Causes Of Premarital

Causes Of Premarital

PREMARITAL SEXcauseeffects​

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1. PREMARITAL SEXcauseeffects​



Other factors associated with premarital sex include influence of media, peer pressure, insatiable lust for money, cultural influence, sexual harassment, curiosity, poor school discipline, location of school, religious teachings and literacy (Kiragu & Zabin, 1993; Abraham & Kumar, 1999; Ajiboye, 2006; Adegoke, 2013).


Unwanted pregnancy, teenage pregnancy, abortion, STIs, HIV/AIDS, regrets, guilt, loss of self-respect, depression, loss of family support, substance abuse and even suicidal death are the health impact of premarital sexual behaviour among adolescents.

2. effect and causes of premarital sex​


Consequently, kissing, embracing, or doing anything that causes arousal can lead to premarital sex. The effects of premarital sex can cause individuals to take on life responsibilities that they have not prepared for. ... In consequence, premarital sex is often an emotionally painful experience.


Sana makatulong..

3. what is the cause of premarital sex

1. curiosity
2. lack of discipline from parents
3. lack of self respect
4. lack of guidance from parents
5. peer pressure
6. rape
7. daughter being sold off by mother

4. what is premarital sex

it is an act of doing sex without getting married.

5. essay for premarital-sex


More Having sex comes is natural when one is in a relationship or in love. While, the perception of sex has changed over the years so has the age people are having sex in. In previous centuries, sex was preserved more often after one was married, however, over the course of years’ premarital sex became more common. Suddenly numerous individuals began practicing premarital sex not only young adults but, teenagers as well. An important research question I am looking to answering about sexuality is, what are the factors/changes that explain changes in age at first intercourse? The reason I find this important is because there has been a drastic increase over the years in sexual activity in couples starting to have intercourse in their early teens.




A "premarital sex" referred to sexual relations between two people prior to marrying each other. Traditionally it was a norm of every Pilipino people. But this issue was not a big deal in this 21st century. May this issue become openly acccept by people.


6. what is premarital kissing??​


Premarital Kissing Or Sex Is Sexual Activity Practiced By People Who Are Unmarried

Hope It's Help

7. what is premarital sex?

Premarital sex is sexual activity practiced by people who are unmarried

8. What is premarital sex Common issue ragerding premarital sex Who is the affected of premarital sex issue What are the action of our government



Premarital sex is sexual activity practiced by people before they are married. Historically, premarital sex was considered a moral issue which was taboo in many cultures and considered a sin by a number of religions, but since about the 1960s, it has become more widely accepted, especially in Western countries , Premarital sex is sexual activity practiced by people before they are married. Historically, premarital sex was considered a moral issue which was taboo in many cultures and considered a sin by a number of religions, but since about the 1960s, it has become more widely accepted, especially in Western countries.


Youth who begin early pre-marital sexual activity are more likely to be engaged in unsafe sex. Early sexual debut puts them at increased risk for acquiring or transmitting sexually transmitted infections, including HIV; and makes them highly vulnerable to unwanted pregnancy and its consequences


9. Premarital sex article author​


Premarital sex is penetrative vaginal intercourse performed between couples before formal marriage [1, 2]. World Health Organization (WHO) defines adolescent as persons between the age group of 10–19 years old [3].

10. premarital sex speech​


Premarital sex is a huge problem in society today. People everywhere are not waiting until they get married to have sex. People having sex today are not aware of the consequences that come with having sex. They just think it is fun and there are nothing other than fun comes with having sex.Some people tend to have a lot of sex. They say they do it for the satisfaction. They believe sex is fun. It is perceived to be a great thing from the time one is young. Going to elementary school kids always talked about the day they were going to have sex. They looked forward to it. Where they got the idea that sex was such a great thing is a question that one must ask? The movies, maybe. The magazines that one sees when digging through the drawers of an older brother, uncle or ones father. Sex is all over society. You can not watch cable television without seeing people kissing intimately, or even having sex. Just because cable does not show full nudity does not make it any better to let an eight year old child watch a television show full of sex.

In today’s society women are not held to that same standard as men are when it comes to having sex.

