It s Better To Be Feared Than Loved

It s Better To Be Feared Than Loved

it is better to be Love than Feared or Feared to be Love?

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1. it is better to be Love than Feared or Feared to be Love?


Forced to make a choice, it is much better to be feared than loved. This is because men, by nature, are “ungrateful, fickle, dissembling, anxious to flee danger, and covetous of gain.” In times of remote danger, they are willing to take risks for their prince, but if the danger is real, they turn against their prince.


Sorry kung mali

2. It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot both​


pa brainliest nalang


Yun lang


brainliest plss


brainliest plss

3. are you agree or disagree that it is much better to be feared than to be loved? why​




4. would you rather be feared by all or loved by all?


It's nice to be both, but it's very difficult. But if I had my choice, I would rather be feared by all. Fear lasts longer than love :'(

5. Who is a better leader: Someone who is loved or someone who is feared?​


Agree with me lol


My instinctive response: Love trumps fear. But the more I think about it, the more I wonder whether a good leader needs to/should be loved or feared to thrive at all.

To me, a good leader is respectable and respectful. A motivator with a vision that transcends themselves. A good leader prioritizes his or her people, establishes trusting relationships with them and empowers them to fulfill their own goals along the way. 

6. who makes a better leader someone who is loved or someone who is feared argument

According to Niccolo Machiavelli

it is much safer to be feared than loved

Machiavelli says that it's better to be both. But since this is almost impossible to achieve, a leader is better off being feared than loved.

7. Which of the following shows the existence of Xenocentrism culture? A. Ana love to eat chocolate made by her mother B. the president advocates the "Bayan Muna Bago Sarili" program C. Laura fear to lose on a Quiz Bee competition that is why she study day and night D. Juan loves to buy imported goods because he thinks it is better than the local product. Answer please wag lang pampoints :)




because she said a about culture


The president advocates the "Bayan Muna Bago Sarili" program

8. According to Niccolo Machiavelli, “It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both.” Do agree to that?


No. Fear and love are placed on the opposite sides of the emotion spectrum. Love comes with respect and equality, while being feared at gives a feeling of respect and dominance. Today, humanity needs equality, not dominance.

9. My greatest fear of LOVE is


My greatest fear of love is if my partner cheats on me. And if he might leave me. And maybe he's just using me or betting.

Sana po makatulong :))

10. 2. Issue: Who is a better leader: Someone who is loved or someone who is feared?TAKE A STANDStand:Argument:Evidence:​

The better type of leader

I'm certain now, after all these years of observation, that leadership is crucial. Leaders do set the tone. They have the power to make or destroy your time at work, which for most of us is the majority of our waking hours. An organization's success or failure can depend entirely on how well or poorly a leader does their job.

For a leader, love is a risky emotion. It is quite inconsistent and erratic. For years, people may worship you, but when you do something they don't like, they start brandishing their pitchforks. The gravity holding things together is insufficient. Because effective leadership necessitates giving and receiving constructive criticism, it can also result in a personality cult that might undermine the foundation you are trying to build.

However, fear is worse. At first glance, it appears to be the stronger glue. Unfortunately, the thing with fear is that you typically do something to cause it. And your actions frequently create adversaries. One day, you'll cause someone to fear you more than the thing they love. and they're going to charge you for it. Fear-based leadership entails always looking behind you for the cloaked assailant. Knowing that no one will shed tears for your loss

I believe a leader shouldn't look for either love or fear. If a leader wants to be genuinely effective and stable, they should put more emphasis on respect. In my opinion, respect is the strongest adhesive because it must be earned. It depends on your behavior rather than your charisma, making it simpler to acquire and more difficult to lose than love.

