Effects Of Virtual Society To The Youth Of Today s Generation

Effects Of Virtual Society To The Youth Of Today s Generation

What are the effects of virtual soviety to the youth of today’s generation?

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1. What are the effects of virtual soviety to the youth of today’s generation?


The effects of virtual society on the youth of today's generation can be both positive and negative. On the positive side, virtual society can provide young people with access to a vast array of information and resources that can help them learn and grow. It can also connect them with others who share their interests and help them form communities and support networks. On the negative side, virtual society can also expose young people to a variety of risks, such as cyberbullying, online predators, and the spread of misinformation. It can also lead to social isolation, as young people may become so immersed in the virtual world that they lose touch with the real world and the people around them. Overall, the effects of virtual society on the youth of today's generation are complex and can vary depending on the individual and their circumstances.


Have a great day!

2. In todays situation,we are now living in a virtual society.How do you describe virtual society?Are you happy living in a virtual Society? Why or Why not?​


Virtual communities are social aggregations that emerge from the Net when enough people carry on those public discussions long enough, with sufficient human feeling, to form webs of personal relationships in cyberspace. ... They will be communities not of common location, but of common interest.

Yet, suddenly, in the half-light of virtual community, we may feel utterly alone,” People, when they are happy, post a lot of happy things.


sana maka tulong Godbless

3. suppose you are youth advocate of today's generation; what certain specific human rights would you like to promote in the society?


stop human traffiking, poverty, ang child abuse, women abuse,

4. What do you think are the common problems of the youth of today, and as a member of thesociety describe its effect to our community as a whole.​


i think the common problems of the youth today is cyberbullying


The effect that it causes is depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts.

5. Evaluate the social and personal relevance of the documentary video in the society and to you as a youth in this generation. ​


Documentaries have the power to educate. Documentary films are an in-depth and informative resource which are a perfect platform to create dialogue. ... Character-driven, feature-length documentaries focused on the stories of real people put a human face on global issues that might otherwise seem distant or unrelatable.




6. as a youth of todays generation how will you value the church and its history​


Much as there is a strong desire by many parents to spiritually nurture their children, many drop out of their spiritual path and by the time they are teenagers or adults, the lives they are leading are wanting.

Hope programmes as well as equipping children with life skills to enable them overcome life challenges like early marriages, among others.

Youth is a frustrating time in life. It is that period when one is hardly old enough to be on his own, and yet he is feeling a sense of independence. Youth ever are attempting to find some sense of identity; that is why they sometimes act and dress so weird. They are bizarre!

In addition, there is much to be learned from the faith of a child,Because of God’s heart for young people, it is important to recognize their value in today’s church.

7. what is the name of the generation wherein the youth of today belongs?​


The generation z


Dahil dito tayo Naka belong na hinirasyon


Gen Alpha


Gen Z are people born in 1995 to 2012 while Gen Alpha are people born in 2013 to 2025

8. Suppose you are youth advocate of today's generation;what certain specific Human Rights would you like topromote in the society?​


Having the right to give judgements/criticisms towards the government's decisions and actions, without being accused of terrorism.

9. What do you think society needs today: educated youth or youth withgood manners?​


Youth with good manners


I chose this answer because if a kid has good manners he will have a great future and is equaleted to a educated youth


Educated Youth


Because educated mean he/she knows some things including good manners as well .

Hope it helps

Pabrainliest nalang kung nakatulong

10. As you observed today's generation most of the youth are not familiar folk dance?


mostly youth are not familiar in folk Dance it because they are influencing the new trend which is like hip hop dance and ect. or some youth are not interesting to join or practice what are those kulture .

11. why communication gives a big impact to youth of today's generation​


The communication brings people together, closer to each other.

12. the importance of nstp in our youth in today's generation​


The purpose of this program is to recognize the Youth's vital role in nation-building, promote consciousness among youth and develop their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well-being. It shall inculcate in the youth patriotism, nationalism, and advance their involvement in public and civic affairs.

13. what are the impact of cartoon characters in a society today especially the youth​


The influence of the media on the psychosocial development of children is profound. Thus, it is important for physicians to discuss with parents their child’s exposure to media and to provide guidance on age-appropriate use of all media, including television, radio, music, video games and the Internet.

The objectives of this statement are to explore the beneficial and harmful effects of media on children’s mental and physical health, and to identify how physicians can counsel patients and their families and promote the healthy use of the media in their communities.

14. Suppose you are youth advocate of today’s generation; what certain specific culture of yours would you like to promote in the society? How will you execute the advocacy in your community? ​


As a youth advocate, you can advocate on issues you are passionate about at the community, national, regional, continental or international level.

15. what effect is unsupervised internet use having on today's youth​


Young kids and teens can inadvertently stumble onto material that is violent, sexual, or just plain disturbing in nature. The web can be a scary place for kids, and they could view disturbing images or read something that they'll wish they hadn't.


Ganto po? Hth!

16. why youths of today can be the next generation heroes!​


Youths can be heroes because if we mold them and believe in them well.They can be empowered and righteous so they can build a better future for all of us

17. the effects of the national heroes day celebration to the youth of today

the youth realizes how sacrificing themselves led to a peaceful country 

18. What effect is unsupervised usage having on today's youth?​


The effects of free internet compared to being spied on for preteens and teens: It does not create mistrust between the child and the parents. It does not help develop paranoia.

