Importance Of Books In Our Life

Importance Of Books In Our Life

why books is important in our life?

Daftar Isi

1. why books is important in our life?

Books play a significant role in our lives. They provide us with knowledge of the outside world, they also have the ability to transpose us to an alternate world. The importance of books in our life cannot be undermined for they not only help in broadening our horizons but also act as doorways of connecting us with the world around us. They function as survival kits, they influence us and leave an impact on us.

2. Why books are important in our life?​


Books play a quintessential role in every student's life by introducing them to a world of imagination, providing knowledge of the outside world, improving their reading, writing and speaking skills as well as boosting memory and intelligence.


3. what is the importance of book in our life​


Books are a significant source of knowledge and provide us with an escape from everyday life. They can open our minds to new ideas and help us to develop our understanding of the world around us. Books can help us to understand complex ideas, expand our vocabulary, and discover new perspectives. Additionally, books can help us to develop empathy, as reading about different characters' experiences can give us a better understanding of the human condition.


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Books help to inspire students to do hard work with courage and hope. They enrich the experience of students and sharpen their intellect. There are many benefits of Reading books; students will get more knowledge, improve memory and build more vocabulary


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4. Learning Task 6: Study the following situations and answer the question for each. Remember what you havelearned about gravity and frction. Write your explanations on your answer sheet.1. Piace a book on top of a table. What keeps the book from faling? How is this possible?2. Roll a marble on top of a level surface. Make it stop. Slide a light book on top of the same levelsurface by giving it an initial push. Did the book continue to slide? What is responsible for mckingthe sliding book slow down and eventually stop?3. Drop a small stone and a piece of paper from the same height at the same time. Observe closelythe motion of the stone and the paper as they fall. Which of them reached the ground first? Whydid not the other one reach the ground at the same time as the first?4. What is the importance of friction in our daily life?5. Why do we need gravity?​


1.Gravity pulls the book down, but it doesn't fall down.

2.The book did not continue to slide. Friction is responsible for making the sliding book slow down and eventually stop.

3.Since stone and pencil are falling in a vacuum, there will be no air resistance on them. Hence, time taken for them to reach the ground will be same.

4.Friction is what holds your shoe to the ground. The friction present on the ice is very little, this is the reason why it is hard to walk on the slippery surface of the ice. Writing – A frictional force is created when the tip of the pen comes in contact with the surface of the paper.

5.Gravity is very important to us. We could not live on Earth without it. The sun's gravity keeps Earth in orbit around it, keeping us at a comfortable distance to enjoy the sun's light and warmth. It holds down our atmosphere and the air we need to breathe.


that's my answer I hope it help plss give me a brainliest answer ty

5. 1. From the facts above its obviously that everyone needs to read to get knowledge information and also entertainment. or in summary we can say reading is truly important in our life. 2. By reading we can get a lot of knowledge about many things in the world such as science, technology, sports, arts, culture, etc. written in either books, magazines, newspaper, etc. 3. I personally think that reading is a very important activity in our life. why do I say?____13. which of the three sentences above is a thesis?A. 3B. 1C. 2D. 3 and 1​




thanks yyouur point





6. which paragraph show coherence? 2 a3.c1to02Education systems all over the world are based on the idea that students get andremember information from teachers and books. They only test the kind ofinformation which is possible to measure in tests. These systems test thisknowledge with standardized tests which compare students to each-otherThese systems test this knowledge with standardized tests which comparestudents to each other. They only lest the kind of information which is possiblemeasure in tests. Education systems all over the world are based on the idea thatstudents get and remember information from teachers and books.They only test the kind of information which is possible to measure in tests Thesesystems test this knowledge with standardized tests which compare students toeach-other. Education systems all over the world are based on the idea thatstudents get and remember information from teachers and books.d. Education systems all over the world are based on the idea that students get andremember information from teachers and books. These systems test thisknowledge with standardized tests which compare students to each-other. Theyonly test the kind of information which is possible to measure in tests.9.An environment is the natural world that surrounds us. It is very important to keepit clean in order or live healthy and peaceful life. However, the environmentalpollution has become one of the biggest threats for Earth. It can affect our futureone day. People suffer from their own mislakes. Pollution endangers our existenceand destroys our living environment. The future will either be green or not at all.b It can affect our future one day. People suffer from their own mistakes. Pollutionendangers our existence and destroys our living environment. The future will eitherbe green or not at all. An environment is the natural world that surrounds us. It isvery important to keep it clean in order o live healthy and peaceful life. However,the environmental pollution has become one of the biggest threats for Earth.However, the environmental pollution has become one of the biggest threats forEarth An environment is the natural world that surrounds us. It is very important tokeep it clean in order or live healthy and peaceful life. It can affect our future one​


