Purpose Of Study In Research Example

Purpose Of Study In Research Example

what is the purpose of the research in the give an example of the significance of the study above​

Daftar Isi

1. what is the purpose of the research in the give an example of the significance of the study above​


it's main purpose is to convince the reader

2.  This study attempted to evaluate the status and extent of implementation of the Computer Education Program in the Division of Rizal SY 2015-2016 as perceived by teacher and student respondents. This statement is an example of? A. Objective or Purpose of the StudyB. Specific Question C. Research Question D. Introduction ​




A po ang sagot promise nasa module ko yan check ang binigay ni ma'am

3. 1. Marcht hands out a survey to find out the average age and schooling level of his class. What type of research is this? a. Cause and effectHistoricalDescriptiveAppliedWhich of the following describes experimental methods?DescriptiveCorrelationalCause-and-effectQualitativeHow can the absentee rate among grade 8 Mendel students be reduced? This is an example ofAnalytical researchPredictive researchExploratory researchQualitative researchWhat type of research used to answer a specific problem or to gain understanding?Applied researchExploratory researchQuantitative researchQualitative researchWhat category of research does exploratory belong?PurposeOutcomeProcessWhich of the following is not a feature of research?PurposivenessTestabilityReplicabilityComplexibilityStatistics is always present in a quantitative research qualitative researchnon-statistical researchWhen a researcher attempts to prove or disprove a theory, he is doinga pure researchan exploratory researchan applied researchPharmacologists who are trying to look for cures to certain illnesses doexperimental researchexploratory researchdirective researchWhen a researcher wants to see a total picture of the thing studied, he conductsan analytic studya longitudinal studya holistic study​


1. b 2.c 3.c 4.a 5.c 6.a 7.a 8. a 9.b 10.c




4. TRUE AND FALSE ____1. Qualitative research can pave the way for great knowledge of a certain phenomenon. ____2. The purpose of historical study is to explain and examine events of the earlier happenings to know the present and anticipate potential further effects. ____3. A researcher’s personal participation in people’s activities is necessary in a case study. ____4. Through the inquiry of your subjects, you will happen to find a theory that relates to your recent study. ____5. The issue, “What are the adversities experienced by a person with a family member who was infected by a virus?” is an example of phenomenological research










5. Source: Tomoyo, E. (2021). Challenges Encountered by Students. Parents, and Teachers in The Implementation of Modular Distance Leaming at Baras National High School Technical Terms Example from the abstract 1. Purpose of the Study 2. Methodology 3-5. Sample 6. Research Instrument 7-9. Variables 10-12. Findings 13-14. Recommendations 15. Title of the Study


Title of the Study: Challenges Encountered by Students, Parents, and Teachers in the Implementation of Modular Distance Learning at Baras National High School.

Purpose of the Study: The purpose of the study is to identify the challenges encountered by students, parents, and teachers in the implementation of modular distance learning at Baras National High School.

Methodology: The study used a descriptive research design to gather data through a survey questionnaire.

3-5. Sample: The sample of the study included 200 students, 50 parents, and 30 teachers from Baras National High School who were selected through simple random sampling.

Research Instrument: The research instrument used in the study was a survey questionnaire consisting of open-ended and close-ended questions.

7-9. Variables: The independent variable in the study was the implementation of modular distance learning, while the dependent variables were the challenges encountered by students, parents, and teachers.

10-12. Findings: The study found that the main challenges encountered by students, parents, and teachers in the implementation of modular distance learning were lack of access to technology, poor internet connectivity, lack of motivation, and difficulty in understanding the learning materials.

13-14. Recommendations: Based on the findings, the study recommended that the school should provide adequate resources such as laptops and internet connectivity to students who lack access to technology. Additionally, the school should conduct training for parents and teachers on how to use the learning materials effectively.

15. Title of the Study: Challenges Encountered by Students, Parents, and Teachers in the Implementation of Modular Distance Learning at Baras National High School.








