Example Of Business Enterprises In The Philippines

Example Of Business Enterprises In The Philippines

5 examples of medium business enterprise

Daftar Isi

1. 5 examples of medium business enterprise


sarisari store,ihawan bilihan ng pag kaun

2. example of business policy and strategy of a specific business enterprise that makes it profitable?​


A business strategy is a powerful tool for helping you reach your business goals, defining the methods and tactics you need to take within your company. The business strategy also guides many of your organizational decisions, such as hiring new employees.

Creating a business strategy that's in line with the vision you have for your company takes time and development. In this article, we’ll discuss what a business strategy is and why it's important, the components of a business strategy and 10 examples of business strategies to help you generate ideas for your own company.



3. Small business enterprise in Philippines or Bohol that is not practicing ethics and social responsibility in their business operation.​


Philippines: Corporate Social Responsibility: The Business — The Business Model for the next Asian Miracle ... Conversely, if the public loses trust in the company, the ... CSR is not about dole out or charity or hand out to the society.

4. What are the government enterprises that support business enterprises


The statutory state-owned corporations of New South Wales include: ... Superannuation Administration Corporation. Sydney Water Corporation. Transport Asset Holding Entity.


5. what is the contribution of business enterprises in our community give some five example.​


Gives the community its unique identity

Every community has its own unique identity. Most of the time this identity is derived from the economic activities that society is famous for.

Some communities are famous for good and fresh farm products, others for good art work and so on.

This identity is maintained when the small businesses decide to operate locally. For example one of your best farmers decide to have a shop locally instead of directly selling his products to giant retailers.

Boosts the economy of the local community

Small businesses increases the level of taxation for a local community and ensures the money remains in that society.

In addition to that it also decreases the poverty levels as more people move to become entrepreneurs as others also get employed.

This effectively substitutes low wage income and transforms the community to a middle class society.

Local entrepreneurs also buy locally and thus pumps back most or all of their profit into the local community.

Increase in local charities or donations

This is a way of giving back to the community that has nurtured and given them an enabling environment.

Through these charities the community gets more social amenities put up.

Schools and health facilities are also developed thereby improving the overall lifestyle of community members.

Owners of small businesses have also been very instrumental in ensuring orphaned and vulnerable children get access to education.

Providing training and apprenticeship opportunities

Small businesses provide an opportunity for the youth to learn a trade and skill. These skills are in turn used to work in the community.

It is a golden initiative because some of these individuals may not have the money to pay for college.

For instance a local craftsman can provide training to interested youths and later offer them employment or give them funds to start their own businesses.

A wide variety of products for the locals

If small businesses are supported and more established through training and apprenticeship then the community will be extremely satisfied.


God bless

6. Describe social enterprise and business enterprise according to goals.

A social enterprise or social business is defined as a business that has specific social objectives that serve its primary purpose. Social enterprises seek to maximize profits while maximizing benefits to society and the environment. Their profits are principally used to fund social programs.

A social enterprise or social business is defined as a business that has specific social objectives that serve its primary purpose. Social enterprises seek to maximize profits while maximizing benefits to society and the environment. Their profits are principally used to fund social programs.

7. differentiate business and enterprise​


A Business (also called firm) is a legally recognized organizational entity designed to provide goods and/or services to consumers. An Enterprise is a business and the ways it is formed i.e. Privately held, publicly held or Pvt Ltd Companies are different ways company chooses to distribute their stocks/shares.

8. whattheEnvironmentalBusiness Enterprise​

What do you expect to be done

9. two types of business enterprise


There are 4 main types of business organization: sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, and Limited Liability Company, or LLC. Below, we give an explanation of each of these and how they are used in the scope of business law

10. examples of micro, small and medium enterprises in the philippines​




in the world Bank supported enhancing access to finance forvunderserved micro and small enterprises

11. business enterprise for selling computer​


Generally speaking, there's very little money to be made by building systems. The majority of computer buyers are just looking for something that will get them onto the internet. Pretty much any low-end system will suffice for that and there is no way for you to match the price of a low-end, store bought system.

12. 1. Explain and cite example of the four (4) forms of business enterprises. (40pts.)​

There are 4 main types of business organization: sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, and Limited Liability Company, or LLC.2 Nov 2015

13. Give an example for each type of enterprises that is present now in our country 1.) Name of business: New product:​


Typically, there are four main types of businesses: Sole ProprietorshipsSole ProprietorshipA sole proprietorship (also known as individual entrepreneurship, sole trader, or proprietorship) is a type of an unincorporated entity that is owned only, Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies (LLC)Limited Liability Company ...

14. what are the objectives of business enterprise?​


Here are some suggestions:

1. Getting and Staying Profitable

Maintaining profitability means making sure that revenue stays ahead of the costs of doing business. Focus on controlling costs in both production and operations while maintaining the profit margin on products sold.