so easy, then the answer is letter D

7. Present perfect tense CATE 1-) The Team members in the floating book in (tour) 87 Countries to several the members Cherries to several yeart ks.. Lovers of 2 3- for 4.) ayear i (set) (set) aride some amount by (develop) an Several reading materials. child hood. interest in books since 3.) Uncle Jimmy (love) reading book for long time. Ci (se) over several books since this morning 7.) marina (express), her with to go with us since last night. P. Father and mother Cencouraged us to reads books For many years. 9. a beg very grateful to them for the encouragement his younger years. la my brother (proaden) our knowledge of many thing. 4+10) my brother (show) great interest in reading since his younger years. 11. Reading ( brooden) our knowledge of mang things aware life. 12. it (make), us of many facts in 13. It (Sharpen) our writing skills. 14. i (know) that reading and writing are interrelated Is. i (consider) both forms very impor important.​

for personal and professional growth. 16. Over the years, I (read) numerous books on different topics, and each one (teach) me something new. 17. Recently, I (enjoy) reading biographies of successful people, which (motivate) me to work harder towards my goals. 18. My friend just (recommend) a book that she (love), and I'm excited to start reading it. 19. I (realize) that the more I (read), the more I (realize) how much I still have to learn. 20. So, I (plan) to continue my reading journey and (use) what I (learn) to improve myself both personally and professionally.

8. A Read the paragraph below and analyze what is the selection all about. Choosethe letter of your answer.Books play a significant role in our life. They say that "When you open a book, youopen a new world Books are good fnends. They teach us many things. They tell us aboutinteresting things. They let us know about forway places and people. Books make us happy.too.A book is like a best friend who will sever walk away from you. Books are packed withknowledge, insights into a happy life, life lessons, love, fear, prayer and helpful adviceA The important role of books in our life.B. No one is left behind when reading booksC. If you read, you will leam more.D. Books are useful to those who can read coly.Ants are one of the most widespread insects in the world Ants are called social insectsbecause they live in colonies made up of other arts. A colony may have a few dozen or sevenmillion ants living in it. Ants in a colony are divided into different groups. Worker ants lookfor food and take care of the young. Soldier ants defend the rest from invaders. The queenant lays eggs. These are the three main groups in an ant colony.B. Wbat generalization can you make about ants based upon your reading?a. All ants live in large coloniesb. All ants work to defend the colony.c. All ants in a colony have a job.​


A. The important role of book in our life

A. All ants live in large colonies

9. Study the following situations and answer the question for each. Write your explanations on your answer sheet.1. Place a book on top of a table. What keeps the book from falling? How is this possible?2. Roll a marble on top of a level surface. Make it stop. Slide a light book on top of the same level surface by giving it an initial push. Did the book continue to slide? What is responsible for making the sliding book slow down and eventually stop?3. Drop a small stone and a piece of paper from the same height at the same time. Observe closely the motion of the stone an the paper as they fall. Which of them reached the ground first? Why did not the other one teach the ground at the same time as the first?4. What is the importance of friction in our daily life?5. Why do we need gravity?Paki sagot po nang maayos ^-^​


1 The table


Explanation: 1 it prevents the book from falling

10. What's MoreA. Read the paragraph below and analyze what is the selection all about. Choosethe letter of your answer.e called newMama andrman wordchildrenBooks play a significant role in our life. They sny that "When you open a book, youopen a new world". Books are good friends. They teach us many things. They tell us aboutinteresting things. They let us know about faraway places and people, Books make us happy.too.A book is like a best friend who will never walk away from you. Books are packed withknowledge, insights into a happy life, life lessons, love, feur, prayer and helpful advice,owever,irtue ofA. The important role of books in our life.B. No one is left behind when reading books.C. If you read, you will learn more,D. Books are useful to those who can read only.Ants are one of the most widespread insects in the world, Ants are called social Insectsbecause they live in colonies made up of other ants. A colony may have a few dozen or severalmillion ants living in it. Ants in a colony are divided into different groups. Worker ants lookfor food and take care of the young, Soldier ants defend the nest from invaders. The queenant lays eggs. These are the three main groups in an ant colony.B. What generalization can you make about ants based upon your reading?a. All ants live in large colo9nies,b. All ants work to defend the colonyc. All ants in a colony have a job.​




