Essay About Dating

Essay About Dating

compare and contrast about online dating and traditional dating essay​

Daftar Isi

1. compare and contrast about online dating and traditional dating essay​


Traditional dating relies on finding a person that is attractive to the eye first. With online dating, first impressions are shaped by other factors, such as age, career and hobbies because there is no face-to-face contact initially.

2. essay about what is an appropriate dating age? ​


18 for girl and 21 fo boys


18 for girls because they are mature enough in that age unlike boys they maturity is in the age of 21. But then dating is the stage of knowing each other and enjoying company not doing the things you will suffer at the end

3. Essay about Dating at Young age pahelp Po asap​

Dating at A Young Age

Love is a potent emotion and it is easy to be judgemental about teenage love, dismiss it as ‘puppy love’ and not the so-called real thing since a body and mind as yet undeveloped and unmatured, to process the complexities and intricacies of such an evolved and onerous emotion, is as yet unprepared.

The power of love is infinite. It can lead, inspire and turn ordinary folks into poets, writers, artists and muses. It can make the most laid back of us plod to the end of the earth to attain the impossible but such kind of love needs time, passion and concerted effort to make it work. Youngsters who are still grappling with the rapid changes in their own mind, body and hormones need time to figure this out and any haste might lead to a lot of setbacks, heartbreak, anxiety related disorders, dip in academic performance, a dilution of their career goals and in worst of circumstances lifelong scars.

With the onslaught of internet, young minds are exposed, before time to love,sex and passion. Getting in and out of relationships has become more of a contest between peers rather an organic process of falling in love. Where the tag of being single invites derision, humiliation even ridicule, it is not surprising to find youngsters keen to jump into the bandwagon of dating, just to keep pace with their friends, throwing all good sense and caution to the winds.

Their minds who have yet to realise the profundity of this emotion, fails to sift out love from a mere attraction towards opposite sex. Too many heartbreaks and separationslater, they might be wiser but unnecessarily scarred. Their minds, which is yet evolving, is not equipped to churn out logical, sane responses to bubbling emotions and jealousy, over-possessiveness and dejection may make them prone to over-anxiety, depression, violent outbursts , even suicidal contemplations.

Their emotional ineptitude makes them unaware of how resilient the heart can be. Where every dejection seems to be an assault f their identity, where every break-up might seem catastrophic, where every new attraction might seem the love of one’s life, dating on a one-to-one basis, at such a tender age is bound to have serious ramification, if unguided and unsupported.

Where the only emotion which makes the world go round seems to be love for the opposite sex, an entire chunk of growing up phase is deeply compromised. Camaraderie with friends, bonding with parents, rapport with siblings, relationships with mentors take a backseat and some very beautiful moments of growing up phase in life is left unformed and incomplete. Academic performance is bound to suffer in the wake such major emotional and mental upheavals and career goals compromised.

4. Identify the statement and write your answer on the space provided after the number. 1.______It is all about the writer ’s experience during typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) in Zamboanga City. 2.______ Is the date when New York City/ twin tower was being attacked by the terrorist. 3.______She wrote the Essay entitled “Lundagin mo Baby.”  4.______This essay states the experience of the writer after the attack in New York City. 5.______She wrote the essay entitled “The baby in the backpack.” 6._____One of its functions is to just simply review a book that you often read online or in local newspaper. 7. _____He is one of the famous essayist in newspaper “Philippine Daily Inquirer.”  8._____She defined essay as something that “no other forms of writings seems willing to be.” 9._____ Another word for conflict of story. 10.____He wrote the story Summer Solstice.​


2. Sept. 11, 2001

3. Gilda Cordero-Fernando

5. Aubrey Preseli

10.Nick Joaquin

5. DATE PERFORMANCE TASK 4 Direction: Make an Essay about your community using Parallel structures. Use the rubries belon as your guide in writing an essay. Materials to be used: Short bond paper/ intermediate paper Ballpen 5 Criteria Parallel Structures 4 The essay contains at The essay 3 The essay contains at 2 The essay attempts the Points 25 contains atanswer good plsss​