Learn more about the related topic by visiting the link below:


11. PyrophobiaA. Fear of fireB. Fear of feetC. Fear of paper D. Fear of love​

Pyrophobia is the fear of fire so the answer is A

12. poem about love and fear death

about FEAR
Fear is a part of life. It is part of the range of feelings that humans experience on a daily basis. In our culture, fear has come to be experienced as negative. However, the truth is that fear is a perfectly normal feeling to experience and we would all feel a lot better if we simply allowed ourselves to feel it fully. If we do not we will have somatic symptoms of fear that are much more painful than simply allowing the feeling to be felt

about LOVE
omantic relationships are the spice of life, they make us feel alive in a way that nothing else can. Genuine romance exists when two people show that they care for each other through small acts of love and affection. We feel loved and cared for when we know that our significant other is thinking about how to give us the most pleasure. Romance is the key to keeping the sparks flying. Without it, any relationship will soon lose its shine.

about DEATH

ince the beginning of time, humans have lived their sometimes grand and sometimes ordinary lives, and have thereafter been laid to rest in countless graves and tombs. Death is something that, in a peculiar way, unites people everywhere, regardless of their social status, race, religious beliefs, or country of residence. This curious aspect of human nature inspired countless famous poets to contemplate, and write about, man's mortality.

13. Who makes a better leader: someone who is loved, or someone who is feared? Take a position and explain youranswer.​


Someone who is loved.


Because.. i believe if you love the person you will never leave their side whatever happens and if you love the person there's a genuine care and emotional you'll feel towards that person which can make your relationship or bond stronger.

In contrast, being 'loved' as a leader has its advantages when you want to empower people with freedom and responsibility so they can take initiative and be creative. ... If they are loved, as opposed to being feared, they are more likely to foster a climate of trust and collaboration in which people can give their best.


answer:someone who is loved


if you will pick the one who is feared then it will be miserable

14. In what way did king acricius show he feared more for his life than he loved his daughter

Since King Acrisius was told by the Oracle of Delphi that he will never father a son, and the son of his daughter will kill him , the King showed fear for his life than he loved his daughter by ensuring that Danae would never have children. He shut and guarded her in a house built of bronze and sunk underground. He hoped that in this way, he would not have to kill her and thus would spare his own life.

15. 2. Issue: Who is a better leader: Someone who is loved or someone who is feared?Evidence​


If someone was loved or feared, it depends but for my opinion, i pick feared. a leader should be brave because if i pick loved, that person wants to be loved instead of leading the people.


And here comes in the question whether it is better to be loved rather than feared or feared rather than loved. It might perhaps be answered that we should wish to be both; but since love and fear can hardly exist together, if we must choose between them, it is far safer to be feared than loved.”

“Love is preserved by the link of obligation which, owing to the baseness of men, is broken at every opportunity for their advantage; but fear preserves you by a dread of punishment which never fails.” – Niccolo Machiavelli in The Prince Chapter XVII

Before delving deeper into what makes a better leader, let’s first ask the question: What is generally considered as “better”? Is it the achievement of productivity goals? Or is it focusing on the wellbeing of its stakeholders despite the end results?

The 15th century political theorist Machiavelli believed that a leader must be feared but not hated if he could not be both feared and loved. A natural cynic of human nature, he viewed people as fickle and unreliable, only willing to help when danger is distant. His infamous work The Prince would influence the likes of Hitler and Stalin who utilized fear as their greatest weapon in bringing about the imperilment of the masses.

You could say that Machiavelli idealized the philosophy that “the ends justify the means”; hence, as long as the state is thriving and order is in place, then morally ambiguous methods to achieve this goal are justifiable. Critics would argue that as policies in effect of this idealism may infringe upon human rights, the idea alone is unacceptable.

On the other hand, prominent leaders in history such as Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi were loved by their peers and respected for their will while their messages still speak out to the masses up to this day. Taking these comparisons at face value, both love and fear clearly appear to be effective motivators of human nature. Therefore, how can we determine whether one is more effective than the other?

The focus on individualism has been emphasized in the modern age, prioritizing the basic human rights of society and its members. If modern business corporations would utilize fear to instill discipline on its workers, overstepping certain boundaries may count as an entrenchment of human rights which would negatively impact the corporation’s reputation and operations. Being loved, on the other hand, may be misconstrued as a weakness that could be exploited.

Despite Machiavelli’s cynical views on humanity, I find that his outlooks on a leader contradict those of the human being. If the latter could be capable of trust and betrayal, and thus be unpredictable, how could a leader only assume the trait of a singular faction? It paints the leader to be entirely one-dimensional without considering the idiosyncrasies of the human entity. It is true that the ideal leader must be both feared and loved; however, the extremities of either should not be present in an effective leader.

