Narrative Report About Work Immersion

Narrative Report About Work Immersion

example of narrative report about work immersion

Daftar Isi

1. example of narrative report about work immersion


1. Differences

Essays give you more opportunity to expand on possibilities, ideas or concepts; this means essays can explore more hypothetical situations. On the other hand, simple reports deal with describing and/or analyzing real past events; it can be written to make predictions or recommendations for the future.

Essays content flows without breakage meaning the organization of thoughts are only divided by paragraphs but still has continuity into it.

Reports are usually divided into sections, headings and sub-headings. Illustrations, diagrams, attractive charts, tables, etc. are also used in a formal report.

Reports can be presented orally while essay are usually submitted in a written or printed document.

Essays are usually written in the third person while reports can use either first or third person.

The usage of bullet points in a report is very common while it is not common in an essay.

A Recommendation for Action section is included in a report but is very unusual in an essay.

2. Similarities

Both have one or more central point to focus on and given emphasis. You may also see marketing report examples.

Both can include references however they vary in the method for citing such references.

Both should definitely include an introduction and conclusion.

Both are comprehensively structured and has a logical progression of ideas.

Although they use different method, both have text broken into readable chunks. Sections for reports, paragraphs for essay. You may also like management report examples.

Only one key point is discussed in every report section or essay paragraph.

Uses language suitable for their expected audience and is accepted in conventions of writing

2. narrative report for work immersion

Answer:1. Differences

   Essays give you more opportunity to expand on possibilities, ideas or concepts; this means essays can explore more hypothetical situations. On the other hand, simple reports deal with describing and/or analyzing real past events; it can be written to make predictions or recommendations for the future.

   Essays content flows without breakage meaning the organization of thoughts are only divided by paragraphs but still has continuity into it.

   Reports are usually divided into sections, headings and sub-headings. Illustrations, diagrams, attractive charts, tables, etc. are also used in a formal report.

   Reports can be presented orally while essay are usually submitted in a written or printed document.

   Essays are usually written in the third person while reports can use either first or third person.

   The usage of bullet points in a report is very common while it is not common in an essay.

   A Recommendation for Action section is included in a report but is very unusual in an essay.

2. Similarities

   Both have one or more central point to focus on and given emphasis. You may also see marketing report examples.

   Both can include references however they vary in the method for citing such references.

   Both should definitely include an introduction and conclusion.

   Both are comprehensively structured and has a logical progression of ideas.

   Although they use different method, both have text broken into readable chunks. Sections for reports, paragraphs for essay. You may also like management report examples.

   Only one key point is discussed in every report section or essay paragraph.


3. narrative report in work immersion

o always love immersion

4. Write narrative essay for:A .Work Immersion: Social Graces in the Workplace B. Work Immersion: Things to do in the WorkplaceC. Career Guidance: Make Your Passion Your Profession​​​​

A. Work Immersion: Work Immersion was a defining point in my life. It was a period of learning and growth, both personally and professionally. The experience taught me the importance of social graces in the workplace.

I was placed with a prestigious law firm, and I was immediately thrown into a professional environment. Everyone had a certain level of etiquette that was expected and that I was expected to abide by—from the way we greeted each other in the morning, to the way we took coffee orders. I didn’t quite understand the importance of those social graces at first, but as the weeks passed, I noticed that it had an effect on how people interacted. I started to pick up on cues easily, such as the right time to introduce myself to someone, or when it was okay to ask a question. It helped me become a better listener and understand the expectations of the firm.

I continued to hone my social graces at work and began to understand the business world more. For example, I learned to be diplomatic and tactful when having conversations, especially with clients and colleagues. I also learned how to handle stress in a constructive manner, rather than getting worked up over small matters.

B. Work Immersion: It was my first day of social grace work immersion and I was feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. I had been looking forward to this opportunity for months and now the moment had finally arrived! I knew that if I wanted to make the most of this experience I had to go into it with an open mind and be prepared to take on any task that I was given.

The first activity of the day was a workshop about workplace etiquette. We were taught how to greet colleagues and superiors, dress appropriately and use appropriate language. We also discussed the importance of maintaining a professional attitude and how to handle challenging situations in the workplace.

Once the workshop was over, it was time to go out onto the floor and observe how things were done. I watched various departments and employees interact, noting the different approaches they took when dealing with customers. I saw how managers dealt with complaints and how staff handled difficult tasks. It was clear to me that everyone was doing their best to make sure the workplace ran smoothly.

