Reflection About Business Plan

Reflection About Business Plan

Write True if the statement is correct and false if otherwise. 1. One of the sections in the introduction of the business plan is the address of the business. 2. The funding source and requirements are usually shown as a part of the business description. 3. The business plan is a mixture of facts and assumptions. 4. All forces in the societal environment must be critically evaluated. 5. The foundation of the industry analysis is the evaluation or study conducted on the customers and competitors. 6. The production schedule reflects the exact process of making a product. 7. The marketing plan describes in detail how the project will be finally sold to the target consumers. 8. Much of the information in the marketing plan is the output of research. 9. The marketing plan contains the factors or variables of the marketing mix. 10.The financial plan contains information about the financing scheme of the business.I

Daftar Isi

1. Write True if the statement is correct and false if otherwise. 1. One of the sections in the introduction of the business plan is the address of the business. 2. The funding source and requirements are usually shown as a part of the business description. 3. The business plan is a mixture of facts and assumptions. 4. All forces in the societal environment must be critically evaluated. 5. The foundation of the industry analysis is the evaluation or study conducted on the customers and competitors. 6. The production schedule reflects the exact process of making a product. 7. The marketing plan describes in detail how the project will be finally sold to the target consumers. 8. Much of the information in the marketing plan is the output of research. 9. The marketing plan contains the factors or variables of the marketing mix. 10.The financial plan contains information about the financing scheme of the business.I





1. True

2. True

3. True

4. True

5. True

6. True

7. True

8. True

9. True

10. False



2. If you’re thinking about starting a business, most likely you have dreamed of one that involves your interests. But, what does the market need or want? Do you know who is buying what and how much, or how, where and why they are buying those goods or services already? Determining the marketability of your start-up business is typically done in the context of creating a business plan and performing an analysis of your competition. It requires Research into areas of marketability.Reflection


Sa Pag sisimula ng business ay dapat na siguraduhin maganda o maayos Ang Ibinenta mo. Siguraduhin rin na Ligtas eto gamitin at para marami Ang BUMILI nito ay siguraduhin o ipakita mo na epektibo eto!

Reflection diba??? Di ko alam Kung tama yan

3. 1. What is an entrepreneur?a. Someone who invests time and money to start a business.b. Someone who makes a lot of moneyc. Someone who takes a risk to make a profitd. Both A&C2. Which personal characteristics of successful entrepreneurs reflect thatsuccess is achieved by doing the work/job/task until it is done?a. Inquisitive b. Self-confident c. Persistent d. Creative3. Which personal characteristics characteristic of successful entrepreneursreflect that successful entrepreneurs develop a plan of action and makedecisions to help achieve that plan?a. Goal-oriented b. Risk-takers c. Independent d. Self-confident4. Grace and Anne are considering opening a furniture business. They havebeen collecting reviews and interpreting the survey they distributed last monthabout their business idea. Grace and Anne are in what stage of theentrepreneurial process?a. Actualization b. Concept development c. Discovery d. Harvesting5. What could cause a new business to run short of cash during its first year?a. Shortage of trained employeesb. Failure to pay taxes for the businessc. Failure to apply for a loan a grantd. Failure to secure proper permits & licenses​


1. A

2. D

3. A

4. C

5. A


for me hihi








thanks me later

4. My Quarantine Story Donna Teressa M. Oropel It was a busy and ordinary day in March when I heard the news about the spreading virus— which, unfortunately, found to be deadly and dangerous because it attacks the body, specifically the immune system and the respiratory system. After hearing such dispiriting news, I, and the people in my workplace received a piece of advice to take precautionary measures and to stop reporting physically due to the threatening pandemic. It was the time when my Quarantine life started— from predictable and habitual routines to unexpected ones. My days always start with waking up early in the morning, clueless of what to do. I often ask myself, "Is there something productive to do?" Since I was clueless as ever, I started to plan everything out. I began to focus on improving my health by staying fit. I decided to have my daily exercise since my body had not been sweating out lately on account of being too pre-occupied with my job. I also included reading books and enrolling myself in free online classes to feed my intellect and broaden my knowledge. Then, when I have free time, I spoil myself with food, just enough, and with movies by binge-watching on Netflix. My Quarantine life may sound relaxing and fun, but it is not. With the news spreading and circulating on the internet about the increasing cases of people who caught the virus, I could not help but be anxious and sad about it. Many people lost their jobs and businesses— small or large scale, and it led to the extreme poverty of some. With that, every household must watch how they spend their money. Proper budgeting is a must to survive in this crisis. And as for my family, we only buy groceries once a week, and everything is already budgeted; it is not the best time to spend money on nonessentials. Lastly, with everything that is going on, I never forget to pray for the complete healing and safety of everybody. Praying the Holy Rosary is the last thing I do with my family before going to bed.My Quarantine life is not as fun or as exciting as always. However, in conclusion, the experiences I had while staying at home with my family, made me realize and reflect on a lot of things, one of which is the importance of taking good care of my health and appreciate every little time I spend with my loved ones. Life is indeed good, but it is short. It is fun until it is not. Life is unpredictable; we will never know when it will blow its surprise again1. What is the text all about?2. What type of text is used?3. Can you give the features and purpose of the text?4. Why did the author write this text?pls help brainliest pag naka sagot ng tama​


