Position Paper Sample Topics

Position Paper Sample Topics

Sample position paper entitled "Should Homework be Mandatory? Make a table and identify the following 1. Position paper's Topic 2.Evidences/Reasons 3. Call for Action/Solution​

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1. Sample position paper entitled "Should Homework be Mandatory? Make a table and identify the following 1. Position paper's Topic 2.Evidences/Reasons 3. Call for Action/Solution​


























































2. Sample Outline for a Position Paper I Introduction A. Introduce the topic B. Provide background on the topic C. Assert the thesis (your view of the issue)​

Sure, here's an example outline for a position paper on the topic of climate change:

I. Introduction
A. Introduce the topic: Climate change is a pressing issue that affects the entire planet.
B. Provide background on the topic: Climate change refers to the long-term changes in the Earth's climate, including rising temperatures, changes in precipitation patterns, and more frequent severe weather events.
C. Assert the thesis: Climate change is a serious problem that requires immediate action to mitigate its effects and prevent further damage to the planet.

II. Background Information
A. Provide more detailed background information on the topic: Climate change is caused by human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, which release large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
B. Present different perspectives on the issue: Some argue that climate change is a natural phenomenon that is not caused by human activity, while others believe that the issue is exaggerated or overstated.

III. Main Argument
A. Present your main argument in support of your thesis: Climate change is a real and pressing issue that requires immediate action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to renewable energy sources.
B. Respond to counterarguments: Address the argument that climate change is not caused by human activity by providing evidence of the correlation between rising temperatures and human activity. Address the argument that the issue is exaggerated by providing evidence of the impacts of climate change, such as rising sea levels and more frequent severe weather events.

IV. Conclusion
A. Summarize your main points: Climate change is a serious problem that is caused by human activity and requires immediate action to mitigate its effects.
B. Emphasize the importance of your position: Climate change has far-reaching impacts on the planet and its inhabitants, and it is necessary to take action to prevent further damage.
C. Call to action: Encourage readers to take action to reduce their carbon footprint, support renewable energy sources, and advocate for policies that address climate change.

3. ACTIVITY 4. USE IT Read this sample position paper and identify the stand/ reasons of the writer. Use the reading guide provided for to facilitate better understanding of the paper. Use the template below to make your own position paper. READING GUIDE Please identify the following: Position Paper's Topic/ Issue: Evidences/ Reasons: Call for action/ Solution: Sample Position Daner​


Position Paper's Topic/Issue:Covid 19

Evidences/Reasons-People with Covid-19 face post traumatic symptoms,phychology instability,depression,and anxiety.Quarantine can contribute to stress and anger because of Covid-19 and may also prompt behaviors such as online humbling.

Call for Action/Solution-Continously call out messaging based in tear and mininformation for the facial xenophobia,and implicit biased language that it is. Social justice leaders and communicators,it is their job to calmly COVID-19 with powerful language of infusion, unity, Empowerment,and justice. this will help us to be allies to communities of color, immigrant, who are likely to be disproportionately affected by this pandemic and the narrative surrounding it.


