What Is The Function Of The Music

What Is The Function Of The Music

what is music? and what are the functions of music?

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1. what is music? and what are the functions of music?

music is the harmony and melody of life. the functions of music is,  you can express your emotion by creating a musical piece, 

2. what is the music and what are the functions of music​


Music is an important ingredient in our daily lives. Its value depends on our purposes, whether for celebrations, rituals, rites, and/or special occasions.




It provides entertainment for different occasions, celebrations, and programs. It helps to uncover musical talents. It allows appreciation of musical skills.

3. what is the function of music? what is the message of music?


The function of the music is to express what we think or feel. The message depends on the author or songwriter. It is usually found within the song.

4. what is the function of the music?​


The functions were summarized in seven main groups: background entertainment, prompt for memories, diversion, emotion regulation, self-regulation, self-reflection, and social bonding.


Respondents were asked to what degree their favorite music serves several functions in their life. The functions were summarized in seven main groups: background entertainment, prompt for memories, diversion, emotion regulation, self-regulation, self-reflection, and social bonding.


5. what is a Functions Music of cordillera​


INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC • The function of instrumental music of the Cordillera is similar to his/her vocal music. Instruments are played during ceremonies, rituals and celebrations.


Sana makatulong

Instrumental music.yan po sana maka tulong

6. what is the function of the music? what do you think is the message of the music​


The function of the music is to express what we think or feel. The message depends on the author or songwriter. It is usually found within the song, melodies, lyrics and others.


that's the answer po,thnkzzz

pa brainliest na rn po

7. what is the instrumental music functions similar to vocal music​


Vocal music is music that uses and emphasizes the human voice. Sometimes instruments are used, but the voice is the most important part. Vocal music is the opposite of instrumental music, which uses any combination of instruments, such as strings, woodwinds, brass, or percussion, usually without the human voice.

8. what is the function of the music describe the tempo of the music​


Tempo can be defined as the pace or speed at which a section of music is played. Tempos, or tempi, help the composer to convey a feeling of either intensity or relaxation. We can think of the tempo as the speedometer of the music. Typically, the speed of the music is measured in beats per minute, or BPM.

9. what is the function of music ? what do you think is the message of music​


The function of the music is to express what we think or feel The message depends on the author or songwriter It is usually found within the song melodies lyrics and others.


pa brainliest

10. What was the function of the music? ​


The functions were summarized in seven main groups: background entertainment, prompt for memories, diversion, emotion regulation, self-regulation, self-reflection, and social bonding.


The function of music as a means of communication


I Hope It Helps!



11. what was the function of the music?​


Respondents were asked to what degree their favorite music serves several functions in their life. The functions were summarized in seven main groups: background entertainment, prompt for memories, diversion, emotion regulation, self-regulation, self-reflection, and social bonding.

12. what are the functions of musical instruments in the African musical culture?​


African music, the musical sounds and practices of all indigenous peoples of Africa, including the Berber in the Sahara and the San (Bushmen) and Khoikhoin (Hottentot) in Southern Africa. The music of European settler communities and that of Arab North Africa are not included in the present discussion. For the music of Islamic Africa, see Islamic arts: Music.


I Know Its Long Anyway I Think This Is Helpful For You <3



13. what are the social functions of musical instruments of music of India​


Musical instruments are devices used to produce musical sound. Instruments also express individual and community identities and reflect physical geographies.

14. What is a function of the music


A musical function describes the role that a particular musical element plays in the creation of a larger musical unit. ... The two musical traits most commonly studied for their functional properties in Western art and popular music are harmony and form.

15. what are the functions of african music?​


African music is a vital part of everyday life in Africa. It is a part of religious ceremonies, festivals, and social rituals. Songs are used for the important events in a person's life (birth, coming of age, marriage, and death). They are used for curing the sick, bringing rain, and religious dances.

16. what is the function of their music?what do you think is the messenge of the music​


what title of the music???

17. what is the function of instrumental music to vocal music​


Vocal music is music that uses and emphasizes the human voice. Sometimes instruments are used, but the voice is the most important part. Vocal music is the opposite of instrumental music, which uses any combination of instruments, such as strings, woodwinds, brass, or percussion, usually without the human voice.

18. what is the function of the music of japan​


Japanese music, the art concerned with combining vocal or instrumental sounds for beauty of form or emotional expression, specifically as it is carried out in Japan. Korea served as a bridge to Japan for many Chinese musical ideas as well as exerting influence through its own forms of court music.


Japanese music, the art concerned with combining vocal or instrumental sounds for beauty of form or emotional expression, specifically as it is carried out in Japan. Korea served as a bridge to Japan for many Chinese musical ideas as well as exerting influence through its own forms of court music.