1. about teressa's quarantine story

2. narrative text

3.The purpose of narrative text is generally to entertain, inform or express ideas. Its sub-types include fables, memoirs and adventure stories. Narrative text most often has a five-part structure.

Features: Characteristics of narrative writing include characters, plot, conflict, setting, and point of view.

4. To share her story.

5. REFLECTIVE LEARNING If you're thinking about starting a business, most likely you have dreamed of one that involves your Interests. But what does the market need or want? Do you know who is buying what and how much, or how, where, and why they are buying those goods or services already? Determining the marketability of your start-up business is typically done in the context of creating a business plan and performing an analysis of your competition. It requires research into areas of marketability Congratulations! You are almost done in this module. Please write your idea on the situation below. Activity 3. As would-be entrepreneur, you are tasked to identify your dreamed business, one that involves your interests. Indicate who are your potential market, target market, available market and/or penetrated market. Write your answer on a separate sheet of answer please po​


try to find it in the Remember

6. n Metro Manila, city planners are also called urban planners. They determine the best use of a community’s land and resources for homes, business, and recreation. They also work on community problems such as traffic congestion and air pollution. The effects of the proposed changes in the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) to general community quarantine (GCQ) in the metro are also being studied by them. These Planners use mathematical analysis to evaluate the different conditions and to predict the impact of each condition on a community. Planners wanted to construct and justify statements about the proportionality between the cause and effect of their planning and its implementation to the community. They use different signs that using equilateral triangles which are similar to inform the public on the direction and danger. These strategies are comparable to the Triangle Similarity Theorems such as AA (angle-angle) Similarity Postulate, SAS (side-angle-side) Similarity Theorem, and SSS (side-side-side) Similarity Theorem. Using these conditions, the city planner can easily determine the impact of their plan to the community by comparing it to the scenario on the field. Your task is to write a reflective learning about the city planners narrated above by answering the questions below. You may express your answers in more critical and creative presentation. What is the expertise of the city planners based on the story? Briefly explain the mathematical analysis that these planners use. How is the idea of similarity of triangles utilized by the city planners as stated in the story? deleted kung mali sagot


1.They determine the best use of a community’s land and resources for homes, business.

2.SAS,SSS,and AA

3.These strategies are comparable to the Triangle Similarity Theorems

Step-by-step explanation:



7. A research study was conducted based on the marketing plan of Pumpkin Sorbet, an ice cream product which utilizes pumpkin as main ingredient. It was found out that the given consumer groups he daily, monthly, and yearly target buyers are reflected through the assumption that 10% from MBHS group will buy ice cream from Pumpkin Sorbet and 60% from those feeding program members will buy every three days. During summer vacation, Pumpkin Sorbet will only serve their products in different hospitals where we can assure the sale and can help patient in sustaining their health. The product was subject to different prospective customers for tasting after which, they were interviewed to give their comments and suggestions to the product. Positive comments were given by the subjects. It was delicious and at the same time nutritious were the majority comments of the customers who tasted the products. However, packaging should be improved to be more attractive especially to children 1 What is the product to be introduced in the market? A coffee B. cupcake Princess Fli TS TR 1:15 C ice cream D. squash 2. Who are the possible customers? A MBHS group, teeding program members and hospital patients B. doctors, nurses, patients and visitors C hospital staffs, children and parents D. patients, children from different schools, watchers 3 What were the comments of the customers on the product tasted? A. Yummy and creamy however, packaging should be improved B. Delicious and nutritious however, packaging should be improved C Delicious and creamy however, a little bit pricey. D. Delicious, creamy, healthy and affordable. LF 4 Based on the marketing plan, what consumer group has the highest percentage of consumption? A hospital patients B. MBHS group C. feeding program members D. students from different schools 5 What changes or improvement should proponents do before actual marketing? A. packaging B. price C. taste D ingredients 6. Which is NOT true about Marketing Plan. A. It is the plan to cultivate and harvest demand for the products of a business. B. It outlines answers to the questions who, what, where, how and why the company maket. C It is part of the business plan D. It is composed of financial statement. ignon 7. The following are the importance of Marketing Plan ASIDE from A. It helps you to determine your potential customers. B. It helps you to improve your product through feedbacking C. It guarantees a 100% success to your proposed business. D. It helps you to come up with the best marketing strategy 8. The following are the ways to gather feedback from the customers ASIDE from A. conducting an interview C. survey B. actual selling of the product D. using checklist ​


