Group 2 Cations Qualitative Analysis

Group 2 Cations Qualitative Analysis

How many groups of qualitative series cations are known?

Daftar Isi

1. How many groups of qualitative series cations are known?


5 Group's


Group 1: Insoluble Chlorides.

Group 2: Acid-Insoluble Sulfides.

Group 3: Base-Insoluble Sulfides (and Hydroxides)

Group 4: Insoluble Carbonates or Phosphates.

Group 5: Alkali Metals.


2. it is a qualitative data research approach which involves the collection and analysis of data cultural groups​


Qualitative research involves collecting and analyzing non-numerical data to understand concepts, opinions or experiences.


Hope it's Help:)

3. Practical Research A. QUALITATIVE vs QUANTITATIVE: Identify the relationship and supply the missing word/group of words through analogy. 1. qualitative: subjective :: quantitative: ___________ 2. qualitative: __________ :: quantitative: numerical analysis 3. qualitative: __________ :: quantitative: random sampling 4. qualitative: exploratory :: quantitative: ___________ 5. qualitative: __________ :: quantitative: numbers


1. quantitative: descriptive

2. qualitative: categorical analysis

3. qualitative: purposive sampling

4. quantitative: explanatory

5. qualitative: observation and interviews (im not sure)

(pa brainliest. i hope it helps!)

4. 2 difference and similarities between Qualitative and Quantitative data analysis​


-Both quantitative and qualitative data has an order or scale to it.

-Quantitative and qualitative data are both used for research and statistical analysis.


-Quantitative analysis involves looking at the hard data, the actual numbers. Qualitative analysis is less tangible.

-Quantitative data refers to any information that can be quantified, counted or measured, and given a numerical value. Qualitative data is descriptive in nature, expressed in terms of language rather than numerical values

Sana makatulong ty



5. 2) Which characteristic of qualitative research when the study focuses on aperson or group in his/its natural setting.A) Context SensitivityB) Inductive AnalysisC) Naturalistic InquiryD) Unique Case Orientation​




context sensitivity

6. Is qualitative its analysis on opinionated knowledge?






7. Important of data analysis in qualitative research


This will lead you to finalize your findings


data analysis is important in researching to present accurate and reliable data and to avoid statistical errors

8. Thematic Analysis in qualitative research​


Thematic analysis is a method of analyzing qualitative data. It is usually applied to a set of texts, such as a interview transcripts

9. Differentiate qualitative analysis from quantitative analysis in biomechanics​


Qualitative data analysis is based on classification of objects (participants) according to properties and attributes whereas quantitative analysis is based on classification of data based on computable values. Qualitative analysis is subjective whereas quantitative is objective.

10. What is the purpose of the qualitative data analysis?


Qualitative data is the descriptive and conceptual findings collected through questionnaires, interviews, or observation. Analyzing qualitative data allows us to explore ideas and further explain quantitative results. While quantitative data collection retrieves numerical data (what, where, when), qualitative data, often presented as a narrative, collect the stories and experiences of individual patients and families (why, how):

Example 1:

Quantitative Data: 87 percent of adults with sickle cell disease reported missing a preventative care appointment.

Qualitative Data: During a virtual interview, a patient with sickle cell disease shares that she sometimes misses appointments due to not having reliable access to transportation.

Example 2:

Quantitative Data: About 4 million infants are born each year in the United States, and most of them receive newborn screening for conditions that can cause serious health problems.

Qualitative Data: During a focus group discussion, health care workers express that there is no time allocated to discuss the process of newborn screening with new parents.

Qualitative analysis is important because the rich detail shared by individuals is extremely powerful in thinking through complex systems and can illustrate how the implementation of our programs and policies are working in real life and ultimately lead to change.

hope this answer helps you



ABCD EFGHIJK will you marry me

11. Qualitative research has words as its a. qualitative data c. quantitative data b. unit of analysis d. analysis of data

Answer:qualitative data

Explanation: A qualitative research actually looks at the qualitative data where you look from the identity side of something. A qualitative data describes something

12. in your own words explain what qualitative is and how to do a qualitative analysis​


Qualitative research involves collecting and analyzing non-numerical data (e.g., text, video, or audio) to understand concepts, opinions, or experiences. It can be used to gather in-depth insights into a problem or generate new ideas for research.


on my research

sana makatulong



13. example of data analysis in qualitative research

Qualitative research data analysis refers to the non-numeric form of data methodology.  This can be as follows:

Interview and transcriptions Notes Videos Audio recording Images or photography Text documents

The qualitative data analysis has five categories:

Content analysis – This involves the process of categorizing verbal or behavioral data through the use of classification, summary, and tabulation of data. Narrative analysis – This is the revision of gathered qualitative data into a formulation of narratives. Discourse analysis – This is a method that uses talk and write ups. Framework analysis – This refers to familiarization, identification of a thematic framework, coding, charting, mapping and interpretation. Grounded theory – This starts in the formulation of a theory based on the analysis of a single case.