sana maka tulong

#willing to help

11. Learning Task 6: Study the following situations and answer the question for each Remember what you have learned about gravity and friction. Write your explanations on your answer sheet. 1 Place a book on top of a table. What keeps the book from falling? How is this possible? 2. Roll a marble on top of a level surface. Make it stop. Slide a light book on top of the same level surface by giving it an initial push. Did the book continue to slide? What is responsible for making the sliding book slow down and eventually stop? 3. Drop a small stone and a piece of paper from the same height at the same time. Observe closely the motion of the stone and the paper as they fall. Which of them reached the ground first? Why did not the other one reach the ground at the same time as the first? 4. What is the importance of friction in our daily life? 5 Why do we need gravity?​


1. For example, when a book is placed on a table, the normal force keeps the book from falling through the table. Gravity is pulling the book downward, but since the book isn't actually falling, something must be pushing it up. This force is called the normal force

2.the sliding of the book cannot continue because the friction will slow down the sliding book to stop completely

3. Stone

4.Friction can slow things down and stop stationary things from moving. In a frictionless world, more objects would be sliding about, clothes and shoes would be difficult to keep on and it would be very difficult for people or cars to get moving or change direction

5.Gravity is very important to us. We could not live on Earth without it. The sun's gravity keeps Earth in orbit around it, keeping us at a comfortable distance to enjoy the sun's light and warmth. It holds down our atmosphere and the air we need to breathe.

12. Our Life as Valuable Gift of Allah The most important thing that Allah s.w.t the creator has given us is the gift of life. In the beginning, there was nothing that existed except Allah s.w.t by his will, he created everything, include mankind. The wisdom of our creation was stated in revelations of Allah s.w.t through different books sent to mankind from Adam's time up to the coming of Muhammad s.a.w as last messenger. Allah created us and gave us life; our life is our debt to creator. Being indebted to our creator, it is our obligation to repay him for his mercy on us. That is the reason why the life of a single believer is dearer to Allah s.w.t than the entire universe. With our piety, we are the most valuable creation. With our piety, we are the most valuable creation. With our piety, we are the most valuable creation. With our piety, we are the most valuable creation of our merciful Allah s.w.t if we have no faith; our life is worth nothing in his sight. IV. Developmental Activity: Direction: List down the valuable gifts that you have received from Allah.​


the United states and the us government will continue their lives until now the next step will continue until they can get better and better and better off with the next president and a shoes to get better in the next few months later in your country to the United nations that will be able and the president will continue the process to get to get a job and be a good candidate and the next one will continue the way for a more balanced budget to

13. Learning Task 6: Study the following situations and answer the question foreach. Remember what you have learned about gravity and friction. Writeyour explanations on your answer sheet.1. Place a book on top of a table. What keeps the book from falling?How is this possible?2. Roll a marble on top of a level surface. Make it stop. Slide a light bookon top of the same level surface by giving it an initial push. Did thebook continue to slide? What is responsible for making the slidingbook slow down and eventually stop?3. Drop a small stone and a piece of paper from the same height at thesame time. Observe closely the motion of the stone and the paperas they fall. Which of them reached the ground first? Why did not theother one reach the ground at the same time as the first?4.What is the importance of friction in our daily life?5. Why do we need gravity?​


No. 5 is

So we can walk, breathe, so we won't float


Because if we don't have gravity we will floay


1.Gravity - Gravity pulls the book down, but it doesn't fall down. Therefore there has to be some force that also pushes the book up.

2.Friction - It is the responsible for making the sliding book slow down and eventually stop.

3. Paper - the paper is much speeder because its flat and it is also small so it motion to our gravity is slow.

4. Gravity is very important to us. We could not live on Earth without it. The sun's gravity keeps Earth in orbit around it, keeping us at a comfortable distance to enjoy the sun's light and warmth. It holds down our atmosphere and the air we need to breathe.