Tap on a clip to paste it in the text box.Tap on a clip to paste it in the text box.Tap on a clip to paste it in the text box.Tap on a clip to paste it in the text box.Tap on a clip to paste it in the text box.Tap on a clip to paste it in the text box.Tap on a clip to paste it in the text box.Tap on a clip to paste it in the text box.Tap on a clip to paste it in the text box.Tap on a clip to paste it in the text box.Tap on a clip to paste it in the text box.Tap on a clip to paste it in the text box.Tap on a clip to paste it in the text box.Tap on a clip to paste it in the text box.Tap on a clip to paste it in the text box.

8. a. suspicious b. StraightForward c. sad d. Sarcastic e. IrritaTed f. ThreaTening ___1. “He seemed to see us only as automatic tip machines” ___2. “Please note in your checkbook how much money you spent using your ATM card today.” ___3. “Hey, lay off, you don’t have to nag me. I was going to do it anyway!” ___4. “I know it’s been hard. And I appreciate all you are going through right now. If you will just put the receipts on the counter, I will take care of the paperwork for you.” ___5. “but I thought I heard her voice in the background” B. Directions: Identify the mood of the given paragraphs. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. The footsteps were coming closer. I knew I had to get out of there fast. Looking desperately around, I finally spotted a small window at the end of the room, a beacon of light in the dark, rancid basement. I sprinted and leapt up to grab a ceiling pipe. Thankfully, the pipe was close enough to the window to allow me to swing my body through. My enemy was making his way down the hall, bursting open door after door. I needed to break through this window in two tries to make it out in time. What is the mood of the passage? a. Cheerful c. fearful b. Daring d. timid 2. The year is 2020. You've just graduated from a highly-ranked virtual university. You had the opportunity to take e-learning classes from great professors and world leaders in government and business. It's cool to be smart—and even cooler to really understand technology. Almost all the good jobs today involve science, engineering, and technology. And there is such a demand for workers with your skills that you can choose from thousands of jobs. Many of these jobs have high starting salaries and perks like your own pet robot, a new convertible astromobile, or monthly online shopping allowances. What is the mood of this passage? a. Fearful c. frightened b. Confident d. depressed 3. He approached the task with sheer determination. He had studied his plans carefully, spent hours preparing and was sure of his approach. The hours he spent practicing were grueling and exhausting but he was ready. This was the year he would win the pie eating contest at school. What is the mood of the passage? a.Playful c. Informal b. Silly d. confident 4. The door swings open to reveal a Christmas tree, alone in the middle of the room, sparkling with hundreds of lights. Silence greets me as I glance around the room. The fireplace is empty and the snow howls outside the window. My family has gone and I am left alone with my thoughts. What is the mood of the passage? a. sad c. sarcastic b. happy d. lonely 5. Parents often tell their children to “stop playing around” or “get serious”, but in fact, games are very valuable way to spend time. Games can help teach young children about social cooperation, following rules and fairness, all lessons they will need later in life. Active games, like Tag can also help protect against childhood obesity, an increasingly serious problem in much of the world. What is the mood of the passage? a. reflective c. angry b. fearful d. melancholy



