Argumentative Essay About Climate Change

Argumentative Essay About Climate Change

Write an argumentative essay about "Is Global Climate Change" ​

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1. Write an argumentative essay about "Is Global Climate Change" ​


Climate variability includes all the variations in the climate that last longer than individual weather events, whereas the term climate change only refers to those variations that persist for a longer period of time, typically decades or more. In the time since the industrial revolution, the climate has increasingly been affected by human activities that are causing global warming and climate change.


hope it helps brain list pls

2. Claim about argumentative essay about polar bear that affected by the climate change ​

Climate change is an undeniable threat that is affecting several aspects of our planet, including polar bears. These magnificent creatures are facing dire consequences due to the changing climate. The Arctic is warming at an alarming rate, and this is causing a massive loss of sea ice, which is the polar bears' natural habitat. As a result, the polar bear population is declining at an alarming rate, and the species is currently facing the risk of extinction.

The loss of sea ice is one of the most significant threats to polar bears. Polar bears rely on the sea ice for hunting, breeding, and traveling across the Arctic. The bears use the sea ice as a platform to hunt for seals, which are their primary source of food. The melting of sea ice makes it difficult for the bears to access their prey, which leads to starvation, malnutrition, and in some cases, cannibalism. This results in a decrease in the polar bear population.

Climate change has also affected the polar bear's breeding cycle. The female polar bear relies on the sea ice for breeding, and they give birth to their young on the ice. However, with the ice melting at a rapid rate, the female polar bears are forced to come on land to give birth. This puts them at a higher risk of being attacked by predators or human activities, which can lead to their death or that of their offspring.

Furthermore, the increase in temperatures caused by climate change has resulted in the loss of permafrost in the Arctic region. This is affecting the polar bear's habitat, as their dens are constructed in the permafrost. Without the permafrost, the dens collapse, and the polar bears are left without a place to shelter.

It is essential to take action to mitigate the impact of climate change on polar bears. The first step is to reduce carbon emissions that contribute to climate change. This can be achieved through the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. Additionally, we can reduce our carbon footprint by driving less, using public transport, and eating a plant-based diet.

In conclusion, climate change is having a devastating impact on the polar bear population, and urgent action is needed to prevent their extinction. The loss of sea ice, the disruption of their breeding cycle, and the loss of permafrost are just a few of the threats that polar bears face due to climate change. It is crucial that we take immediate steps to reduce our carbon footprint and minimize the impact of climate change on our planet's ecosystems.

3. write an argumentative essay about "Is global climate change caused by humans? ​


The topic I chose to write about is Global Warming. Global Warming has been studied and analyzed for many years. Many people are poorly educated on this matter and do not truly understand what is actually going on. Not everyone believes that global warming truly exist. A lot of people believed that global warming was completely man-made. And, even though this is not completely incorrect, there is an abundance of evidence to prove that global warming is problem that persists, right now as we speak. Global warming has continued to impacted us in many ways. From the tornadoes of 2011 to hurricane Sandy in 2012, the effects of global warming are all around us and we as humans have to propose a plan to sop it.The first picture is from the famous


The topic I chose to write about is Global Warming. Global Warming has been studied and analyzed for many years. Many people are poorly educated on this matter and do not truly understand what is actually going on. Not everyone believes that global warming truly exist. A lot of people believed that global warming was completely man-made. And, even though this is not completely incorrect, there is an abundance of evidence to prove that global warming is problem that persists, right now as we speak. Global warming has continued to impacted us in many ways. From the tornadoes of 2011 to hurricane Sandy in 2012, the effects of global warming are all around us and we as humans have to propose a plan to sop it.The first picture is from the famous …show more content…

According to Lenntech, Svante Arrhenius and Thomas Chamberlin realized that humans could increase the heat of the earth by adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere(Enzler). Also according to the article, after Svante Arrhenius died in 1927, his theory was forgotten for a long time because it was thought that human activities on the Earth were too minimal to actually have any effect on the Earth. However, the statement has been proven that global warming has become a major issue due to the constant pollution produced from man made machines. Global warming starts when many air pollutants and carbon monoxide are trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere causing the planet to become very hot. According to Nasa this picture depicts the amount of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere over time. As you can see it wasn’t until recently that the level of CO2 emission has skyrocketed to a never before seen level. This can potentially be very dangerous

4. A. B. Look for a sample of an argumentative essay and paste it here. ( 20 points) Write an argumentative essay about the topic "Is climate change a real threat? Follow the sample outline above or in letter D. (50 points )​

Wow you said 20 points ad 50 points but it is only 5 points ):
Brainliest pls or like..

5. Commented Activity. Directions: Write an argumentative essay about "Is Global Climate Change Caused by Humans? Use the space provided below. Criteria: Organization of ideas -5 points; Writing conventions -5 points, Neatness -5 points; Evidence/Facts 5 points. (Title)​


The topic I chose to write about is Global Warming. Global Warming has been studied and analyzed for many years. Many people are poorly educated on this matter and do not truly understand what is actually going on. Not everyone believes that global warming truly exist. A lot of people believed that global warming was completely man-made. And, even though this is not completely incorrect, there is an abundance of evidence to prove that global warming is problem that persists, right now as we speak. Global warming has continued to impacted us in many ways. From the tornadoes of 2011 to hurricane Sandy in 2012, the effects of global warming are all around us and we as humans have to propose a plan to sop it.The first picture is from the famous …show more content…

