Examples Of Newton s Second Law In Real Life

Examples Of Newton s Second Law In Real Life

write 5 real life applications of Newton's Second law of Motion ( Law of Acceleration) ​

Daftar Isi

1. write 5 real life applications of Newton's Second law of Motion ( Law of Acceleration) ​


the law of inertia


equal and opposite reaction


i hope my answer help you that all i know

2. write 5 real life application of newton second law of motion law pf acceleration​


Newton’s law and it’s real life applications

Gear up people, as we bring how to use newtons law in your day to day life!

3. Give one real life situation that shows Newton's Second Law of motion


when you are driving


you are accelerating

4. how are newtons laws used common real life problems​


my mother is pushing the box.


the mother exerts force by pushing

5. What is Newton 's First,Second,Third Laws?

Newton's first law is law of inertia

Newton's second law is law of acceleration

Newton's third law is law of interaction

6. Give 10 examples of Newton’s 1st law of Motion in a real life situation.


10 Examples of Newton's First Law of Motion in Everyday Life.

•Brakes applied by a Bus Driver Abruptly.

•An Object Placed on a Plane Surface.

•Marathoner Running beyond Finish Line.

•A Ball Rolling on the Ground.

•An Object Thrown in Outer Space.

•Washing Machine Dryer.

•Dusting a Carpet.

•Shaking a Tree.


sana maka tulong :)

yan lang ang alam ko

7. 5 examples of second and third Newton's law


Second Law of motion: If you use the same force to push your classmate and your teacher, your teacher will have more acceleration than your classmate because your teacher has less mass.


Tanong mo nalang sa pagong


second Newton's law

1.Pushing a car is easier than pushing a truck with the same amount of force as the mass of the car is lesser than the mass of the truck.

2.In golf game, acceleration of the golf ball is directly proportional to the force with which it is hit by the golf stick.

3.Riding your bicycle is a good example of this law of motion at work. Your bicycle is the mass.

4.Your leg muscles pushing pushing on the pedals of your bicycle is the force.

third Newton's law

1.. A horse pulls a cart,

2..a person walks on the ground,

3. a hammer pushes a nail,

4. magnets attract paper clip.


pa-follow at pa-brainliest po. thanks

8. Write 5 real life applications of Newtons Third Law of Motion ( Law of Interaction).​


1. When you jump.

2.A horse pulls a cart.

3.When the person walks to the ground.

4.Hammer pushes a nail.

5.Magnet Attract paper clip.

9. give at least one example of real life application of each newton's law​


Khaby Lame


Ask him he knows everything



♣ If an index card is placed on top of a glass with a penny on top of it, the index card can be quickly removed while the penny falls straight into the glass, as the penny is demonstrating inertia.


Hitting a Ball. A ball develops a certain amount of acceleration after being hit. The acceleration with which the ball moves is directly proportional to the force applied to it. This means that the harder you hit the ball, the faster it will move, thereby demonstrating Newton's second law of motion in daily life.


A book lying on a table. The weight of the books is acting on the table in a downward direction. This is the action, The reaction of the table acts on the books in the upward direction.


Hope it helps

#carry on learning

10. what are the real life applications of newton's law of motion​


the first law of motion: when you kick the ball

second law of motion: pushing or pulling a cart

third law of motion: when you push yourself when you're swimming.

11. Newton's second law of motion non example?​

According to Newton second law of motion,the Rate of change of a body/object is directed proportional to force applied to it and takes place in the direction in which the force acts.


For exmple

You may have noticed that while catching the faster moving cricket ball,a fielder often pulls his hand backward with the moving ball. This is because In doing so,the fielder increases the time during which the high velocity if the moving ball decreases to zero. Therefore, the Acceleration of the ball is decreases and therefore impact of catching the faster moving ball is also reduced and fielder did not get hurt in his hand.


according to newton of second law of motion the rate of change of a body/object is directed proportional to force applied to and it takes place in the direction in which the force acts.

Force Mass Accelaration


Salamat po sa tanong

12. Real life activities where Newton’s Third Law is present.


when you push stuff


newton third law is in every action there is always an opposite and equal reaction this means when you push stuff for example a box having 50 newton this means when you push the box you need 50 newton and the box is getting 50 newton

13. when a ball hits the ground it bounces. what is this an example of?A. Newton's First LawB. Gravitational LawC. Newton's Second LawD. Newton's Third Law​

The answer is letter D. The ball hitting the ground is the action while the ball bouncing is the reaction. (sorry for the bad English)


A is the anser i think kwhid

14. 3 real-life applications of Newton's First Law of Motion Law of Inertia​


Newton's first law is also known as the law of inertia. Statement: A body remains at rest or moves straight line (at a constant velocity) unless acted upon by an external force. Real-life application: Shake up that bottle of ketchup! When you shake that bottle, you bring the bottom down, then suddenly you stop.



law of inertia. Statement: A body remains at rest or moves straight line (at a constant velocity) unless acted upon by an external force. Real-life application: Shake up that bottle of ketchup! When you shake that bottle, you bring the bottom down, then suddenly you stop


correct me if I'm wrong

15. relate newton first law of motion to real life situation


Newton's 1st Law  The first law of motion sates that an object will not change its speed or direction unless an unbalanced force (a force which is distant from the reference point) affects it. ... Examples of Newton's 1st Law  If you slide a hockey puck on ice, eventually it will stop, because of friction on the ice.