14. Learning Task 6: Study the following situations and answer the question foreach. Remember what you have learned about gravity and friction. Writeyour explanations on your answer sheet.1. Place a book on top of a table. What keeps the book from falling?How is this possible?2. Roll a marble on top of a level surface. Make it stop. Slide a light bookon top of the same level surface by giving it an initial push. Did thebook continue to slide? What is responsible for making the slidingbook slow down and eventually stop?3. Drop a small stone and a piece of paper from the same height at thesame time. Observe closely the motion of the stone and the paperas they fall. Which of them reached the ground first? Why did not theother one reach the ground at the same time as the first?4. What is the importance of friction in our daily life?5. Why do we need gravity?​


1.gravity pulls the book down, but it doesn't fall down. Therefore there has to be some force that also pushes the book up.

2.the book did not continue to slide. Friction is responsible for making the sliding book slow down and eventually stop.

3.the stone will land faster that the paper because the stone is heavy while the paper is right.

4.frinction is what holds your shoe to the ground. The friction present on the ice is very little this is the reason why it is hard to walk on the slippery surface of the ice.

5. Without gravity earth will shalther because the gravity makes the techtonic plates stick together.

15. why are books important in our human life?

Because books can help us in our school.Reading books can be also a hobby.

16. 1. Place a book on top of a table. What keeps the book from falling?How is this possible?2. Rolla marble on top of a level surface. Make it stop. Slide a light bookon top of the same level surface by giving it an initial push. Did thebook continue to slide? What is responsible for making the slidingbook slow down and eventually stop?3. Drop a small stone and a piece of paper from the same height at thesame time. Observe closely the motion of the stone and the paperas they fall. Which of them reached the ground first? Why did not theother one reach the ground at the same time as the first?4. What is the importance of friction in our daily life?5. Why do we need gravity?​


No. 5 is:

We need gravity so we walk, eat, drink.


That's why we need gravity


sana makatolong pa brainleast po


1) Gravity pulls the book down, but it doesn't fall down.Therefore there has to be some force that also pushes the book up.

2) The book did not continue to slide. Friction is responsible for making the sliding book slow down and eventually stop.

3) The stone is much speeder because it's flat and the stone is small so it motion to our gravity is slow.

3) The stone is much speeder because it's flat and the stone is small so it motion to our gravity is slow.And the paper is small so it motion to our gravity is slow.

4) Friction is what holds your shoe to the ground. The friction present on the ice is VERRY little this is the reason why it is hard to walk on the slippery surface of the ice.

5) The gravity is very important to us...the sun's gravity keeps Earth orbit around it keeping usat a comportable distance to enjoy the sun's ligth and warmth. It holds down our atmosphere and the air we need to breathe. Gravity is what holds our world together.

17. LT 6: study the following situation and answer the question for each remember what you have learned about gravity and friction write your explanation on your answer sheet.1. place a book on top of a table what keeps the book from falling how is this possible?2. roll a marble on top of a level surface make it stop slide a light book on top of the same level surface by giving it an initial push did the book continue to slide what is responsible for making the sliding book slow down and eventually?3. drop a small stone and the paper from the same height at the same time observe closely the motion of the stone and the paper as they fall which of them reached the ground first why did not the other one reach the ground at the same time as the first?4. what is the importance of friction in our daily life?5. why do we need gravity?​


1)when a book is placed on a table, the normal force keeps the book from falling through the table. Gravity is pulling the book downward, but since the book isn't actually falling, something must be pushing it up. This force is called the normal force.2)the book did not continue to slide


4)Friction can slow things down and stop stationary things from moving. In a frictionless world, more objects would be sliding about, clothes and shoes would be difficult to keep on and it would be very difficult for people or cars to get moving or change direction.

5)Gravity is very important to us. We could not live on Earth without it. The sun's gravity keeps Earth in orbit around it, keeping us at a comfortable distance to enjoy the sun's light and warmth. It holds down our atmosphere and the air we need to breathe.

18. Learning Task 6: Study the following situations and answer the question foreach. Remember what you have learned about gravity and friction. Writeyour explanations on your answer sheet.1. Place a book on top of a table. What keeps the book from faling?How is this possible?2. Roll a marble on top of a level surface. Make it stop. Slide a light bookon top of the same level surface by giving it an initial push. Did thebook continue to slide? What is responsible for making the slidingbook slow down and eventually stop?3. Drop a small stone and a piece of paper from the same height at thesame time. Observe closely the motion of the stone and the paperas they fall. Which of them reached the ground first? Why did not theother one reach the ground at the same time as the first?4. What is the importance of friction in our daily life?5. Why do we need gravity?​

5. Gravity is very important to us. We could not live on Earth without it. The Sun's gravity keeps Earth in orbit around it, keeping us at a comfortable distance to enjoy the Sun's light and warmth. It holds down our atmosphere and the air we need to breathe.