C. Career Guidance: The idea of being able to make your passion your profession can be both exciting and daunting. It takes courage and tenacity to pursue a career that you are truly passionate about, but the rewards can be immense. With the right guidance and advice, anyone can find ways to turn their passion into a successful, rewarding career.

As a starting point for anyone considering turning their passion into a profession, it is important to remember that success does not come overnight. Having a clear plan with achievable goals will help you stay focused and organized. Take the time to research the industry, evolving trends, and any potential obstacles you may face. Knowing the pitfalls and potential rewards associated with a specific career path will go a long way in helping you achieve success.

In addition to researching the industry, networking is an invaluable tool when building a career in any field. Reach out to industry professionals, whether it be through industry events or online groups. Make sure to have an elevator pitch prepared that clearly states your goals, values, and interests. It never hurts to get a few recommendations from colleagues or mentors to set yourself apart.

5. acknowledgement about work immersion​


sana po makatulong ⛅

6. example narrative report for work immersion

office's work and files,encoding

7. Give me experiences of agriculture for work immersion NARRATIVE REPORT

Agriculture is one of our country’s primary economic source of income. Many Filipinos still and most farmers say, enjoying living in rural areas and supporting their families through agriculture. To mention, some of our main agricultural crops are rice, corn, bananas, pineapple, sugarcane, coconut, tobacco, mangoes, coffee and abaca.

To name a few of my unforgettable agricultural experiences during work immersion are the following: having a hard time selecting the variety of crop to be planted or cultured since our country has different climates. You have to select the appropriate crops for the present climate.
Having a good and continuous water supply or water irrigation is a must. There are crops that need less water while other crops grow healthily with plenty of water. Proper cultivation and right amount of fertilizer is vital. I remembered putting extra fertilizer to one of our pechay beds, with the thought the it will grow faster and greener, but sad to say all of our seedlings are withered when I checked them the following day.
You also need to consider proper ventilation. Some crops need a lot of sunshine while other crops prefer a shady location. Proper agriculture attire and tools are also a must to avoid accidents or unnecessary incident.
Some people call it crazy but I do talk to my plants. I visit and ask them how they are as if I am talking to a friend. I am also asking them to grow fast and healthy. Sometimes we can not avoid bad weather condition, so I also include them to my prayers. And when harvest time arrives, I am whispering my gratefulness to them.

8. Give me experiences of cooking lumpia for work immersion NARRATIVE REPORT


I'm playing Shopee Claw! Pick and grab to win prizes daily!

9. OJT Narrative Report (work immersion for cookery grade 12 in hotel alegro​



As a Grade 12 student taking up Cookery, I was required to undergo On-the-Job Training (OJT) or work immersion in a hotel or restaurant. For my OJT, I was assigned to Hotel Alegro, a four-star hotel in the heart of the city. The hotel boasts of its fine dining restaurant, which offers delectable dishes and exquisite beverages. My OJT experience in Hotel Alegro has taught me a lot about the culinary industry and has provided me with valuable skills that I can use in my future career.

Duties and Responsibilities

As an OJT trainee, I was assigned to the kitchen department of Hotel Alegro. My duties and responsibilities included preparing ingredients for the dishes, assisting the chefs in cooking, and cleaning the kitchen after every shift. I was also tasked to monitor the inventory of ingredients and report to my supervisor if there were any shortages. Moreover, I was able to learn how to plate and garnish dishes, and how to present them in a visually appealing manner.

Challenges and Learnings

During my OJT, I encountered several challenges, particularly in the area of time management. The kitchen can be a fast-paced and stressful environment, and I had to learn how to work under pressure and meet deadlines. I also learned the importance of being organized and paying attention to details. One mistake in the kitchen can ruin the entire dish, so I had to be extra careful in measuring ingredients and following recipes.

Aside from the technical skills I learned in the kitchen, my OJT experience also taught me the value of teamwork and communication. Working in the kitchen requires collaboration among the staff, and I learned how to communicate effectively and work harmoniously with my colleagues.


Overall, my OJT experience in Hotel Alegro was a very enriching and rewarding experience. I was able to apply the skills and knowledge I learned in the classroom in a real-world setting, and I was able to acquire new skills and knowledge that will be useful in my future career. I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of Hotel Alegro's team and for the guidance and mentorship provided by my supervisors and colleagues.