As  a member of a diverse community, I have the ability and responsibility to educate myself about the different cultures and religions that exist within  the community. Through this education, I can discover how to better it is serve the needs of my neighbor this is what it means to be a part of a member. As a member of the community I also must understand the essentiality of volunteerism. Volunteerism allows me to take the focus off of myself and devote my time and energy to others that are in need. I currently

volunteer my time at my church and to coaching recreational youth activities. Volunteering at the church allows me to meet the needs of people that may not have any other place to go. Likewise, coaching allows me to be a positive influence for other young people. This influence instills self esteem, team work, leadership skills and confidence. In doing this, I am giving back to my community and making it a better place. Volunteerism is also important also an important part of being a member of a community because it not only helps individuals but aids the

community as a whole. It allows people to know that they will have support in the community when they go through difficult times.


i hope it helps

6. Date Submitted: Performance Task 5 Effect of Changes in Temperature in Food and Medicine Write a song, essay, or poem about the ways on how to improve the useful effect of changes in materials.​


nasa comment po yung sagot ayaw i pass ni brainly

7. Make an essay about the significance of Absolute and Relative dating in land surfaces for landscaping processes​


The dating of land surfaces has long posed problems for geomorphologists. Relative methods (stratigraphic, geomorphic, topographic) are sound and convincing. Exhumed forms may complicate identification and relationships, for both epigene and etch forms have been buried, and exhumed, but in tectonically undisturbed areas, the higher surfaces are older than those preserved at lower levels. Also, surfaces have an age range. The relationship of surfaces with volcanic deposits, old shorelines, and genetically related sedimentary sequences provides sound ages, and correlation with dated duricrusts and faults is also useful. There are no temporal limits to relative dating, for the methods are equally applicable to the dating, say, of Proterozoic surfaces as of those of Pleistocene age. The disadvantage of such methods is that the necessary evidence is frequently either not preserved or not exposed.The so-called ‘absolute’ (physical, numerical) methods, and especially those based on exposure age dating with in situ cosmogenic radionuclides, are appealing because they produce direct numerical ages, and appear to be widely applicable, but there are severe temporal limitations, and sampling problems complicate, and may invalidate, interpretation. Absolute age determinations must be consistent with the stratigraphic and geomorphologic settings. The best results are obtained when physicists and earth scientists pool their knowledge and experience. A background in local and regional geology is especially important

8. III. Read the short narrative and answer the questions that follows. Ireland is a country steeped in history. In fact, its history dates beyond 3,000 B.C, when the megalithic tombs were constructed in Newgrange. Throughout the country's expansive evolution, the Irish fought time and again to maintain their independence as a sovereign nation. Evidence of the rich history is clearly visible through its many castles, including Leighlinbridge Castle and Carlow Castle, two of Ireland's oldest establishments ( html) 1. What is the essay all about? 2. What country is being mentioned in the essay. 3. What is one evidence of rich history of Ireland? 4. Write the names of the castles mentioned in the essay.​


the sun center the universe

9. 1 Was there ever a time when you become someone s hero ? Write about it! 2 For you, What is love? 3 What is the romantic song or music that you love? 4 If you live for ever would you and why? 5 Would you want to know the exact date of your death ? Why ? Please answer it in essay type .....Thanks

I'm too lazy to make an essay so just lemme share my ideas.

1. Was there ever a time when you become someone's hero?
Me? A hero?
Everyone can be a hero in their own simple ways.
I once gave a beggar something to eat. When I'm thinking about it now, I can't believe myself that I've done something.... something good. I'm kind of a  scrooge person. But you know what? Thinking about it makes me feel... joy. I don't know why but to be honest, I really feel .. joy.
It's just... unbelievable for me, hehe. I'm a selfish and mean little girl who grew to be worse than before. Yep, that's really me. It's not obvious but I'm that bad :P
But that's it because ... for real? I can't. I don't know why but I can't... I think. d-.- b

2. For you, what is love? (Walamporever, jk)
Love? Love is something that makes us feel happy and... makes us feel pain and lonely. Well, I'm a kid and that's the only sensible thing I can say about this topic. d._. b