7. true or false1. the first step in conducting is to define the problem.2. Scientific method is a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge.3. An examination of the effect of nutrients on the growth of fish in lakes within five different watersheds is an example of basic research.4. Observation is a one-on-one discussions designed to provide a detailed picture of individualparticipants views about their interest.5. Research methodology describes theoretical perspective and previous research findings related to the topic or the problem at hand.6. Questionnaire refers to a paper and pencil data gathering method where in the subject or respondent completely answers a series of questions.7. Looking in a encyclopedia to determined who discovered the north pole is an example of research.8. The introduction establishes the scope, context and significance of the research to be conducted. This also states the purpose why the study will be conducted.9. Research imrpoves practices and informs policy debates.10. acknowledgment or research collaboration and assistance is ethical.thanks po sa sasagot.​












8. IDENTIFICATION: Identify what is being asked.ANSWERQUESTIONS_________1. What is the third stage of Research Process?_________2. It is an account of what has been published on a topic by accredited scholars andresearchers__________3. It is the most important element that defines the research problem.__________4. These narrows the purpose into specific questions that the researcher would liketo answer in the study.__________5. An approach moves from general ideas/theories to specific particular &situations.__________6. What is the other term of specific sub-problems or sub-questions?___________7. It the study of people in their own environment through the use of methods suchas participant observation and face-to-face interviewing___________8. It educates and monitors the conduct of researches to ensure high ethicalstandards.. It is a systemic collection and objective evaluation of data related to pastoccurrence.___________10. What is the common term of qualitative research?___________11. Copying text "as is" without quotation marks and with no citation or source isan example of___________12. What type of report is the final report of a qualitative research?____________13. These are "firsthand”- original research that generates new knowledge, suchas scientific studies, social science surveys or case studies, and so on.____________14. It refers to a statement that promptly suggests for conducting an investigation.____________15. It is the broad subject matter of the study.​


1. give a title

2.literature review

3.staement of the problem

4.research topic

5.deductibe reasoning

6.specific question


8.research ethics

9.qualitatibe research

10.interpretatibe research


12.narrative report

13.primary research

14.research problem

15.researh topic

9. 11. Which of the following is an example of a descriptive research question?A. How often do Senior High School students buy mobile apps for academic purposes?B. What is the relationship between gender and attitudes towards academic piracy amongst SeniorHigh School students?C. How does salary influence the career choices of Senior High School students?D. None of the above.12. Which of the following research questions is an example of a relationship-based question?A. What is the relationship between study time and exam scores amongst PGNHS Senior HighSchool students?B. What is the difference in the number of mobile phone calls between millennial adults and otherpeople?C. What is the influence of a change in break routine at a secondary school on students' ability towork?D. None of the above13. In this kind of quantitative research, research questions are formulated to identify the causes of a phenomenonin the context of the chosen research problem.A. Correlational ResearchC. Ex Post Facto ResearchB. Descriptive ResearchD. Case Study14. The research questions for this kind of quantitative research requires answers brought about by control ofparticular variable during the conduct of the study.A. Descriptive ResearchC. Survey ResearchB. Experimental ResearchD. Phenomenological Research15. In formulating a quantitative research question, a researcher must:A. Formulate a research problem that is not researchable.B. State your quantitative research problem in a general manner.C. Express your research problem in an interrogative manner only.D. Construct a research problem that mirrors the importance of carrying out the research.​








Sana makatulong ehehheheeh













That's the right answer

11. What I Need to Know In this week’s lesson, you are to be introduced to the world of research as a discipline. Often, you hear your teachers ask you to do research on a certain assignment. Or you research to get information about a certain person, event, or a company. Sometimes, a problem needs to be studied carefully before a solution can be formulated. This process of carefully gathering information for whatever purpose it might serve is an example of a simple research. At the end of this week, you are expected to: 1. define research;2. differentiate between inquiry and research;3. characterize research and enumerate the steps followed when conducting one;4. articulate the importance of research in daily life;5. share research experience and knowledge; 6. display a deeper appreciation for the value of research.please help me​

1. Articulate


3.Enumerate 4.Importance 5.Experience 6.Appreciation

12. Example below:Respondents and Sampling ProcedureThe respondents of the study comprised of twelve (12) women whoexperienced breast cancer in Thrive Breast Cancer Support group in Cagayande Oro city. The sampling design that the researchers utilized was purposivesampling. The respondents who participated in the study were women whoare breast cancer survivors. The said respondents chose because the saidwomen were the only respondents who are willing and available to share theirexperiences in breast cancer.Create your own Example:​

Explanation: The design of a research topic explains the type of research (experimental, survey, correlational, semi-experimental, review) and also its sub-type (experimental design, research problem, descriptive case-study). There are three main types of research design: Data collection, measurement, and analysis.