Sana makatulong❤

4. Question 1 The writer is aware of the dire consequences of divorce. But which of the following is not an advantage in passing the divorce law in the Philippines? Select one: a. The passing of the divorce law will protect battered wives or husbands from their abusive partners b. The passing of the divorce law will deviate the existing sexual hierarchy and the presumed dominance of the male spouse in the family c. The passing of the divorce law will reflect a progressive Philippines, free from the hold of religion and tradition d. The passing of the divorce law will encourage more to speak up in face of a difficult marriage and have it as an easy escape Question 2 must be inserted somewhere in the beginning to state the focus and the scope of all the ideas included in the paper. Question 3 is an ethical principle in conducting a survey that reminds the researcher to respect the opinions and position of the respondents in a certain issue. Question 4 is a type of sampling wherein the researcher himself chooses the people who are qualified to respond to the objectives of his/her study. Question 5 Why are women most commonly at the worse end of a divorce? Select one: a. they can't find a suitable job for their skills b. insufficient compensation from spouses c. they have difficulty adjusting to a new lifestyle of living solo Question 6 assumes that the researcher knows his target population and its characteristics. Choosing members of the sample using this method is limited to a specific number of persons. Question 7 One strength of survey is_____ that is shown by the ability to get a specific group of people to answer to a particular issue. Question 8 is a short, sharp, concise document which is written for a particular purpose and audience. Question 9 plays an important part in writing a report as these are commonly written in sections with headings and sub-headings. Question 10 One important tip in writing a report is to avoid using ______ or terms that are widely unfamiliar to your readers. Question 11 refer to the type of response with only two possible _____ Question 12 When was the first recorded outbreak of influenza according to the paper? Answer: Question 13 opens the report and gives a brief description of the problem or topic at hand. Question 14 questions are basically data that contain single words or phrases that can be consolidated to allow for spelling and/or other minor variations. Question 15 In the position paper at the beginning of the test, was the author in favor of the passage of the divorce law in the Philippines? Select one: a. No b. The article did not say so c. Yes Question 16 The recommendation provides suggestions for the improvement of the discussion that are "specific, achievable and Answer ." Question 17 True or False: A position paper must adhere to the rules of style and usage. Answer: Question 18 True or False: Define foreign terms or concepts to let the readers understand your point. Answer: Question 19 True or False: It is not important to name your figures in the presentation of findings. It is enough to describe them as accurately and objectively as possible. Answer: Question 20 One tip in writing a report is to know your Answer . Question 21 It is recommended that the abstract be written _____ because by then, you'd know what points to highlight and what details to omit. Question 22 is one rule in conducting surveys wherein the researcher must be aware of what information must be kept private and public. Question 23 Which of the following is not a preventative measure taken by the Republic of China in preventing the spread of influenza in their country? Select one: a. discovering effective culling practices b. testing of vaccines c. testing surveillance capacities d. conducting wide research on the cause of the influenza Question 24 The total percentage of all the categories for single select questions must be Answer: Question 25 ______ enables the respondent to choose more than one choice out of all possible choices or one that says "all that apply." Question 26 The ______ gives the ideal timeframe for the whole process to serve as a guide for the researcher. Question 27 The _______ section shows the findings of the research done by the researcher by following the methods. Question 28 ______ give the detailed account of a person's knowledge on the topic or his/her experience that is not written on any research. Question 29 _______ serve as sources of information that will help you study an entire population to gain insight to its society. Question 30 An ________ is a question-and-answer activity between the researcher and the respondent for the purpose of knowing what the respondent thinks and feels about the subject of the research study.

For question number one, the answer, “(d) the passing of the divorce law will encourage more to speak up in face of a difficult marriage and have it as an easy escape,” is not an advantage.

For other answers, kindly see the following:


2.   thesis statement

3.   respect

4.   purposive sampling

5.   C.

6.   quota sampling

7.   generalizability

8.   report

9.   outlining

10.                     jargons

11.                     binary response

12.                     11 March 1918

13.                     Numeric value

14.                     Coding

15.                     yes

16.                     measurable

17.                     True

18.                     True

19.                     False

20.                     topic

21.                     last

22.                     closed confidentiality

23.                     D.

24.                     100

25.                     Multiple choices

26.                     timeline

27.                     results

28.                     personal interviews

29.                     demography

30.                     interview

5. Organization of your Position Paper Sample Outline I. Introduction A. Introduce the topic B. Provide background on the topic to explains why it is important II. Body A Your Argument #1 1. Give your educated and informed opinion 2. Provide support/proof using more than one source preferably three B. Your Argument #2 1. Give your educated and informed opinion 2. Provide support/proof using more than one source preferably three C. Your Argument #3 1. Give your educated and informed opinion 2. Provide support/proof using more than one source (preferably three TII. Conclusion A. Restate your argument B. Provide a plan of action but do not introduce new information.​



A. Introduce the topic

Describe the scope of your speech when you introduce your topic.