2. Productivity of People and Resources

Employee training, equipment maintenance and new equipment purchases all go into company productivity. Your objective should be to provide all of the resources your employees need to remain as productive as possible.

3. Excellent Customer Service

Good customer service helps you retain clients and generate repeat revenue. Keeping your customers happy should be a primary objective of your organization.

4. Employee Attraction and Retention

Employee turnover costs you money in lost productivity and the costs associated with recruiting, which include employment advertising and paying placement agencies. Maintaining a productive and positive employee environment improves retention.

5. Mission-driven Core Values

Your company mission statement is a description of the core values of your company. It is a summary of the beliefs your company holds in regard to customer interaction, responsibility to the community and employee satisfaction. The company's core values become the objectives necessary to create a positive corporate culture.

6. Sustainable Growth

Growth is planned based on historical data and future projections. Growth requires the careful use of company resources such as finances and personnel.

7. Maintaining a Healthy Cash Flow

Even a company with good cash flow needs financing contacts in the event that capital is needed to expand the organization. Maintaining your ability to finance operations means that you can prepare for long-term projects and address short-term needs such as payroll and accounts payable.

8. Dealing with Change

Change management is the process of preparing your organization for growth and creating processes that effectively deal with a developing marketplace. The objective of change management is to create a dynamic organization that is prepared to meet the challenges of your industry.

9. Reaching the Right Customers

Marketing is more than creating advertising and getting customer input on product changes. It is understanding consumer buying trends, being able to anticipate product distribution needs and developing business partnerships that help your organization to improve market share.

10. Staying Ahead of the Competition

A comprehensive analysis of the activities of the competition should be an ongoing business objective for your organization. Understanding where your products rank in the marketplace helps you to better determine how to improve your standing among consumers and improve your revenue.


15. ano ang mga example ng Barangay Micro Business Enterprises(BMBEs)​


Other examples of micro businesses are laundry shops, computer shops, printing shops, and canteens. It must still be noted that their total assets shall not exceed Three Million Pesos (P3,000,000.00) to be considered as BMBE to be qualified for the incentives provided by law.

16. Cite an example of an enterprise business and draw its services process flow in delivering goods and services towards it's customers


Jollibee - enterprise business po siya


I hope nakatulong,hindi ko po masagot ang pag draw pasensya na..

17. choose a medium or large size enterprise and provide the following regarding the areas of the EN cube framework: a. list examples of documentation from the enterprise that would be appropriate at each of the five functional levels. b. list examples of documentation from the enterprise that would be appropriate for the three common planning threads. c. list examples of documentation from the enterprise that would illustrate lines of business. d. list examples of documentation from the enterprise that would illustrate cross cutting and vertical EA components.​


d. the answer ihope makayulong

18. the importance of business enterprise​


Entrepreneurship is important, as it has the ability to improve standards of living and create wealth, not only for the entrepreneurs but also for related businesses. Entrepreneurs also help drive change with innovation, where new and improved products enable new markets to be developed

19. Choose one of the different components of a gadget businessenterprise, industrial, technological, agricultural product and illustrate byexplaining and giving examples.​





Agricultural product range from crops (corn, soybeans wheat) to livestock and then to then their end-use products.

For example soybeans can be turned into human end-use products such as soybean oil, margarine, and tofu. Soybeans are often (75% of total soybeans grown) are used as animal feed. Soybeans are also used in industrial uses such as biodiesel, particleboard is created with a soy adhesive, and many industrial cleaners have soy in them.

20. essay Differentiate business and enterprise.​


An enterprise is usually a venture that reflects an initiative or high risk-taking ability of the entrepreneur. Enterprise connotes something bigger and far-reaching than a simple occupation. Business is also a type of occupation that reflects the fact that the owner is his own boss.

21. Define business tools and why is it significant to a business enterprise?​


A business tool can be considered as any asset that helps or assists the organisation to achieve its stated aims or objectives. There are various types of tools that may be used in a business varying in size, complexity, danger, and importance to the business operation


yan nasa pic


hope its helps pa brainliest po

22. what are the goverment enterprises. that support business enterprises​


Governance arrangements

A Government Business Enterprises (GBE) is a Commonwealth entity or Commonwealth company that is prescribed by the rules (s8 of the PGPA Act). ... The Role of Directors in Commonwealth Government Business Enterprises Guide provides an overview of GBE governance framework for directors.

23. what is a business enterprise


Enterprise is another word for a for-profit business or company, but it is most often associated with entrepreneurial ventures. People who have entrepreneurial success are often referred to as “enterprising.” There are many forms of legal enterprises, with the most common in the U.S.


business enterprise


what is a business enterprise

24. purpose of business activity and enterprise​


Businesses carry out activities such as producing goods or providing services with the aim of selling them to customers and making a profit . As such, the purpose of business activity is to provide goods and services that customers want, at a price that they are willing to pay.