3. What is the romantic song or music that you love?
No comment, lol. I'm not into romantic songs, that's why. 

4. I don't understand your question for number four, sorry.
5. Would you want to know the exact date of you death? Why?
Yes. I don't wanna change how things work in this world full of mysteries, joy, sadness, love, and pain BUT I still wanna know the exact date of my death. I've read a story, the time of their death is written somewhere in their body (I just stopped reading it because my nose will surely bleed, lol). I've read the first chapters and the speaker seems to be ready...
I asked myself, "Why could be this happen for real?"
It's because I think, it will be easier for us to leave. We may feel sadness but at least, we won't regret things. People became regretful because it's too late, right? Just like in the story I've read.. Candice (the female protagonist) became regretful because she became a bad daughter. She didn't listen to her father's side... it's too late.
It's too late to become regretful...
And that causes ..too ..much ...pain.

10. LEARNING ACTIVITY 2: ESSAY: In your activity notebook, write an essay about the importance of plating food. LEARNING ACTIVITY 3: Direction: Write what you have learned about this lesson.. Journal Writing Date: Topic: I learned that I realized that​


The way food is presented is crucial. It can make or break a restaurant, and if done correctly, it can turn a dinner party into a huge success. You would not be tempted to taste a meal that is served on a filthy tray, no matter how tasty it is. Make sure all of the dishes are spotless.

11. MY SIMPLE PHOTO ESSAYoction: Take a photo of any flowering plant and write a short essay about it by filling out the missing information, then send it to youcher via Messenger.mative: For pupils who don't have gadget, internet/data connection.or paste a photo/picture of any flowering plant then write a short essay about it by filling out the missing informationThis photo was taken last (1)in(date)(place)The name of this flowering plant(2)(3).planted it. This plant gives(4).(benefit that this plant gives you).I promise to (5)(ways to take care of the plant).​


My favourite flower is rose. I like other flowers too but I find the rose to be the most beautiful among all flowers. It is also called the king of flowers. They come in many colours so it offers great variety.


yan po hope it helps.


1place flower

2.rose is good

12. ESSAYWhy is it important to always have an open communication with your family about dating?​

yan na po hope it helps...

Dating is something that should be done only when both partners are ready to begin a relationship. However, if you don't communicate with your parents, then you might never know when they're ready to start a relationship. This could lead to problems such as one parent getting upset over the fact that their child has been involved in a relationship before they were ready.

13. task 7. Getting Information. complete the following outline - Main idea there are -create and can -hips ✔ 1. they are (. Such redirect I Necessary thoughts A these thoughts title Four types for question as " DATE: with detalis from the essay of throughts mind can a better quality of life Relations- Our are practical thoughts. deal with daily routine about our everyday needs and Requirements. example 2 is​


What is the question?


Sorry because I don't understand the question

14. Essay: Reflection about Holy Week April 24- deadline short bond paper Introduction 7 body cohesive devices - 5 (underline). parallel structure- s (encircle) Sand 5 sentences -3 sentences DATE wonclusion - 3 sentences NO criteria: content organization - 10 mechanics & Grammar -10 heatness​



Holy Week is a significant period observed by millions of Christians worldwide in commemoration of the last week of Jesus Christ's life on earth. This week, also known as Passion Week, begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Easter Sunday. During this time, Christians reflect on the sacrifice and suffering of Jesus Christ, his death, and resurrection. The events that occurred during Holy Week are pivotal in Christian faith, and the week provides an opportunity for spiritual reflection, renewal, and growth.


Holy Week is marked by various ceremonies and services that follow the events leading up to Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. On Palm Sunday, Christians commemorate Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem by waving palm branches, just as the crowds did in his time. On Maundy Thursday, Christians remember the Last Supper, where Jesus washed the disciples' feet and instituted the sacrament of Holy Communion. On Good Friday, Christians remember the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ, while on Holy Saturday, they wait in anticipation of his resurrection. On Easter Sunday, Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the cornerstone of their faith.


In conclusion, Holy Week is a time of great significance to Christians worldwide. Through the different ceremonies and services, Christians reflect on the events that led to Jesus' death and resurrection. The week provides an opportunity for spiritual reflection, renewal, and growth. Christians are reminded of Jesus' love, sacrifice, and teachings and are called to live a life that is pleasing to God.

