Importance Of Tourism In The Philippines

Importance Of Tourism In The Philippines

what is the importance of tourism in the philippines

Daftar Isi

1. what is the importance of tourism in the philippines

Tourism is an important sector for the Philippine economy. In 2015, the travel andtourism industry contributed 10.6% to the country's GDP. ... Its beaches, mountains, rainforests, islands and diving spots are among the country's most popular touristdestinations.

2. Why gastronomy is importance in philippine tourism?​


In this sense, gastronomy tourism has strong potential to improve destination management, promote cultures and contribute to other sectors such as agriculture and food manufacturing. ... When looking at the motivations of people to visit a specific destination, food plays a huge role in the decision-making process.

im not sure if its perfectly correct,,but i hope it helps,,

3. What is the importance of tourism in the economy of the Philippines? ​


Tourism is an important sector for Philippine economy. In 2019, the travel and tourism industry contributed 12.7% to the country's GDP. Philippines is an archipelagic country composed of 7,641 islands with 81 provinces divided in 17 regions.




*carry on learning

4. 1. How important the Philippine gastronomical in the tourism industry?


The role of gastronomy is important for tourism development because experiences of eating the local food are traditionally associated with the places visited. ... That is why, tour operators focus on gastronomy to promote regional flavors and tastes as well as associations with cultures and places

5. Compare tourism industry in the developed countries with the tourism industry in the Philippines.​


Tourism is an important sector for Philippine economy.The country is known for having its rich biodiversity as its main tourist attraction. Its beaches, heritage towns and monuments, mountains, rainforests, islands and diving spots are among the country's most popular tourist destinations.

6. what is the Philippine Tourism Tagline? How does the Philippine Tourism campaign become successful? ​


The Philippine Tourism tagline is WOW PHILIPPINES and Philippine Tourism campaign become successful becomes of our beautiful beach.

7. as a tourism student discuss the impact of tourism industry to the economy in the philippines​


Tourism has been one of the biggest contributor to the economy. Because of tourism numbers of businesses rise. Job opportunities are offered to the community. Taxes from different destinations and the money spend by the tourists brings impact to the economy.

8. Explain five (5) important events that contributed to the development and improvement of Tourism and Hospitality Industry in the global and philippine setting

































9. pick 5 important Sustainable Development Goals and explain why they are important to the Philippine Tourism Industry​

Answer:5 important Sustainable Development GoalsEnd poverty in all its forms.Water and Sanitation.HealthEducationGender equality and women's empowerment


Importance to the Philippine Tourism Industry​

→ Sustainable tourism can play a major role, not only in conserving and preserving biodiversity, but also in respecting terrestrial ecosystems, owing to its efforts towards the reduction of waste and consumption, the conservation of native flora and fauna, and its awareness-raising activities.

[tex]Hope it Helps![/tex]


10. What is the difference between global tourism and philippine tourism?​


Domestic and international tourism are two such types whose main difference is the type of tourists. Domestic tourism involves residents of one country traveling within that country whereas international tourism involves tourists who are traveling to different countries.

11. What is the role of the Department of Tourism of our country in thepropagation of Philippine Tourism?​


The Department of Tourism (DOT) is mandated to encourage, promote, and develop tourism as a major socio-economic activity to generate foreign currency and local employment and to spread the benefits of tourism to a wider segment of the population with the support, assistance, and cooperation of both the private and public.

Tourism and travel-related services include services provided by hotels and restaurants (including catering), travel agencies and tour operator services, tourist guide services and other related services.