I, ____________, a Grade 12 student of ____________, had my On-the-Job Training (OJT) at Hotel Alegro from ____________ to ____________.

During my OJT, I was assigned to the kitchen department. I was able to observe and learn the different processes involved in food preparation. I was also able to learn the different techniques used in cooking.

I was able to observe the different methods used in food preparation such as cutting, slicing, dicing, and chopping. I was also able to observe the different techniques used in cooking such as sautéing, boiling, steaming, and baking.

I was also able to learn the different safety and sanitation procedures that must be followed in the kitchen. I was able to learn the importance of proper hygiene and sanitation in the kitchen. I was also able to learn the importance of proper storage of food items.

I was also able to learn the different methods of food presentation. I was able to observe the different techniques used in plating and garnishing. I was also able to learn the importance of proper food presentation.

Overall, my OJT experience at Hotel Alegro was very educational and beneficial. I was able to learn a lot of new things and gain valuable experience. I am thankful for the opportunity to have my OJT at Hotel Alegro.

10. Accomplishment report for work immersion


Specifically, the students are able to: (i) gain relevant and practical industrial skills under the guidance of industry experts and workers; (ii) appreciate the importance and application of the principles and theories taught in school; (iii) enhance their technical knowledge and skills; (iv) enrich their skills in ...

appreciate the importance and application of the principles and theories learned in school; enhance their technical knowledge and skills; enrich their skills in communications and human relations; and. develop good work habits, attitudes, appreciation and respect for work.

11. introduction about work immersion

Work immersion is very important to all senior high school students in order for them to exercise their skills which they have obtained in school.Work immersion is an actual way of preparing themselves to face any challenging task in the real world. Senior high School should replete with fundamental and actual knowledge for them to be able to compete both local or even international.    

12. Write narrative essay for:A .Work Immersion: Social Graces in the Workplace B. Work Immersion: Things to do in the WorkplaceC. Career Guidance: Make Your Passion Your Profession​​​


A. Work Immersion: Social Graces in the Workplace is an important topic to consider when entering the workforce. It is essential to understand the importance of etiquette, manners, and respect in the workplace. Learning how to interact with coworkers, supervisors, and customers in a professional and polite manner is essential to success in the workplace. Additionally, it is important to understand the importance of communication, teamwork, and collaboration in the workplace. All of these skills are essential to developing a successful career.

B. Work Immersion: Things to do in the Workplace is an important topic to consider when entering the workforce. It is essential to understand the importance of taking initiative and engaging in activities that will help you develop professionally. This could include attending workshops, seminars, or classes that are related to your field of work. Additionally, it is important to network with other professionals and build relationships that can help you advance in your career.

C. Career Guidance: Make Your Passion Your Profession is an important topic to consider when entering the workforce. It is essential to understand the importance of finding a job that aligns with your passions and interests. This could include researching different industries and job opportunities, as well as exploring different educational and training programs. Additionally, it is important to find mentors and resources that can help you reach your goals. By taking the time to explore your passions and interests, you can make your passion your profession.



13. Work immersion Narrative report For ict strand?​


"In partial fulfillment ofThe requirement onComputer Hardware Servicing NC II

A NARRATIVE REPORTOf my knowledge acquired"

I would like to express the profound gratitude to the persons behind this narrativereport. Thank you. To the peoples of Information and Communication TechnologyDepartment, for sharing their knowledge, ideas and thoughts and for me to be able to improvemy knowledge, and as well as the development and experience that I surely treasure andalways remembered. To my mentors; Sir Varquez, Sir Arango, Sir Amorin, Sir Ramuso, Sir Paul,

Ma’am Elarco, Ma`am Palaca and Ma’am Gaston thank you for all the knowledge, to all my

schoolmates, classmates, and friends for being my inspiration, to my family for their fullsupport in everything I need, a

nd to God for all the blessings that I’ve earned!

Thanks to all of you guys, you let my dreams get into reality


The project is dedicated to my home place ____________________________________

To my loving parents________________________________________

To my ever handsome and pretty BROTHERS and SISTER,and to all my FRIENDS, CLASSMATES and TEACHERS.


Things I have learned



I have now courage to troubleshoot any desktop computer after my OJT.2.