15. Argumentative essay about should the day of people power feb.25 be moved to other dates?issue-claim-argument-evidence- counter argument-rebuttal-conclusion- kailangan na to sa monday ​


Issue: Should the day of People Power Revolution on February 25 be moved to other dates?

Claim: The day of People Power Revolution on February 25 should not be moved to other dates.

Argument: Moving the date of People Power Revolution may diminish its significance as a turning point in Philippine history. February 25 has become a symbol of the Filipino people's courage and struggle for democracy. Changing the date could also confuse and disorient people, as February 25 has been ingrained in their collective memory for over three decades.

Evidence: The significance of February 25 as the day of People Power Revolution is deeply rooted in Philippine history. On that day in 1986, millions of Filipinos took to the streets to oust a dictator and reclaim their democracy. The peaceful revolution that followed inspired other countries in the world to fight for their own freedom and democracy. Changing the date could also undermine the country's efforts to commemorate and remember the sacrifices of those who fought for democracy.

Counter Argument: Some may argue that moving the date could help spread awareness and knowledge about the People Power Revolution to younger generations who may not be aware of its significance. They may also argue that changing the date could create an opportunity for reflection and discussion about the country's democratic values and principles.

Rebuttal: While it is important to educate younger generations about the significance of People Power Revolution, changing the date is not the best way to achieve this. Instead, there should be efforts to educate and raise awareness about the revolution throughout the year. Moreover, reflection and discussion about the country's democratic values can still be done on February 25, even without changing the date.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the day of People Power Revolution on February 25 should not be moved to other dates. The significance of this day in Philippine history cannot be understated, and changing it may diminish its importance and confuse the people. Instead, there should be more efforts to educate and raise awareness about the revolution, and to continue commemorating and remembering the sacrifices of those who fought for democracy.



16. Activity 2: Journal MakingIndicators:•Presented pictures which are aligned to the content and of great relevance to the lesson.•Showed creativity and comprehensive and deep understanding on the benefits of team sports to family fitness and wellness.Output:Create a journal containing pictures of your family showing your engagement in team sports. Indicate dates,places, and a short description (caption) of each picture including a final essay about the benefits that your family ger from engaging in team sports.Refer to the sample above :(yung picture na nasa ibabaw po)TAMANG SAGOT:*FOLLOW KO *BRAINLIEST KO*RATE KO 5 STAR*AT HEART KO DIN​​


ganito lang Yan ma'am/sir gagawa ka ng journal pero sundin mo lang nandyan sa picture or quide nya sayo Kasi Yan ehh wla Kasi akng picture ng family na may Bonding kayo with sports ☺️


hope it can give you an idea po

17. write an essay about the significance of absolute and relative dating in land surfaces for landscaping process​


Geomorphologists have long struggled with the dating of land surfaces. The relative methods (stratigraphic, geomorphic, and topographic) are reliable and convincing. Exhumed forms may complicate identification and relationships because both epigene and etch forms have been buried and exhumed, but in tectonically undisturbed areas, higher surfaces are older than lower surfaces preserved. Surfaces also have an age range. Surface correlation with volcanic deposits, old shorelines, and genetically related sedimentary sequences provides reliable ages, and correlation with dated duricrusts and faults is also useful. There are no time constraints to relative dating, as the methods are equally applicable to the dating of Proterozoic as well as Pleistocene surfaces. The disadvantage of such methods is that the required evidence is frequently not preserved or exposed. The so-called 'absolute' (physical, numerical) methods, particularly those based on exposure age dating with in situ cosmogenic radionuclides, appear to be widely applicable because they produce direct numerical ages, but there are severe temporal limitations, and sampling problems complicate and may invalidate interpretation.

18. write an essay about an issue stating your point and ateast three pieces realible up to date and accurate evidence to support it​


The issue I want to discuss is climate change and its impact on our planet. Climate change is an issue that affects every aspect of our lives - from the way we live to the future of our planet. Despite all the evidence supporting it, there are still some people who deny it.

According to the NASA Global Climate Change website, the Earth's global temperature has increased by approximately 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit (1.0 degree Celsius) since the 19th century, and the rate of warming has been increasing steadily. This might seem like a small increase, but it is having profound effects on our planet.