13. Respondents and Sampling ProcedureThe respondents of the study comprised of twelve (12) women who experienced breast cancer in Thrive Breast Cancer Support group in Cagayan de Oro City. The sampling design that the researchers utilized was purposive sampling. The respondents who participated in the study were women who are breast cancer survivors. The said respondents chose because the said women were the only respondents who are willing and available to share their experiences in breast cancer.Create your own example:Subject INQUIRIES, INVESTIGATION, AND IMMERSION​


we have to get it was just got it is a good day and the best friend I

14. Activity 3: My Research's Significance and Scope and DelimitationDirections: Based on the discussion above, Write the Scope and Delimitation of your Study. An exampleis shown below by Fernandez, L. (2018).Scope and DelimitationThis research intends to determine the lived experiences of the participants and how they were able tosurpass the challenges they encountered in their Mathematics subject only. This research will be confined onlyto the portals of Infant Jesus Montessori center (Junior High School) for its study. Considerations will be givento the purposively selected participants (students at risk in Mathematics) enrolled in junior high school levelduring the school year 2017-2018.Scope and Delimitationpa sagot po please mamark as brainlies ko​


Many currently available drugs show unfavourable physicochemical properties for delivery into or across the skin and temporary chemical modulation of the penetrant is one option to achieve improved delivery properties. Pro-drugs are chemical derivatives of an active drug which is covalently bonded to an inactive pro-moiety in order to overcome pharmaceutical and pharmacokinetic barriers. A pro-drug relies upon conversion within the body to release the parent active drug (and pro-moiety) to elicit its pharmacological effect. The main drawback of this approach is that the pro-moiety is essentially an unwanted ballast which, when released, can lead to adverse effects. The term 'co-drug' refers to two or more therapeutic compounds active against the same disease bonded via a covalent chemical linkage and it is this approach which is reviewed for the first time in the current article. For topically applied co-drugs, each moiety is liberated in situ, either chemically or enzymatically, once the stratum corneum barrier has been overcome by the co-drug. Advantages include synergistic modulation of the disease process, enhancement of drug delivery and pharmacokinetic properties and the potential to enhance stability by masking of labile functional groups. The amount of published work on co-drugs is limited but the available data suggest the co-drug concept could provide a significant therapeutic improvement in dermatological diseases. However, the applicability of the co-drug approach is subject to strict limitations pertaining mainly to the availability of compatible moieties and physicochemical properties of the overall molecule.

i i hope i can help

15. Research subject po itoNeed help po Pls. Answer it correctly and surely~These are the immediate financial expenses of a researcha budget proposalc. indirect costd. Utility cost~What is the main purpose of the review of the related literature?a. It provides context to the readers.b. It illustrates how the topic was studied in the past.c. It enables the researcher to learn from previous studies.d. t justifies the research and makes sure that it has not been done before~Which of the following should be written first?a introductionc. review of related literatureb. methodologyconflict about the research topicd. title page~This is a definite and clear description of the current conflict about the research topic.a. objectivesb. background of the study c. significance of the studyd. statement of the problem~It is a short but detailed explanation of the research paper. This also shows the methodsneeded to be used in the research paper.a. abstractc. methodologyb. introductiond. review of related literature~Which of thc following is not an example of a direct cost?a. Php 50 – worth of a single test tubeb. Php 1.5 million - worth of a microscopec. Php 10,000 - worth of a chemical reagent for cleaning the laboratoryd. Php 500 - worth of bottled water for mixing chemicals~It is a brief but coherent text that describes the projected study. Its main purpose is topresent and justify the need to conduct the study.a research proposalb. background of the study c. significance of the studyd. statement of the problem~Which of the following is not a step in creating an outline?a. Create the first category.b. Know the main idea of the research.c. Identify which category is less importantd. Develop the outline by creating subcategories​


~These are the immediate financial expenses of a research

a budget proposal

c. indirect cost

d. Utility cost

*The answer is a

~What is the main purpose of the review of the related literature?

a. It provides context to the readers.

b. It illustrates how the topic was studied in the past.

c. It enables the researcher to learn from previous studies.

d. t justifies the research and makes sure that it has not been done before

*The answer is c

~Which of the following should be written first?