9. ( Answer the Question Correctly )Note: I will Report Incomplete( At least there's 8 Answers ), Confusing, Non sense, and No numbering AnswersTLE Food Preservation:What I Have Learned1.) What is food presentation?2.) Why do we need to preserve food?3.) How do you preserve fruits, fish, eggs, vegetables, and meat?4.) What preserved food are much in demand in the market today?5.) How can food preservation business contribute to the livelihood of a family and community?Additional Activities6.) Write a reflection about this statement. What would you do in order that the preserved food will be sellable? ( Optional )TLE Home Economics:What I Can DoA. Write AGREE on the line if the statement is correct and DISAGREE if the statement is incorrect._____7.) Identifying and limiting your respondents is the third step in conducting a research._____8.) Being polite and respectful when interacting with your respondents is a must in gathering data._____9.) Conducting a simple research helps you know more about the trend, and demands of the market.Additional Activities ( Optional )10.) Why does one needs to conduct a research before starting a business11.) How are you planning to apply the learnings you had in this module? Elaborate.12.) Do you think you can help your family members or friends who are planning to make their own business? How?​


1.Food presentation is the art of modifying, processing, arranging, or decorating food to enhance its aesthetic appeal.

2.Food preservation prevents the growth of microorganisms (such as yeasts), or other microorganisms (although some methods work by introducing benign bacteria or fungi to the food), as well as slowing the oxidation of fats that cause rancidity. ... Some methods of food preservation are known to create carcinogens

3.First, I've going to wash them before puttim them in the plate or bowl

4. Here are some of the high-demand processed food in the market today: Hotdogs - grilled, fried or steamed type of sausage and usually eaten with a bun. Bacon - it is a type of curated pork, typically from pork belly. Ham -a type of preserved pork with or without smoking processing is able to maintain the health of the family throughout the year by increasing it's food security... programmes that promote food processing in rural communities can also be used to introduce a wide range of skills that are needed to improve the livelihoods of people in rural communities.

6.Among the oldest methods of preservation are drying, refrigeration, and fermentation. Modern methods include canning, pasteurization, freezing, irradiation, and the addition of chemicals. Advances in packaging materials have played an important role in modern food preservation.




10.When Starting a New Business. ... From getting to know your target audience to exploring potential competitors, market research gives businesses a competitive edge, allowing them to thrive in new environments

11.To search and learn how to prepare a food completely

12.Yes, To helping them to provide their needs.

Hope it helps you

10. A. suspicious b. StraightForward c. sad d. Sarcastic e. IrritaTed f. ThreaTening ___1. “He seemed to see us only as automatic tip machines” ___2. “Please note in your checkbook how much money you spent using your ATM card today.” ___3. “Hey, lay off, you don’t have to nag me. I was going to do it anyway!” ___4. “I know it’s been hard. And I appreciate all you are going through right now. If you will just put the receipts on the counter, I will take care of the paperwork for you.” ___5. “but I thought I heard her voice in the background” B. Directions: Identify the mood of the given paragraphs. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. The footsteps were coming closer. I knew I had to get out of there fast. Looking desperately around, I finally spotted a small window at the end of the room, a beacon of light in the dark, rancid basement. I sprinted and leapt up to grab a ceiling pipe. Thankfully, the pipe was close enough to the window to allow me to swing my body through. My enemy was making his way down the hall, bursting open door after door. I needed to break through this window in two tries to make it out in time. What is the mood of the passage? a. Cheerful c. fearful b. Daring d. timid 2. The year is 2020. You've just graduated from a highly-ranked virtual university. You had the opportunity to take e-learning classes from great professors and world leaders in government and business. It's cool to be smart—and even cooler to really understand technology. Almost all the good jobs today involve science, engineering, and technology. And there is such a demand for workers with your skills that you can choose from thousands of jobs. Many of these jobs have high starting salaries and perks like your own pet robot, a new convertible astromobile, or monthly online shopping allowances. What is the mood of this passage? a. Fearful c. frightened b. Confident d. depressed 3. He approached the task with sheer determination. He had studied his plans carefully, spent hours preparing and was sure of his approach. The hours he spent practicing were grueling and exhausting but he was ready. This was the year he would win the pie eating contest at school. What is the mood of the passage? a.Playful c. Informal b. Silly d. confident 4. The door swings open to reveal a Christmas tree, alone in the middle of the room, sparkling with hundreds of lights. Silence greets me as I glance around the room. The fireplace is empty and the snow howls outside the window. My family has gone and I am left alone with my thoughts. What is the mood of the passage? a. sad c. sarcastic b. happy d. lonely 5. Parents often tell their children to “stop playing around” or “get serious”, but in fact, games are very valuable way to spend time. Games can help teach young children about social cooperation, following rules and fairness, all lessons they will need later in life. Active games, like Tag can also help protect against childhood obesity, an increasingly serious problem in much of the world. What is the mood of the passage? a. reflective c. angry b. fearful d. melancholy