Only Gravity is I know

19. I do not write for this generation. I amwriting for other ages. If this could readme, they would burn my books, the work ofmy whole life.On the other hand, the generation whichinterprets these writings will be aneducated generation, they will understandme and say: Not all were asleep in thenighttime of our grandparents.Jose RizalQuestions:1. What is the meaning of the quotation?2. Do you agree that literature is important in todays' society? Why or why not?3. In your opinion, does literature affects our perspective in life? Explain youranswer.


1. a group of words taken from a text or speech and repeated by someone other than the original author or speaker..

2.Literature reflects humanity and allows us to better understand one another. We can find out how someone is thinking by reading their words. Literature is significant in the present world because of its purpose and impact on a culture that is progressively disconnecting from interpersonal interaction.

3.As an educative source, literature plays a significant part in human life. Literature works with direct or implied moral. ... Literature influences us and makes us understand the every walk of life. Narratives, in particular, inspire empathy and give people a new perspective on their lives and the lives of others.


well, correct me if I'm wrong

20. Learning Task 6:Study the following situations and answer the question for each.Remember what you have learned about gravity and friction. Writeyour explanations on your answer sheet.1. Place a book on top of a table. What keeps the book fromfalling? How is this possible?2. Roll a marble on top of a level surface. Make it stop. Slide a lightbook on top of the same level surface by giving it an initial push.Did the book continue to slide? What is responsible for makingthe sliding book slow down and eventually stop?3. Drop a small stone and a piece of paper from the same heightat the same time. Observe closely the motion of the stone andthe paper as they fall. Which of them reached the ground first?Why did not the other one reach the ground at the same timeas the first?4. What is the importance of friction in our daily life?5. Why do we need gravity?​

1. The book is pulled down by gravity, yet it doesn't actually fall. Therefore, the book must be propelled up by some force as well.

2. The marble did not keep slipping. The stone is sliding and slowing down due to friction.

3. Since the stone weighs more than the paper, it makes sense that it will fall to the ground first. The paper, on the other hand, will droop more gradually.

4. Friction is significant because it is a force that slows or stops motion.

5. Without gravity, we would be unable to sustain life on Earth.

Gravity is a natural phenomenon whereby everything that has mass or energy in the universe—including planets, stars, galaxies, and even light—attracts one another. On earth, gravity causes physical objects to have weight, the moon's gravity causes sea tides, and the sun's gravity causes planets and various other objects to be in their respective orbits in the solar system.

The gravitational force of the matter in space that exists in the universe caused this matter to begin to gather, forming stars and causing these stars to gather to form galaxies so that it can be said that the large-scale structures in the universe were created by gravity. Gravity has an infinite range of values. However, the effect gets weaker the further away an object is.

For more information about gravity, click the link below.


21. 1.Place a book on top of a table. What keeps the book from falling? How is this possible? 2. Roll a marble on top of a level surface. Make it stop. Slide a light book on top of the same level surface by giving it an initial push. Did the book continue to slide? What is responsible for making the sliding book slow down and eventually stop? 3. Drop a small stone and a piece of paper from the same height at the same time. Observe closely the motion of the stone and the paper as they fall. Which of them reached the ground first? Why did not the other one reach the ground at the same time as the first? 4. What is the importance of friction in our daily life? 5. Why do we need gravity?

Answer:GravityFrictionStone. The piece of paper was lighter than the small stoneWe need friction to write etc.We need gravity for many things like so we don't float to space etc.

22. Learning Task 6: Study the following situations and answer the question for each. Remember what you have learned about gravity and friction. Write your explanations on your answer sheet. 1. Place a book on top of a table. What keeps the book from falling? How is this possible? 2. Rolla marble on top of a level surface. Make it stop. Slide a light book on top of the same level surface by giving it an initial push. Did the book continue to slide? What is responsible for making the sliding book slow down and eventually stop? 3. Drop a small stone and a piece of paper from the same height at the same time. Observe closely the motion of the stone and the paper as they fall. Which of them reached the ground first? Why did not the other one reach the ground at the same time as the first? 4. What is the importance of friction in our daily life? 5. Why do we need gravity?​


1. Gravity pulls the book down, but it doesn't fall down. Therefore there has to be some force that also pushes the book up.

