How Would Life Be Without Technology

How Would Life Be Without Technology

how would our life be without technology​

Daftar Isi

1. how would our life be without technology​


It would be difficult


Technology, which brings together tools to promote development, use and information exchange, has as its main objective of making tasks easier and the solving of many problems of mankind.Without it, our lives would have been less difficult, harder, poorer, secluded, unoriginal, disengaged and perilous.



It has expanded our life expectancy and nature of living. Where it has brought people closer in various ways, it has also contributed towards drifting people apart from each other. Without it, our lives would have been less difficult, harder, poorer, secluded, unoriginal, disengaged, and perilous.

2. how would our life be without technology?​


itagalog ko lang po,tas english mo,

para po sakin,kadalasan sa mga tao ay ndi gumagamit ng gadgets kaya ndi nila ito kailangan,sa mga nasanay sa mga gadgets para o sa kanila ay boring,tnx!


for intertainment ewas boreddom,

3. how would our life be without technology​


has expanded our life expectancy and nature of living. Where it has brought people closer in various ways, it has also contributed towards drifting people apart from each other. Without it, our lives would have been less difficult, harder, poorer, secluded, unoriginal, disengaged and perilous


it has expanded our life expectncy and nature of living


Carry On learning

4. A. Read the statements carefully before answering.1. What scenario is considered “inevitable”?A. change C. problemsB. honesty D. trials2. Which of the following values does one need to survive in life?A. integrity C. resistance B. positivity D. willingness3. Which of the following can make the story interesting?A. plot C. setting B. genre D. conflict4. How can someone be sure that he/she survives in the ever-changing world? If she…A. makes sure she has lasting values. B. looks back to where she came from.C. seeks insight from those who are wiser than her.D. continues to do good for others and for the community.5. Which of the following statements is not an example of unchanging values?A. Living your own rhythm despite living in a hectic world.B. Seeking wisdom from others and applying them to your own life.C. Valuing yourself even though the world tells you to give more to other people.D. Prioritizing your family even though the world makes situations to make you want to be independent.6. Which of the following conflicts shows how to encompass mental health struggles?A. Character vs Self C. Character vs Nature B. Character vs Society D. Character vs Technology7. Which of the following conflicts occurs in literature when the protagonist is placed in opposition with society, the government, or a cultural tradition or societal norm of some kind?A. Character vs Self C. Character vs Nature B. Character vs Society D. Character vs Technology8. Maria insisted that she would go to the library to do her homework because she can’t get the most reliable sources she could find. Her yaya, Matilda, doesn’t want her to go. Will she be able to finish her assignment in time or will Yaya Matilda gets in her way?A. Character vs Self C. Character vs Nature B. Character vs Character D. Character vs Supernatural9. In a quiet village, a little boy was feeding a carabao on the field. Out of the blue, a fairy showed herself to the boy and warned him of an impeding danger that will come on the fortnight caused by an evil wizard. The boy told their elders and so the towns people prepared for the inevitable. The monstrous storm came, paired with roaring thunderclaps, enthralling earthquakes, and devastating storm winds. Luckily, no one was hurt. But who was that fairy?A. Character vs Character C. Character vs Nature B. Character vs Technology D. Character vs Supernatural10. June of 2012, a group of people invented a fully capable AI robot able to replace the human body once it reaches its mortality. One day, the “resurrected” started to act destructively, causing riots all throughout the city. What will Jake and his team of developers do to save their peaceful city?A. Character vs Character C. Character vs Nature B. Character vs Technology D. Character vs Supernatural11. It is time for your English class. Mr. Reyes was busy fixing the projector and he is having a hard time doing so. Watch as Mr. Reyes struggle with his projector. Will he be able to make it in time?A. Character vs Character C. Character vs Nature B. Character vs Technology D. Character vs Supernatural12. Ants go up and down the hill to move their food and other resources needed. This has been the set up of their lives every day. Until one day, a massive water spillage came and washed them out. Will they regain their peaceful life?A. Character vs Character C. Character vs Nature B. Character vs Technology D. Character vs Supernatural13. How does one resolve conflict?A. By avoiding quarrels.B. By facing it head on without hesitations.C. By doing effective and peaceful measures for both parties.D. By becoming the bigger person by allowing the conflict die naturally.14. Which of the following is considered a “challenge”?A. self-awareness C. self-helpB. self-doubt D. self-righteousness15. According to the central topic of this lesson, which of the following does a person need to endure challenges?A. family C. faithB. friends D. lasting values​




sana makatulong pa brainliest

5. The life of indigenous people depends on the richness of their agricultural lands. If youwere the leader of the country, how would you help them protect and sustain theiragricultural lands without depriving them of the advantages of technological development?​


create a program to protect their agriculture example, CLEAN AND GREEN PROGRAM, blah blah ... I will distribute an agricultural equipment and teach them how to use the machines that I distributed

6. Reflect on your current circumstance. Compare your technological advantage over Rizal in his time. Identify how he was able to look for knowledge? How did he manage to go about living full time without a smart phone or the Internet? Will such full life be possible today without those advances? How will you use them to your advantage? If you have an advocacy, what would it be? Will it change the world? If you encounter difficulty? How will you remind yourself to keep on going? Or will you give up, despite knowing that Rizal did not?​

Answer & Explanation:

Will Such Fill Life With Me Of Course No

7. Reflect on your current circumstance. Compare your technological advantage over Rizal in his time. Identify how he was able to look for knowledge? How did he manage to go about living full time without a smart phone or the Internet? Will such full life be possible today without those advances? How will you use them to your advantage? If you have an advocacy, what would it be? Will it change the world? If you encounter difficulty? How will you remind yourself to keep on going? Or will you give up, despite knowing that Rizal did not?