I can now easily determine the parts of computer and their uses.3.

I can assemble and disassemble a desktop computer, and make it work (knowing that the computerhas no defect).4.

When the computer has no display after turning it on, most problems are on the RAM.5.

When we cannot enter to BIOS on a computer because it has a password, we can reset it by clearingthe CMOS battery and make it back to it default settings.6.

We can install high graphical video cards on a computer to display good quality for games, videos andapps that uses high graphical display.7.

I can crimp an RJ45 to a UTP cable to make LAN wire for computers.



I learned how to reformat a desktop, laptop, and net book computers using flash disk or compact disc.2.

I learned how to install applications that a computer needed.3.

I learned that some hardware installed, needs a drivers to work.4.

I know how to use the basic programs and application on a computer, like Microsoft word, excel, andpower point.5.

I know now how to edit pictures using Photoshop.6.

I know now how to edit music using Adobe Audition.7.

I have learned how to download videos, music and more, and how to convert it.8.

I have learned how to make invitation cards, certificates, certificates, calendars, posters, and more,using Photoshop.9.

I know now how to put files like music, videos, installer and more on a compact disc by burning it usingNero and all other software.10.

I know now how to backup files even the operating system has an error. It could be done by using BootHirens. This program can make own operating system from were you save it, like flash disk or compactdisc.11.

In making bootable flash disk you can use Yumi, WintoFlash or other apps.12.

I know now how to share printers and files on a network.

Things I want to learn:


I want to know more about laptops and net books, and how to fix some problems of it.2.

I hope we have scanners and printers that can be use for an actual trouble shooting.3.

I have heard some school was introducing on how to make own operating system. It is not reallymaking your own OS but there is software used to edit a normal OS. It is an application that canremove and add programs you want and you do not want, it can edit the registry and more. So whenyou install this OS, it has a different configurations and programs than a normal one. I just thought weshould have introduced too.


There for I conclude that after studying 2 yrs as Information and Communication Technology student inGingoog City Computer School. I will be able to have a good and better life in the future with the use of thisknowledge I have learned depending on how we use it. Students who graduated in this course can have anoption on what field should they practice more, either on hardware, software, program, multimedia, or any of the lessons we have learned. Having this kind of skills or knowledge about computers is not that easy to have,

especially if we don’t really take time to earn it. Many people has a computer and uses it in their homes,

offices, schools, internet cafes etc. but if there is something wrong in the computers who would they call? Soas a graduate student in the future with this course, I can be the man who will answer the call of people whoneeds help on their computers.

explanation: hope it helps!

14. acknowledgement about working immersion


Dear Sir\Madam:

I would like to express my gratitude to you and your collegues for the excellent immersion I have undergone in your company.The skills and learnings which I have gained throughout my practical training I perceive as very valuable component in my future career development.

I would especially like to thank _______________________, Mr. ___________________________for the generous support, coaching and companionship during my ojt. My mistakes were positively corrected. My thanks and appreciation also to your HR staff for they help me willingly.


Thank you very much for making my immersion wonderful and productive.




15. make a narrative report about the best experience you gain from your work performance ,amazing sacrifices you can give and unforgetable struggles in this home based work immersion. patulong po sa mga brainly jan. i need lng po salamat.​


Sana po makatulong


pa brainliest na lang po

16. Write narrative essay for:A .Work Immersion: Social Graces in the Workplace B. Work Immersion: Things to do in the WorkplaceC. Career Guidance: Make Your Passion Your Profession​​


A. Work Immersion: Social Graces in the Workplace

During my work immersion, I learned a lot about the importance of social graces in the workplace. It is not just about having the technical skills to do your job, but also about having the right attitude and behavior towards your colleagues and superiors.

One of the things that I observed is the way people greet each other. It may seem like a small thing, but it sets the tone for the entire day. Saying good morning or good afternoon with a smile and a nod is a simple yet effective way to show respect and acknowledge someone's presence.

Another aspect of social graces is communication. It is important to listen attentively and speak politely to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts. One of my colleagues taught me the importance of using "please" and "thank you" in every conversation, no matter how small or trivial it may seem.

I also learned about the value of punctuality. Being on time shows that you respect other people's time and that you are committed to your work. It also helps to create a positive impression, especially when meeting clients or attending meetings.