The purpose of it is to provide goods and services that customers want, at a price that they are willing to pay.


Just try to search it sometimes :-)



#Keepaafe :-)

25. whata is a business enterprise?should a business enterprise goal always profit?explain.​



A business enterprise is any type of operation that is involved in providing goods or services with the anticipated outcome of earning a profit. Its broad nature allows the term to be applied to any type of company or firm that is geared toward generating revenue by selling products of any type. The terms company, firm, and business enterprise are often used interchangeably.

26. Cite an example of an enterprise business and draw its service process flow in delivering goods and services towards its customers.


a haha is ha a one sy hdaehdsujte

27. Ilustrate successful customer service strategy in the Philippines business enterprise ​


Recruit and Train the Right People

People with the right attitude are essential to building a successful customer service approach. “Hire for attitude, train for skills,” should be the maxim.

Happy Staff = Happy Customers

Staff retention is crucial to improving your organization’s customer service. Research shows clearly that staff stay when they are happy and respect the organization for which they work.

Recognize the Importance of Customer Loyalty

Retaining customers is normally cheaper and faster than acquiring new ones. That’s the first lesson of business school and it’s a lesson that shines a light on the importance of customer loyalty

Listen to What Your Customers and Staff Are Saying to You

It’s probably not what you think. Regularly listen to and analyse customer phone calls. Have feedback focus groups and suggestion schemes. Consider speech analytics. Use your own systems to test what customers are facing. Listen to what your customers and staff are saying to you.

Look at Your Processes From a Customer and Staff Point of View

Many organizations take an internal point of view on processes, trying to “improve” them without considering the customer or staff that actually have to use them.

Final Thoughts

Good customer service is seen by many as the most important differentiator between you and your competition and it helps to build a strong reputation for your organization in the marketplace.

As well as this, being known for having good customer service will entice people into working for you and staying with you, while it will also likely lead to customer loyalty and customer advocacy.

This all sounds great, doesn’t it? And these strategies can help get you there. But of course there are some pitfalls to watch out for.

With this in mind, let’s finish up with some key dos and don’ts to consider when implementing your customer service strategies, as recommended by Paul himself.


Have a long-term strategic plan

Be committed at the top

Involve and trust your people

Be customer-centric

Listen to your staff and customers

Measure the right things


Ignore your existing customer base

Stop training in the tough times

Pretend you’re good if you’re not yet

Only listen to the good news

Invest in technology too early

Quit when it gets tough

28. Discuss the value of business enterprise​



The value of a company calculated as the sum of the market value of the owners’ equity, plus total debt, less cash and cash equivalents.

What It Means:

The enterprise value, often abbreviated EV, is the accepted way to estimate and report the value of both private firms and publicly traded companies. It indicates what the business is worth regardless of the capital structure used to finance its operations.


pa brainlest po:)

29. Business Enterprise Simulation duration:

Business Enterprise Simulation duration:

3-4 weeks.

>>Why use a business simulation? Business simulations are a hands-on, interactive learning experience that allow participants to truly engage in the material. Instead of focusing on theoretical knowledge like in a typical classroom, participants build skills, improve conceptual knowledge, and gain a big picture view of the organization all at once. There are many benefits to using business simulations in your company, including:

Imitates Reality. Our simulations emulate the real-world factors and challenges that your organization faces. Give your people a big-picture view of operations by scaling everything down to a smaller scale.

Risk-free environment. Your people will be able to learn from their mistakes in a safe environment and see the consequences of their actions across the whole organization – without actually affecting your organization.

Stimulates co-operation. Working in cross-functional teams stimulates conversation and co-operation between colleagues. These conversations create peer-to-peer learning, and open up your people to better understand the different perspectives in your organization.

Learning by doing. It is said that we remember 10% of what we read, 20% of what we hear, 70% of what we discuss with others, and 80% of personally experience. A business simulation allows your people to personally experience the consequences of all the different aspects of business.

Engages learners. Experiential, hands-on learning engages all the senses. Participants visualize, discuss, plan, receive feedback, and practice real techniques that they will use in the workplace.

Accelerated learning. A simulation provides a big picture view of operations, meaning that participants are able to grasp a wide range of concepts and materials in a short period of time. By relating their new learnings back to their own company, stickiness increases and the knowledge follows back to the workplace.


>Business simulations are a hands-on, interactive learning experience that allow participants to truly engage in the material. Instead of focusing on theoretical knowledge like in a typical classroom, participants build skills, improve conceptual knowledge, and gain a big picture view of the organization all at once.


30. reflection about the business enterprise​


Reflection is the process of reflectingon your experience in order to learn from that experience. Evaluation is the process of making an assessment or judgement about an experience or a person.


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