What Is The Result Of Willy s Conversation With Howard

What Is The Result Of Willy s Conversation With Howard

what is the result of willy ,s conversation with howard A. willy is firedB. willy gets the new york jobC. willy quitsD.willy keeps his present temtoey​

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1. what is the result of willy ,s conversation with howard A. willy is firedB. willy gets the new york jobC. willy quitsD.willy keeps his present temtoey​




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A is the answer ————

2. 2. What seems to be the problem between Biff and Willy?3. What is the result of Willy's conversation with Howard?4.What happened in Boston?5. How is Linda's personality important to the story?6. What was Willy's problem?7. How are the roles of Ben, Howard's son, Bernard and Linda importantin Death of a Salesman?8.Linda says, "We're free and clear." What Linda's statement try to imply?​


2. The problem between Biff and his father, Willy, developed when Biff discovered that his father was having an affair. Also, his father has unrealistically high expectations for him and Biff couldn't meet them.

3. Willy is essentially fired.

4.Biff went to Boston to catch up with his beloved father before his college visit. When he finds his father with another woman, he realises that Willy is truly a fake, and does not have thegreat qualities which Biff had formerly believed his father held.

5.Linda is a critical character in the play and is very important in order to develop the themes in the play.Linda is the wife of the main character Willy Loman and is the mother of Biff and Happy Loman.

6.Willy believes wholeheartedly in the American Dream of easy success and wealth, but he never achieves it. Nor do his sons fulfill his hope that they will succeed where he has failed

7.Bernard is Charley's son and an important, successful lawyer. Although Willy used to mock Bernard for studying hard, Bernard always loved Willy's sons dearly and regarded Biff as a hero. Linda is Willy's champion. She gently prods him when it comes to paying the bills and communicating with Biff, and she does not lose her temper when he becomes irate.Willy Loman's brother Ben appears on stage only after he is dead. He plays a prominent role in Willy's dreams, appearing as a memory at various times.

8.Linda's remark at the play's end means that they're now free of debt; the mortgage on the house has been paid, evidently with insurance money from Willy's death.

3. what did willy resolve to talk about with howard?

D.He resolved to talk about the New York job

4. what was Willy's plan when he went to see Howard?

The question pertains to a play that was written by Arthur Miller and entitled the “Death of a Salesman.”  Willy was planning to as Howard a position in New York. However, as the story progresses Howard was not able to provide Willy a job in New York that prompted Willy to beg for a job.


5. Is Willy's request granted? How does Willy feel after the conversation?pa help po nito please​

Answer:What is the result of Willy's conversation with Howard? Willy is essentially fired. Willy said that. Willy had spent the best years of his life working for the company, and now in his old age, they are letting him go since there is no more use for him.



happy is smile and good

6. Change the dialogue of the characters into indirect speech. Howard: Why don’t your sons give you a hand, Willy?


Howard ask willy to give his son's ahand or a help.

7. What is Willy's dream​


Willy Loman's dream is to become a great man. He believes that a job in salesmanship is the way to accomplish this. He wishes to reinvent himself into a man who receives respect and is looked at with admiration. He believes that gaining riches will be a way to earn the respect and admiration he craves.


Willy Loman's dream is to become a great man. He believes that a job in salesmanship is the way to accomplish this. He wishes to reinvent himself into a man who receives respect and is looked at with admiration. He believes that gaining riches will be a way to earn the respect and admiration he craves.

Pa brainliest po pls

8. Write just if the action of a character is reasonable and unjust if it is not. Howard fired Willy when he insisted on being transferred to a place where he didn’t have to travel.


unjust, because it is so unfair to willy in which he need travel for a long time just to be able to go to work if there was an branch there where he/she dont need to travel


9. ______1). 18 is taken away from 8 times of a number. If the result is 22. Find the number. ____2). Twenty less than Willie's age is 64, Find Willies age. ______3). Karl's weight is twice Hannah's weight. If Hanna's weight is 35kg, what is Karl's weight? _______4). When you multiply a number by 15, then divide the product by eight, the result will be one hundred twenty. What is the number? _______5). When you multiply the number by six, then add two to the product, the result will be fifty. What is the number?​


1. 5

2. 84

3. 70kg

4. 1

5. 8

Step-by-step explanation:


10. 6. Linda, Charley, Happy Biff, and Howard are the only mourners gathered around Willy's grave.​


is an instrumental and symbol consisting of wind instruments mainly breasts and often

11. Howard co.'s 2021 income from continuing operations?


: Howard Co's 2021 income from continuing operations before income taxes was $289,000. Howard Co. reported before-tax income on discontinued operations of $77,000. All tax items are subject to a 25% tax rate.


hope it helps


Question: Howard Co's 2021 income from continuing operations before income taxes was $289,000. Howard Co. reported before-tax income on discontinued operations of $77,000. All tax items are subject to a 25% tax rate.