1. d. sarcastic

2. b. straightforward

3. e. irritated

4. b. straightforward

5. a. suspicious


1. c. fearful

2. b. confident

3. d. confident

4. d. lonely

5. a. reflective


I'm not sure sa answers, so pls double check and change the answers as needed.

Hope it helps and Good luck!

11. 1. What is the process of getting the right product in front of the right people at the right time and for the right price? A. Marketing B. Marketing Mix C. Marketing Plan D. Marketing Strategy 2. Which of the following collection of tools and strategies a business will use get its products to customers? A. Marketing B. Marketing Mix C. Marketing Plan D. Marketing Strategy 3. Which of the choices refers to a plan of action designed to promote and sell a product or service? A. Marketing B. Marketing Mix C. Marketing Plan D. Marketing Strategy 4. Which among the 4P's refers to the strategy the company uses to market its products or services? A Place B. Price D. Promotion C. Product 5. What should a business integrate to its marketing plan to ensure success? B. Marketing Strategies Mix A. Marketing D. Technology C. Promotion 6. When was the term "marketing mix coined? A. late 20th century C. onset of the 20th century B.mid-20th century D. 1920's 7. What two things should marketing strategy reflect? A. business goals and the reality of business operations B. business situation and it's economic status C. mission and vision D. Product and promotion 8. Marketing mix helps you understand what your product can offer to your customers. The preceding statement, which is one importance of marketing mix, is related to what P of marketing?C. Product D. Promotion A.Place B. Price 9. Marketing mix helps businesses avoid unnecessary cost. The preceding statement, which is one importance of marketing mix, is related to what P of marketing? A Place B. Price C. Product D. Promotion 10. Why is digital marketing mix important? A. It has low-cost B. Businesses can get more audience. C.most convenient way to market your product or services. D. More and more people are going online 11. Which of the following refers to a goods or services that is offered as a solution to satisfy the needs of your customer? A. Place B. Price C. Product D. Promotion 12. What marketing mix is the amount that the customer pays for them to satisfy? C. Product D. Promotion A Place B. Price 13. Which of the choices is about the distribution center of the product and the methods used in distributing it to the customer? A. Place D. Promotion B. Price C. Product 14. What marketing mix refers to the methods a business uses to gain the attention of the customers to their product? A Place B. Price C. Product D. Promotion 15. Which is NOT included in the promotion? A. Sales Promotion B. Advertising D. Marketing C. Customer service​