B. Provide background on the topic to explains why it is important

Importance of Having Enough Background Information.Sufficient background information helps your reader determine if you have a basic understanding of the research problem being investigated and promotes confidence in the overall quality of your analysis and findings.

II. Body A Your Argument #1

1.Give your educated and informed opinion

An educated opinion, then, might be described as “a belief or judgment that rests on grounds sufficient enough to produce some degree of certainty” on a particular topic. These “sufficient grounds” would be the research you've conducted or the learning you've experienced during your studies.

2. Provide support/proof using more than one source preferably three

Background information.

Evidence to support your opinion.

A discussion of both sides of the matter.

B. Your Argument #2

1. Give your educated and informed opinion

a belief, judgment or way of thinking about something based on information She has enough knowledge of the system to offer an informed opinion of why it isn't working.

2. Provide support/proof using more than one source preferably three

Limited Subject. Make sure you've chosen a subject that meets your instructor's requirements for the assignment

Precise Opinion

Blueprint of Reasons

C. Your Argument #3

1. Give your educated and informed opinion

An informed opinion is based on knowledge of the facts and carefully considered principles. It relies on evidence instead of limited personal experience. When you choose sources for your papers, you will generally want an informed opinion from a professional source.

2. Provide support/proof using more than one source (preferably three

A Position Paper Introduction should: Capture the reader's attention. This can be done by posing a question, stating a relevant quote, making a strong statement, or using a statistic. State your thesis (the topic and your opinion on it from your chosen perspective).

A. Restate your argument

Restating your thesis is just a short first part of your conclusion. Make sure that you are not simply repeating yourself; your restated thesis should use new and interesting language. After you have restated your thesis, you should not just summarize the key points of your argument.

B. Provide a plan of action but do not introduce new information.​

The conclusion is intended to help the reader understand why your research should matter to them after they have finished reading the paper. A conclusion is not merely a summary of the main topics covered or a re-statement of your research problem, but a synthesis of key points and, if applicable, where you recommend new areas for future research. For most college-level research papers, one or two well-developed paragraphs is sufficient for a conclusion, although in some cases, more paragraphs may be required in summarizing key findings and their significance.

6. Activity 12: Read the sample position paper. Then answer the questions that follow. Committee: General Assembly Topic: Global Warming Country: The Kingdom of Sweden Global warming's effects and influence on the global climate is visible all around us now. As time has passed in the past century, rce ice has begun to gradually melt and sea le vels have started to rise. f this Situation continues, then low-lying island nations such as Vanuatu ana Maldives will sinlc into the sea and wil simply dis appear Also, climate is changing in many parts of the world because Qglobal warming. For example, acid rain damaging soils and forestS, particularly in our country, serious droughts in Australia, and abnormal weather patterms all over the world. These things are not naturally OCcurrung phenomena - they were caused by human actions. Our nation is aadressing global warmming on a domestic level. For example, we are separating household waste and recycling as much as we can, and are mposing taxes on CO2 emissions. Our carbon diocide emissions are O.4% of the glo bal tota. We are raising public awareness of the environmental problems they will face in the future, and we hope that our people uvill address this issue. But individual natiorns cannot succeed - the only way to secure our fiuture is if we can get a consensus of nations to take action to reduce these efects. Humarns caused this problem and ultimately they must address and deal with it. We must, as global citizens, address this problem actively. Thank you. Reading Comprehension 1. What is the issue taken up in the position paper? 2. Do you agree with the assertions made in the article? Explain 3. Does the writer make a strong stand about the issue presented? How dic he/she convince the reader to believe in his/her claim?​

Hey apple pie I was thinking of the last thing that was in my car and it was so cool to see it and then it

7. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE. DIRECTION: Write TRUE if the statement expresses a fact. If the statement is FALSE, write the word which makes it wrong and write the correct word beside it. 1-2. Position paper is defined as a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer. 3-4. Position paper includes a one-side argument about a certain issue. 5-6. In writing a position paper, it is necessary that you choose an issue that is debatable, current and irrelevant. 7-8. Logical fallacies are errors in reasoning that strengthen one's argument. 9-10. Bandwagon occurs when someone draws a broad conclusion based on a small sample. 11-12. To further strengthen one's arguments, one should look for various credible sources to support one's claims. 13-14. Informal report is analytical and systematic in nature. 15-16. Informal report is usually more controversial in tone and typically deals with everyday problems. 17-18. The question should focus on one topic or item at a time so that the respondents will not be confused which to answer and what to choose. 19-20. Information or data gathered from surveys should be properly disorganized before it could be disseminated. Please follow the directions, okay? Thanks!


1-2. TRUE

3-4. FALSE (Position paper includes both sides of an argument about a certain issue)

5-6. FALSE (In writing a position paper, it is necessary that you choose an issue that is debatable, current and relevant.)

7-8. FALSE (Logical fallacies are errors in reasoning that weaken one's argument)

9-10. TRUE

11-12. TRUE

13-14. FALSE (Informal report is usually less formal in tone and typically deals with everyday problems)

15-16. FALSE (Informal report is usually less controversial in tone and typically deals with everyday problems)

17-18. TRUE

19-20. FALSE (Information or data gathered from surveys should be properly organized before it could be disseminated.)

8. DAY 2LESSON PROPER:Textual aids refer to non-textual elements that help readersunderstand the content of the text. They also refer to elements thatstand- out from the main text such as titles and subtitles, bold,italicized and underlined texts. Non-textual elements includeillustrations, maps, tables, graphs and charts.These aids have two main functions, namely: first, to direct the readers"attention to important ideas in the text and second, to provide moreinformation as a supplement to what is already written.1. Titles and subtitles provide initial idea on what the text is all about, thusactivating what the readers already know about the topic. According to EliteEditing (2015), these aids "represent the key concepts (title) and supportingideas (subtitles) in the paper". The layering or positioning of these aidsconvey the ideas" level ofimportance and their prominent text formatdistinguish the idea that they contain from the rest of the text.Here is an interactive example so that you will understand betterhow titles and subtitles work as textual aids.NOTE TO LEARNERS: notice how the titles and subtitlespresented below and think of the answers to the questions thatfollow. Discussion of the answers follows after the example.1. What do you notice with these textual aids? How do theylook like?2. Between Title 1 and Title 2, which do you think is theoverall title of the article? Why do you say so?3. From all the titles, which are the key concepts and whichare the supporting details? Why do you say so?4. Based on how the sample is presented, do you think thepositioning of these titles is correct and appropriate? Whydo you say so?5. Given the titles and subtitles, what do you think is thearticle about? What do you already know about it?​