12. Which statement is most accurate regarding willy's boss howard?




The person who popularized the geocentric model was Aristotle, the person who refined it was Claudius Ptolemaeus.

13. howard dismissed Willy when he demanded on being moved to a place where he didn't have to travel.correct or incorrect?​


incorrect po lol


di ko po alam?

14. TRUE OR FALSE1. Willy's job and his interest match well.2. Charley offered Willy a job but he refused to accept it. 3. Willy committed suicide because of depression. 4. Biff's attitude towards his studies changed after he found out Linda is not his real mother. 5. Howard is a condescending person.​


1. True

2. True

3. False

4. True

5. True


iyan po sagot ko i hope its help at pa brainliest po correct me if im wrong

15. Why does Howard tell Willy to drop off his samples and forbid him to go to Boston? Why is this such a blow to Willy?


to be rich


howard telk will because he want to be rich, and its is his want a proper way to be riched

16. Science Problem Solving 2. Free Willy is a 1993 movie which is about adventure and freeing the whale named Willy. When Willy was already rescued and freed, he swims covering a distance of 1097 m in 74 s. How fast is Willy? Given: Required: Formula: Solution: Final Answer:

wala kang binigay atleast formula

Answer: Your mom hot

Explanation: Nice

17. is willy's request granted? How does Willy feel after the conversation?pa help po nito​


Summary and Analysis Act II: Scene 2. Summary. Willy goes to the office with the intention of asking Howard for a New York position.


sana po makatulong pa brainlest din po

18. 1. Who invented the first light bulb in 1860? A Thomas Alva Edison C. Joseph Wilson Swan B. Willis R Whitney D. Lewis Howard Latimer​


C. Joseph Wilson Swan


In 1850, Swan began working on a light bulb using carbonized paper filaments in an evacuated glass bulb. By 1860, he was able to demonstrate a working device, but the lack of a good vacuum, and an adequate electric source, resulted in an inefficient light bulb with a short lifetime.

19. what was willy's problem​


What bro what are you talking about man?

20. 1. Tell whether the following statements are True or False. 1. Willy's job and his interest match well. 2. Charley offered Willy a job but he refused to accept it 3. Willy committed suicide because of depression 4. Biff's attitude towards his studies changed after he found out Linda is not his real mother 5. Howard is a condescending person​








pa braneliests po Sana makatulong

21. Death of a salesman act ll Why did howard fire willy

In the Death of a Salesman Act II, Willy's world began crashing down around him.

Howard does not fire Willy out of spite. It's a business decision. For Howard, he sees Willy as a tired old salesman relying on his ability to talk rather than his ability to sell. He sympathizes with Willy but he's not willing to give Willy a job in New York because:

It will give Willy a base salary again, he's aware that Willy's sales have not been adequate for some time, the same reason why he withdrew Willy's salary and put him on a commission basis, By keeping Willy on a commission he's only obligated to pay willy according to his gross sales. If Willy doesn't sell well, it won't adversely affect the companyHoward is tired of listening to Willy's rambling exaggerations and references to times when Willy's working for his father.  Willy working in New York would be a nuisance.

For more related topics about Death of a Salesman Act II  see the links below:




22. why did willy tell howard about david singleman?​

Dave Singleman was an 84-year-old salesman. ... Willy tells Howard about Dave Singleman because he wants a non-traveling job that still embodies what Willy believes in (Dave drove Willy to become a salesman and not go to Alaska with his brother and father).

23. is howard's treatment to willy fair?explain.​


Summary and Analysis Act II: Scene 2. Summary. Willy goes to the office with the intention of asking Howard for a New York position.


sana po makatulong pa brainlest po

24. what is the main point of Howard S. Becker in Drug: What are they?​


Becker developed a three-stage social interactive process through which all marijuana users must pass in order to be left "willing and able to use the drug for pleasure when the opportunity presents itself.