Now that the reasons people are having sex has been somewhat discussed and is out of the way, let us discuss the consequences that come with having sex, such as A.I.D.S. This is a deadly virus that kills ones immune system. A person never dies from the actual virus. They die from the diseases that they would not have otherwise contracted if they still had a strong immune system. The immune system doesn’t die slowly either it take at least five years for the immune system to eventually give out. A person can die from a simple cold if they have contracted the A.I.D.S virus. They cold starts of as a normal one does but it just keeps getting worse and worse. People suffer before they die from this disease. This disease has been responsible for killing millions of people. The way this virus is contracted is through exchange of bodily fluids. Sex is the number one way this virus is spread. What people are not realizing is this disease is deadly and by having premarital sex and not being monogamous they too can contract this disease. People are very aware that this disease is out there but they do not understand that it can affect them.

11. how can you live as a young christian if you are living in a premarital relationship or have already had premarital relation​


The Church's teaching on cohabitation is not an “arbitrary” rule. Living together before marriage is a sin because it violates God's commandments and the law of the Church.


12. describe the sex premarital​


Premarital sex is sexual activity which is practiced by people before they are married.


brainliest please?




sorry po


13. Is premarital sex important?

no its not, if someone is thinking of it as right, he/she is absolutely wrong it is not important at all to help your life improve, you do not need to have sex, because he/she abuse their self.

14. positive of premarital sex​???


If you do it personal with experience, which I honestly don't. But i think it would be the pleasure between the two mates. Yet, it would still draw you back with consequences and regret. So it's highly unrecommended to do, especially at a young age.

15. Complete the graphic organizer. Write the appropriate information such as CAUSE, EFFECTS AND SOLUTIONS to the given teenage issues and concerns ABORTIONPREMARITAL SEX​



What is the cause of abortion?

Hormonal irregularities.

Improper implantation of fertilized egg in the uterine lining.

Maternal age.

Uterine abnormalities.

Incompetent cervix.

What is the effect of abortion?

Abdominal pain





what is the solution?

Simply put, there are two key ways to reduce abortion – by making it less necessary or by making it less available. In our view, only the former approach is humane and effective.


What is the cause?

Arousal or lust of the adolescents.

What is the effect?

Teenage pregnancy

Abortion, STIs,




Substance abuse

Suicidal death.

Loss of family support.



What is the solution?

Awareness of healthy sexuality is not at all the knowledge of safe sexuality.

Spreading awareness of healthy sexuality among children.

Inspire them with mutual respect between man and woman.

16. cause and effect of teenage pregnancy by listing down your answerPremarital Sexteenage Pregnancyabortion​


For Premarital sex


Consequently, kissing, embracing, or doing anything that causes arousal can lead to premarital sex.

The effects of premarital sex can cause individuals to take on life responsibilities that they have not prepared for.


Teenage Pregnancy


-Lack of information about sexual and reproductive health and rights, etc.


-It can affect the psychosocial development of the infant.

Premarital Sex


-caused due to premature and unprotected sexual contacts in teenagers and youth.


-Unwanted pregnancy, teenage pregnancy, abortion, STIs, HIV/AIDS, regrets, guilt, loss of self-respect, depression, loss of family support, substance abuse and even suicidal death.



-Other causes include vascular disease (such as lupus), diabetes, other hormonal problems, infection, and abnormalities of the uterus.


-Effect on fertility, health and future pregnancies . Having an abortion does not increase the risk of breast cancer or mental health issues.

17. what is premarital sex? ​


✏️possible answer

premarital sex is sexual activity which is practiced by people before they are married.Historically.premarital sex has been considered a moral issue which is taboo in many cultures

i hope it helps


18. what do you think are the causes of risky behaviors such as drinking,smoking or premarital sex among teenagers


I think its Temptation.


People gets temptation easily, sometimes we would do a lot more riskful things just to get the things we wanted the things we crave. People do it not knowing what they are doing is already out of line. Others just do it by the bad influence of their surroundings, it can be their friends or family, sometimes they would thought it fits tk the trends. Lastly, Lost minds, thos are the people who doesn't know what to do any more, hopeless, depressed, the people who are broken.

