Don C Franchise

Don C Franchise

do all franchisers sell their franchise?.​

Daftar Isi

1. do all franchisers sell their franchise?.​


hope it helps


thanks me later

2. C. Activity 1: My Franchise If given the chance to own a franchise, name five (5) businesses you wanted to franchise and state your reasons why you choose it. Business Name (2 points) Franchise Business (1 point) 1. Reasons (3 points) 2. 3. 4. 5.​


do you want the answer? :)

It's a Personal question.


Please answer it by yourself

3. What is the importance of franchise agreement in tourism and hospitality industry? And if given a chance will you franchise a business? What business will you franchise and how will you manage the franchise business?


Franchising is an important part of the tourism and hospitality industry, as it allows business owners to expand their business with the help of an established brand. By franchising, business owners can benefit from the marketing, operational, and financial support of the franchisor. This makes it much easier for the business owner to open and operate a successful business.

If given a chance, I would franchise a restaurant business. I would manage the franchise business by ensuring that I follow all the guidelines and procedures provided by the franchisor. I would also hire competent staff and provide the best customer service possible. I would ensure that the restaurant follows the franchisor’s menu and pricing guidelines, as well as all operational policies. I would also make sure that the restaurant is up-to-date with the latest trends in the food industry. Finally, I would actively seek out new customers and promote the business within the local community.

4. what is the advantage of franchising?​


Franchisors use the power of franchising as a system to build customer loyalty- to attract more customers and to keep them. International expansion is easier and faster, since the franchisee posesses the local market knowledge.


Advantage: Franchisees may be more talented at growing the business and turning a profit than employees would be.

Disadvantage: Franchisors earn royalties from sales. Franchisees earn money from profits. Achieving growth in both isn't always possible, potentially causing conflict

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of franchising? Are you in favor of franchising or not? Why?​


i need point sooryy


pa brainlest na lang po ako


Advantages of franchising

dvantages of franchisingThe risk of business failure is reduced by franchising. Your business is based on a proven idea. You can check how successful other franchises are before committing yourself.dvantages of franchisingThe risk of business failure is reduced by franchising. Your business is based on a proven idea. You can check how successful other franchises are before committing yourself.Products and services will have already established a market share. Therefore there will be no need for market testing.dvantages of franchisingThe risk of business failure is reduced by franchising. Your business is based on a proven idea. You can check how successful other franchises are before committing yourself.Products and services will have already established a market share. Therefore there will be no need for market testing.You can use a recognised brand name and trade mark. You benefit from any advertising or promotion by the owner of the franchise - the 'franchisor'.dvantages of franchisingThe risk of business failure is reduced by franchising. Your business is based on a proven idea. You can check how successful other franchises are before committing yourself.Products and services will have already established a market share. Therefore there will be no need for market testing.You can use a recognised brand name and trade mark. You benefit from any advertising or promotion by the owner of the franchise - the 'franchisor'.The franchisor gives you support - usually as a complete package including training, help setting up the business, a manual telling you how to run the business and ongoing advice.dvantages of franchisingThe risk of business failure is reduced by franchising. Your business is based on a proven idea. You can check how successful other franchises are before committing yourself.Products and services will have already established a market share. Therefore there will be no need for market testing.You can use a recognised brand name and trade mark. You benefit from any advertising or promotion by the owner of the franchise - the 'franchisor'.The franchisor gives you support - usually as a complete package including training, help setting up the business, a manual telling you how to run the business and ongoing advice.No prior experience is needed as the training received from the franchisor should ensure the franchisee establishes the skills required to operate the franchise.

Disadvantages of franchising

isadvantages of franchisingCosts may be higher than you expect. As well as the initial costs of buying the franchise, you pay continuing management service fees and you may have to agree to buy products from the franchisor.isadvantages of franchisingCosts may be higher than you expect. As well as the initial costs of buying the franchise, you pay continuing management service fees and you may have to agree to buy products from the franchisor.The franchise agreement usually includes restrictions on how you can run the business. You might not be able to make changes to suit your local market.isadvantages of franchisingCosts may be higher than you expect. As well as the initial costs of buying the franchise, you pay continuing management service fees and you may have to agree to buy products from the franchisor.The franchise agreement usually includes restrictions on how you can run the business. You might not be able to make changes to suit your local market.You may find that after some time, ongoing franchisor monitoring becomes intrusive.isadvantages of franchisingCosts may be higher than you expect. As well as the initial costs of buying the franchise, you pay continuing management service fees and you may have to agree to buy products from the franchisor.The franchise agreement usually includes restrictions on how you can run the business. You might not be able to make changes to suit your local market.You may find that after some time, ongoing franchisor monitoring becomes intrusive.The franchisor might go out of business.Other franchisees could give the brand a bad reputation, so the recruitment process needs to be thorough.Other franchisees could give the brand a bad reputation, so the recruitment process needs to be thorough.You may find it difficult to sell your franchise - you can only sell it to someone approved by the franchisor.