If we ask ourselves what makes the two motivators so effective, the common ground would be a sense of respect. Let’s say there’s a school project and one has been assigned as a leader. The leader sets up strict deadlines for each member and enforces a rule that non-compliance would be taken to the facilitator; therefore, a member learns to fear the implications of not cooperating. If the leader is able to effectively enforce discipline in achieving their goal, this will beget respect from the members. On the other hand, a loved leader may be one who gives consideration to the members, acknowledging issues that the members themselves cannot control. With this, the members feel as if they are heard, urging them to respect their leader and comply to the best of their ability.

A leader must be able to perform a variety of roles and wear the appropriate hats for certain situations. He/she cannot be limited or kept in a box as what Machiavelli points out. While a loved leader is admired and respected by all, fear balances this out by intimidating those who step out of line by enforcing discipline and order. Therefore, a “better” leader is able to accomplish his/her goals, but not at the expense of his/her members. He/she must acknowledge that the goal must include the wellbeing of his/her subordinates.

Thus, to answer the question: the better leader is one who is multifaceted, intuitive, and able to adapt to any situation. He/she must know when to be feared and when to be loved.

16. Initial task:Write the name of a phobic reaction with the name of its anxiety.1.fear of fire __________2.fear of water 3.fear of spider _________4.fear of flying ____________5.fear of snakes ___________6.fear of closed space ______7.fear of germs ___________8.fear of pain _____________9.fear of falling in love ______10.fear of open spaces ______​

1. Pyrophobia

2. aquaphobia

3. arachnophobia

4. aviophobia or aerophobia

5. ophidiophobia

6. clustrophobia

7. germaphobia

8. aglophobia

9. philiphobia

10. agolaphobia











17. it is true that love is a beautiful kind of fear​

yes po opo right in my opinion, its yes.


yes love is the powerfull more than money

18. E. Write the correct form of verb in telling general truths(speak) 1. Action speafo louder than words.(fear)2. Those who Fear the lord will be saved.(be) 3. Two headsBrainly better than one(be) 4. Time_jsgold(last) 5. Priceless thingsforever​


1. Action speaks louder that words.

2. Those who fear the lord will be saved/

3. Two heads are better than one.

4. Time is gold.

5. Priceless things last forever.


19. How are subjects like love, fear, or power explored in each genre? Is one genre more effective than another in presenting a certain theme?​


I don't knowww


Beacauseeeeee i dint know sorry


because they much like love,fear,power explored than genre


but dyk? subject is not an important math means not an important because school will accused you not nkw but soon! yung nasataas lang po gayahin niyo wag sa baba

20. Which has more power, love or fear?




it's hope it's help with you




Malaki ang nagagawa ng love gaya ng pagmamahal sa pamilya, sa kaibigan at dahil din sa love kaya tayo nasasaktan.

21. Compose a love letter to God about your greatest fear, use the A-C-T-S Format as a guide in composing your letter.​

thank god for giving us blessings please help us everyday ..and help me away from my greatest fear.

hope it helps sorry hindi ako marunong mag english..correct me if im wrong..


22. in what way did king acricius show his fears to the gods more than he loved his daughter?

when he though if he killed his daughter it would anger the gods and would kill him so he plotted to lock her daughter in a wooden crate in with her child and sended them afloat in the water.

23. What is your biggest fear in love?​


that you sacrifice evething but he/she just reject it


I’m honestly scared of losing myself in a relationship. I like falling in love, and I like having a person in my life that I can share things with and sort of mesh our lives together, but I’m scared that falling means forgetting who I am and what I want and that scares me more than anything.”

24. in what way did king acricius show his fears to the gods more than he loved his daugthers

King Acrisius locked his daughter, Danae in a high tower because of his fear of the prophecy coming true. He also did not kill his grandson, Perseus, because he feared that the Gods will curse him or the Furies will haunt him. However, if he had no fear of the Gods' wrath, he would have killed his daughter and his grandson just so he could live longer.

Who is King Acrisius?He is the son of Abas and Aglaea. He is also the king of Argos. King Acrisius had a twin brother named Proetus, who had always been his rival in everything including the throne for Argos. Since he did not want Proetus to be the next king after their father, Acrisius had seen to it that he will be getting all of his father's inheritance. After this, he put Proetus into exile. In this way, Acrisius became the King of Argos.