One of the most significant impacts is the melting of polar ice caps, which is leading to rising sea levels. The National Ocean Service reports that sea levels have risen about 8 inches (21 cm) since 1880, and this number is increasing. This rise in sea levels is threatening coastal cities and small island countries, which are already experiencing flooding and erosion.

Another impact of climate

19. write an essay or short composition about keeping a healthy relationship through courtship and dating​


we can be more diligent because we want to be proud of something or we want to show it to the person we want

20. TULONG!TULONG!TULONG!TULONG!TULONG!TULONG!TULONG!TULONG!Brainliest kita promise! C3309 their assigned discusses a series of events. Team Leader i convinces he reader to agree with an p by a strong supporting detail. troversial issues where disagreement or through the designated pick-up point at develops the relationship of two or on the scheduled date = creates impression in all images about retrieval. mposition dealing with a subject from a view. items being asked. Choices are given on of essay.​



[tex]\red{ \rule{10pt}{99999pt}}[/tex]

21. II. Multiple Choice Identify what is being described in the following items. Encircle the letter of your answer. 9. A form of writing using formal language and includes data such as actual events, dates, names of authoritative persons and other facts that are taken from other sources to back up its statements. a. literature b. academic writing c. literary writing d. essay writing 10. A form of writing which is also called creative writing. It inspires and entertains with word pictures, concepts, and has deep meaning. a. literature b. academic writing c. literary writing d. essay writing 11. A type of academic writing that is a prose composition that closely resembles conversation. b. case study d. reflective writing a. essay c. reports 13. A type of academic writing where one relates ideas or concepts to his/her experiences in life. a. case study d. reflective writing b. reports c. essay 14. A type of academic writing which is a published report about a person, group, or a situation in real life that has been studied. a. reports b. case study c. essay d. reflective writing 15. A story in a newspaper or on radio or television that gives information. b. case study c. essay d. reflective writing a. reports 5. A report that gives someone's opinion about a quality of a book, movies, etc. a. literature reviews b. essay c. reports d. case study is the ability to hear sound. It is also a skill that involves comprehension. b. speaking a. writing c. listening d. viewing is a judgment or decision reached by reasoning. a. comprehension b. conclusion c. critical thinking d. listening A​









22. write an essay about the ways to maintain a positive body image. Write it in a short bond paper.What I Should Do to Maintain a Positive Body ImageCriteriaVeryGood(10pts)Good Fair Poor(Bpts) 7pts) (5pts)Correct grammar and choice ofwords are clearShows originality, own style andpoint of viewMessage is clearClean, neat and carefullyconstructed outputSubmitted on scheduled date​


A person with a positive body image will feel confident in their appearance and in what their body can do.

However, media messages, past experiences, and life changes can all lead to a negative self-image, which causes a person to feel unhappy with their body. In some cases, this can lead to mental health issues, such as depression.

If feelings about one’s body are causing distress, it may be beneficial to see a mental health professional. They can help a person explore the reasons for these concerns and find ways to resolve them.

1. Spend time with people who have a positive outlook.

2. Practice positive self-talk.

3. Wear comfortable clothes that look good on you.

4. Avoid comparing yourself with other people.

5. Remember that beauty is not just about appearance.

23. DATE: Write an essay about your personal dreams in life using the different type of conditionals. pirst underline the zero conditional, (and) encircle the Conditional box the 2nd conditionals, and underlined twice the third conditional. Introduction (3-5 sentences) Body (5 sentences) Conclusion (3-5 sentences)​


dko po alm yn sorry


dko alm sorry

24. DISS FINAL REQUIREMENT (Submission Date - December 12, 2021) SOCIAL SCIENCE HELPS SOLVE THE PROBLEM OF SOCIETY 1. Use the given title above, and compose an essay that lets your reader know that social science provides solutions to social problems. 2. You can mention a specific situation/problem that you know is present present or past. If you don’t know, you can research about a social a problem and analyze how a specific social science problem is solved discipline. Cite your references (3) on a separate page of your work. 3. Your essay should be at least 500 words and should follow parts and organization of an essay 4. Use the font “Times New Roman 12 and the regular space of writing/encoding an essay.​







