.


I hope this helps you!

9. kindly answer these questions through essay form after doing your biographical criticism. 1. WHAT IS THE VALUE of giving your best? Are you wholehearted in your endeavors? 2. WHAT DOES IT MEAN to “prepare for rain”?3. IN WHAT AREAS OF LIFE are you willing to attempt the impossible?4. IS IT HARD FOR YOU to persevere in the midst of feeling defeated?5. WHAT DOES IT MEAN to life for a higher purpose?6. GOD WANTS US TO LOVE HIM more than anything else. How could that play out more in your life?7. DO YOU TEND TO criticize others or are you an encourager?8. FACING THE GIANTS IS AN EXAMPLE that good things will happen when you give your life fully to Christ. But is there always happy ending?9. SHARE SOMETHING GOOD that God has done in your life.10. WHAT WAS YOUR BIGGEST take-AWAY from the film? (Facing The Giant)


7. i tend to criticize people more than encourage them. we cannot deny the fact that it is easier to see thw bad in people rather than the good in them. criticizing is always a negative thing to do but with the right intention of changing someone something to criticize can be positive.

if we dont criticize them, they wouldnt see their wrongs in life, if they dont see their wrongs in life, how could they correct those wrongs.

10. Write an essay: what are the good waves and bad waves in your life? How can you handle/deal with them?​


the good waves it is the thing that can help you positively while the bad waves is the one who affect you negatively or cause you pain either physical or mentally

how to handle:

love and care yourself and you must have descipline for the bad waves of your life so it will never happen again

11. Remember an incident in your life wherein you had to make a decision. What made you decide such thing? How did if affect your life then? In what way did it contribute a good thing in you? write a brief essay about this with a title and use the space below for your answer. ​


It happened a while back.

The 7 year old me going with Dad to a swimming pool. It was just him and I that went and so we arrived and settled down. Went down with Dad into the swimming pool and he aided me in swimming. Had a good swim, really enjoyed it, went out of the pool for a break and Dad had to go do something, asking me to remain in place and not to go anywhere. I was a good boy and I obeyed his instructions. However not this time, I had the urge to go back swimming again. Without my Dad's supervision, I entered the water slowly, submerged in the water, heads up, hands stretching out to the sides of the pool for support. So I started moving my hands, one by one, by the side of the pool, forth and back several times. I did so until I was confident (for no logical reason) that I am able to swim without any support, just by randomly flapping my arms and legs I'll do fine. I pushed away from the side of the pool completely unaware of the consequences (1.5 meters deep, no life vest, absolutely inexperienced in swimming). Randomly moving my limbs, vigorously, confident that I'll be able to keep my head above the surface; I did, for a few seconds and inevitably found myself drowning. Lucky enough to take a breath without swallowing water, held my breath and submerged. The surprising thing is that I had no feelings of fear, shock or whatsoever. I felt calm, so calm that I didn't resistant fighting back to the surface. My head was up throughout the time I was sinking, sinking slowly. I can still remember how that as if it was as if I felt safe, not worried about dying, as if accepting faith. I still didn't feel that I was running out of breath throughout the time, it was a miracle that I didn't for at least half a minute. A man was passing by and from his point of view he noticed a young figure submerged under the water, aware that this kid might actually need help. Feeling pity, he reached his hand into the water and I have seen the hand reach out to me as it grabs me and pulls me out to the light. I don't remember what happened next but the man was my Dad, breaking down into tears after discovering that he rescued and saved me by chance, having no idea it was me.


12. 1. A story written about another person’s life, is what type of nonfiction? a. Autobiography b. Exposition c. Informational Article d. Biography e. Essay 2. A story that just explains information on a topic is what kind of non-fiction? a. Exposition b. Informational Article c. Biography d. Essay e. Autobiography 3. A story that explains someone’s opinion on a topic is what kind of non-fiction? a. Autobiography b. Exposition c. Informational Article d. Biography e. Essay4. A story that someone wrote about their life is what kind of non-fiction?a. Autobiographyb. Expositionc. Informational Articled. Biographye. Essay5. A story about a person named John Jackson and what his life is about would be what kind of non-fiction?a. Autobiographyb. Expositionc. Informational Articled. Biographye. Essay6. What kind of non-fiction do most people read daily in the newspaper?a. Autobiographyb. Expositionc. Informational Articled. Biographye. Essay7. Before you write non-fiction what do you need to do?a. Read a good bookb. Eat a good lunchc. Research your topicd. Take a test8. True or false: Informational articles contain opiniona. Trueb. False9. What type of non-fiction would be describing a historic event?a. Autobiographyb. Expositionc. Informational Articled. Biographye. Essay10. A diary is what type of non-fiction?a. Autobiographyb. Expositionc. Informational Articled. Biographye. Essay​