Overall, my work immersion experience taught me that social graces are essential in creating a harmonious and productive workplace. It is not just about the technical skills, but also about the way you treat others and conduct yourself in a professional setting.

B. Work Immersion: Things to do in the Workplace

During my work immersion, I discovered that there are many things to do in the workplace aside from the actual work itself. These activities not only help to break the monotony of work, but also help to build camaraderie among colleagues.

One of the things that we did was to organize team building activities. We had an outdoor activity where we did a series of challenges that required teamwork and communication. It was a fun way to bond with my colleagues and learn to work together towards a common goal.

Another activity that we did was to organize a sportsfest. We had different sports events such as basketball, volleyball, and badminton. It was a great way to promote physical fitness and healthy competition among colleagues.

We also had a charity event where we volunteered our time and resources to help the less fortunate. We visited a local orphanage and spent time with the children. It was a humbling experience that reminded us of the importance of giving back to the community.

Overall, my work immersion experience taught me that there are many things to do in the workplace aside from work. These activities not only help to break the monotony of work, but also help to build strong relationships and promote a positive workplace culture.

C. Career Guidance: Make Your Passion Your Profession

Choosing a career can be a daunting task, especially if you are unsure of what you want to do. However, one of the best ways to make a decision is to follow your passion.

During my career guidance session, I realized that my passion lies in photography. I have always been fascinated by the art of capturing moments and telling stories through images. So, I decided to pursue a career in photography.

The first step was to gain the necessary skills and knowledge. I enrolled in a photography course and learned the technical aspects of photography such as lighting, composition, and editing. I also attended workshops and seminars to learn from experienced photographers.

The next step was to gain experience. I started by doing freelance photography jobs such as weddings and events. This helped me to hone my skills and build my portfolio. I also joined a photography club where I met like-minded individuals and learned from their experiences.

Eventually, I was able to turn my passion into a profession. I started my own photography business and now, I am able to do what I love every day.

My career guidance experience taught me that following your passion can lead to

17. Accomplishment report in work immersion essay.​


cge po sasusunod ko na lang sagutan

18. can I give me a narrative report for work immersion OJT? GAS STRAND PO​




As a senior high school student under the GAS strand, I had the opportunity to undergo a work immersion on-the-job training (OJT) program in a private company for a period of three months. The OJT program aimed to provide me with hands-on experience and practical skills relevant to my chosen field of study. Throughout the OJT program, I was able to acquire knowledge and skills in various aspects of the company's operations, particularly in the areas of finance, accounting, and management.

Company Overview:

The company I worked for is a small-to-medium enterprise engaged in the retail industry. The company specializes in selling consumer products such as electronics, appliances, and gadgets. It has been in the business for more than a decade and has established a loyal customer base in the local community. The company has a small team of employees, including the owner, manager, and support staff.

OJT Experience:

During my three-month OJT, I was assigned to the finance and accounting department, where I worked under the supervision of the head accountant. My primary responsibilities included the preparation of financial statements, the recording of transactions, and the reconciliation of accounts. I also assisted in the preparation of tax returns and other regulatory compliance documents. Through these tasks, I was able to apply my theoretical knowledge in accounting and finance and gain practical experience in the field.

Apart from my primary tasks, I was also given the opportunity to observe and participate in other aspects of the company's operations. I attended meetings with the owner and the manager, where I gained insights into the company's strategic planning and decision-making processes. I also assisted in the inventory management and merchandising, where I learned about supply chain management and marketing.


Overall, my work immersion OJT program provided me with valuable experience and exposure to the real world of work. Through my immersion in the finance and accounting department, I was able to apply my theoretical knowledge in a practical setting and develop my skills in the field. Additionally, my participation in other aspects of the company's operations gave me a broader understanding of the business world and the skills required to succeed in it. I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in the OJT program and look forward to applying the lessons I learned in my future endeavors.


Sana nakatulong

19. Write narrative essay for:A .Work Immersion Orientation: Social Graces in the Workplace B. Work Immersion Orientation: Things to do in the WorkplaceC. Career Guidance: Make Your Passion Your Profession​


Career guidance can help individuals identify potential career paths that align with their passions, turning a passion into a profession. It involves taking assessments, researching industries, and gaining practical experience. Working in a field that one loves brings fulfillment and purpose to life. Career counselors or mentors provide support and guidance through setbacks and challenges. With the right guidance and effort, anyone can find a career that aligns with their passions.