19. premarital sex meaning


Pre-marital sex is any sexual activity with an opposite sex partner or with same sex partner before he/she has started a marriage life [3]. The term is usually used to refer the intercourse before a marriage. Sexual activities among young people have been increasing worldwide.


pa brainliest po tapos pa heart nadin tnx


Premarital sex - sexual activity which is practiced by people before they are married. Historically, premarital sex was considered a moral issue which was taboo in many cultures and it was also considered a sin by a number of religions, but since the sexual revolution of the 1960s, it has become more widely accepted, especially in Western countries. A 2014 Pew study on global morality found that premarital sex was considered particularly unacceptable in "Muslim Majority Countries", such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Jordan, Pakistan, and Egypt, each having over 90% disapproval, while people in Western European countries were the most accepting, with Spain, Germany, and France expressing less than 10% disapproval.


hope it helps

20. kinds of premarital sex​


Explaine ko lang


Premarital sex is sexual activity practiced by people before they are married. Historically, premarital sex was considered a moral issue which was taboo in many cultures and considered a sin by a number of religions, but since 1960s decade, it has become more widely accepted, especially in Western countries. A 2014 Pew study on global morality found that premarital sex was considered particularly unacceptable in "predominantly Muslim nations", such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Jordan, Pakistan, and Egypt, each having over 90% disapproval, while people in Western European countries were the most accepting, with Spain, Germany, and France expressing less than 10% disapproval.[1]

mark me as a brainliest



premarital sex" referred to sexual relations between two people prior to marrying each other. ... The term was used instead of fornication, which had negative connotations, and was closely related to the concept and approval of virginity, which is sexual abstinence until marriage.


21. What is premarital sex?​


Pre-marital Sex

-Premarital sex is the performing of sexual intercourse before marriage.

(where as a male's sexual organ is inserted into a female's sexual organ and unite with each other to experience pleasure or to make love. read more at  


In the history, premarital sex is a very big deal moral issue. In many religions, doing sex before marriage is BIG SIN for it is against the will of God. But on 1960s, the arise of liberty, and liberated people arise, sex was accepted making in normal in the current time.  

What the Bible says about Premarital Sex:

According to the Bible in

1 Thessalonians 4:3–5 it says, “For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you knows how to control his own body in holiness and honour, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God.”

This verse explain that a person must have self-control over their body from lust.

The Bible is giving everyone a message that marriage is a very beautiful thing on a male and female, that has been given sex a meaning. So therefore, we should avoid from all the worldly sexual sins and instead of it, lets seek ye first the kingdom of God. Let us wait for the perfect moment, with the right person to enjoy this precious thing.

#AnswerForTrees #BrainlyLearnAtHome

22. 2. Which among the statement is basically not the the cause of premarital sex?A. Poor home trainingB. Desire to satisfy friendsC. Children need unconditional love and support from their parentsD. Loneliness3. It is an intentional termination of pregnancy after conceptionA. AbortionC. Teenage pregnancyB. Premarital sexD. Suicide​


2. C.Children need unconditional love and support from their parents

3. A.Abortion


-sana makatulong po:)


Sa palagay ko A yung dalawa


yung 2. hindi naman natin masasabi na poor home training gagawin niya yan

3. ay abortion

yan lang po salamat

23. effects of premarital sex

translate this:
ang mga epekto ng premarital sex ay nbubuntis Yong babae na hindi pa sila kasal kaya nakakasuhan sila kaya dapat pag gusto mong maghawak sa kanya dapat kasal muna kayo

24. how premarital sex can cause a depression??​


According to a new study, young people who lose their virginity early in life might not be at a higher risk for depression, as previously thought.

25. Hypothesis of premarital sex​


If norms of premarital sexual behavior are related to sex anxiety, they would be expected to correlate highly with a scale measuring degree of sex anxiety in childhood" (386)


26. premarital sex tagalog

-Nagse sex na kahit hindi pa kasal.

27. Is premarital sex is a sin? ​


To engage in premarital or extramarital sex, before or outside of marriage, is to sin in God's sight. That is precisely the point of Hebrews 13:4, a verse often referred to in this kind of discussion. "Marriage" and the marriage bed ... go together and are to be kept pure.

28. Premarital sex or premarital coitus is commonly observed here in the philippines. As individual, are you in favor on premarital sex (sex out of merriage). Yes or No? Why?​


No, because the relationship isn't secured.

29. Conclusion of premarital sex

Premarital Sex - Conclusion
Premarital sex has no moral grounds, it is against God, and it is unsafe physically and emotionally. Although sex is pleasurable, it is designed by God to be enjoyed by two married people.

30. premarital sex jingle​


para saan toh lodi?


btw thanks sa points

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