Example Of Filipino Epic

Example Of Filipino Epic

What is the Filipino epic

Daftar Isi

1. What is the Filipino epic


Philippine epic poetry is the body of epic poetry in Philippine literature. Filipino epic poetry is considered to be the highest point of development for Philippine folk literature, encompassing narratives that recount the adventures of tribal heroes.


An epic is a long, narrative poem written about a hero and the hero's feats of bravery. Gilgamesh is an Assyrian epic (perhaps the oldest example) about a young Assyrian king who is sent on a quest by the gods. ... Beowulf is another example of epic poetry, and is considered the national epic for the British.

2. Is kalusan Filipino epic?

Answer: Kalusan is Filipino Epic Song

3. example of epic example​


search in Google

u will find it

4. how do epics reflects Filipino culture?​


Philippines from the late 1500s to the present. ... colonial administrators to nationalists and cultural heritage preservationists sought to make ... He wakes up again, stands up, and reflects.

5. for filipino studying are epics will contribute to​


An epic is a protracted poetic compositionfocalized upon a hero who has achieved many great triumphs in his life. Epics are based on established traditions which narrate the deeds of old heroic figures. They tell us the past of a group, religion or nation.

6. in Tagalog epics, give 4 deities that Filipino believe

Serious Answer: 1 lang diety ng mga Filipino, Christianity has only one God.

Sarcastic Answer: Pagkaputol ng paa, Pagkalabo ng paningin

7. Why do we have Filipino Epics?​


Philippine epics narrate the adventures of the hero in chronological order, many of them beginning with the hero's birth. ... The epics narrate the hero's life and adventures and end in happy endings. If the hero dies, he is brought back to life. In at least two epics, the hero brings his people to heaven.




8. what 10 Filipino's Epic Story ?

ibong adarna
indarapatra at sulayman
the dagoy
biag ni lam-ang

Biag ni Lam-ang, Ibalong, Darangen, Aliguyon, Hinilawod, The Maragtas Chronicles of Panay, Bidasari, Bantugan, Handyong

9. two surviving epic that filipinos should be proud? give some reflection / insight about the two Filipino epic in five sentences​











































































︎ (sent with fire effect)

10. What is the purpose OF Filipino epics

Philippine epics narrate the adventures of the hero in chronological order, many of them beginning with the hero's birth. None begin in medias res like in the Iliad. The epics narrate the hero's life and adventures and end in happy endings.

11. How does the epic embody Filipino ideals?​


Philippine epic poetry is the body of epic poetry in Philippine literature. Filipino epic poetry is considered to be the highest point of development for Philippine folk literature, encompassing narratives that recount the adventures of tribal heroes. These epics are transmitted through oral tradition using a select group of singers and chanters.[1]: xiA study revealed that the Philippine folk epics, like those found in Asia, are often about a quest for a wife as well as the various ordeals linked to the founding of a family, hamlet, tribe or a kingdom.[2] The narratives would include voyages - on earth, sea, sky, and the underworld - to allow the hero or heroine to overcome the challenges faced. After their ordeals, the protagonists - through improvement of their personal qualities - would become ideals for their genders.[2]


pa brainliest po thank you

12. please help filipino epic


Sana matalino to all brainly I'm proud of you

13. How do epic poetry reflect Filipino Culture?


it reflects Filipino culture as they are the most valuable sources of information with regards to the history of our forefathers their traditions belief. epics is part of our shared history and what bond us as a nation.

14. epic is an example of a short story ​







An epic is a long, often book-length, narrative in verse form that retells the heroic journey of a single person or a group of persons. Elements that typically distinguish epics include superhuman deeds, fabulous adventures, highly stylized language, and a blending of lyrical and dramatic traditions.

15. An epic is a narrative poem of considerable length written to celebrate the deeds and adventures of heroic characters. One of the Filipino epics is Labaw Donggon. Where does this epic originate?​






panay island

[tex] < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > [/tex]

16. example of epic stories

indarapatra at sulayman



17. how do epics reflect filipino culture?​


by showing the amazing beliefs our ancestors showing there beliefs

18. what are the examples of epic?

Epic literature comes from the oral traditions of ancient civilizations. Epic poems have been created throughout history, up to the present day. Epic poems are included in all three genres of poetry, which include lyric, dramatic, and narrative.

Epic Literature Is Narrative

Epic literature belongs to the narrative genre of poetry. A narrative poem will tell a story of societies and heroes. The subject matter includes topics of human interest. Ballads are narrative poems, as well as epics.