12. how does the philippine tourism authority helps the tourism industry of the country​


BAGUIO CITY – The Department of Tourism (DOT) welcomes the decision of the local government unit (LGU) of Baguio City to open its doors to guests from Luzon, particularly the National Capital Region (NCR) and Regions 2 and 3, starting on October 22, 2020, noting that the anticipated influx of tourists will generate tourism activities that will spur a swifter recovery of the industry

13. why do you think the role of the department of tourism DOT and it's attached agencies are important for the Philippines tourism industry? give at the example minimum of 200 worda​

Why the department of tourism DOT and it's attached agencies are important for the Philippines tourism industry:

The role of the Department of Tourism (DOT) and its attached agencies is important for the Philippines tourism industry because they are responsible for promoting and developing the country as a tourist destination. They are tasked with creating and implementing strategies to attract visitors to the Philippines, as well as providing support and services to ensure that tourists have a positive experience while they are in the country.

One of the main responsibilities of the DOT is to market the Philippines to potential tourists. This includes creating advertising campaigns, developing marketing materials, and partnering with travel companies and organizations to promote the country as a top tourist destination. The DOT also works closely with other government agencies, such as the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Trade and Industry, to promote the Philippines internationally.

In addition to marketing the Philippines, the DOT is also responsible for providing support and services to tourists once they arrive in the country. This includes managing and maintaining tourist facilities, such as hotels, restaurants, and transportation services. The DOT also works with local governments and communities to ensure that tourists have access to a wide range of activities and attractions, including cultural and natural sights.

Furthermore, the DOT also plays a crucial role in regulating and overseeing the tourism industry in the Philippines. This includes setting standards for tourism businesses, such as hotels and tour operators, and enforcing these standards to ensure that tourists are provided with high-quality services and experiences. The DOT also works with other government agencies, such as the Department of Health, to ensure that the Philippines remains a safe and healthy destination for tourists.

Overall, the role of the Department of Tourism and its attached agencies is essential for the success of the Philippines tourism industry. Through their efforts to promote, support, and regulate the industry, they help to attract visitors to the country and ensure that they have a positive experience while they are there. This, in turn, helps to boost the economy and improve the lives of the people of the Philippines.

14. research title about tourism in the philippinesAnswer: IMPACT OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN TOURISM INDUSTRY AND HOSPITALITY IN THE PHILIPPINES.​




Yes pandemic has a big impact to our tourism industry and hospitality in the Philippines. because of the crisis we experienced now there are tourist destination that is force to closed and a example here is the Boracay, but in other hand pandemic also helped us to improve, take care of it and developed more our tourist spot and better for the next opening.

15. What are some important periods in the philippine history which is now part of philippine tourism?​


prehistoric age because from this period we learn different culture.


Four major periods has been recognized, namely:

1] pre-martial law era (years before 1972);

2] martial law era (1972-1986);

3] post-martial law era (1986-2000); and

4] 21st century era (2001-present). The eras are based on the country's major political regimes.

16. How important are tourism organizations in the travel and tourism business?​


What is the importance of travel and tourism?

The importance of travel for the economy

Tourism can spark economic growth in an area of high demand. Countries that are more prone to tourism get an influx of wealth from visitors coming in and spending money on hotels, food, souvenirs, and activities. Last year the tourism sector raised global GDP by $2,892 billion. 

Tourism supports communities that otherwise may not many other sources of income. Travel serves as a reliable and steady source of income to remote areas with limited access to resources. 

Online booking platforms and online travel agencies boost the economy significantly, reaching a sales revenue of 99 billion dollars in 2018. Overall, travel and tourism play a key role in keeping money flowing across the globe.

17. How important cultural tourism in the tourism industry?​

cultural tourism helps our country to grow and to know by others


helps to recognize religious and beliefs of one's culture

18. Importance Of Tourism ​

Tourism Boost The Revenue Of The Economy

Creates Thousands Of Jobs Develop Infrastructure Of A Country And Plants A sense of Culture Exchange Between Foreigner And Citizens

The number of jobs created by tourism in many different areas is significant ways


19. What is the importance of the components of tourism in the tourism and hospitality industry?​

Remember this people if you think your Ugly then there people out there that is uglier than you



20. Importance of automated system in tourism promotion here in philippines and how will it help our tourism department during these pandemic days?​

Without a doubt, the tourism industry is among the sectors that have been greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The closing of borders, airports, and hotels as well as restrictions on mass gatherings, land travel and related services across the world put around 100 to 120 million jobs at risk, as estimated by the World Tourism Organization.