16. give one real life situation that shows Newton's second law of motion.​


A ball falling



Riding your bicycle is a good example of this law of motion at work

17. Give 10 examples of Newton’s 1st law of Motion in a real life situation.


1.Brakes applied by a Bus Driver abruptly.

2.An object placed on a Plane Surface.

3.Marathoner Running beyond finish line.

4. A ball rolling on the ground

5.An object thrown in Outer space

18. cite al teast two examples real life situation applying Newton's third law of motion​


birds flying


newton's third law of motion also helps birds to fly. wings exert a downward force on the air. the air also exerts an equal and opposite force which pushes the bird upwards. this action reaction combination helps birds to fly in the air.


19. four examples of newtons second law of motion​


Examples of Newton's Second Law of motion

1.Pushing a Car and a Truck.

2.Pushing a Shopping Cart.

3.Two People Walking Together.

4.Hitting a Ball.

5.Rocket Launch.

20. what is newton's law of motion?give three law of motion and cite real or everyday life example to further explain the law​


(1) Every object moves in a straight line unless acted upon by a force.

(2) The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force exerted and inversely proportional to the object's mass.

(3) For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.


3 lawa of motion lang 'to, sir/ma'am

21. Give atleast 3 real life examples/situation that demostrate application of Newtons 1st Law of Motion​


Dancing, singing and drawing

22. Relate newton's first law of motion to real life situations​


Example; if you put your towel at the top of your cabinet, It will remain at rest, it will stay there no matter what unless someone would get it.

23. find the real life applications of newton's first law of motion​


For example i rolled a ball on a flat ice surface and the ball continue rolling

24. 3 examples of newton's second law of acceleration​


Newton's Second Law of Motion says that acceleration (gaining speed) happens when a force acts on a mass (object). Riding your bicycle is a good example of this law of motion at work. ... Your leg muscles pushing pushing on the pedals of your bicycle is the force. When you push on the pedals, your bicycle accelerates.


please click brainliest if you find my answer good. thank you!<3

25. What are some examples of Newton's second law in everyday life?​


Question: What are some examples of Newton's second law in everyday life?


Pushing a car is easier than pushing a truck with the same amount of force as the mass of the car is lesser than the mass of the truck.

In golf game, acceleration of the golf ball is directly proportional to the force with which it is hit by the golf stick.


26. 14. When air rushes out of a balloon and it moves upward. This is an example of which Law Motion. A Newton's First Law C. Newton's Third Law B. Newton's Second Law D. Newton's First and Second Law​


D po ang sagot tanda ko lang:)

27. 5 real life applications of newton's first law of motion​


1. a car stopping when you hit the breaks

2. a bicycle changing direction when you swerve the handles

i couldnt think of any more examples haha

sorry :)

28. give one real life situation that shows Newton's second law of motion​


Newton's Second Law of Motion says that acceleration (gaining speed) happens when a force acts on a mass (object). Riding your bicycle is a good example of this law of motion at work. Your bicycle is the mass. Your leg muscles pushing pushing on the pedals of your bicycle is the force.

29. What's newton's second law? Explain and mention some examples in daily life.​


Hitting a Ball

A ball develops a certain amount of acceleration after being hit. The acceleration with which the ball moves is directly proportional to the force applied to it. This means that the harder you hit the ball, the faster it will move, thereby demonstrating Newton's second law of motion in daily life.


tell me if I'm wrong

30. select one from the newtons law of motion state the law and give specific example or relate it to real life situation​


What are some daily life examples of each law of motion (Newton’s laws of motion)?

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9 Answers

Jeremy Hughes

, Created a website to disprove Einstein

Answered 1 year ago · Upvoted by 

David Tregurtha

, PhD Physics, University of Bath (2014) and 

Prathis Ravi

, MSci Physics, Queen Mary, University of London · Author has 540 answers and 1.7M answer views

First Law: an object will remain at rest or in constant motion in the absence of an unbalanced force.

Leaves remain almost motionless momentarily, then gravity takes over.

Second Law: applying a force to an inertial object creates an acceleration, F=ma. Mass is defined as the resistance to acceleration. Higher mass, more force needed to accelerate.

The Rock resists acceleration much easier than Kevin Hart.

Yellow shirt, higher mass.

Third Law: forces are paired, symmetrical and in opposite directions.

Wave in face, wave in punching arm.

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Dahlia Schwartz

, Science Writer, Curriculum Development, Consultant (2010-present)

Answered 3 years ago · Upvoted by 

Vegard Stornes Farstad

, M.Sc. Physics & Education, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (2002)

Almost everything we experience on Earth provides some example of Newton’s laws. But, let’s break it down.

Newton’s 1st law: Every object remains at rest or in motion traveling in a straight line unless an unbalanced force causes some change in that object’s state.

If we just look around, we see many objects “at rest,” i.e., not moving. We know from a lifetime of empirical observation that those objects won’t move until some force—a push or a pull—causes that motion.

The second part of the law was actually what I consider to be a brilliant leap by Newton. Since the time of Aristotle, almost everyone believed that, for an object to keep moving, it needed to have some force continually applied to it. We see this happen everyday, even though Aristotle’s theory was entirely incorrect: For example, if we push a toy cart across the floor, it will come to rest unless we keep on pushing it. Newton’s insight was that thing cease moving only because of other forces—friction, air resistance, and the like. Without really knowing about the vacuum of space, Newton was able to envision an object set off in one direction and to conceive that it would continue at the same velocity forever unless it encountered some other object, gravity, or the like.





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