King Acrisius as a FatherKing Acrisius had married Eurydice and they had a daughter whose name is Danae. King Acrisius did not have any male heir and because of this, he became concerned and wary. He asked the oracle of Delphi if he would have a male heir to succeed the throne. However, the oracle that was delivered to him was that he will be killed by his own grandson. Afraid of this, he imprisoned his then childless and unmarried daughter in a high tower where no man can ever enter. However, Zeus, the God of the Sky, had taken a liking to Danae. He came to her in a form of a Golden Shower and impregnated her through it. Thus, fulfilling the start of the prophecy.

You can find more information about Zeus and Danae in this link

Learn more about the dreadful oracle in this link

When King Acrisius found out about his grandson, he locked the child and Danae in a wooden chest and threw them off to the sea. He refused to kill them for he was afraid of the wrath of the Gods and the Furies. However, he did intend for them to die by casting them off the sea. This shows that King Acrisius is more scared of the Gods than he loved his daughter, Danae.

Find out who found Danae and Perseus in the sea by clicking this link

25. in what way did king acricius show he feared more for his life than he loved his daugter

He was the king of Argos and he was very disappointed having a son. He has a daughter Danaë that becomes pregnant while it is destined that the son in her womb will be the one who will assassinate Argos. Danaë becomes pregnant with Perseus. Acrisius puts the child and Danaë in a chest and throws it into the sea. Zeus asks Poseidon to calm the water; he does and Danaë and Perseus survive, washing up on the island of Seriphos. A fisherman named Dictys, brother of King Polydectes, finds the pair and takes care of them. Perseus grows up to be the hero itself that killed every villain people and succeed with his own.

26. Reflect on the quotation from the Bible verse. "Better a little with the fear of the LORD than great wealth with turmoil." - Proverbs 15:16


Does Proverbs 15:16 really say that you should value quality over quantity and that great wealth brings with it anxiety (and possibly other negative consequences)?

27. what is your biggest fear for in love?​


is to hurt.



It's when the one I love doesn't love me back


Please mark as brain-liest or a simple thanks and rating will do

Hope it helps:)

28. why is it important to follow the commandments out of love and not by fear​

One answer is that God is calling us to obedience and relationship with him through obedience. By obeying his call to take care of this earth we learn more about him and can grow in understanding of his heart and desires for our lives. Obedience also leads to personal growth. ... The call to obedience is for our benefit.

29. Do you believe in Machiavelli's idea that it is better to be feared than loved when you are a leader?​


Niccolò Machiavelli was a political theorist from the Renaissance period. In his most notable work, The Prince, he writes, "It is better to be feared than to be loved, if one cannot be both." He argues that fear is a better motivator than love, which is why it is the more effective tool for leaders.


Sana po maka help.


Whichever leadership style you choose, team members and employees thrive when they feel valued. They cannot feel valued when they are ruled with fear.


When a person of authority is genuine, he/she will naturally attract like minds. You get what you give. And the best part is, respectfully sincere, frank and forthright behavior has a habit of spreading.

This lesson is a focal point of the book. The book centers on the adventures of two tigers, Kali and Ashoka – two leaders who have the same goals and similarly-abled tribe members, yet one seemed to govern better than the other. One was loved and respected. The other was feared and hated. Why is there even a difference? And why won’t the “hated” leader simply change his management style?

The captivating story may be one filled with wild animals, but the parallelism to real life is remarkable. We do have leaders who lead by fear as much as leaders who lead by being loved and respected. One could always argue, “whatever works”. But then… for how long? And what consequences does fear bring when the going gets tough? Will your team members be in the trenches with you? Or will they up and leave?

Fear breeds resentment and distrust – not respect. When good deeds aren’t acknowledged and when bad deeds are always brought to fore, nobody will want to speak up or contribute for fear of being shamed and humiliated.

It’s a basic human trait that many leaders seem to forget.

Hope that helps! Good luck!

30. 1. Which of the following is a setting of a story? A. a frog and a witch Ć. happy and loving B. a high school in 1956 D. love is stronger than fear ​


B. a high school in 1956.


Hopefully it help =)

Don't forget to Follow me.....


b a high school in 1956


:):):) i hope it. will help :•

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