25. Essay about Effects on Online Datingpahelp Po asap​


People who are frequent users of online dating apps have lower self-esteem (or the risk of developing low self-esteem) than those who prefer in-person dating. As I said, online dating can increase the risk of getting rejected.



all have a better probability of finding the one. Lets look into online dating; it is no longer rare and is growing rapidly. According to the Pew Research Center, “The share of 18- to 24-year-olds who use online dating has roughly…


Eto lang Po Yung Nakita q sana makatulongg

26. Learning Area Quarter W1 I. LESSON TITLE II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING COMPETENCIES (MELCs) English Fourth Quarter Grade Level Date Using Graphic Organizers in Academic Writing MELC 22. Distinguish features of academic writing Enabling Competencies: III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT IV. LEARNING PHASES AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES 1. Introduction (Time Frame: 35 minutes) 7 Organize information about a chosen subject using a graphic organizer Organize information about a chosen subject using a one-step outline Academic Writing Have you ever felt overwhelmed when the teacher asks you to write an essay on your chosen topic? You wanted to write, but you did not know where to start? You might be asking yourself: What will be the topic of my essay? What sources will be relevant to my topic? How will I develop and organize my essay? This lesson will inform you about academic writing, which is often used in school to complete a writing task for a specific subject. In higher levels, it is used as a requirement for a track or a course. Some examples of this are essays and research papers. This lesson will also guide you on how to use graphic organizers in academic writing.​


I. LESSON TITLE: Using Graphic Organizers in Academic Writing


- MELC 22: Distinguish features of academic writing



1. Introduction (Time Frame: 35 minutes)

- Discuss the challenges students face when asked to write an essay on their chosen topic.

- Introduce the concept of academic writing and its importance in school and higher education.

- Provide examples of academic writing, such as essays and research papers.

- Explain the purpose of the lesson, which is to guide students on how to use graphic organizers in academic writing.

2. Organize Information using Graphic Organizers (Learning Activity)

- Explain the benefits of using graphic organizers in academic writing.

- Demonstrate different types of graphic organizers, such as mind maps, concept maps, and flowcharts.

- Engage students in an activity where they organize information about a chosen subject using a graphic organizer.

3. Organize Information using a One-Step Outline (Learning Activity)

- Introduce the concept of a one-step outline as an alternative to graphic organizers.

- Explain how a one-step outline can help students structure their writing.

- Guide students in creating a one-step outline for their chosen subject.

4. Summary and Application (Time Frame: 10 minutes)

- Recap the key points discussed in the lesson.

- Discuss the importance of organizing information effectively in academic writing.

- Encourage students to apply the knowledge gained by using graphic organizers or one-step outlines in their future writing tasks.

Note: The given content is a brief outline of the lesson and can be further expanded upon based on the desired depth and time allocation for each activity.

27. Write an essay or short composition about keeping a healthy relationship through courtship and dating. Please refer to the following criteria

sorry talaga

dikopo gets sorry


yung nasa pic po ang sagot nakita ko lang po yan


28. Argumentative Essay Research news about updates on the status of special education in the Philippines especially in this pandemic times. Generate an argumentative essay about its state. An argumentative essay is a piece of writing that takes a stance on an issue. In a good argumentative essay, a writer attempts to persuade readers to understand and support their point of view about a topic by stating their reasoning and providing evidence to back it up.please help medue date for this is 9pm today​

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected education globally, including special education. In the Philippines, where special education is still a developing field, the pandemic has highlighted the need for further improvements in the sector. Despite some positive developments, the state of special education in the Philippines during the pandemic is still inadequate.

One positive development in the Philippines is the increased awareness and attention given to special education during the pandemic. The government has launched various initiatives, including the provision of assistive technology and online training for teachers to support students with special needs. Additionally, the Department of Education (DepEd) has released guidelines for distance learning for students with disabilities.

However, these initiatives fall short in addressing the needs of all students with special needs in the country. For instance, the provision of assistive technology has been limited and not enough to support all students with disabilities. Additionally, online training for teachers is not enough to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to support students with different learning needs.