Yes, because it has many benefits




6. what is a franchising business?​


method of distributing products or services involving a franchisor, who establishes the brand’s trademark or trade name and a business system, and a franchisee, who pays a royalty and often an initial fee for the right to do business under the franchisor's name and system. Technically, the contract binding the two parties is the “franchise,” but that term more commonly refers to the actual business that the franchisee operates. The practice of creating and distributing the brand and franchise system is most often referred to as franchising.


hope it helps


A frachise is a type of business that is owned and operated by an individual (franchisee) but that is branded and overseen by a much larger—usually national or multinational—company (the franchisor).



7. what is a franchised hotel?​


A Franchise is the right to use the brand and the business model of a specific parent company for a prescribed period of time. ... In hospitality industry, a Hotel Franchise can be vaguely compared to a chain, since it is a management agreement, that provides certain services (brand, reservation system, support, etc.)

8. list downthe factors why one should franchise and why not. about siomai franchise ​


1. easy to sell  because people eat anytime

2. cheap product

3. delicious need a large spaced's a quick meal of hungry passerby and it's affordable to costumer


The factor why not to franchise siomai

1. it need a large amount of money to franchise

2.attend franchising seminar

3. Study the place before you put a stand if its high sales

9. the power of brand in franchising​


It attracts franchisees.


A strong brand has a reciprocal benefit. The loyal customer base it creates generates more business for all its franchise locations, which helps to reduce the start-up risk and to encourage more entrepreneurs in opening a franchise business.

hope it helps


There are several advantages of franchising, including the ability to use a nationally recognized brand name. In fact, the brand is one of the most important and powerful components of franchising. A powerful brand attracts customers to the franchise network as a whole, not just a single location.


10. this term refers to the share in the ownership of a company. A. bonds b. franchise c. tail d. stocks​


B. Franchise

Step-by-step explanation:

Correct me if Im wrong..but hope it help..

11. what is a franchised hotel?​


ok na po yan godbless po

12. what is international franchising?​

International Franchising, sometimes known as Master Franchising or Master Licensing, is a method of expansion that new or established franchises can use to move into new geographical areas and market

13. pls franchise renewal of



14. Do you think, it is vital to study franchise law if you want to engage into franchising?​


Yes, before engaging into a franchising business it is important to have a sufficient knowledge about this type of business in order to know what are the do's and don'ts.

15. identify one local franchise that is present in your city and cite a brief description about the said franchise and it's unique features that distinguish or set apart from other franchise​


local transportation franchise

16. Fresh Meat is supplying pork franchises selling siomai. These franchises can buy pork at Php146.38 per kilo because of the 6/7/9 trade discount agreement. However, non franchises can still buy pork from Fresh Meat but no discount will be given. What is the price per kilogram of pork for non-franchises?A. Php160.8571B. Php172.9647C. Php184.00D. Php196.504​

PHP 160.8571



17. Evaluate the use of franchising​


Franchising is based on a marketing

concept which can be adopted by an

organization as a strategy for business

expansion, It help us to know the

procedures, intellectual property, use of

its business model, brand, and rights to

sell its branded products and services.

#hope it helps :)

can you mark me as brainliest i just need it thanks in advance, stay safe and godbless


A franchise is a proven business system that has been market tested. The franchise has systems in place that allow its franchisees to own and operate under that proven system and brand. There are guidelines in place to ensure that every owner is adhering to those same business practices. Consumers and clients want and expect consistency, one of the key factors why franchise systems succeed. Let’s examine some other considerations when first evaluating a franchise opportunity:

1. The Market. Has a defined market been determined? Is that market in growth mode or is it in decline? Understanding with complete certainty who you will serve helps to determine the viability, and ultimately the profitability, of the franchise.

2. Company History. Researching the officers and management of the franchise along with those who will be supporting your business should provide you with some insight on the franchise’s culture. Look for stability and experience, as franchising is competitive and you want the best team as your partner. All franchises will file a Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) with their complete business details so you can begin your research. Be aware that the FDD is not forwarded until you have moved along in the discovery process and the franchisor has determined you are a qualified and serious candidate. Articles 1-2-3 will give you their history, ligation, and bankruptcy information.

3. Financial Statements. Article 21 of the FDD contains the franchise’s financial statements. Review them, question them, and consider having a CPA look them over.

4. Level of Investment. You have to begin with a personal inventory of how much you can comfortable invest. All franchise companies will look at your liquid capital (sometimes known as the capital required) your assets-to-liabilities, and your net worth. If you come in undercapitalized, you are more likely to fail and drain the resources of the franchise company, and the franchise is like an ecosystem built for the collective good of all the owners. Be honest with yourself about what you can invest.

5. Training and Support. Look for a support and training system that is comprehensive and has done away with any outdated procedures. You want and need guidance based on what’s actually happening in the marketplace. Also, speak with the other franchise owners in the system and learn from their experience. These owners are a valuable resource and can provide you with concrete solutions to real challenges.

6. Territory. This is covered in article 12 of the FDD. Franchise companies are redefining their metrics when carving out a territory. Depending on your industry and business, look for what’s trending in your territory. Is that territory experiencing growth or decline? Make a visit to City Hall and speak with someone in planning or zoning. Ideally, the franchise company will want this to be a win-win situation; otherwise, everyone loses.