20. Write narrative essay for:A .Work Immersion: Social Graces in the Workplace B. Work Immersion: Things to do in the WorkplaceC. Career Guidance: Make Your Passion Your Profession​​​


A.) During my work immersion experience, I learned the importance of social graces in the workplace. It is crucial to maintain a professional demeanor at all times, whether it be through proper communication, punctuality, or dress code. I observed that a respectful attitude towards colleagues and superiors can go a long way in building positive relationships and creating a harmonious work environment. Additionally, being able to adapt to different work styles and personalities is a valuable skill that can enhance productivity and teamwork. Overall, my work immersion experience has taught me that social graces are not just niceties, but essential components of a successful career.

B.) During my work immersion, I learned that there are several things that one can do in the workplace to make the most out of the experience. First and foremost, it is important to always be punctual and arrive on time for work. This shows respect for your employer and colleagues and sets a good example for others. Additionally, it is important to be proactive and take initiative in your work. This means asking questions, seeking feedback, and taking on additional responsibilities when possible. Finally, it is important to maintain a positive attitude and work well with others. By being a team player and fostering positive relationships with colleagues, you can create a more enjoyable and productive work environment.

C.) As we grow up, we are often asked what we want to be when we grow up. For some, the answer comes easily, while for others, it takes time to figure out. I was one of those who took time to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I tried different things, but nothing seemed to fit until I found my passion. I realized that my passion could be turned into a profession. It was not an easy journey, but with guidance and hard work, I was able to turn my passion into a successful career. I believe that if you have a passion for something, you should pursue it and make it your profession. It may not be easy, but it will be worth it in the end.



21. daily narrative for work immersion in 10 days​


nasa picture na po ang sagot


hope it helps...

22. Recommendation about work immersion

A work immersion is one requirement for some courses before graduation. It can help student to be prepared and to foresee what he or she will be doing in his or her chosen field of career. Here are some recommendations about work immersion:

• This work immersion (or study) is relevant and is recommended to students with the same strand or course as we are. This might help you improve your work immersion planning and execution in the future.

• This work immersion (or study) is relevant and is recommended to institutions so that they can analyze the output and so that they can further advance and improve and fund this kind of projects for its students.

Read more about this here:

23. acknowledgement about work immersion​


Dear Sir/ Maam (Name of your boss), Greetings! As I end my work immersion training, I would like to give you my sincerest gratitude for accommodating me here in ( Put the name of the company here ).



24. Paano gumawa ng narrative report for work immersion Gas​


Ang isang narrative report para sa work immersion ay isang detalyadong paglalarawan ng mga karanasan, kasanayan, at mga natutunan sa trabaho. Para magawa ito, kailangan sundin ang mga sumusunod na hakbang:

1. Introduksyon - Simulan ang report sa pamamagitan ng pagpapakilala sa sarili at sa layunin ng report. Isama ang pangalan ng paaralan, programa, at kung kailan at saan naganap ang work immersion.

2. Deskripsyon ng Kompanya - Ito ay naglalaman ng detalyadong impormasyon tungkol sa kompanya kung saan nagtrabaho. Isama ang mga pangunahing produkto at serbisyo ng kompanya, mga empleyado, lokasyon, at iba pa.

3. Deskripsyon ng mga Gawain - Ito ay naglalarawan ng mga gawain na ginawa sa trabaho, kabilang ang mga tungkulin, mga proyekto, at mga responsibilidad. Isama rin ang kahalagahan ng bawat gawain sa kompanya.

4. Natutunan at Kahirapan - Ito ay naglalarawan ng mga natutunan at kahirapan na naranasan sa trabaho. Isama ang mga kasanayan na natutunan, mga hamon na kinaharap, at kung paano ito nalutas.

5. Mga Rekomendasyon - Ito ay naglalaman ng mga rekomendasyon sa kompanya tungkol sa kung paano mapapabuti ang mga proseso at kung paano matutulungan ang kompanya sa hinaharap.

6. Pagtatapos - Sa bahaging ito, magbigay ng paglalahad ng mga personal na pananaw, mga naranasan, at mga natutunan sa buong karanasan. Magbigay ng pasasalamat sa kompanya at sa mga taong naging bahagi ng karanasan.