a b c d e f g h i


melon na coco

13. 1. He is the author of the essay "The Universals".A. Dr. Cleofe M. BacunganC. Dr. Cleope CabacunganB. Dr. Higinio MendozaD. Dr. Leope V. Cabangon2. What two actual modes of conduct are mentioned in the text?A. Subjective and Situational C. Subjective and ConversationalB. Subjective and Occasional D. Subjective and Behavioral3. The values of hiya and pakikisama' is subjective and situational accordingto the text. What does it mean?A. Attitude depends on the accepted practices and ways ofbehavior of a given people at a given time.B. Attitude depends on a given situation.C. Attitude is very important in connecting with other people.D. Attitude is the key to unity.4. According to the text, the following are valid for all mankind at all timesEXCEPTA. Integrity B. Justice C. Freedom D. Violence5. What do the timelessness of ethical universal in different environmentsimplicitly suggest?A. That attitudes is an essential key to having a united nation.B That virtues such as union and righteousness are deeply embeddedin man's nature and are necessary to maintain a happy life.C. That no one deserves to be treated unequal.D. That no man lives a happy life without practicing good manners.6. What are the five constant virtues Confucius believed must be used ingovernance?A. Benevolence, Righteousness, Propriety, Wisdom and SincerityB. Benevolence, Righteousness, Punctuality, Wisdom and SincerityC. Benevolence, Discrimination, Propriety, Wisdom and SincerityD. Benevolence, Righteousness, Propriety, Wisdom and Simplicity7. What is the BEST explanation for this statement “Do to others whateveryou would like them to do to you."?A. Choose to do things for others that make you feel good.B. For you to be treated fairly, you should also treat others the sameway.C. Treating others is a choice.D. You like me, I like you. You don't like me, I don't like you.​patulong pati ng 8-15​

















14. Can you guys kindly fix my Expository essay about. "Effects of social media" Social media is a good tool because we can learn many stuffs not only that we also use social media for our daily life, millions of people around the world uses social media. One of the most obvious effects of social media is its ability to connect people from different parts of the world. -PROVIDE SUPPORTING EVIDENCE Another effect of social media is its ability to influence our behavior. Studies have shown that people who spend more time on social media are more likely to engage in risky behaviors such are also moreas drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes. they qre most likely to be influence by what they see on social media.  In conclusion, social media has bath positivi and negative effects on individuals and society as a whole.  -YOUR ARGUMENTS IS THE BODY OF YOUR ESSAY SHOULD BACK UP TO YOUR THESIS STATEMENT. -IF YOUR THESIS IS POSITIVE YOU MUST PROVIDE POSITIVE EVIDENCE AND THE OTHER WAY AROUND.​


Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, with millions of people around the world using it to connect, share information, and stay informed. While social media can have many positive effects, it also has some negative effects that should be considered.

One of the most obvious effects of social media is its ability to connect people from different parts of the world. Social media platforms allow people to connect with friends and family members who live far away, as well as to connect with people who share similar interests. This can help to build strong, supportive communities and to foster a sense of belonging.

Another effect of social media is its ability to influence our behavior. Studies have shown that people who spend more time on social media are more likely to engage in risky behaviors such as drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes. This is thought to be because social media can be a powerful influence on our perceptions of what is normal and acceptable. Additionally, social media can be used to promote unhealthy products and lifestyles, which can further contribute to risky behavior.

However, social media also has some positive effects. It is a great tool for learning, as it allows users to access a vast array of information and resources. Social media platforms also serve as a platform for activism, by providing a platform for people to raise awareness about social issues and to make their voices heard.