In the first quarter of 2020, the period when the travel restrictions and lockdowns in most countries started, international tourist arrivals declined by 22% resulting in an estimated loss of US$80bn in global tourism receipts. In such period, 97 destinations have totally or partially closed their borders for tourists, 65 destinations have suspended international flights totally or partially, and 39 destinations were implementing the closing of borders (i.e., banning the arrivals from specific countries).

21. impacts of tourism in the Philippines


From an economic point of view, tourism is highly favorable because it brings in employment, income, and foreign exchange. However, this point of view disregards socio-cultural, environmental, and architectural impacts. In terms of land use, uncontrolled tourism brings in overcrowding, overdevelopment, and pollution.


First is the tourists who contribute to sales, profits, jobs, tax revenues, and income in an area. The most direct effects occur within the primary tourism sectors --lodging, restaurants, transportation, amusements, and retail trade . Through secondary effects, tourism affects most sectors of the economy.


22. Grab a lot of pictures of Philippine festivals and Philippine Tourism​


Ayan po.


Hope it helps...

23. Philippine tourism diagnosis​

Philippine tourism diagnosis

• One of the biggest problems facing tourism in the Philippines would have to be the incessantly negative portrayals of the country used by foreign media (BBC, CNN, Aljazeera etc) which have, since the Asian financial crisis of 1997, really damaged the country's image, detracting many would-be tourists from even coming ...

24. Why is it important that we include filipino food as a part of tourism in the philippine?​

It's to show and promote the culture and cuisine of the Philippines.

25. What do you think is the importance of Laws on Security in thePhilippines for the tourism sector?​


Safety and security are vital to providing quality in tourism. More than any other economic activity, the success or failure of a tourism destination depends on being able to provide a safe and secure environment for visitors.


correct if I'm wrong


safety and security and police


correct me if I'm wrong idiota

26. is the implementation of tourism act in 2009 effective in the development of Philippines tourism industy?​

the answer is biology development

27. Why are tourism attraction important in the tourism industry?​


An Attractions main purpose is to grab the customer's attention so they come to a certain place and explore the different attractions on holiday. In the travel and tourism sector, attractions are an important part as this is what bring in tourist from all over the world.



An Attractions main purpose is to grab the customer's attention so they come to a certain place and explore the different attractions on holiday. In the travel and tourism sector, attractions are an important part as this is what bring in tourist from all over the world.

Tourism boosts the revenue of the economy, creates thousands of jobs, develops the infrastructures of a country, and plants a sense of cultural exchange between foreigners and citizens. The number of jobs created by tourism in many different areas is significant.

•hope it helps^.^

28. why philippine culture and tourism geographical is important?​


Geography is fundamental to the study of tourism, because tourism is geographical in nature. ... Physical geography provides the essential background, against which tourism places are created and environmental impacts and concerns are major issues, that must be considered in managing the development of tourism places.

29. 1. Is Philippine Folk Dance important to the tourism of our county? How or why is it important? (Give at least 2-3 sentences explanation)


Yes, it is. Folkdance represents a fragment of our culture. This body of art is a small peak to our wonderful and mysterious culture. Folkdance brings history and stories that the tourists should know so that they can appreciate more the culture. Thus, we have to put importance on Philippine folk dance in our Tourism today.

30. what is the importance of these festival in the tourism industry of the philippines​

Tourism is an important sector for Philippine economy. In 2019, the travel and tourism industry contributed 12.7% to the country's GDP. ... Its beaches, heritage towns and monuments, mountains, rainforests, islands and diving spots are among the country's most popular tourist destinations.


ourism is an important sector for Philippine economy. In 2019, the travel and tourism industry contributed 12.7% to the country's GDP. ... Its beaches, heritage towns and monuments, mountains, rainforests, islands and diving spots are among the country's most popular tourist destinations.

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