Becker humanized and empathized and identified with his subjects- his “deviants”: He was a marijuana smoker and a jazz musician himself; in the early sixties, very few deviance sociologists possessed the very identities they investigated.

25. Dead of a salesman 1.Why is Willy’s mood upbeat at the start of Act II? What does he expect to happen? 2.Why did Willy tell Howard about Dave Singleman? 3. Do you think all the presented ideas are related? Discuss your answer.


1. Willy's mood at the start of Act II is upbeat because he believes that his son Biff has finally realized his true potential and will be successful in business. Willy thinks that Biff has finally grown up and is ready to make something of himself, which makes him proud and optimistic about the future.

2. Willy tells Howard about Dave Singleman, a legendary salesman who was able to do business just by making a phone call. He tells Howard about how Singleman was able to get customers to buy from him, even though he never went out to see them in person. Willy talks about Singleman as a symbol of the old-fashioned, personal approach to sales that he believes has been lost in the modern world. He hopes to convince Howard to give him a non-traveling job that would allow him to make sales over the phone.

3. The presented ideas in these questions are related in the sense that they all revolve around the central theme of the play, which is the American Dream and its failures. Willy's upbeat mood and expectations for Biff's success are tied to his belief in the American Dream, which promises that hard work and determination will lead to success and happiness. Willy's story about Dave Singleman is also related to this theme, as it highlights the idea of the "self-made man" who achieves success through hard work and personal relationships. However, the play ultimately shows the darker side of the American Dream, as Willy and his family struggle to achieve success and happiness despite their best efforts.



26. Activity 3: Digging the TextDirections: Let us try to answer the following questions in relation to the text "Death of a Salesman."1. Why is Willy's mood upbeat at the start of Act II? What does he expect to happen? 2. Why did Willy tell Howard about Dave Singleman? 3. Do you think all the presented ideas are related? Discuss your answer.​

Answer:[tex] \: [/tex]

1.) Why is Willy's mood upbeat at the start of Act II?

Willy's mood is upbeat because he is excited and full of hope for his son Biff whose inquiring for a loan to start his own business.

1.) What does he expect to happen?

Willy thinks he's going to talk to his boss Howard and get an advance and a non-traveling job in New York, expects to hear good news about the loan from his sons.

2.) Why did Willy tell Howard about Dave Singleman?

Willy tells Howard about Dave Singleman because he wants a non-traveling job that still embodies what Willy believes in.

3.) Do you think all the presented ideas are related? Discuss your answer.

Yes because after many years on the road as a traveling salesman, Willy Loman realizes he has been a failure as a father and a husband. His sons, Happy and Biff, are not successful or any others. His career fading, Willy escapes into dreamy reminiscences of an idealized past. In the play’s climactic scene, Biff prepares to leave home, starts arguing with Willy, confesses that he has spent three months in jail, and mocks his father’s belief in “a smile and a shoeshine.” Willy, bitter and broken, his illusions shattered, commits suicide.

Hope this helps <3

27. 1, "Why don't your sons give you a hand Willy?" asked Howard.​


ano po tanong


pa brainliest plss

28. Death of a Salesman1. What have you observed to the attitude of Willy? Why do you say so?2. What urge Linda to encourage Willy to ask an advance salary to his boss?3. Is Willy's request granted? How does Willy feel after the conversation?5. What are the realizations of the characters in the play?​

Answer1. What have you observed to the attitude of Willy? Why do you say so?

Willy is unstable, insecure, and self-deluded, which is seen in his flashbacks during the play. Many of the characters do not like Willy, contrary to what he believes.

2. What urge Linda to encourage Willy to ask an advance salary to his boss?

They needed money for the final payment of the house. Also, willy didn't ask for a Job, not an advanced salary.

3. Is Willy's request granted? How does Willy feel after the conversation?

No, he had poor sales. He felt very angry and goy fired from his job.

5. What are the realizations of the characters in the play?​

The characters have a mixed response on facing reality, which they learned from the condition of Willy's degrading mental health.

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29. What is Willy's philosophy?


Believe in his dreams


Willy's philosophy is to believe in his dreams and within this notion of "big dreams," he will succeed. The reality is far different because of the matrix of inhibitions that prevent this dream from becoming a reality.

30. grandpa of the year by early howard theme and narrotor s point of view​




hyperbole=lie or not true or cannot do

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