In conclusion, social media has both positive and negative effects on individuals and society as a whole. While it can be a great tool for connecting with others, it also has the potential to influence our behavior in negative ways. It is important for users to be mindful of the potential negative effects of social media and to use it in a responsible and healthy way.


how about this po?

15. Gospel Books (Matthew,Mark,John and Luke)... Gospel means - good newsPA HELP GUYS 2 PARAGRAPHS ESSAY 1. What is your own understanding of the book of Matthew? 2.What is your own understanding of the book of Mark? 3.What is your own understanding of the book of John? 4.What is your understanding of the book of Luke? 5. Choose at least one bible verse about the Gospel that you like the most and caught your attention. Why did you like it and how does it help you to pray well? 6. How important is the Gospel in our life and why? 7. At this moment of your life what is the most significant bible verses that your are going to use to communicate? 8. How can you help your family to read the bible well? 9. How can you apply for your own experiences with this pandemic time? 10. Compose 1-2 sentences a personal prayer for protection n Good health for this pandemic time. ​

The book of Matthew is one of the four Gospel books in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. It is believed to have been written by Matthew, a disciple of Jesus, and is primarily focused on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. The book contains the birth, teachings, miracles, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and is often referred to as the "Gospel of the Kingdom" due to its emphasis on the coming of the Kingdom of God.

The book of Mark is also one of the four Gospel books in the New Testament. It is believed to have been written by Mark, a disciple of Peter, and is primarily focused on the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. The book contains Jesus' baptism, temptation, teachings, miracles, death, and resurrection, and is often referred to as the "Gospel of Action" due to its emphasis on Jesus' deeds rather than his words.

The book of John is another one of the four Gospel books in the New Testament. It is believed to have been written by John, a disciple of Jesus, and is primarily focused on the divinity of Jesus Christ. The book contains Jesus' teachings, miracles, death, and resurrection, and is often referred to as the "Gospel of Belief" due to its emphasis on the importance of faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God.

The book of Luke is the third Gospel book in the New Testament. It is believed to have been written by Luke, a physician and companion of Paul, and is primarily focused on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. The book contains the birth, teachings, miracles, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and is often referred to as the "Gospel of Mercy" due to its emphasis on Jesus' compassion and concern for the poor and marginalized.

One of the most well-known Bible verses about the Gospel is John 3:16, which states, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." This verse highlights the central message of the Gospel, which is that through faith in Jesus Christ, we can be saved and have eternal life.

The Gospel is of utmost importance in the life of Christians because it contains the message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. It provides guidance, comfort, and hope to believers, and helps them to live a life in accordance with God's will.

At this moment in my life, the most significant Bible verse that I would use to communicate is Philippians 4:6-7, which states, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." This verse reminds us to trust in God and to bring our worries and concerns to Him in prayer.

To help my family read the Bible well, I can encourage them to set aside a specific time each day for Bible reading and prayer, and to choose a Bible study plan or devotional to follow. I can also discuss and reflect on the passages with them to deepen our understanding and share our insights.

In this pandemic time, I can apply the teachings of the Gospel by showing compassion and kindness to those who are affected by the virus, and by trusting in God's plan and His protection.

Dear God, we pray for your protection and good health during this pandemic time. May you guard our hearts and minds and keep us safe

16. Directions: Read and critique the reflective essay and use the rubric below.My Little BrotherIn my short life, there are many experiences that could qualify as life-changing. Every newexperience was, at one time or another, the first experience. For good or bad, each instancechanged the course that my life has taken. But, the most transformative experience was the birthof my youngest brother.Joel is someone my parents often call a happy accident. At the time that my mother becamepregnant, I was 13, and my other brother, Jake, was 10. We were what you would call a well-rounded, perfect family of four. We neatly fit into the perfect classification in nearly every way.We didn't realize what we were missing until the moment that my youngest brother first openedhis striking blue eyes.In truth, I resented the fact that I would be having another sibling. Nothing needed to be addedto our family, and my mother, already 38 at the time, was considered high risk because of herage. The pregnancy itself was full of complications that sent the straight course of my life intorollercoaster-like loops that my 13-year-old mind had a hard time comprehending. But now, I cansee how forging through those loops helped me to roll with the punches that life inevitably brings​


It was an life-changing based on the experience. Our experience change us to become more stronger. Its way to speak with great interest in the position and importance of being a parent to get over it. Maybe we should get a new one while we are there for the first half of the study of the exact what we are.