Read the link about qualitative research:


14. challenges the traditional qualitative analysis approach​


C nalang para pwedeng gawing


15. Example of qualitative analysis in financial analysis


What is Qualitative Analysis?

Qualitative analysis is the use of non-quantifiable methods to evaluate investment or business opportunities and make decisions. This is different from quantitative analysis, which relies on a company's income statement, balance sheet and other quantifiable metrics.

How Does Qualitative Analysis Work?

Qualitative analysis is often used to gain insight into a company and an edge over analysts who only use quantitative measures. For example, let’s assume you are considering whether to purchase shares of Company XYZ. If you were to consider the expertise of the company’s management, the taste of the product, the look of the packaging, the company’s competitive advantages, or employee morale, you would be performing qualitative analysis.

Why Does Qualitative Analysis Matter?

Qualitative analysis, of which Warren Buffett is a notable practitioner, is the foundation of a broad array of investment and financial devision-making methods. However, it is not the only way to determine whether an investment is worthwhile. Many investors also perform quantitative analysis of companies and investments, whereby things such as the company’s cost of capital percentage change in sales over time, or trends in net income as a percentage of sales or other measures are considered.

Sound business judgment often involves incorporating both analytical methods, although there is considerable controversy about how much weight aMichael Milkenh method should receive when making particular business or investment decisions.



know more:

16. differentiate qualitative analysis from quantitative analysis?​


Qualitative analysis fundamentally means to measure something by its quality rather than quantity. When we do qualitative analysis, we are exploring how we describe something. When we do qualitative work, we work with descriptions.

Quantitative analysis is the opposite; to measure by quantity rather than quality. When we do quantitative analysis, we are exploring facts, measures, numbers and percentages. When we do quantitative work, we work with numbers, statistics, formulae and data.

17. Similarities of quantitative data analysis and qualitative data analysis


Both quantitative and qualitative data has an order or scale to it. That is while ordinal data is sometimes classified under quantitative data. Qualitative data do not, however, have a standardised scale. Quantitative and qualitative data are both used for research and statistical analysis.






18. qualitative data analysis focuses on examining


Qualitative data analysis involves the identification, examination, and interpretation of patterns and themes in textual data and determines how these patterns and themes help answer the research questions at hand. ... Likely to change and adapt as the study evolves and the data emerges.

19. Create an example of the following qualitative methods: 1. Content Analysis: 2. Phenomenology: 3. Narrative Analysis:


TNX U Sir or MAM for points I'm so very happy

20. how quantitative item analysis differ from qualitative item analysis​


More Subjective Elements.




Quantitative item analysis is mainly objective & applicable to exams that are multiple choice or answers that are already defined to be chosen from.


Qualitative item analysis would be a measurement of test items on the more subjective elements such as long answers & essay exams.

I hope this helps to you


21. 1. Qualitative data analysis involves statistical information. A. True B. False 2. Qualitative data analysis is linear process. A. True B. False

1. true
2. false
stay safe po!

22. Qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis​



In the field of public relations and communications, it is critical to use both quantitative and qualitative thinking. However, the two are often confused. As a result, PR and communications professionals sometimes attempt to assign arbitrary pseudo-measures to qualitative work (a process known as “making numbers up”), or attempt to influence quantitative analysis with qualitative perspectives.

Mixing up either one badly diminishes the credibility of the PR practitioner and diminishes the trust given to us by our stakeholders, executives and clients.

Let’s differentiate between the two.

Qualitative analysis fundamentally means to measure something by its quality rather than quantity. When we do qualitative analysis, we are exploring how we describe something. Very often, we cannot use numbers or numerical expressions to describe those things. When we do qualitative work, we work with descriptions. We work with feelings, thoughts, perceptions. We attempt to understand motivations and behaviors.