Well-known ballads are:

“Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary,/Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,/While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,/As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door./`'Tis some visitor,' I muttered, `tapping at my chamber door - Only this, and nothing more.'” “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe
The COOK of Londoun, whil the Reve spak,/For joye him thoughte, he clawed him on the bak./"Ha! ha!" quod he, "for Criste passioun,/This miller hadde a sharp conclusioun/Upon his argument of herbergage./Wel seyde Salomon in his langage,/`Ne bryng nat every man into thyn hous,'/For herberwynge by nyghte is perilous./Wel oghte a man avysed for to be,/Whom that be broghte into his pryvetee./I pray to God so yeve me sorwe and care,/If evere sitthe I highte Hogge of Ware,/Herde I a millere bettre yset awerk./He hadde a jape of malice in the derk./But God forbede that we stynte heere,/And therfore, if ye vouche-sauf to heere/A tale of me that am a povre man,/I wol yow telle, as wel as evere I kan,/A litel jape that fil in oure citee." "The Canterbury Tales" by Geoffrey Chaucer
“By the shore of Gitchie Gumee,/By the shining Big-Sea-Water,/At the doorway of his wigwam,/In the pleasant Summer morning,/Hiawatha stood and waited.” "Hiawatha" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Examples of epic poetry can sometimes seem like dramatic poetry, because they also tell a story, and can be quite dramatic. But their main form is the narrative, whether they are satirical or dramatic.

Other Famous Examples of Epics in Literature

The works of many other great authors of past and present can also be classified as examples of epics. Consider the following examples, and note that many of these names may be familiar from your high school English classes:

“In the middle of the journey of our life, I came to myself, in a dark wood, where the direct way was lost. It is a hard thing to speak of, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood was, so that thinking of it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death: but, in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there” - “The Divine Comedy” by Dante
“I want a hero: an uncommon want,When every year and month sends forth a new one,Till, after cloying the gazettes with cant,The age discovers he is not the true one;Of such as these I should not care to vaunt,I'll therefore take our ancient friend Don Juan—We all have seen him, in the pantomime,Sent to the devil somewhat ere his time.”- “Don Juan” by Lord Byron
“Of Mans First Disobedience, and the Fruit Of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal tast Brought Death into the World, and all our woe, With loss of Eden, till one greater Man Restore us, and regain the blissful Seat,” - “Paradise Lost” by John Milton
“He who has seen everything, I will make known (?) to the lands.I will teach (?) about him who experienced all things,... alike,Anu granted him the totality of knowledge of all.He saw the Secret, discovered the Hidden,he brought information of (the time) before the Flood.He went on a distant journey, pushing himself to exhaustion,but then was brought to peace.He carved on a stone stela all of his toils,and built the wall of Uruk-Haven,the wall of the sacred Eanna Temple, the holy sanctuary.”- Epic of Gilgamesh
“Thus, while the mute creation downward bend Their sight, and to their earthly mother tend, Man looks aloft; and with erected eyes Beholds his own hereditary skies. From such rude principles our form began; And earth was metamorphos'd into Man.”- “Metamorphoses” by Ovid
“Listen:You have heard of the Danish Kingsin the old days and how they were great warriors.Shield, the son of Sheaf,took many an enemy's chair,terrified many a warrior,after he was found an orphan.He prospered under the skyuntil people everywherelistened when he spoke.He was a good king!”- Beowulf
Greek Epic Literature

The word “epic” comes from the Greek for “word, poem, or story.” The stories deal with significant events of a nation or culture and show the values of a society. Since epic poems are so long, there is not room to include one in its entirety; so the examples of epic poems will be various excerpts.

The Iliad and The Odyssey are two Greek poems written by Homer. The Iliad tells of the last year before the city of Troy was overrun by the Greeks. The Odyssey is about Odysseus and his return home to Ithaca.

19. examples of epic strories

in other places:
The Epic of Gilgamesh (~2000 BCE) ...

The Homeric Poems – The Odyssey (~800 BCE) ...

The Mahabharata (350 BCE) ...

Virgil – The Aeneid The Aeneid (19 BCE) ...

Ovid – Metamorphoses (8 AD) ...

Firdawsi – The Shahnameh (11th century) 

in the philippines:

Agyu : The Ilianon Epic of Mindanao (of the Manobos of North Cotabato)

Hudhud hi Aliguyon (An Ifugao Harvest Song)

Kudaman (of Palawan)

Lumalindaw (Ga’dang Epic)

The Epic of Labaw Donggon (of the Sulod people of Central Panay)

The Epic of Nalandangan: Matabagka Searches for the Deity of the Wind (of the Talaandig people of Central Bukidnon)

The Guman of Dumalinao (of the Suban-on tribe of Northwestern Mindanao)

The Ibalon (from the Bikol region)

The Kingdom of Keboklagan (of the Suban-on tribe of Northwestern Mindanao)

The Life of Lam-ang (An Ilokano Epic)

The Maiden of the Buhong Sky (an epic of Manuvu hero, "Tuwaang")

Tulalang Slays the Dragon (of the Ilianen Manobo of North Central Cotabato)

Tuwaang Attends a Wedding (the second song of the Manuvu Ethnoepic Tuwaang cycle)

Ulahingan: The Visit of Lagaba’an to Nelendangan (of the Manobos of North Cotabato)

20. example of epic poem​

How you will be able to say if it is a epic poem?