17. ASSESSMENT Select the best answer from the given choices. 1. A story written about another person's life, is what type of nonfiction? a. Autobiography b. Biography c. Essay d. Exposition 2. A story about Mayor Kiko Dy and what his life is about would be what kind of nonfiction? a. Autobiography b. Biography c. Essay d. Exposition 3. Before you write a creative non-fiction, what do you need to do? a. Eat a good lunch b. Read a good book c. Research your topic d. Take a test 4. Which of the following is NOT an example of a creative non-fiction text? a. dissertation b. reflective essay c. travel book d. autobiography 5. An autobiography a. gives a description of a topic c. tries to convince the reader b. tells the own story of the writer d. is a writing that is not true 6. Who is the narrator of an autobiography? a relative b. another author c. the author d. anonymous 7. Which of the following summaries could describe an autobiography? a. A famous basketball player's wife sharing memories of her late husband b. A famous writer' life told by another author c. Hellen Keller writing about her difficulties of being blind all her lifed. Michael Jackson's mother describing his childhood​


1. D

2. D

3. C

4. A or D

5. B

6. C

7. C

18. Study what is inside the box numbered as 1-6. Write PS for Primary Source and SS for Secondary Source. 1. At school, we use textbooks to study aboutthe “Life and Works of Dr. Jose Rizal”. When we use textbooks, what source are we using? 2. I am cleaning the room when I found my grandparents’ old photographs. What are the photographs? 3. My mom put into auction the old wedding dress of her mother’s grandparent, what is the wedding dress? 4. My husband loves to watch the Korean Movie series, “Kingdom”. He also found good reviews about it. What is the movie review? 5. My friend Luz told me to read the book she read, “The Notebook”. And indeed, the book is worth reading. How do you categorize “The Notebook? 6. I am writing an essay about the global pandemic as an assignment in my English class. I used encyclopedia. Whatsource did I use?


1 Scondary Source

2 Primary Source

3 Primary Source

4 Secondary Source

5 Secondary Source

6 Secondary Source

19. TEST-III: ESSAY Directions: Considering the present situation of our country with the COVID 19 pandemic, using the modal verbs like can/could, may/might, shall/ should, must/mustn't, will/would. Use only the modal verbs which is easy for you to construct sentences. Answer the question below with 5 sentences in lparagraph only. (15 points) Use extra answer sheet at the back. Facing this kind of pandemic is not easy to all of us, there were many changes happened in our daily lives wherein we live today in a "New Normal Life Situation”. Question: What do you think are the good or positive effects of this pandemic in ourselves?​


This article analyses the uses of modal auxiliary verbs in reporting Covid-19 in selected articles in Daily Nation newspaper. Covid-19 is a member of the beta coronaviruses that can cause acute severe respiratory symptoms or possibly mild, cold-like symptoms. The reporting of the disease was done in the newspaper in Kenya every day from the first time it was reported in the country on 13th March 2020. The articles analyzed were purposively selected from articles in Daily Nation newspaper and analyzed using insights from Quirk et al’s (2000) dichotomy of modal auxiliary verbs. The data was analyzed manually with regard to different functions of the modal auxiliary verbs in question. Six categories of modal auxiliaries namely; Ability, possibility, prediction, obligation, intention and quasi-legal modals characterized the data. Findings indicate that the authors of the articles chose predictive auxiliary modals will, may, can and should in that order in the articles. Other types of modal used are would, must and might. The modals used presented the opinions of the article writers and the use of will reported the highest frequency.