1 a

2 c

3 d

4 a

5 c

6 c

7 d

8 a

9 a

10 c

11 a

12 a

13 c

14 d

15 b

12. REFLECTION IN FIRST GRADING FOR GRADE-9 SCIENCE REFLECTION IN MODULE 1 What I learned in module 1 is and how our lungs work, what are its parts where it is located, and where does the air we breathe go, I came to know that it is our blood that takes our oxygen so that we can have energy in our body, the oxygen is very important because oxygen helps replace cells that wear out, provides energy for our bodies, supports the way our immune system functions, Our body needs oxygen why because oxygen to obtain energy to fuel all our living processes, Low blood oxygen levels indicate that there may be an issue with your lungs or circulation. So the air is very important to our body. And I also learned what the order of the parts of the lungs is: Pharynx, larynx, Trachea, Lungs, bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli. REFLECTION IN MODULE 2 In module two (2) I learned how cigarettes affect our respiratory and circulatory systems, I always learned how to avoid smoking and stay away from the smoker because you can still inhale the chemical of its smoke, we also studied what are the chemicals in cigarettes, and what can happen to our respiratory and circulatory system, and what diseases can be contracted from cigarette smoke, we have also studied what can happen to your mouth, tongue, and lungs if you smoke, TAR may stick to your lips, your breath may stink, and you may get sick to your lungs. REFLECTION IN MODULE 3 In module 3 I learned about the components and structure of DNA, genes and chromosomes, and Incomplete dominance and co-dominance. DNA is made of chemical building blocks called nucleotides. These building blocks are made of three parts: a phosphate group, a sugar group, and one of four types of nitrogen bases. To form a strand of DNA, nucleotides are linked into chains, with the phosphate and sugar groups alternating. Why genes and chromosomes are important Genes contain the data needed to build and maintain cells and pass genetic information to offspring. Each cell contains two sets of chromosomes: One set comes from the mother and the other comes from the father. Incomplete dominance is when the phenotypes of the two parents blend to create a new phenotype for their offspring. An example is a white flower and a red flower producing pink flowers. Codominance is when the two parent phenotypes are expressed together in the offspring. What is the difference between incomplete dominance and codominance? Codominance signifies that no allele can block or mask the expression of the other allele. Incomplete dominance signifies the condition in which a dominant allele does not completely mask the effects of a recessive allele. Similarities Between Codominance and Incomplete Dominance both parental alleles inherited are dominant. REFLECTION IN MODULE 4 The population density of an area can be one of the most important determining factors for business and marketing planning. It is not enough to know how many consumers live in a specific state or city. Population density describes the number of individuals occupying an area in relation to the size of the area they occupy. Studying population growth also helps scientists understand what causes changes in population sizes and growth rates. Clumped dispersion is when individuals in a population are clustered together, creating some patches with many individuals and some patches with no individuals. In uniform dispersion, individuals are spaced evenly throughout an area. And in random dispersion, individuals are arranged without any apparent pattern. REFLECTION IN MODULE 5 The light-dependent reactions convert light energy into chemical energy. The goal of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis is to collect energy from the sun and break down water molecules to produce ATP and NADPH. These two energy-storing molecules are then used in the light-independent reactions. In the light-dependent reactions, energy from sunlight is absorbed by chlorophyll and that energy is converted into stored chemical energy. In the light-independent reactions, the chemical energy harvested during the light-dependent reactions drives the assembly of sugar molecules from carbon dioxide. photosynthesis, the process by which green plants and certain other organisms transform light energy into chemical energy. During photosynthesis in green plants, light energy is captured and used to convert water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into oxygen and energy-rich organic compounds. The importance of photosynthesis in our life is the oxygen it produces. NO PLAGIARISM NO PLAGIARISM NO PLAGIARISM IM FROM IN MARIKINA HIGH SCHOOL G&S 9- STEADFAST #CARRY ON LEARNING AGAIN NO PLAGIARISM BONUS


My reflection in this lesson is i learned that learning are lesson would be easier if we really understand and educate our self, learning science is really fun,like the topic we just learned today it's really help us to make our brain work it gives us knowledge, I will remember this lesson and always learned it

13. Despite a less than ideal childhood, Anelisa marched against the grain and surprised his family when he was accepted into university. "Throughout my schooling, I stayed with my uncle and basically brought myself up as he is a taxi driver and works irregular hours and I received very little support from my family who live in the Eastern Cape," recounts Anelisa. Reflecting on the significance of 16 June in our country's history, Anelisa advises the country's youth to remember that our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate but that we are powerful beyond measure. "It's not our darkness but our light that most frightens us and as we let each one of our light's shine, we are unconsciously giving others the opportunity to do And his biggest concern about the world today? "A lack of humility! It seems many people work for financial gain only, rather than helping or contributing towards making the world a better place." Anelisa however believes that the world is full of opportunities. "With a great plan and enough ambition, we can all achieve all our goals." After fulfilling his dream of attending university, Anelisa graduated and was accepted on to Engen's prestigious graduate development programme. The Engen Graduate Development Programme sees graduates spend time across a broad range of business functions. To date Anelisa has worked in Engen's Fixed Asset Team and in the Tax Department as a graduate trainee. "I never imagined myself working for one of the petroleum industry leaders! "It was an exciting opportunity for me to join Engen and see how I can contribute to making the value chain more effective and efficient, so that ultimately real value is added to the end customer." As a graduate trainee at Engen, he is discovering where he best fits in within the company. "I really appreciate the company's culture and beliefs - they put their money into growing people skills, while the leadership style adopted by top management is indicative of how the company puts its employees first and creates a space for everyone to learn and grow as individuals." So, what is Anelisa's greatest ambition? "I really want to touch people's lives. I don't want to say change people's lives because I feel like it's up to each individual to change their own lives, but what I can do, is assist them in the process of changing their lives." Continuing to attract and grow talented young minds like Analisa Gazi, demonstrates Engen's ongoing commitment to developing our countries future experts and isaders. In 2020, the company invested R9.8 million in Learnerships and Bursaries. They also continue to provide supplementary Maths, Science and Technology tuition to approximately 1 800 under-privileged Grade 10 12 learners across South Africa through the Engen Maths and Science School programme.Questions1.2 Identify and explain TWO types of goals in line with Anelisa's story 1.3 Discuss any THREE challenges Anelisa experienced that could've been obstacles1.4 Analyse how Anelisa personal values contributed to his success1.5 Critically discuss how relationships can impact negatively on the achivements of goals ​


