Thesis Statement About Mathematics

Thesis Statement About Mathematics

The following are true about the thesis statement EXCEPT;A. A thesis statement should be supportable.B. A thesis statement should be direct and limited in scope.C. A thesis statement should be broad.D. A thesis statement should be arguable.​

Daftar Isi

1. The following are true about the thesis statement EXCEPT;A. A thesis statement should be supportable.B. A thesis statement should be direct and limited in scope.C. A thesis statement should be broad.D. A thesis statement should be arguable.​


B. A thesis statement should be direct and limited in scope



2. Which of the following is true about the thesis statement? * 1 point A. Thesis statement provides an overview of what your essay will be about B. Thesis statement is used to establish importance of the topic C. Thesis statement explains why the reader should agree D. Thesis statement is not necessary in the introduction paragraph​


a. Thesis statement provides an overview of what your essay will be about.

3. Thesis statement about moana

The importance of "Moana" for young girls. ... love interest, so I think they not only made a good choice story-wise but also it makes a statement.

4. Thesis statement about education and pollution.​

Answer:thesis paper in their portfolio


The thesis statement for education is that one or two sentences in the essay which provides the topic of the essay as well as a comment on your stance as regards the topic.


Education plays a vital role in shaping successful people. It gives us the opportunity to become a productive member of a civilized society by acquiring all the necessary skills.

Education expands our vision and creates awareness. It helps us develop a disciplined life and provides us with better earning opportunities.

Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat, or light. Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring contaminants.


Sna makatulong

5. thesis statement about basketball​


My Thesis statement in my opinion i think this was a great topic because like basketball and i want everyone to get to know basketball more.Basketball has been around for a while and it just keeps developing and its a very fun sport if you get to know the rules and you know how to play.Basketball wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for a man named James Naismith.

6. thesis statement about gaming addiction​


Thesis Statement: While computer games might seem like it has benefits towards building up character, it can still contribute to addiction and the like. ... To name, generations of today used computers for playing online games that may have an impact on their health, studies, personal hygiene and social life

7. 9. Which is not true about thesis statement? A. Thesis statement must be concise. B. Thesis statement must be arguable. C. Thesis statement must be a question. D. Thesis statement must be affirmative.I'll giveHeart StarTo those who can answer this correctly​










Sana makatulong

8. Thesis statement about fear ​


Fear is a natural emotion that serves as a protective mechanism against potential dangers. It can motivate individuals to take action and prepare for threats, but it can also become irrational and debilitating if not properly managed. Understanding and acknowledging fear is the first step in overcoming it and leading a healthy, fulfilling life.


9. thesis statement about failure​

Failure is what makes us better. Without failure one does not improve. If one does not improve then one cannot succeed. I believe that failure goes hand in hand with success.

10. thesis statement about modular learning​


Statement of the Problem This study was designed to determine the effectiveness of modular approach to the academic performance of two third year BEED classes of Eastern Samar State University (ESSU) who were exposed to the usual lecture method and using modules in teaching word problem solving.

11. thesis statement about unemployment​


Thesis statement: Unemployment has a range of negative effects on the social state such as the rise of crime rates, divorce rates, and homelessness.

12. which is true about thesis statement?Answer: A text may contain two or more statements in the thesis.


Ok thanks


yep yea thanks

13. thesis statement about abortion​


Abortion is the most controversial issue having no grounds of agreement among two ... Logic: No clear thesis statement.


I hope this help you

14. Thesis statement about jogging

Answer: Jogging does not only help your body to prepare of an intense workout, but it is also a complete workout itself. Aside from losing weight, it has more benefits in the human body. It reduces the risks of having heart diseases and developing high blood pressure.Feb 26, 2020

Hope it helps

15. thesis statement about depression?


Depression is not a medical disorder but a state of emotional imbalance.

Depression is a globally under-recognized and neglected disorder that is nevertheless a serious medical condition.