Mahalaga na maging detalyado sa paglalarawan ng mga karanasan sa work immersion upang makapagbigay ng malinaw na larawan sa mga mambabasa. Isama ang mga halimbawa at personal na pananaw upang mas lalong maging makatotohanan ang report.

Ang narrative report para sa work immersion sa Gas ay maaaring sundin ang sumusunod na mga hakbang:

Introduksyon: Sa bahaging ito, maaring magpakilala ka sa iyong sarili at ibigay ang kahulugan ng work immersion sa Gas para sa iyong kurso o programa. Maari din na isama ang mga layunin ng iyong work immersion.

Paglalarawan ng Kumpanya: Ilahad ang pangalan ng kumpanya, lokasyon, kasaysayan, uri ng negosyo at iba pang mga impormasyon tungkol sa kumpanya. Maari rin magbigay ng mga litrato para makita ng mga mambabasa.

Paglalarawan ng Gawain: Isulat ang mga gawain na ginagawa mo sa loob ng kumpanya. Ito ay maaaring maglaman ng mga aktibidad tulad ng pagpapakarga, pag-download ng mga dokumento atbp. Maari rin na magdagdag ng mga larawan na magpapakita ng mga gawain na iyong ginagawa.

Mga Natutunan: Isulat ang mga natutunan mo sa iyong work immersion. Maaring ito ay mga kasanayan tulad ng pagbabasa ng mga guhit sa plano, pagsusuri ng iba't ibang uri ng mga gas, at pagtitiyak ng kalidad ng mga materyales. Ilahad rin kung paano ito makakatulong sa iyong mga kinabukasan na trabaho.

Mga Hamong Naranasan: Tukuyin ang mga hamon na iyong naranasan sa panahon ng iyong work immersion. Maaari itong maglaman ng pagtitiyaga sa trabaho, pakikipag-usap sa mga empleyado, pag-unawa sa mga komplikadong mga kagamitan atbp.

Mga Rekomendasyon: Sa bahaging ito, maari kang magbigay ng mga rekomendasyon sa kumpanya upang mapabuti pa ang kanilang serbisyo o produkto. Maari rin na magbigay ng mga rekomendasyon para sa mga susunod na magwo-work immersion sa kumpanya.

Paglalagom: Sa huling bahagi, magsummarize ng mga karanasan at mga natutunan sa iyong work immersion sa Gas. Maaring din na magbigay ng pasasalamat sa kumpanya at mga empleyado na tumulong sa iyo sa iyong work immersion.nation:

25. what is your narrative report on your work immersion?​

A Senior High School student has to undergo Work Immersion in an industry that directly relates to the student's postsecondary goal. Through Work Immersion, the students are exposed to and become familiar with work-related environment related to their field of specialization to enhance their competence.

26. Narrative report after a month of work immersion

on the job training

27. Write narrative essay for:A .Work Immersion: Social Graces in the Workplace B. Work Immersion: Things to do in the WorkplaceC. Career Guidance: Make Your Passion Your Profession​​


A. Work Immersion: Social Graces in the Workplace

In this essay, I would write about my experience with work immersion and how I learned about the importance of social graces in the workplace. I would discuss specific examples of how demonstrating good manners, communication skills, and professionalism can help build strong relationships with coworkers and supervisors, as well as make a positive impression on clients or customers. I might also discuss how these skills are transferable to other areas of life, such as personal relationships or public speaking.

B. Work Immersion: Things to Do in the Workplace

For this essay, I would focus on the various tasks and responsibilities that I encountered during my work immersion experience. I would describe the different roles and functions of employees in the workplace, as well as the tools and technologies they use to do their jobs. I might also discuss some of the challenges I faced and how I overcame them, as well as any lessons I learned about teamwork, time management, and problem-solving.

C. Career Guidance: Make Your Passion Your Profession

In this essay, I would discuss the importance of pursuing a career that aligns with one's passions and interests. I would describe how doing work that we love can bring fulfillment and satisfaction, as well as lead to greater success and productivity. I would also discuss some strategies for discovering one's passions and finding career paths that match them, such as exploring different industries, seeking out mentors or advisors, and pursuing educational or training opportunities. Additionally, I might share some personal experiences or insights into my own career journey and how I found my own passion

28. Narrative report in work immersion.

it is a report of your done

29. introduction about work immersion ​

Tama po? sa itaas yung answer

30. example narrative for work immersion

daily records and details

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