2. The book did not continue to slide.

Friction is responsible for making the sliding book slow down and eventually stop.

3. Paper

the paper is much speeder bacause its flat And the stone is small so it motion to aur gravity is slow

4. Friction can slow things down and stop stationary things from moving. In a frictionless world, more objects would be sliding about, clothes and shoes would be difficult to keep on and it would be very difficult for people or cars to get moving or change direction.

5. Gravity is very important to us. We could not live on Earth without it. The sun's gravity keeps Earth in orbit around it, keeping us at a comfortable distance to enjoy the sun's light and warmth. It holds down our atmosphere and the air we need to breathe.

23. Learning Task 6: Study the following situations and answer the question foreach. Remember what you have learned about gravity and friction. Writeyour explanations on your answer sheet.1.Place a book on top of a table. What keeps the book from falling?How is this possible?2.Rolla marble on top of a level surface. Make it stop. Slide a light bookon top of the same level surface by giving it an initial push. Did thebook continue to slide? What is responsible for making the slidingbook slow down and eventually stop?3. Drop a small stone and a piece of paper from the same height at thesame time. Observe closely the motion of the stone and the paperas they fall. Which of them reached the ground first? Why did not theother one reach the ground at the same time as the first?4. What is the importance of friction in our daily life?pls answer​sorry science po ito


1.Gravity pulls the book down, but it doesn't fall down. Therefore there has to be some force that also pushes the book up.

2.The book did not continue to slide.

The book did not continue to slide.Friction is responsible for making the sliding book slow down and eventually stop.


the paper is much speeder bacause its flat And the stone is small so it motion to aur gravity is slow

4.Friction is what holds your shoe to the ground. The friction present on the ice is very little, this is the reason why it is hard to walk on the slippery surface of the ice. Writing – A frictional force is created when the tip of the pen comes in contact with the surface of the paper.

paheart naman po at pabrainliest nadin po

24. why are books important in our human life?

books are important because, you will learn more in books, you can learn many different can answer your questions..It's our guidance.. It guide us on our daily lives..

25. You may not know but forces are important in oureveryday life movements by reading a book, cleaning ahouse, playing with siblings, and writing a paper.In all of these activities, you are applying a force. Theforce can cause objects to move. Forces have differentcommon sources like​


Forces have different common sources like

DancingThrowing a rockJumpingPushingPulling


I hope this helps☺️

26. Learning Task 6: Study the following situations and answer the question foreach. Remember what you have learned about gravity and friction. Writeyour explanations on your answer sheet.1. Place a book on top of a table. What keeps the book from falling?How is this possible?2. Roll a marble on top of a level surface. Make it stop. Slide a light bookon top of the same level surface by giving it an initial push. Did thebook continue to slide? What is responsible for making the slidingbook slow down and eventually stop?3. Drop a small stone and a piece of paper from the same height at thesame time. Observe closely the motion of the stone and the paperas they fall. Which of them reached the ground first? Why did not theother one reach the ground at the same time as the first?4. What is the importance of friction in our daily life?5. Why do we need gravity?​







sana makatulong po sainyo tama po yan

27. Pa help po thx 1. Place a book on top of a table. What keeps the book from falling? How is this possible? 2. Roll a marble on top of a level surface. Make it stop. Slide a light book on top of the same level surface by giving it an initial push. Did the book continue to slide? What is responsible for making the sliding book slow down and eventually stop? 3. Drop a small stone and a piece of paper from the same height at the same time. Observe closely the motion of the stone and the paper as they fall. Which of them reached the ground first? Why did not the other one reach the ground at the same time as the first? 4. What is the importance of friction in our daily life? 5. Why do we need gravity?


1. The table stops the book from falling.

2. Because of the book and the force change, the marble going down is now going up and because of the gravity it slows down.

3. the rock hit the ground first because the rock has more mass the the paper and more mass attract gravity more.

4. It is really important like if where going to make a fire we need a lightstick and we create a friction to make it.

5. we really need gravity because it's hard to move on a zero gravity like in space if you jump you go forever because no one stops you.