16. Thesis Statement about Abortion


The one who performed the song" kay ganda ng ating musika" that won prestigious aword


Thesis: Abortion should remain a legal option for women because the government has no right to interfere with a woman's body, illegal abortions result in far more fatalities, many unwanted pregnancies result in economic deprivation and an on-going cycle of poverty and despair, but most importantly, there is no ...


hope it's helping

correct me if I'm wrong and mark me brainlest please

17. thesis statement about baybayin ​


In promotion of the Ancient Filipino writing system, Baybayin, through the advocacy of the YAKAP Volunteers and in commemoration of the International Year of Indigenous Languages as promoted by UNESCO, the core purpose of this Baybayin lecture and workshop is to further encourage the youth to be aware of the importance

18. Thesis statement about the Online Learning


Online learning sucks and people are LITERALLY killing themselves and dieng because of it. so #academicfreeze

19. thesis statement about shopping​


During research of this topic, a problem statement has been formulated that I believe requires some researching into. As with any problem statement, it needs to address the 6 questions that always would get asked concerning research worthy problem statements namely.

The problem, noted in this study, is that the exact reasons behind the sudden expansion of online shopping are unknown. 

One thing that is certain is that the world has become more connected and this growth in online shopping has become a necessity to keep abreast of modern times

20. Thesis Statement about abortion


This theme is too controversial, and the sides are too judgmental towards the opposite opinion. Besides, considering the action of an abortion, it is very difficult to find the right side and to judge the doer of the action. To state a good thesis, you need to get acquainted with all the aspects and factors influencing the mother to terminate her pregnancy. Learn all the types and reasons for forced pregnancy termination and be open-minded to the issue and the doer of the action, as for such a difficult question the right side may easily turn into wrong one.

The society has polarized into two fronts. Those who adopt doing an abort and those who don’t. You should take in close considerations all the advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons, moral principles and the life and death question.

Abortion Thesis Statement

If you are on the side of those who are for artificial interruption of the fetus development process you have to understand the purposes and good qualities of this action clearly. The disadvantages of this process are always connected with the women’s health question and moral aspect. If you have chosen the pro-choice side, we can give you several examples of the thesis statements on this issue.

A woman has every right to choose what to do with her body whether she will save the fetus or terminate the fetation, because of the solid reasons.

The modern surgery can release a future mother from the burden of the undesirable baby delivering after a sexual insult or incest, but nothing can heal the soul.

More than 80% of men chose the mother of their baby to be saved during the delivery processes, but there are many disease and reluctances which may cause death end to the mother long before the delivery date.

Some women have to terminate the pregnancy period because of some medical factors, medical fetation termination is the savior of the person’s life.

HIV infection dooms a child to a happy, full of suffering and medicines life, so the way to stop spreading the virus and releasing the unborn baby is to do an abort.

After the HIV boom in the US government force into application the abortion programs centered on citizens with this virus, such action led to reducing the HIV infection level.

A woman is a person primarily, with the desires and goals set in her mind, once get pregnant she can ruin all her life and life of the future baby.

Pro-Life Thesis Statements

Pro-Life thesis statements

This side of a problem have many arguments both of moral and medical value, so the best way to illustrate them is to give the thesis statements examples:

The innocent children don’t have to be responsible for your mistakes and an abortion is the euphemism of ‘to kill the baby.’

The process of termination of the undesirable baby’s life is often very harmful to woman’s health and may lead to sterility.

Don’t terminate pregnancy now, because you may not have the children in future at all!

The spread of the medical services which are doing aborts caused a large number of bad specialists after visiting which you can say good-bye to your health.

There are many disadvantages to the act of fetation termination including the reasonable one – the following health state decline.

Non-professional medical help in termination of your pregnancy may harm your future baby and even become the reason of miscarriage.

How will you live with the sin of abortion on your soul? That is the real act of homicide.

Hiding the true face of the artificial fetation termination you, primarily, cheat yourself.


Abortion is a very painful topic for women and men who find themselves facing the moraldilemma of whether or not to terminate a pregnancy. It's one of the most polarizing moral issues -most people are on one side or the other, very few are undecided.

21. thesis statement about freedom of speech​


Bad Thesis 2: The government has the right to limit free speech. Better Thesis 1: There should be no restrictions on the 1st amendment if those restrictions are intended merely to protect individuals from unspecified or otherwise unquantifiable or unverifiable "emotional distress."

22. thesis statement about absenteeism​


Absenteeism in school thesis statement. Chronic absenteeism used to be a hidden problem, but many states are starting to focus on it.