Quantitative analysis is the opposite; to measure by quantity rather than quality. When we do quantitative analysis, we are exploring facts, measures, numbers and percentages. When we do quantitative work, we work with numbers, statistics, formulae and data.

Both qualitative and quantitative analysis are vitally important to public relations.

Examples of qualitative


Qualitative refers to descriptibe attribute.

ex. gender, citizenship

Quantitative refers to numerical data/information.

ex. age, IQ.

23. Why is standard qualitative analysis of water is qualitative rather than quantitative?


Why is the Standard Qualitative Method for water analysis qualitative rather than quantitative? The procedure is designed to detect the presence of specific micoorganisms (coliforms) rather than their number.


pa brainliest po

24. Explain the meaning of qualitative data analysis


Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) is the range of processes and procedures whereby we move from the qualitative data that have been collected, into some form of explanation, understanding or interpretation of the people and situations we are investigating. QDA is usually based on an interpretative philosophy.

25. A cation is any atom or group of atoms with​

A cation is any atom or group of atoms that has a net positive charge.

26. Why is it that a quantitative analysis has an inherent function also as a qualitative analysis?


Generally speaking, quantitative analysis involves looking at the hard data, the actual numbers. Qualitative analysis is less tangible. It concerns subjective characteristics and opinions – things that cannot be expressed as a number.


27. 2. What kind of ion does the elements in Group 15 form?a. anionb. cationc. anion and cation d, inolecule​


C.  Anion and Cation

Explanation: Ionic bond, also called electrovalent bond, type of linkage formed from the electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions in a chemical compound. ... The atom that loses the electrons becomes a positively charged ion (cation), while the one that gains them becomes a negatively charged ion (anion).

28. importance of qualitative data analysis in qualitative method.​


It helps in-depth analysis: Qualitative data collected provide the researchers with a detailed analysis of subject matters. While collecting qualitative data, the researchers tend to probe the participants and can gather ample information by asking the right kind of questions.

29. Why is it necessary to do heating in analysis of cations?​


Experiment 7: Qualitative Analysis of Cations 1

Experiment 7: Qualitative Analysis of Cations1

Purpose: Develop a systematic scheme of separation and analysis of a selected group of cations.


In this experiment you will separate and identify the cations in an unknown mixture. The

possible ions are Ag+

, Cu2+, Fe3+, Cr3+, Zn2+, and Ba2+. For the separation and detection of the

cations, you will use the ability of these ions to form precipitates, to form complex ions, or to

show amphoteric behavior (act as either an acid or a base). In the first week you do preliminary

tests with each cation to discover each ion’s characteristic behavior. From the data obtained, you

devise a scheme for separating and identifying this group of cations. In the second week you

apply this scheme to the analysis of an unknown containing one or more of these cations.

I. Sparingly Soluble Salts

Some cations form relatively insoluble salts that precipitate out of aqueous solution. For

example, chloride salts are generally soluble with the notable exceptions of the salts containing


, Pb+2, and Hg2

+2. Similarly, most sulfate salts are soluble with the exceptions of BaSO4,

PbSO4, Hg2SO4, and CaSO4. The formation of a precipitate upon introduction of chloride or

sulfate into solution is a positive test for Ag+

or Ba+2, respectively.

Many hydroxide salts are also quite insoluble. For example, the solubility of Fe+3 ions in basic

solution is governed by the reaction:

Fe(OH)3 (s) →← Fe+3 (aq) + 3 OH-

(aq) (1)

The corresponding equilibrium expression is:

Ksp = [Fe+3][OH-




The Ksp of 6.3x10-38 shows that Fe(OH)3 is a very sparingly soluble salt under most conditions.

Equation (2) can be solved for the solubility of Fe+3 ions in solution:

solubility = [Fe+3] =






Therefore, solubility rapidly decreases as the solution becomes more basic, Figure 1.

Figure 1: Solubility of Fe(OH)3 and Zn(OH)2 as a function of pH.







2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Solubility (M)

pH basic



Fe(OH)3 Zn(OH)2

acetic acid + acetate


30. 1.Which qualitative data gathering instrument pertains to soliciting specific information from the participants through data conversing and asking questions?a. Interviewb. Observationc. Focus group discussiond. document analysis2. Which engages the researcher with a group of people to obtain the needed data for the study?a. Interviewb. Observationc. Focus group discussiond. Data analysis​


1.C.Focus group discussion




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