20. Friends can be classified according to their honesty, loyalty, the type that fits you into theirschedule, or the type that finds time for you when they need something. An honest friend tellsyou the truth even if it’s not always what you want to hear. In the long run, that honest friend mayhave saved you from embarrassment or possibly rejection. They give you constructivecriticisms overall. A loyal friend is the type of friend that will be there for you through thick andthin. They don’t care how good or bad you may look one day; they are sensitive to your feelings,they respect you and the other people in your life, and most of all they will never let you downwhen times are hard. They may be what you call a best friend. The third group, the person thatfits you into their schedule, is the type of person that is always on the go. They barely have timefor themselves let alone another person. More than likely they will not be there for you whenyou need them most, because they are so wrapped up in their busy, hectic life. Then you havethe self-absorbent type of friend that finds time for you only when they need something. Thistype of person isn’t what you would call a friend. This person may always be extremely nice toyou because they know that if they are nice to you then they will more than likely get what theywant. They will call you every once in a while when it is almost time for them to use that personagain. It may be for a ride to work, home or they just want somebody to hang out with becausethey have no other friends. If the person that is being used is smart they will eventually realizethat they are getting used and will stop being there for that person. 1. What are the three types of friends?2. What is the basis used by the author to classify friends?3. What kind of essay is it?4. Do you agree with the idea of the author? Why or why not?5. Does it follow the properties of well written text? What can you say about its Organization of thecontent, Coherence and cohesion, Language use, and Mechanics?​



21. many kids hear their parents and grandparents talked about the good old days. Is this just a figment in older people's mind as they remember their youth? was life really better 20 or 40 years ago? what do you think of the statement? is life for teens harder now or when your parents and grandparents were young? now, write an essay explaining your answer to this question. Be convincing. ​


It is true that many elder people talk about their good old days before, especially most of them is all about how they work hard and there were no advanced technologies and easier ways to help themselves out in their life. Telling them to their kids or grandchildren means that they were just telling what it was like when it was in their generation. It really is a bit of comparing, but it's just stating both differences and improvements in both generations.

Neither of the generation ( old and new ) are perfect and different, but somehow they see the new ones as a harder and more challenging generation, especially our generation now. As what I've experienced from my grandparents and parents, they do tell about their generation but they were also telling it in a way of life's secret lessons, in which thet are explaining it to us, younger ones. I personally think that every generation is not easy, since life isn't easy, but the more years grow the more harder it gets they say. That is why our parents and grandparents are here with us, to help us and guide us what to do in our generation in order to be prepared for the struggles in life.

22. Give the main idea of the following essays:Value of LifeThe life given by god has a very special meaning a value in which people sometimes forget to thank or either regret. Many students/adults believe that they are going to be popular if they have money and a good job buy forget that people are influenced by those who have learned something. Also a lot fail to remember, to earn value you must earn it.In today’s economy the government creates a value on the person by looking at the position they are held for. If you look at it from the society’s point of view they believe people should be given value according to what they do and what position they are. From an individual's perspective they judge themselves on what they accomplish and achieve.​


The life given by God has a very special meaning a value in which people sometimes forget to thank or either regret



23. Read the Essay. Examine the parts of the argument that it contains What is the Issue? What are the claims? What are the supports? Importance of Education? Essay on Education By: Priyanka Nagrale Countless words are written daily about the importance of education. Indubitably, education is the only valuable asset humans can achieve. Human evolution over eons is a result of education both formal and informal. Further, education is the sole basis on which the future of the human race depends. Our quest for knowledge is unending and will continue till planet Earth exists. How did you find the new information you have learned? I hope that you now pay attention to the basic elements of a position paper. Prepare to examine one in the next activities. Good Luck! Everyone speaks about education and its importance. Hence, let us understand what defines education. Briefly, education means acquiring knowledge. In broader terms, education means acquiring various skills in diverse fields that are vital to our life and very existence. These skills can be acquired by classroom training and during the course of our life. Classroom education is generally deemed as formal education. Whatever we learn and imbibe during our lifespan is informal education. Furthermore, knowledge and the innate human capability to learn continually distinguish us from other living creatures that inhabit this planet. https://surejob.in/importance-of-education.html​


Observation (Introduction)

Having education in an area helps people think, feel, and behave in a way that contributes to their success, and improves not only their personal satisfaction but also their community. In addition, education develops human personality, thoughts, dealing with others and prepares people for life experiences.