8. 1. Try to imagine the world without technology. How do you think your day-to-day life would be like?Do this by illustrating a scenario where a certain technological innovation does not exist. Below are examples you could use. A. WATCH B. PHONE C. LIGHT BULBD. CARSE. PRINTING PRESSF. ELECTRICITY​


F. Electricity


without electricity, there won't be any machines moving. Electricity is the fuel to the machines and machines help us getting life easier from day to day life.

9. If you are living in a far flung areas and you need to cross the river just to go downtown, how would you life be different without a bridge? Similarly how would computer networking be different without a bridge?​(Technology and Home economics) (ICT)


In instances where we could not employ fair use and have been unable ... distributed in any way other than as part of the overall Common Core State ... You could easily step across a brook to get to the other side

10. how do you think your day-to-day life would be like without technology?​


life would definitely be boring.

since there's no technology, there will be more works for us to do.

more school works


sorry po yan lng po maibibigay kong answer sa question po...sssssss


Masyadong mabagal ang pag process ng isang bagay


walang magagawang imbinsyon ang isang tao

11. try to imagine your life without technology, how do you think your life would be? discuss your answer.​


Maybe it's more difficult? Since medj napapadali yung buhay natin Ngayon dahil sa technology

Pa brainliest tysm

12. Activity: try to imagine the world without technology. how do you think your day to-day life would be like


I'll be always outside playing

or going on adventures

13. True or false 1. We must be able to define our goal because a defined goal allows us to focus on it. 2. A goal is realistic or relevant when it is based on current conditions and realities. 3. To fulfill our goals is not always easy. 4. When you have several goals, give each a priority. 5. Our decisions are sometimes simply justification of our past actions. 6. Once we have chosen our course of action, we must implement the chosen alternative. 7. A decision is a choice we do after considering different alternatives. 8. We cannot avoid making decisions in life. 9. We sometimes respond to a problem based on how a problem is framed. 10. It is important to recognize that a problem needs to be solved. 11. A decision can be defined as the act of choosing. 12. Career success really depends on the individual. 13. One should be interested in his or her choice. 14. Different people have different personalities. 15. The occupation’s attributes determine if he or she would enjoy the job based on his or her personality traits. 16. Without entrepreneurs, jobs wouldn’t exist. 17. Some of the greatest technologies in today’s society have come from businesses. 18. Many entrepreneurs strive to make the world better. 19. Entrepreneurship is popular with those who need flexible hours. 20. There are people who have succeeded in business even if they only finished high school or elementary.



Hope It help you

#Carry on learning

14. Try to imagine the world without technology. How do you think your day-to-day life would be like?​


It is indeed true because nowadays especially the mellennials up to generation z is dependent on technology because of its convience.


for example,we tend to search the symptoms of something and how to cure it through the uses of technology which is our gadgets.

15. Try to imagine the world without technology. How do you think your day-to-day lifewould be like?own explanation please help im not good in english​


it maybe sometimes good sometimes bad


Because technology helps people very much because it helps you to tell someone what you wanna tell in mobile phones and television helps us to know the latest news amd technology have entertain people but sometimes it is bad at our eyesite and others cant focus to they're school because of online games i can control it day-to-day because if the before that theres no technology they can hamdle it how about now.

wish this may help❤️

16. try to imagine the world without technology, how do you think your day-to-day life would be like?​


A world without technology would be very stressful, and without the technology that exists, we would have many problems that we don’t have today. There would be no social media, no devices, and many other things that could change the way we live, but some of those changes could be beneficial to our lives. However, it would not be better if we never had technology in today’s world.

17. What Happens if Technology Did Not Exist? Instruction: Try to imagine the world without technology. How do you think the people's day-to-day life would he like? Do this hy describing a scenario where certain technological innovation does not exist. Some samples are given below. You can add more and you can use additional sheets of paper. Technological Innovation, Scenarios*Watch *Phone *Light bulbs *Cars *Printing Press *Elecuicily​


without the technology the humankind would have not been so advanced. as without technology our daily life is incomplete now. for example if we need to talk to someone who is not near us we use mobile phone if they would have not existed we might have not been able to contact to a person far away

18. Can you imagine your life without computer? How do you think would it be without all the computing devices that we use in performing our daily activities? On the bubbles, write what you think about your life without computers and technology. Processing Questions: 1. How long do you think can you survive with your daily activities without the computers/gadgets? 2. What is the importance of computers and technology to you? 3. How do you think would it be if all these computers and technologies were not invented?​


the membrains that covers the lungs

19. Can you imagine your life without computer? How do you think would it be without all the computing devices that we use in performing our daily activities? On the bubbles, write what you think about your life without computers and technology. Processing Questions: 1. How long do you think can you survive with your daily activities without the computers/gadgets? 2. What is the importance of computers and technology to you? 3. How do you think would it be if all these computers and technologies were not invented?​


1. 1hour

2. it is importance because you cant contact anything and you cant answer what is given

3.we have struggle to answer becuase of the lost of knowledge

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Kategori technology_and_home_economics