a introduction

c. review of related literature

b. methodology

conflict about the research topic

d. title page

*The answer is a

~This is a definite and clear description of the current conflict about the research topic.

a. objectives

b. background of the study

c. significance of the study

d. statement of the problem

*The answer is  b

~It is a short but detailed explanation of the research paper. This also shows the methods needed to be used in the research paper.

a. abstract

c. methodology

b. introduction

d. review of related literature

*The answer is c

~Which of thc following is not an example of a direct cost?

a. Php 50 – worth of a single test tube

b. Php 1.5 million - worth of a microscope

c. Php 10,000 - worth of a chemical reagent for cleaning the laboratory

d. Php 500 - worth of bottled water for mixing chemicals

*The answer is a

~It is a brief but coherent text that describes the projected study. Its main purpose is to present and justify the need to conduct the study.

a research proposal

b. background of the study

c. significance of the study

d. statement of the problem

*The answer is a

~Which of the following is not a step in creating an outline?

a. Create the first category.

b. Know the main idea of the research.

c. Identify which category is less important

d. Develop the outline by creating subcategories

​*The answer is b



16. 1. If a researcher would like to study the way of life of the Igorots, their folkways, mores, s/he will most likely use what research design? *a. Phenomenologyb. Case Studyc. Ethnographyd. Grounded Theory2. When a researcher aims to investigate the life and experiences of an alcoholic, a teenage mom, or a successful entrepreneur, what research deign should s/he use? *a. Phenomenologyb. Case Studyc. Ethnographyd. Historical Approach3. If you want to study about the evolution of print journalism in the Philippines through the study of collections of new papers, which qualitative research design is appropriate to use? *a. Phenomenologyb. Narrative Inquiryc. Ethnographyd. Historical Approach4. As a researcher, how are you going to use phenomenology as an approach to a qualitative study about the victims of typhoon Yolanda? *a. Ask the victims on their experiences during the typhoon.b. Look for historical data about instances where the victims were also victims of flooding in the past.c. Have an in-depth understanding on the socio-economic impact of typhoons.d. Formulate a theory.5. If I conduct a research and recruit for my sample my friend Will, and he recruits his friend Mark, and he recruits his friend Aileen, and she recruits her friend Glendy, that is an example of what kind of sampling technique? *a. convenience samplingb. purposive samplingc. snowball samplingd. systematic sampling6. Angelika is interested in what kinds of activities are enjoyed by most third graders. She makes a list of the third graders in her school district, alphabetizes the list, and asks every 10th student what they like to do for fun. What method of sampling is this? *a. purposive samplingb. simple random samplingc. stratified samplingd. systematic sampling7. If I put all names of the Grade 11 students taking the ABM strand in a box and draw one out, that is an example of what kind of sampling? *a. purposive samplingb. simple random samplingc. stratified samplingd. systematic sampling8. If a researcher chooses only men over 60 for a study, this is an example of what type of sampling method? *a. purposive samplingb. simple random samplingc. stratified samplingd. systematic sampling9. A researcher was interested in the effectiveness of a given learning program in preparing 100 high school juniors from five different schools for the National Achievement Test (NAT). What is the sample? *a. Filipino high school studentsb. High school juniorsc. 100 high school juniors from 5 different high schoolsd. 5 different high schools10. What influences the sample size of a qualitative research? *a. research designb. saturation pointc. a and bd. none of the above​




nag sagot nako ng ganyan kinopy ko nlng pa branliest salamat

17. What I Need to KnowIn this week’s lesson, you are to be introduced to the world of research as a discipline. Often, you hear your teachers ask you to do research on a certain assignment. Or you research to get information about a certain person, event, or a company. Sometimes, a problem needs to be studied carefully before a solution can be formulated. This process of carefully gathering information for whatever purpose it might serve is an example of a simple research. At the end of this week, you are expected to: 1. define research;2. differentiate between inquiry and research;3. characterize research and enumerate the steps followed when conducting one;4. articulate the importance of research in daily life;5. share research experience and knowledge; 6. display a deeper appreciation for the value of research.pahelp po please​

how much ba para sa gems mo eh I have to get reroll guide to the Galaxy mythical creatures in sky tonight and I give you a call when I get home from work now and I give you a call when I