19. what are the functions of islamic music?​


MediaAdditional Info


The period of Islamic music begins with the advent of Islam about 610 CE. A new art emerged, elaborated both from pre-Islamic Arabian music and from important contributions by Persians, Byzantines, Turks, Imazighen (Berbers), and Moors. In this development the Arabian element acted as a catalyst, and, within a century, the new art was firmly established from Central Asia to the Atlantic. Such a fusion of musical styles succeeded because there were strong affinities between Arabian music and the music of the nations occupied by the expanding Arabic peoples. Not all Arab-dominated areas adopted the new art; Indonesia and parts of Africa, for example, retained native musical styles. The folk music of the Berbers in North Africa, the Moors in Mauretania, and other ethnic groups (e.g., in Turkey) also remained alien to classical Islamic music. The farther one looks from the axis reaching from the Nile valley to Persia, the less one finds undiluted Islamic music.


The earliest extant writings on Islamic music are from the end of the 9th century, more than 250 years after the advent of Islam. In the absence of historical documents, musicians, writers, and philosophers began to speculate on the origins of their music. They filled the gaps by legendary sources or vague traditions. Thus, Lamak is said to have made the first lute from the leg of his dead son, whose loss he lamented with it. His lamentation is considered to be the first song.

20. what is the function of instrumental music to vocal music​


Vocal music is music that uses and emphasizes the human voice. Sometimes instruments are used, but the voice is the most important part. Vocal music is the opposite of instrumental music, which uses any combination of instruments, such as strings, woodwinds, brass, or percussion, usually without the human voice.

pa brainleist po thank you :)

21. what is the function of the music?​


The concept of musical functions is foundational to musical analysis, and essential to the understanding of musical styles.


The functions were summarized in seven main groups: background entertainment, prompt for memories, diversion, emotion regulation, self-regulation, self-reflection, and social bonding. Results indicate a strong similarity of the functions of people's favorite music for Indian and German listeners.

22. what are the social functions of the music of the music of Myanmar? 5sentences​


The music of Myanmar (or Burma) (Burmese) shares many ... in royal courts used to mark important ceremonial functions like the royal ploughing ceremony.

23. what is the primary function of music


In our daily lives, music is an important ingredient. Its value depends on our purposes, whether for celebrations, rituals, rites, and/or special occasions.



A sense of achievement, happiness and satisfaction is what music provides. It is very personal and intimate. There is no two listeners have equally the same emotional response. The melody, rhythm, tone color, lyrics, and harmony are a unique experience.


In the release of emotions and in the expression of one’s feelings, music helps through the lines of a song or the melodic movement of an instrumental piece.


To develop nationalism, strengthen national discipline, and transmitting cultural values, history and oral traditions. It facilitates understanding other cultural values, music has become an effective means.


It is used to convey ideas. It elevates the level of artistry of performers.


It is used to communicate with God. It is used to glorify and worship the Supreme Being.


Music is seen to keep workers inspired to do their best in their tasks.


Music also provides entertainment for different occasions, celebrations, and programs.It helps to uncover musical talents. It allows appreciation of musical skills.


It promotes products new in the market.

Click the following links for additional information:

What is classical music?


Musical instruments


Opinion about music



24. what is the function of the music?​


Those promised function details: Seven main functions of music listening were identified: music in the background, memories through music, music as diversion, emotions and self-regulation through music, music as reflection of self and social bonding through music.


There are 7 functions of music.


1.Music in the background

2.Memories through music

3.Music as diversion,


5.self-regulation through music

6.Music as reflection of self

7.Social bonding through music.

(Follow for more answers)

25. what is the function of harmony in music​


-In music, harmony is the use of simultaneous pitches (tones, notes), or chords. The study of harmony involves chords and their construction and chord progressions and the principles of connection that govern them.


In music, harmony is the use of simultaneous pitches (tones, notes), or chords. The study of harmony involves chords and their construction and chord progressions and the principles of connection that govern them.


hope it's help

26. what is the function of music to society


Music in the United States has always served a social function. Music provides identity and the opportunity to tell others who you are. Music often provides a ritual function, either in the context of religion or in secular rituals like dance parties

27. what is the function of the music? what do you thing is the message of the music? ​


Music is an important popular form of entertainment that can also teach information, highlight problems, and even inspire people to change injustices in society. People who write songs can express messages that are important to them through stories, statements, and metaphors in their words and music.




28. what is the function of music ​?


yes that's is it because music is good

29. what is a function of a music​


In music,function(also referred to as harmonic function)is a term used to denote relationship of. a chord or a scale degree to a tonal centre

#Carry On learning

30. What is the function of music in china​


Music was so important because the ideal society was to be governed by rites, ritual and ceremonial functions, but not by law or raw power. In a culture where people function according to ritual and ceremony, music is used to help conduct and govern them.

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