23. thesis statement about peer pressure​


Peer pressure is a type of social influence that produces a particular of acting or thinking. Childhood or adolescence are the most prone to peer pressure influence. Peers as defined are the people whom do you identify and spend time most of the time. Peer pressure by itself can be either positive or negative, for example, both high and low academic achievements are closely linked to peer’s influence.

Peer pressure changes the way of how you choose choices about something. This is a summary and it is not a thesis statement.

24. thesis statement about homeschooling​


Thesis Statement: Homeschooled students often achieve higher academic success and are more active in their communities than traditionally schooled students, due to a personalized approach to learning that emphasizes individuality.

25. thesis statement about love​




Love encompasses an extent of strong and positive energetic and mental states, from the most sublime standards or gainful daily practice, the most significant social affection, to the simplest pleasure. A delineation of this extent of suggestions is that the love of a mother changes from the love of a soul mate, which contrasts from the love for food. Most regularly, love insinuates an impression of a strong interest and energetic association.

Love is seen as both positive and cynical, with its nobility tending to human consideration, compassion, and companionship, as "the unselfish dedicated and liberal concern to at last benefit another" and its negative quirk tending to human moral flaw, similarly as vanity, bias, love propre, and vanity, as conceivably driving people into a sort of franticness, obsessiveness or codependency. Love may moreover portray kind and well disposed exercises towards various individuals, one's self, or animals. In its various designs, love goes probably as a huge facilitator of social associations and, inferable from its central mental importance, is conceivably the most broadly perceived subjects in the creative craftsmanship. Love has been estimated to be a limit that holds people together against risks and to work with the continuation of the species.

what is the meaning of love -


True love is only an idea like superman as an idea. Love can be selfish and possessive. Love needs ___ as a vehicle to move and to grow. True love defy all these things.

Hope it helps ‘ _`

26. thesis statement about gcta

1.) What are thesis statements?

- A thesis statement is a statement usually compose of one to two sentences that are made in order to express the main purpose of the whole paper. It is made to present the topic of your paper, and show your stance in the topic.

2.) Type of Thesis Statements?


- these statements do not provide a standpoint in a question, and only provides factual information concerning that question.


Communism proved to be the downfall of the USSR.


- statements that can usually be found in argumentative papers. They provide a standpoint concerning the topic of their paper.


I believe that the GCTA Law is not an effective law for assessing the prison time of prisoners in the Philippines.

What is GCTA?

- GCTA, or Good Conduct Time Allowance, is used in accordance with Republic Act No. 10592. In GCTA, it states that based on the behaviour of a prisoner, their overall sentence will be reduced.

Thesis statements for GCTA

- since you provided a very vague question, I can only go as far as to give you argumentative thesis statements. If you wish to get an explanatory thesis statement, it will require more research in order to find a scientific conclusion.


1.) Due to the shaky concept of psychology, we should cancel GCTA, because we have no way of determining how a certain individual may act outside of prison.

2.) We should cancel GCTA, becuase sentences given by the court should always be upheld to the upmost extent.

3.) We should not cancel GCTA, becuase it encourages peace and prosperity amongst the prisoners in a particular prison.

4.) We should uphold the GCTA merely for the fact that we should receive incentives for our good behaviours as convicts in prison.


27. Thesis statement about anxiety?


Early Anxiety is stemmed from many factors, however the main cause of anxiety in adolescents is directly related to parenting and/or family influences.Anxiety can be a very serious (disease/disorder) it is simply defined as an abnormal fear or tension which can occur without any obvious trigger or session; a recurrence, unwelcome and intrusive thought. Anxiety can also be defined as a subjective state of fear or tension. There are two types of anxiety, anxiety can provide signals that alert the body to trigger it to improve mental and physical performance.

28. thesis statement about synonyms​


Thesis statement synonym

•In this page you can discover 34 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for thesis, like: dialectic, master's essay, dissertation, essay, exposition, hypothesis, opinion, paper, point, postulate and premise.

29. Read and analyze the text that give facts about "bullying".Thesis Statement #1Thesis Statement #2​




30. thesis statement about lack of education​

thesis statement: Lack of education of most of the parents as a factor to the new design depEd curriculum this 2020 Pandemic.

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