18. TRY MORERead and understand the following statements. Write TRUE on the line if the statementapplies in writing a research paper, and FALSE if it is notThe first step in conducting research is to define the problem2. Scientific method is a body of techniques for investigating phenomenaacquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previousknowledge.An examination of the effect of nutrients on the growth of fish in lakes withinfive different watersheds is an example of basic research.4. Observation is a one-on-one discussions designed to provide delo edpicture of individual participant's views about their interest5. Research methodology describes theoretical perspective and previousresearch findings related to the topic or problem at hand.6. Questionnaire refers to a paper and pencil data gathering method whereinthe subject or respondent completely answers a series of questions7. Looking in an encyclopedia to determine who discovered the North Pole isan example of research.8. The introduction establishes the scope, context and significance of theresearch to be conducted. This also states the purpose why the study willbe conducted9. Research improves practices and informs policy debates10. Acknowledgment of research collaboration and assistance is ethical​

Answer:does the answer help you? if u have any idea on that question? is this true or false you can add it at the comment section thank you!

Step-by-step explanation:

(#Call your brain)

19. 5. This presents the coverage of the research in terms of location, time, respondents, etc., andproblems with the study identified by the researcher.a Background of the studyC. Significance of the studyb. Scope and delimitationd. Statement of the problem6.Considered as sub-problems of your research problem. It helps to clarify and specify the reseaa. Topicb. Research Problem c. Purpose Statementd. Resea7. Which is NOT a characteristic of a good research question?Clearb. Unethicalc. Feasibled. Signifi8.A kind of variable that depends on other factors that are measured and are affected or influena Mediating Variablec. Moderating Variableb. Control Variabled. Dependent Variable9. The following are the weaknesses of a quantitative research except one:a Quantitative research design is rigid and not very flexible.b. Quantitative research requires large sample size that makes it more costly.C. Quantitative research findings are generalizable to the population.d. Quantitative research participants are limited to choose only from the given responses10. Temperature is an example of what type of variable.a.Nominalb. RatioC. Intervald. Ord11. In what particular field does a quantitative research can be applied if a researcher wants tois effective to improve the academic performance of a learner?​

5) B. Scope and delimitation

A research paper's or thesis's scope and delimitations are two of its components. A study's scope outlines the parameters it will operate within and the depth to which the research area will be investigated in the endeavor.

6) B. Research Problem

A research problem is something that cultivates in your mind a difficulty or uncertainty significant enough to motivate you to conduct an empirical investigation in which you look for solutions to a problem by gathering and analyzing data or information in order to identify the appropriate response or solution.

7) B. Unethical

You should base your study designs and methods on a set of ethical issues. Voluntary involvement, informed permission, anonymity, secrecy, the possibility of harm, and the transmission of outcomes are some of these principles.

8) D. Dependent Variable

The dependent variable on other measurable variables As a result of experimental manipulation of the independent variable or variables, these variables should change. It is the assumed outcome.

9) A. Quantitative research design is rigid and not very flexible.

Comparatively, qualitative approaches are more adaptable and less formal.

10) C. Interval

Temperature (Fahrenheit), temperature (Celcius), pH, SAT score (200-800), and credit score are a few examples of interval variables (300-850).

11) Sociology, psychology, public health, and politics.

Frequently do quantitative research. Additionally, it is extensively employed in the disciplines of economics, marketing, and healthcare.

Learn more about quantitative research here: https://brainly.ph/question/3152454


20. 1. The following are guidelines in writing the Statement of the Problem EXCEPT. A. The researcher should be aware of his or her personal biases. B. Research questions should be stated in the interrogative form and they should be clear to avoid confusion. C. The summary of the answers to all the specific questions will give a complete development of the entire study. D. The general statement of the problem and the research questions should be formulated first before conducting the research. 2. This section of the introduction shows the benefits of the study to address issues and problems, in improving economic and health conditions, or even finding solutions to problems encountered in daily life. A. Research Questions B. Scope and Delimitation C. Significance of the Study D. Statement of the Problem 3. This sets the boundaries and parameters of the study, narrows the scope of the inquiry. A. Research Questions B. Scope and Delimitation C. Significance of the Study D. Statement of the Problem 4. "How do mental health problems affect students' academic performance” is an example of? A. Purpose Statement B. Research Question C. Research Topic D. Statement of the Problem 5. It sets up the context, relevance and aims of the research study. A. Purpose Statement B. Research Question 29








correct me if I'm wrong:))