It has a heroic action; andThe story is far from being real

The example of epic poem is Beowulf Poem, Beowulf is a Geat who name their clan as a "Monster Slayer" for they kill monster for money. They came to Heorot to kill the monster who disturbed their being peaceful kingdom.

21. Example of chanted epic poem​


Famous examples of epic poetry include the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh, the ancient Indian Mahabharata and Rāmāyaṇa, the Tamil Silappatikaram, the Persian Shahnameh, the Ancient Greek Odyssey and Iliad, Virgil's Aeneid, the Old English Beowulf, Dante's Divine Comedy, the Finnish Kalevala, the Estonian Kalevipoeg

22. It was the famous Filipino epic poem thathas influenced the social life of the Filipinos​


biag ni lam- ang


sana makatulong

23. give some insight about the purpose of filipino epic


Philippine epic poetry is the body of epic poetry in Philippine literature. Filipino epic poetry is considered to be the highest point of development for Philippine folk literature, encompassing narratives that recount the adventures of tribal heroes.


There are many Filipino epics. For instance, "Hinilawod," which is a story about three brothers and their exploits. This epic is not a short story, but is said to be the longest epic in the world. "Ullalim" is an epic about a love and struggles.

24. examples of epic in tagalog

biag ni lam-ang - ilocos

~hope it helps~

25. What Filipino values shown in the epic of ibalon​


The Ibálong, also known as Handiong or Handyong, is a 60-stanza fragment of a Bicolano full-length folk epic of Bicol region of Philippines, based on the Indian Hindu epics Ramayana and Mahabharata. The epic is said to have been narrated in verse form by a native poet called Kadunung.

It was passed on orally until it was presumably jotted down in its complete Bicol narrative by Fray Bernardino de Melendreras de la Trinidad. The Ibalong portrays deeds in heroic proportions, centering on white men or tawong-lipod who were warrior-heroes named, among others, Baltog, Handyong, and Bantong. They came from Boltavara, settling and ruling Bicolandia and its inhabitants. The epic is set in the land of Aslon and Ibalong. The mountains Asog, Masaraga, Isarog, and Lingyon were prominent features of the area.[1]

In its oldest known text, the folk epic does not have a title. Its oldest existing account is written in Spanish.[1]

A non-religious festival called the Ibalong Festival is celebrated annually in honor of the epic Ibalong as a commemoration of the Ibalon geography. It is unusual because Spaniards introduced saints and fiestas and all religious-related activities except Ibalong. It is also a celebration of the province's people and their resiliency, given the string calamities that regularly befall the region given its typhoon-prone


i think so

26. information about Filipino epics​


They are Biag ni Lam-ang or The Life of Lam-ang and the Ibalon, from the Bicol region. Many more epics came from the non-Christian Filipinos in Luzon, such as The Hudhud and the Alim of the Ifugaos, The Ulalim of the Kalingas, and The Epic of Lumalindaw of the Giddings.


27. how do epics reflect filipino culture​


epics reflect filipino culture as they are the most valuable sources of information with regards to the history of our forefathers their traditions beliefs. ideals and life values.

epics are part of our shared history and what bonds us as a nation. it is important to be able to look back at our nation's intangible heritage to give us perspective on to our collective identity and remind us. why we should move torward progress hand in hand.

28. what ate the 4 purposes of the filipino epics​

1. For religion
2. For culture/and or beliefs
3. To tell stories
4. To teach the youth good morals through the epics

29. 1. What is the importance of reading Filipino epic stories?​


The Philippine epic stories allow us to get to know we came from, what we were like, before the colonizers. In order to understand the Filipino identity, we must look back at the musty pages of the past and see who we were, before we can find out who we are.

30. ACTIVITY 3.2: MAKE IT AN EPIC Direction: Search and read one Filipino epic online! Employ an appropriate reading style. Then, summarize the epic below. TITLE:​

Philippine epic poetry is the body of epic poetry in Philippine literature. Filipino epic poetry is considered to be the highest point of development for Philippine folk literature, encompassing narratives that recount the adventures of tribal heroes. These epics are transmitted through oral tradition using a select group of singers and chanters.

A study revealed that the Philippine folk epics, like those found in Asia, are often about a quest for a wife as well as the various ordeals linked to the founding of a family, hamlet, tribe or a kingdom.[2] The narratives would include voyages - on earth, sea, sky, and the underworld - to allow the hero or heroine to overcome the challenges faced. After their ordeals, the protagonists - through improvement of their personal qualities – would become ideals for their genders.[2]

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