Observation (Body)

It helps people become better citizens, get a better-paid job, shows the difference between good and bad. Education shows us the importance of hard work and, at the same time, helps us grow and develop. Thus, we are able to shape a better society to live in by knowing and respecting rights, laws, and regulations.

Observation (Conclusion)

The assessment of student achievement, or understanding what students know and can do, is fundamental to effective teaching and to students' learning. Unless teachers know students well and are knowledgeable about their achievements, they cannot be confident that they are meeting the learning needs of their students.


24. BRAINLIEST KO PO MAKAKASAGOT NG MAAYOSDIRECTION:Determine the target audience in the following speech excerpts. Who do you think would benefit from these speeches in particular? Be able to explain your answer.1.All of those nights we spent cramming for the test the next morning, all of the books we read and the essays we wrote, all of the lessons we learned from not only our teachers, but our friends as well, all of the friendships/relationships we began, ended and mended, and all of the wonderful and terrrible experiences we have had throughout high school and the other years we spent in K-12 education have led up to this day that we never thought would come so fast.2.No man is an island. Everyone needs someone to depend on. Nobody can live without the help of each other. Be good and be friendly.3.Life is beautiful. Sulking will not do you good. It would just make you sad. Go out and explore the beauty of surroundings. Again, life is beautiful to waste it crying over unimportant things.4.Supressing your anger is not good for any person. It will only make one worse. if you are angry, there are ways to release it in heathy ways. One, write down what you feel at the moment. Spend some time writing about it. This could help ease that heavy feeling in your chest. Second, do physical activities. This can be activities like exercise or any sport. Third, talk to someone about your feeling. Talking will be a big help in easing out your anger.​​


asan po ung pic na sasagutan ko po

25. Write your own philosophy in life( in essay format).It this is your first time to compose your personal life philosophy the following questions will help you. Ponder on the questions and think about it thoroughly. *what do you get up each and every morning wanting to do? *What directs your actions and decisions,especially the impulsive ones? *what gives you a sense of satisfaction at the end of the day? *What feeling is in the core of your soul that you know to be self-evident?Sounds consititutional and maybe that is good. *what are your beliefs important to you? *how does your philosophy measure up to higher standards or ideals? Pahelp naman po​


The purpose of Thin Difference is to explore life choices and directions while discovering ways to widen the edge and lead an inspired life.”

26. 1. I ________ my performance task #4 next week. A. submitB. submitsC. submittedD. will submit2. He _________ to church last Sunday. A. wentB. goesC. will goD. gone3. She wears face mask and face shield to _______ herself from the virus. A. protectedB. protectC. protectsD. will protect4. I missed my online lessons because I _______ up late. A. wakesB. will wakeC. wokeD. awaken5. A short piece of writing, either formal or informal, which expresses the author’s argument about a particular subject. A. PoemB. FableC. NovelD. Essay6. So that now you know how easy it is to donate blood, it’s time to take action. After all, you have plenty of blood, so why not share? When you do, you will feel good about yourself and you will save a life. What part of an essay is the paragraph above? A. BodyB. ConclusionC. HookD. Introduction​









Correct me if im wrong :)


1.D.will submit

2.A. went

3.B. protect

4.C. woke

5.D. Essay

6.C. Hook


yan po pa brainliess

27. I Am a FilipinoI am a poet and a dreamer. In good times and in bad, I persevere with open arms and an open heart. I constantly pray for peace and I am willing to risk my life for freedom and justice. I would like to shout to the world “I am the hope of our fatherland.” These words should come from my heart — a heart of a Filipino who truly loves his country. My love for my country is not proven through mere words but through my actions as well. Some of our national heroes have written poems and essays also entitled “I am a Filipino.” They have contributed to our country’s progress at one point in time. Jose Rizal’s fight for justice would never be forgotten even after he was killed by the Spaniards. Apolinario Mabini’s literary piece made him “The Great Paralytic.” Ramon Magsaysay was motivated by Mabini to serve his countrymen well. Our fate depends not only on the leaders of our country but also on our countrymen. Each one of us has a role to play in helping our country. I am a true Filipino. What does this mean to our youth? What does this mean to you?Let’s Try This.1-2. What is the essay about? 3-4. What did the writer mean by putting words into action based on the poems and essays written by our national heroes in the past? 5-6. How can you prove your love for your country in times of war? In times of peace? 7-10. Make believe that you are one of the following: (a. teacher b. policeman c. doctor d. businessman) How can you show that you are a true Filipino in terms of solving community and national problems? ​