21. 16. Case study, Textbook, Research Articles are classified asa. Audienceb. purposec. genre17. People who live in Leeds, Researchers, Students in the Discipline of the Topic are classified asa. Purposeb. audiencec. genre18. To demonstrate understanding for the purpose of assessment, to provide useful information for financial planners, to share the results of the writer's own research project.What part of the text do the above examples belong?a. Genreb. purposec. audience19. This refers to the author's intended readers for the text.a. Genreb. audiencec. purpose20. It refers to the author's reason for writing the text.a. Purposeb. audiencec. genre​

16. C.

17. B.

18. B.

19. B.

20. A.

22. 6.)what technical term in research is the above example?A.Analysis of DataB.Scope and delimitationC.Significance of the studyD.Summary and Conclusions7.)Which technical term in research introduces and describes the concept which explains why the research problem under study exists?A.Research QuestionsB.Purpoae of the StudyC.Role of the Ressearcher D.Statistical Treatment8.)Which refers to a group of individuals participating in the study or research?A.Respondents B.Research LocaleC.Research Problem D.Statistical Treatment9.)Which describes in brief the place where the study was conducted and the rationale behind its choice?A.Methodology B.Research Locale C.Scope and DelimitationD.Significance of the Study10.)Which tells about the process of gathering and measuring information on variables of interest that enables one to answer stated research questions,test hypotheses,and evaluate ourcomes?A.Data Analysis B.Data Collection C.Related LiteratureD.Summary and Conclusions11.Which presents the finding of the research in an orderly manner?A.Results B.Abstract C.Discussion D.Introduction 12.)Which gives comment on the trends /findings and show what the data suggest?A.Results B.Discussion C.MethodologyD.Literature Review13.)Which technical term in research is the boxed example above?14.)Which intoduces the goal,the methodology,results,and findings of the study?A.AbstractB.IntroductionC.Theoretical Lens D.Results and Discussion 15.)Which technical term in research refers to an answerable inquiry into a specific concern or issue?A.Research Locale B.Research purpose C.Research Questions D.Research Participants​







23. Direction: Write the letter of the BEST answer in the blank before each number._______1. This involves a comprehensive and extensive examination of a particular individual, group, or situation over a period of time.A. Case StudyC. Grounded Theory StudyB. EthnographyD. Historical Study_______2. This study analyzes a group of people to understand better their culture.A. Case Study C. Grounded Theory StudyB. EthnographyD. Phenomenological Study _______3. Identification, location, evaluation, and synthesis of data from past events.A. Case Study C. Grounded Theory StudyB. EthnographyD. Historical Study _______4. It examines human experiences (lived experiences) through the descriptions provided by subjects or respondents.A. Case Study C. Grounded Theory StudyB. EthnographyD. Phenomenological Study_______5. The method involves comparing collected units of data against one another until categories, and hypothesis that state relations between these categories and properties emerge.A. Case Study C. Grounded Theory StudyB. EthnographyD. Historical Study _______6. The main purpose of this study is the development of cultural theories.A. EthnographyC. Historical Study B. Grounded Theory StudyD. Phenomenological Study _______7. Which of the following is an example of a random sampling method?A. Convenience SamplingC. Systematic SamplingB. Purposive SamplingD. Volunteer Sampling_______8. If I have a list of students and pick every other one for my research, I am employing which of the answer choices?A. Convenience SamplingC. Stratified SamplingB. Simple Random SamplingD. Systematic Sampling_______9. If I put all tickets for a raffle in a bin and draw one out, that is an example of:A. Purposive SamplingC. Stratified SamplingB. Simple Random SamplingD. Systematic Sampling_______10. If I conduct a research and choose for my sample whoever walks by in the mall. That is an example of which of the answer choices?A. Convenience SamplingC. Snowball SamplingB. Purposive SamplingD. Systematic Sampling_______11. If a researcher conducts a study and chooses for a sample of all the members of a psychology class because he thinks they will make the best subjects, that is an example of:A. Convenience SamplingC. Snowball SamplingB. Purposive SamplingD. Systematic Sampling_______12. If I conduct a research and recruit for my sample friend Joe, and he recruits his friend Amber, and she recruits her friend Gina, that is an example of:A. Convenience SamplingC. Snowball SamplingB. Purposive Samplingpa help pleaseD. Systematic Sampling​