Furthermore, the pandemic has exposed the already existing challenges in special education in the Philippines. According to a report by Human Rights Watch, the government has failed to ensure that all children with disabilities have access to education. Many students with disabilities face barriers to enrollment, such as lack of transportation, inaccessible classrooms, and insufficient support services. The pandemic has only made these challenges more evident, with many students with disabilities unable to access distance learning materials and services.

In conclusion, while some progress has been made in the field of special education in the Philippines during the pandemic, the state of special education is still inadequate. The government must do more to address the barriers to education faced by students with disabilities, including the provision of more assistive technology and support services, and the improvement of teacher training. Only then can students with special needs receive the education they deserve, even during these challenging times.

29. Argumentative Essay Research news about updates on the status of special education in the Philippines especially in this pandemic times. at ilagay ang news na kinukuhanan mo ng idea. Generate an argumentative essay about its state. An argumentative essay is a piece of writing that takes a stance on an issue. In a good argumentative essay, a writer attempts to persuade readers to understand and support their point of view about a topic by stating their reasoning and providing evidence to back it up. please help me due date for this is 9pm today​


According to the Department of Education (DepEd) in the Philippines, there are currently over 2 million learners with disabilities enrolled in public and private schools across the country. These learners are entitled to special education services to help them succeed in their academic pursuits. However, with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the delivery of special education services has been severely impacted, leading to a decline in the quality of education received by learners with disabilities.

One of the challenges facing special education in the Philippines during the pandemic is the lack of access to technology and the internet. With the implementation of distance learning, learners with disabilities who do not have access to the necessary technology and internet connection are at a disadvantage. This has resulted in a significant reduction in the number of learners with disabilities who are able to participate in online classes.

Another issue is the lack of training and resources for teachers who are tasked with providing special education services. Many teachers are not equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to provide effective online special education services. This has resulted in the quality of education received by learners with disabilities being compromised.

Furthermore, the pandemic has exacerbated the existing inequalities in the education system. Learners with disabilities from low-income families are particularly vulnerable, as they may not have access to the same resources and support as their peers from more affluent backgrounds. This further widens the gap in the quality of education between different groups of learners.

In light of these challenges, it is imperative that the government takes action to address the issues facing special education in the Philippines during the pandemic. This includes providing learners with disabilities with the necessary technology and internet connection, as well as providing teachers with the training and resources they need to effectively deliver special education services online. Additionally, more support should be given to learners from low-income families to ensure that they are not left behind.

In conclusion, the pandemic has brought to light the challenges facing special education in the Philippines. It is crucial that the government takes action to address these challenges and ensure that learners with disabilities are not left behind. By providing the necessary support and resources, we can ensure that all learners have access to quality education, regardless of their circumstances.


Study hard,hope it help

30. Write an essay or short composition about keeping a healthy relationship through courtship and dating.​

Courting leads to a relationship, where in an interested person will ask for a permission for them to get together.

Dating is the part where two people are getting to know each other, meeting, could also a way to show their feelings towards them.

Dating and courting leads to a relationship.

Once a couple is happy and contented to their relationship, the relationship will be healthy.


i really don't knows if this is right tho, plagiarise niyo nalang huhu.



Courtship and dating are things everyone experience throughout their lives. These are common things we do while we grow up also, we learn new things and habits when experiencing these.



Keeping a healthy relationship through dating or courtship increases our confidence, social life and our ability to learn. Problems might come, causing arguments and misunderstandings but, this is how we learn right? Accepting our mistakes and learn how to correct them. Every relationship, including family encounter problems so, let's be brave and face them together. After successfully achieving goals in the relationship, this can cause confidence because you gained respect, bravery and most of all, honesty to your partner and also, not all times we're always right, not everything we do is right so our partner is there to correct it. Accepting our mistakes keeps everything smooth and clear so don't argue with him/her, especially knowing your actions are wrong.


We learn many things in a healthy relationship through dating and courtship so we must be open-minded about it. Being a strong minded person keeps you stubborn because you don't want to be corrected, just be kind and accept your flaws and mistakes, know that she/he loves you so much.

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