7. Royalties. Check article 6 of the FDD carefully. The franchise should be making money on its royalties, not by providing owners with “other” services. Many of these other services are to third-party vendors and constitute a pass-along expense. A number of franchisors will reward their owners with a sliding royalty scale based on revenue: the more you earn, the less royalty you will pay. Also, look at minimum royalty payments and see if they’re enforced.

8. Restrictions. Information regarding this can be found in Article 8. There have to be some restrictions in order to protect brand identity and consistency across the franchise system. Make sure you understand these issues.

9. Suitability. A franchise agreement lasts generally anywhere from 5 to 15 years. It’s very expensive to back out once you have signed your agreement. Suitability encompasses a personal inventory of your core strengths and skills, and whether or not you will fit with the franchise culture you will be partnering with. Do you see yourself doing this for a long time?

10. Exit Strategy. Think two steps ahead. What if you get ill or have a personal crisis? Plan on how you would exit, whether that would be selling or transferring the business. Keep in mind there are costs to both so ask about those costs upfront.

18. What is franchising​


Franchising is based on a marketing concept which can be adopted by an organization as a strategy for business expansion, It help us to know the procedures, intellectual property, use of its business model, brand, and rights to sell its branded products and services.

19. 1. How to select a Franchise Location in the Philippines?2. How does a business become a Franchise?​


1. choose the best location or the popular location

2. As a franchisor you’ll be granting franchisees the right to develop and open new locations using your trademarks, business systems, suppliers, training, and on-going support. Franchisees will pay you fees that include an initial franchise fee and on-going royalties and will invest the capital needed to open new locations under your brand.

hope it helps

20. why is there a need that franchiser has to supply tangible intangible products services to franchises?​


Choosing a Service Franchise or a Product › franchisee-resource-center

Since their brand is associated with a tangible good they must guarantee the desired quality from the consumer's expectation. Franchisees must purchase the goods from a designated supplier and must keep items in their inventory as suggested by the franchisor.

21. is franchise a right or privilege​


Such right is guaranteed by the Fifteenth, Nineteenth, and Twenty-fourth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. As granted by a professional sports association, franchise is a privilege to field a team in a given geographic area under the auspices of the league that issues it. It is merely an incorporeal right.

But we should all be reminded that under the law, the grant of a franchise is not a right, but a privilege.

22. 3. Claims about ABS-CBN franchise application franchise? ​


thank you god blesthank you god blesthank you god blesthank you god blesthank you god blesthank you god blesthank you god blesthank you god blesthank you god blesthank you god blesthank you god blesthank you god blesthank you god blesthank you god blesthank you god blesthank you god blesthank you god blesthank you god blesthank you god blesthank you god blesthank you god blesthank you god blesthank you god bles


wala sirado na ang abs cbn , kapamilya channel nalang

23. 1.It pertains to the space needed where we can plant trees and storeseedlings.A. DemandB. FranchiseC. LocationD. Survey2. This activity will help you determine the strength and weakness of thebusiness.A. DemandB. FranchiseC. WorkerD. Survey3. These are the needs, wants, and interest of the people to a certain products.B. FranchiseA. DemandD. WorkerC. Location4. They are strength and key​


1c 2a 3franchise


brainliest po

24. who has enough money to have a franchise business and knowledge of franchising a business, what do you think would be the best franchise business despite the pandemic we are experiencing right now?​


sorry im not brainly enough

someone can help u

25. what is franchising ?

Franchising is a persons license to sell company's products.

26. lengua franchise kahulugan ​

uri ng wika na ginagamit ng mga tao na nagsasalita ng ibat ibang lenguahe

27. This type of business is owned by stockholders. * A. Sole proprietorship B. Partnership C. Corporation D. Franchise


C. Corporation

You have three choices—sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation. A business owned by one person is a sole proprietorship. A business owned by two or more persons associated as partners is a partnership. A business organized as a separate legal entity owned by stockholders is a corporation.


D. Franchise


Sana makatulong

be safe and stay healthy

28. 46. Tawag samga monopolista?A. FranchiseB. CopyrightC. PatentD. Price Maker​


D. price maker


29. Tagalog ng Franchise

Ang Tagalog ng Franchise ay Prangkisya.

30. Is franchising worth the risk?


If you’re looking to start a business, one of the considerations and questions you need to ask yourself is whether you want to start an independent business or a franchise. There are many advantages of franchising, as well as disadvantages—for both franchisees and franchisors.

When considering if you want to get involved with a franchise, you need to weigh all the benefits of franchising, but also all the potential risks you might face. In this guide, we’ll outline these pros and cons so you can decide if franchising is the right move for you.

Advantages of franchising for the franchisee

The franchisee is the third-party buyer who purchases the brand rights from the franchisor (the owner of the brand). The franchisee pays an initial franchise fee to the franchisor for the rights to use their brand in addition to ongoing franchise fees for marketing, royalties, and more.


As you have probably gathered by now, not only is the “95% success” statistic false, but new data from the U.S. Small Business Administration suggests that the answer is, no, franchises are not less risky than independent businesses.


franchising is an example of a new entry strategy that increase the risk of down side loss for the franchisees

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