19. As a youth today, what can you offer to society, to your school, and to your family? __________________________________________________________________________


it doesn't matter what teenagers do for the communities any involvement is good when teenagers get involved in community activities and voluntary they get many personal rewards and feelings of achievement by getting involved in community activities teenagers can call me to contact with like-minded peers and positive adult role models other than their parents interacting and cooperating with other adult and theories and community organizations and colleges teenagers to see the world in different ways it also helps them see how to put values are believed into actions for the good of others


By volunteering community activities like helping DENR to clean the river or give school supplies to young student because they dont have enough money to buy their own school supplies.


20. WHAT'S MORE. Suppose you are youth advocate of today's generation; what certain specific Human Rights would you like to promote in the society? How will you execute the advocacy in your community?​


As a youth advocate, I would like to promote the right to medical treatment and fundamental rights. Explanation: We will ensure that all of our citizens have the right to eat, sleep, be clothed, vote, and get medical treatment (not health care, medical care).


right to medical treatment and fundamental rights.

21. What can you advise to the youth of today's generation?​

Think before you act. ...

Find an adult mentor. ...

Do not be a follower. ...

Be humble. ...

Establish a set of values. ...

Maintain emotion stability

22. survey question about the effects of modern society standards to filipino youth​

The effects vary from person to person but i know for sure it has both the good side and bad side. The good thing is these standards might do something good to these individuals like improving themselves to be better or they may become contented to their selves. The bad thing here is not every teenager has this thing called "confidence" some of them might feel upset by other people's high expectation from them, they might feel pressured by the society.



As a youth, be an inspiration to other youth. Be part of the improvent rather than a problem in the community. Give your full support and cooperation in attaining the main goal...

24. advice to the youth today on how their roles and responsibilities can affect the society​


advice to the youth today on how their roles and responsibilities can affect the society

advice to the youth today on how their roles and responsibilities can affect the society Explanation:

e Role Of Youth In The Future Society

e Role Of Youth In The Future SocietyA youth is any person between the age of 15 years and 30 years regardless of the gender. Unfortunately, the youth are the backbone of a society and hence they determine the future of any given society. This is because all other age groups, the kids, teenagers, middle aged and the senior citizens rely on the youth and expect a lot from them. This makes the youth to be an important age group in both today's society and the future society than other age groups.Therefore, due to the high dependence on youth in the society, we the youth have a role to play because the future of our families, communities and the country lies in our hands.

e Role Of Youth In The Future SocietyA youth is any person between the age of 15 years and 30 years regardless of the gender. Unfortunately, the youth are the backbone of a society and hence they determine the future of any given society. This is because all other age groups, the kids, teenagers, middle aged and the senior citizens rely on the youth and expect a lot from them. This makes the youth to be an important age group in both today's society and the future society than other age groups.Therefore, due to the high dependence on youth in the society, we the youth have a role to play because the future of our families, communities and the country lies in our hands.The role of the youth is simply to renew, refresh and maintain. Youth have a role to renew and refresh the current status of our society including leadership, innovations, skills etc. Youth are expected to advance the current technology, education, politics, peace of the country. On the other hand, youths have also to maintain the culture of our culture, all good values in the societies, development projects, etc.

etc.First of all, kids and teenagers need to be advised, taught and encouraged by the youth. Youth also have to be a good example to the young generation. The youth have to teach both the teenagers and kids all aspects of general life, show them the way so that they grow up the right and the wrong. Youths have to advise and encourage teenagers and help them to solve social, educational, psychological, emotional and various problems the teenagers encounter in life. Youth have the role of teaching teenagers and the young generation what teachers and parents don't.


The roles and responsibilities of every youth this days can affect to our society in a good way or in a opposite ways.


A lot of teenagers are doing their responsibilities as a youth to help people who's in needs, and for a society who was asking for youths help and theirs also a youths that can affect our society in a opposite way, like they ignored people who was asking for help, they're being selfish and didn't care about the environment.

~ HEHE sorry sa wrong grammar pero I hope naintindihan nyo Kung ano Ang ibig Kong sabihin.

25. Compose your own speech about the role of the youth in today's society.

The Role of the Youth in the Society

“The youth is the hope of our future.” It is a timeless quote said by our national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal. Dr. Rizal did not say that out of nothing. He meant something by it in hopes that it will touch the sensibility of those who will hear it.

Sana makatulong

26. if martial law still exists, what do you think would be its effect/s to the youth of today?​


If martial law still existed youths of todays generation would be more disciplined.

27. the effects on social media on the youth of today​


But frequent use of social media among teenagers and young adults has many less positive consequences. These include cyberbullying, negative self-image and body image, social media addiction, and less time spent doing healthy, real-world activities.



But frequent use of social media among teenagers and young adults has many less positive consequences. These include cyberbullying, negative self-image and body image, social media addiction, and less time spent doing healthy, real-world activities.


28. how will describe the kind of society the youth of today have​


for me society now depends on technology around the world,like social media,online games, communication through internet,learning,


pabrainlest kailangan lang talaga

29. How is the story of footnote to youth reflection of Philippine society in general?​

Answer: hindi ko din alam e tra cod tayo


footnote footnote

30. 4. What are the things that give today's generation of youth an edge over their predecessors?Explain why5. What are the benefits of technology to the youth of today?​


4. Every generation of adults seems to worry that the next generation of youth is in trouble. The perception of kids today is no different, with theories abounding as to why the mental health of the newest generation is slipping, compared with previous standards.

5. Positive aspects of technology for the youth include being able to speak more freely (finding one's voice/community) online, learning/knowledge gains, communication/engagement with others, and creative exploration.

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