According to Lenntech, Svante Arrhenius and Thomas Chamberlin realized that humans could increase the heat of the earth by adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere(Enzler). Also according to the article, after Svante Arrhenius died in 1927, his theory was forgotten for a long time because it was thought that human activities on the Earth were too minimal to actually have any effect on the Earth. However, the statement has been proven that global warming has become a major issue due to the constant pollution produced from man made machines. Global warming starts when many air pollutants and carbon monoxide are trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere causing the planet to become very hot. According to Nasa this picture depicts the amount of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere over time. As you can see it wasn’t until recently that the level of CO2 emission has skyrocketed to a never before seen level. This can potentially be very dangerous

6. Write an argumentative essay about "Is golobal climate change caused by human?" ​


7. English text. ERFORMANCE STANDARD Compose an argumentative essay. Raise questions to clarify issues covered in the material viewed. Share viewpoints based on the ideas presented in the materials viewed. TASK 1: Read each statement carefully. Write Agree if the statement is true and Disagree if the statement is False. 1. The thesis statement is part of the introductory paragraph, it states the topic and th purpose of your entire essay. 2. The main objective of an argumentative essay is to define a term. 3. You need to present the pros and cons arguments in an issue of an argumentative 4. When you write an argument, you are trying to convince your reader that your op is correct. 5. In developing body paragraphs in an argumentative essay, you must state your opinion, expand the claims, give reasons to support your opinion, and argue ago the opposite opinion. TASK 2: Have a walk-in nature, then relate and examine the pictures below. Answer the questions to clarify issues about climate change. DIGITAL​



1. Agree

2. Disagree

3. Agree

4. Agree

5. Agree


I'm sorry, but there are no pictures provided. Please provide the pictures and questions to clarify issues about climate change.

8. An argumentative essay about climate change. But instead ofpresenting statistics, it tells a story of one geographic locationthat has experienced some negative effects of climate change.a.causal argumentsb.evaluation argumentsc.proposal argumentsd.narrative argumentse.ebuttal argumentsf.definition arguments​

Dddddd. Narrative agruments


D. narrative arguments


Kung ok lang sayo

9. Write an argumentative essay about “Is Global Climate Change Caused by Humans?”. Use the space provided below. Criteria: Organization of ideas -5 points; Writing conventions -5 points; Neatness -5 points; Evidence/Facts -5 points.

Humans are increasingly influencing the climate and the earth's temperature by burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests and farming livestock. This adds enormous amounts of greenhouse gases to those naturally occurring in the atmosphere, increasing the greenhouse effect and global warming.

10. 9. which option below is an example of a thesis?A. does deforestation hurt the environment? B. deforestation is mostly bad for the environment C. deforestation can be good and bad for the environmentD. deforestation is detrimental to our environment because species are losing their habitats, climate change, and fewer forests 10. which option below is an example of a thesis?A. is nuclear safe?B. nuclear energy is dangerousC. nuclear energy has pros and consD. nuclear energy should not be used to because it's harmful to our health expensive and extremely dangerous 11. what is the purpose of a conclusion in an argumentative essay? A. to convince the reader to agree with your positionB. to convince the reader to argue with your positionC. to balance out both sides of the position D. to inform the reader about a topic 12. what is included in a concluding paragraphA. restated the argument, restated claims and call to action B. restated argument, evidence and call to action C. restated argument and call to action D. summary and call to action 13. which goat support the claim that we should stop using screens for a week? A. "screens cause students to be distracted and they cannot learn as well."B."screens allow students to find information quickly and efficiently."C."technology has become more advanced in the past 10 years."D."screens on cell phones have become larger in the past few years."14. to be a great debater it is important to_________ A. speak clearly, loudly, and with good emphasisB. learn a lot about your topic by doing researching about it C. think about what the other team was a against your argument D. all of the above 15. when debate speakers make a rebuttal A. they introduced a new, winning argument for their teamB. they argue against an argument raised by the opposite sideC. they break a debating rules or guidelinesD. there is an argument that in fact supports the opposing side ​please help po :)









11. write an argumentative essay about his global climate change caused by humans ​


Climate change can be traced down to since the mid-1800s, when the industrial revolution first started taking place all around the world. Lives of human and animal species have been negatively affected since then, with events such as natural disasters, the melting of ice in polar regions, and change in weather and living conditions. Climate change in polar regions, in particular, has faced the most damage compared to any other region because of its location in regard to the sun. Climate change holds many different views and opinions about the effects, and even the existence itself, but evidence is clear and unmistakable in global ramifications and local impact in polar regions



12. GUESS WHAT Directions: Read and analyze the statements below and identify what argumentative writing technique is applicable for each. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper. A. Causal Argument B. Evaluation Argument C. Proposal Argument D. Narrative Argument E. Rebuttal Argument F. Definition Argument ______________1. An argumentative essay about climate change. But instead of presenting statistics, it tells a story of one geographic location that has experienced some negative effects of climate change.




giving your direct explaination what causes the tremendous catastrophy that occus in our planet

13. Let's Answer this!Multiple ChoiceDirections: Identify which of the two sentences is more academic in languagestyle. Write your answers directly on a piece of paper. Make sure to numberyour answers accordingly.1.A. In this essay I will talk about the latest trends in education.B. The literature suggests a variety of new approaches in the academe.2.A. There is a strong argument for implementing more green projects.B. I think climate change is harming the environment,3.A. There are lots of reasons including earthquakes, typhoons, etc.B. Possible reasons include earthquakes and other natural events.4.A. The improvements cbn't be introduced due to funding restrictions,B. Improvements cannot be introduced due to funding restrictions,5.A. The balloon was inflated for the experiment.B. The balloon was blown up for the experiment.6.A. The patient got over his illness.B. The patient recovered from his illness.​


1B2b3a4b5a6a Yan lang po


1. B

2. A

3. B

4. A

5. A

6. A


hope it helps

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