24. Activity 2: True or False Direction: Write True if the statement is true and write False if the statement is false. ______1. A research is simply asking various questions about the thing you are curious. ______2. The purpose of research is to learn how to work independently. ______3. It is okay not to seek informed consent. ______4. A research must always be systematic. ______5. In conducting research study, the researcher can use other research materials without acknowledging the author. ______6. Researchers are expected to consider ethical implications of their research. ______7. Qualitative research is the same with quantitative research when it comes to methodology. ______8. A case study is an example of Qualitative research, ______9. Qualitative research is a method that collects data using conversational methods, usually open-ended questions. ______10. The process of research usually starts with developing a research question.​


1. true

2. false

3. false

4. true

5. false

6. true

7. false

8. true

9. true

10. true


1. True

2. False

3. False

4. True

5. True

6. True

7. True

8. True

9. True

10. False

Hope it's help, Correct me if I'm wrong.

25. 1. Cyberbullying at work is a growing threat to employee job satisfaction. Researchers want to find out why people do this and how they feel about it. The primary purpose of the study is_ a. Description b. Prediction c. Exploration d. Explanation 2. If you were wanting to determine the relationship that exist between two variables which research method would you use? a. Descriptive c. Quasi-Experimental b. Experimental d. Correlation 3. The introduction of planned change on one or more of the variables; measurement on a small number of variables and control of other variables. a. Ethnography c. Survey b. Experiment d. Case Study 4. What implications do values have on research? a. They set the price the research is worth to be sold for. b. They influence the number of researchers to be involved in the study. c. The value of the dataset to other researchers. d. They influence the ethical decisions of the researcher. 5. In an experiment, the group that does not receive the intervention is called: a. The experimental group c. The participant group b. The control group d. The treatment group 6. Which of the following problem statement is an example of experimental research? a. The anti-bacterial and collagenous potential of Poikilospermum suaveolens (Blume) merr as moisturizing gel b. Food safety and handling practices of street food vendors c. The impact of microscale lending investors to the economic growth of the Municipality of Narra d. The number of students who have at least one hour a day study habit​


mae1 Tap on a clip to paste it in the text box.Touch and hold a clip to pin it. Unpinned clips will be deleted after 1 hour.









I hope is help

26. The Research title or inquiry forms a vital part of the research process. Without it, the researcher would not be able to achieve the purposes he/she would set for to conduct a study. Directions: Given the prevailing situations in the country and the world, write three (5) Research Titles that can be undertaken by a Senior High School student Example: Online Classroom: an Effective Mode of Learning 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Assessment




The Research title or inquiry forms a vital part of the research process. Without it, the

researcher would not be able to achieve the purposes he/she would set for to conduct a


Directions: Given the prevailing situations in the country and the world, write three (5)

Research Titles that can be undertaken by a Senior High School student

Example: Online Classroom: an Effective Mode of Learning







27. Example: The main purpose of the study is to provide information regarding metro-sexuality and how being a metro-sexual affects the lifestyle of the students. The study considers the students' personal information such as name (optional), gender, age, sexuality. The researcher limited the study to 80 male and female secondary education students involved in the second semester of school year 2015-2016 of Technological Institute of the Philippines. Each of the respondents was given a questionnaire to answer. The students selected came from four different section sto prevent bias and get objective perceptions. 1. What:2. Where: 3. Who: 4. When: 5. Why: 6. How:​




what you gonna do with the big but ball

28. 6. If a researcher conducts a study and chooses for a sample of all the members of a psychology class because he thinks they will make the best subjects, that is an example of:a. Convenience samplingb. Purposive samplingc. Snowball samplingd. Systematic sampling​



---Purposive sampling, also known as judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling, is a form of non-probability sampling in which researchers rely on their own judgment when choosing members of the population to participate in their surveys.

29. Example below:Respondents and Sampling ProcedureThe respondents of the study comprised of twelve (12) women whoexperienced breast cancer in Thrive Breast Cancer Support group in Cagayande Oro city. The sampling design that the researchers utilized was purposivesampling. The respondents who participated in the study were women whoare breast cancer survivors. The said respondents chose because the saidwomen were the only respondents who are willing and available to share theirexperiences in breast cancer.Create your own Example:​


here this is the answer i hope its help ^_^














hope its help heheeh














hope it helps:)

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