Thats very good of you and honest

28. Read the essay carefully and give what are enumerated in the given essay. Lyubomirsky (2005) cited eight happiness ideas that we can do to be happy. Do kind things. This does not only bring happiness to the people you helped, but also to you. Remember good things in your life. Revisit a happy childhood memory or recall a time you made someone happy. Be grateful by saying “thank you” to the people who helped you. Being grateful helps us have a healthy heart! Spend time with your loved ones. We get happy chemicals when we bond with our family and friends. Forgive those people who hurt you. This helps you relieve the stress and burden your heart brings! Take time to exercise. Our body needs physical movement for a good blood flow. See the good things around you. Notice the raindrops and the flowers bloom! Work with your problem and stress. Learn how to balance your studies and play time.



The essay enumerates eight happiness ideas that Lyubomirsky (2005) cited. These ideas are:

Do kind things

Remember good things in your life

Be grateful by saying “thank you” to the people who helped you

Spend time with your loved ones

Forgive those people who hurt you

Take time to exercise

See the good things around you

Work with your problem and stress

29. Can you guys kindly fix my Expository essay about. "Effects of social media" Social media is a good tool because we can learn many stuffs not only that we also use social media for our daily life, millions of people around the world uses social media. One of the most obvious effects of social media is its ability to connect people from different parts of the world. -PROVIDE SUPPORTING EVIDENCE Another effect of social media is its ability to influence our behavior. Studies have shown that people who spend more time on social media are more likely to engage in risky behaviors such are also moreas drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes. they qre most likely to be influence by what they see on social media.  In conclusion, social media has bath positivi and negative effects on individuals and society as a whole.  -YOUR ARGUMENTS IS THE BODY OF YOUR ESSAY SHOULD BACK UP TO YOUR THESIS STATEMENT. -IF YOUR THESIS IS POSITIVE YOU MUST PROVIDE POSITIVE EVIDENCE AND THE OTHER WAY AROUND.​​


"Effect of social media"

Social media is a good tool for us because we can learn a lot of stuff

not only that, but we also can use social media for our daily life millions of people around the world uses social media. We can also use social media to talk to our relatives or family members who are far away.


I added more to your paragraph about "social media."

I think your effects about it are already good.

30. 1. Which of the following is the best definition of an argumentative essay?A. It is a text that describes a topic without bias.B. It is a text that convinces readers to believe in an idea or a thought.C. It is a text that presents one’s opinion about a controversial topic by supporting it with facts.D. It is a text that explains a subject with thorough research to give a broader and deeper knowledge about it.For questions 2-5, refer to the following choices:A. Body B. closing paragraph C. opening paragraphD. title2. If you will give a suggestion on how to avoid conflicts at home, which part of your essay will you put it?3. You wanted to explain the reasons why children leave their homes during their teenage years. Which part of your essay will you specify your details?4. In which part of your essay are you going to restate your stand on an issue?5. You are making a research about conflicts at home to give your readers a background about your topic. Where will you put the pieces of information you will gather?6. “Parents should discipline their children with gentleness and love so that the children will not grow with bitterness towards them.” What language feature of an argumentative essay is seen here?A. connectives/transition wordsB. declarative sentenceC. evaluative languageD. modals7. “Children who are raised by strict parents are undoubtedly the ones who succeed in life later on.” A. declarative sentenceB. evaluative languageC. modalsD. rhetorical question8. “Are children to be blamed?” What language features of an argumentative essay is this?A. connectives/transition wordsB. declarative sentenceC. evaluative languageD. rhetorical question9. Why is it important to write a good title of an argumentative essay? Explain in 1-2 sentences.10. What is the purpose of a Avoided).​



9. to be understable and easy to argue

10. to not be unfortunate

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