nasa picture po yung sagot Pa brainliest




decore the following jumbled letters then write your answers in your notebook


ok lang Yan kapatid wag puro brainly

10. What is it? Activity 12: Read the sample position paper. Then answer the questions that follow. Committee: General Assembly Topic: Global Warming Country: The Kingdom of Sweden Delegates: ***************** Global warming's effects and influence on the global climate is visible all around us now. As time has passed in the past century, Arctic ice has begun to gradually melt and sea levels have started to rise. If this situation continues, then low-lying island nations such as Vanuatu and Maldives will sink into the sea and will simply disappear. Also, climate is changing in many parts of the world because of global warming. For example, acid rain damaging soils and forests, particularly in our country, serious droughts in Australia, and abnormal weather patterns all over the world. These things are not naturally occurring phenomena - they were caused by human actions. Our nation is addressing global warming on a domestic level. For example, we are separating household waste and recycling as much as we can, and are imposing taxes on CO2 emissions. Out carbon dioxide emissions are 0.4% of the global total. We are raising public awareness of the environmental problems they will face in the future, and we hope that our people will address this issue. But individual nations cannot succeed - the only way to secure our future is if we can get a consensus of nations to take action to reduce these effects. Humans caused this problem and ultimately they must address and deal with it. We must, as global citizens, address this problem actively. Thank you. http://moltopower.weebly.com/uploads/7/1/3/9/71396807/position paper.pdf Reading Comprehension 1. What is the issue taken up in the position paper? 2. Do you agree with the assertions made in the article? Explain 3. Does the writer make a strong stand about the issue presented? How did he/she convince the reader to believe in his/her claim?​


1. The issue taken up in the position paper is global warming and its effects on the global climate.

2. As an AI language model, I don't have a personal opinion. However, the assertions made in the article are supported by scientific evidence and data, and it is widely accepted that global warming is a pressing issue that needs to be addressed by individual nations and the international community as a whole.

3. Yes, the writer makes a strong stand about the issue presented. He/she provides specific examples of the effects of global warming and how their country is addressing the issue on a domestic level, but also emphasizes that individual nations cannot succeed alone and that a consensus of nations is necessary to reduce the effects of global warming. The writer convinces the reader to believe in their claim by presenting scientific evidence, providing specific examples, and appealing to the reader's sense of responsibility as a global citizen.

11. DAY 2LESSON PROPER:Textual aids refer to non-textual elements that help readersunderstand the content of the text. They also refer to elements thatstand out from the main text such as titles and subtitles, bold,italieired and underlined texts. Non-textual elementsincludeillustrations, maps, tables, graphs and charts.These ads have no main functious, namely: first, to direct the readersattention to important ideas in the text and second, to provide moreinformation as a supplement to what is already written.I. Titles and subtitles provide initial idea on what the text is all about, thusactivating what the readers already know about the topic. According to EliteEditing (2015), these aids "represent the key concepts (title) and supportingideas (subtitles) in the paper". The layering or positioning of these aidsconvey the ideas level ofimportance and their prominent text formatdistinguish the idea that they contain from the rest of the text.Here is an interactive example so that you will understand betterhow tites and subtitles work as textual aids.NOTE TO LEARNERS: notice how the titles and subtitlespresented below and think of the answers to the questions thatfollow. Discussion of the answers follows after the example.1. What do you notice with these textual aids? How do theylook like?2. Begreen Title 1 and Title 2, which do you think is theoverall title of the article? Why do you say so?3. From all the titles, which are the key concepts and whichare the supporting details? Why do you say so?4. Based on how the sample is presented, do you think thepositioning of these titles is correct and appropriate? Whydo you say so?5. Given the titles and subtitles, what do you think is thearticle about? What do you already know about it?​


d ko alam Kung anong sagot

12. Modified True or False. Write T if the statement expresses a fact. If the statement is false, write the word which makes it wrong and write the correct word beside it. 1-2. Position paper is defined as a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer. 3-4. Position paper includes a one-side argument about a certain issue. 5-6. In writing a position paper, it is necessary that you choose an issue that is debatable, current and irrelevant. 7-8. Logical fallacies are errors in reasoning that strengthen one's argument. 9-10. Bandwagon occurs when someone draws a broad conclusion based on a small sample. 11-12. To further strengthen one's arguments, one should look for various credible sources to support one's claims. 13-14. Informal report is analytical and systematic in nature. 15-16. Informal report is usually more controversial in tone and typically deals with everyday problems. 17-18. The question should focus on one topic or item at a time so that the respondents will not be confused which to answer and what to choose. 19-20. Information or data gathered from surveys should be properly disorganized before it could be disseminated.


True because I think so too


true I think but sure it right


pls don't forget to thanks

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