here u go :) -Malong


1.2 Two types of goals in line with Anelisa's story are:

a) Career goal: Anelisa's goal was to get into university and then find a job in a company that aligns with his values and beliefs. He achieved this goal by graduating from university and getting accepted into Engen's graduate development programme.

b) Personal growth goal: Anelisa's goal was to touch people's lives and assist them in the process of changing their own lives. This goal reflects his desire to make a positive impact on others and to contribute to making the world a better place.

1.3 Three challenges Anelisa experienced that could've been obstacles are:

a) Childhood: Anelisa had a less than ideal childhood and had to bring himself up. This could have impacted his self-esteem and motivation.

b) Lack of family support: Anelisa received very little support from his family who lived in the Eastern Cape. This could have impacted his financial stability and made it harder for him to achieve his goals.

c) Limited financial resources: Anelisa's uncle was a taxi driver and worked irregular hours. This could have made it difficult for him to pay for his education and other expenses.

1.4 Anelisa's personal values contributed to his success in the following ways:

a) Determination: Anelisa's determination to succeed despite the challenges he faced showed his resilience and drive. He did not let his childhood or the lack of family support stop him from pursuing his goals.

b) Ambition: Anelisa had a clear plan and enough ambition to achieve his goals. He recognized the opportunities available to him and took advantage of them.

c) Empathy: Anelisa's desire to touch people's lives and assist them in the process of changing their own lives reflects his empathy and compassion for others. This desire also shows his genuine concern for making the world a better place.

1.5 Critically discuss how relationships can impact negatively on the achivements of goals ​

Relationships can have a significant impact on the achievement of goals, both positively and negatively. On the one hand, supportive and encouraging relationships can provide motivation and inspiration, as well as resources and guidance, to help individuals reach their goals. On the other hand, negative relationships can impede progress and discourage individuals from pursuing their goals.

14. identify whether the speech below is memorized, extemporaneous or impromptu.1. My own first personal memory of war was in 1968 As a 16-year-old dishwasher in a small diner in upstate New York, I watched a Vietnam veteran get off the bus, coming back from his first tour of duty in Vietnam, to be met by his family. And at a time in our history when heroes were hard to find, I thought I'd found one. I'd never seen anybody so handsome, so physical, so determined, so proud. Captain John Graham - Captain John Graham was his name. And he is a big part of the reason I went to West Point.2. "So I'd like you all to charge your glasses and join me in toasting the new Mr and Mrs Brown! Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the bride and groom" "Wishing them all the health, wealth and happiness in the world, I'd like you all to join me in toasting the happy couple3. I always wanted to see what will be my life in the future, what will be my careerand wnat will l'become? As 1 reflected my childhood I have many dreams and aspirations that iwould like to accomplish within the next ten years to come. In ten years, I can see myself havingmany of my goals accomplished, if not accomplished, I will be working on accomplishing those goalsto fulfil my life. We all know when growing up that we all wanted that fairy tale ending with the house,car, kids, and the dog. Ten years from now I plan to be raising my children, coming out of collegewith several degrees, and being happy. They say in one's life we all make choices, but in the end,our choices make us. You're about to embark with me unto the long, curvy road of my life, and watchupon it as it unfolds through my eyes. This is my life as I see it will be ten years from now. I havemost of it planned out already. This is my story.4. On behalf of the Government of Vietnam, I would like to convey my warmest welcome to all distinguished delegates and guests attending the Vietnam Business Summit on the occasion of the 2017 APEC Economic Leaders' Week. May I extend my warmest greetings to all distinguished guests and delegations, representatives from organizations and enterprises, experts and investors Vietnamese and international alike.​






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