28. Learning Task 6: Study the following situations and answer the question foreach. Remember what you have learned about gravity and friction wityour explanations on your answer sheet1 Place a book on top of a tabla What keeps the book from falling?How is this possible?2 Roll a marble on top of a level surface. Make It stop Slide light bookon top of the same level surface by giving it on initial push. Did thebook continue to slide? What is responsible for making the slidingbook slow down and eventually stop?3. Drop a small stone and a piece of paper from the same height of thesame time. Observe closely the motion of the stone and the paperas they fall. Which of them reached the ground first? Why did not theother one reach the ground at the same time as the first?4. What is the importance of Inction in our daily life?5. Why do we need gravity?​


yes yes yes yes no yes no true true false false false true true


29. Gospel Books (Matthew,Mark,John and Luke)... Gospel means - good newsPA HELP GUYS 2 PARAGRAPHS ESSAY 1. What is your own understanding of the book of Matthew? 2.What is your own understanding of the book of Mark? 3.What is your own understanding of the book of John? 4.What is your understanding of the book of Luke? 5. Choose at least one bible verse about the Gospel that you like the most and caught your attention. Why did you like it and how does it help you to pray well? 6. How important is the Gospel in our life and why? 7. At this moment of your life what is the most significant bible verses that your are going to use to communicate? 8. How can you help your family to read the bible well? 9. How can you apply for your own experiences with this pandemic time? 10. Compose 1-2 sentences a personal prayer for protection n Good health for this pandemic time. ​

The book of Matthew is one of the four Gospel books in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. It is believed to have been written by Matthew, a disciple of Jesus, and is primarily focused on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. The book contains the birth, teachings, miracles, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and is often referred to as the "Gospel of the Kingdom" due to its emphasis on the coming of the Kingdom of God.

The book of Mark is also one of the four Gospel books in the New Testament. It is believed to have been written by Mark, a disciple of Peter, and is primarily focused on the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. The book contains Jesus' baptism, temptation, teachings, miracles, death, and resurrection, and is often referred to as the "Gospel of Action" due to its emphasis on Jesus' deeds rather than his words.

The book of John is another one of the four Gospel books in the New Testament. It is believed to have been written by John, a disciple of Jesus, and is primarily focused on the divinity of Jesus Christ. The book contains Jesus' teachings, miracles, death, and resurrection, and is often referred to as the "Gospel of Belief" due to its emphasis on the importance of faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God.

The book of Luke is the third Gospel book in the New Testament. It is believed to have been written by Luke, a physician and companion of Paul, and is primarily focused on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. The book contains the birth, teachings, miracles, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and is often referred to as the "Gospel of Mercy" due to its emphasis on Jesus' compassion and concern for the poor and marginalized.

One of the most well-known Bible verses about the Gospel is John 3:16, which states, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." This verse highlights the central message of the Gospel, which is that through faith in Jesus Christ, we can be saved and have eternal life.

The Gospel is of utmost importance in the life of Christians because it contains the message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. It provides guidance, comfort, and hope to believers, and helps them to live a life in accordance with God's will.

At this moment in my life, the most significant Bible verse that I would use to communicate is Philippians 4:6-7, which states, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." This verse reminds us to trust in God and to bring our worries and concerns to Him in prayer.

To help my family read the Bible well, I can encourage them to set aside a specific time each day for Bible reading and prayer, and to choose a Bible study plan or devotional to follow. I can also discuss and reflect on the passages with them to deepen our understanding and share our insights.

In this pandemic time, I can apply the teachings of the Gospel by showing compassion and kindness to those who are affected by the virus, and by trusting in God's plan and His protection.

Dear God, we pray for your protection and good health during this pandemic time. May you guard our hearts and minds and keep us safe

30. Learning Task 6: Study the following situations and answer the question for each. Remember what you have learned about gravity and friction. Write your explanations on your answer sheet. 1. Place a book on top of a table. What keeps the book from falling? How is this possible? 2. Roll a marble on top of a level surface. Make it stop. Slide a light book on top of the same level surface by giving it an initial push. Did the book continue to slide? What is responsible for making the sliding book slow down and eventually stop? 3. Drop a small stone and a piece of paper from the same height at the same time. Observe closely the motion of the stone and the paper as they fall. Which of them reached the ground first? Why did not the other one reach the ground at the same time as the first? 4. What is the importance of friction in our daily life? 5. Why do we need gravity?


1. Gravity is the force that makes the book fall.

2. Friction was the reason why is the book stop sliding.

3. The stone will land faster that the paper because the stone is heavy while the paper is light.

4. Without fricition, everything we step looks like stepping on ice (Cuz we will keep slipping). Friction is responsible to slide or to stop the movement of an object.

5. Without gravity, earth will shatter because gravity makes the techtonic plates stick together.


study well students.

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