Rising Action Of The Last Leaf

Rising Action Of The Last Leaf

Rising action the last leaf

1. Rising action the last leaf

when Mr Brahman painted the last leaf and then had a fever and died

2. Rising action The last leaf​


the action in a story builds to a climax and a falling action refers to events that occur once the climax has been reached. the climax in the story occurs when there is only one leaf left on the vine. the climactic expectations is that once this leaf has fallen.johnsy will die.

3. What are the rising action of the last leaf?



when Mr Brahman painted the last leaf and then had a fever and died

4. The Last Leaf moral lessons​


the moral of the story the last leaf by o Henry is that even if we have to face bad things, we should always help our loved ones.

Answer:The moral of the story the last leaf by o Henry is that even if we have to face bad things, we should always help our loved ones. The Last Leaf is a story with a lot of values. It is true that a real friend is one who helps you in need. In the story, Sue and Johnsy were good friends and artists.


5. describe johnsy in the last leaf​


The “Last Leaf” concerns Johnsy, a poor young woman who is seriously ill with pneumonia. ... She believes that when the ivy vine on the wall outside her window loses all its leaves, she will also die. Her neighbour Behrman, an artist, tricks her by painting a leaf on the wall.

6. critique about the last leaf​


It's an amazing story which teaches us the lessons of life. The story is about Sue and Johnsy, two young painters living at the top of a three-story building.Sue on her part did every way possible to make johnsy feel rejuvenated she made sure that johnsy is never left alone. This story is about Johnsy whose condition was becoming miserable day by day as she thought when the last leaf will fall she will also die. It implies the thoughts of 'Where there is a will there is a way', 'Friend in need is a friend indeed. It is really a interesting story with a twist. That one girl who did not want to live have been in good condition because of the leaf on her room wall. This is story teaches us a lesson that we should never give up because their are people out their who care about us. lt also highlights how can we bring life by our noble deeds. it also teaches us many things like always believe in yourself and always have faith in yourself.It was a dramatic story that can touch your feelings and emotions.

7. The Last LeafHow did the painted leaf help the patient survive? ​

Hello ha&_ I just need Points sorry lol

8. Vision of the last leaf

Josh Lipovetsky is an educator and entrepreneur at Lit For Brains. He is inspired by the prose and poignancy of “The Last Leaf”, and loves literature. So much so, he has created an entire website dedicated to Literature and Liberal Arts Education. Check out his Engaging Youtube Videos (including Plato, Cervantes, Kafka, Aristotle, Hesse) at Lit For Brains.

9. what is the exposition of the last leaf​


The exposition of "The Last Leaf" is the introduction of the setting, characters, and conflict. It establishes the story's setting in Greenwich Village, introduces the characters of Johnsy, Sue, and Behrman, and introduces the conflict of Johnsy's illness and her belief that she will die when the last leaf falls from the ivy vine outside her window.


The exposition of the story "The Last Leaf" is the introduction of the main characters and the setting. In this story, the main characters are Sue and Johnsy, two young artists living in Greenwich Village, and the setting is a small apartment in New York City during a cold winter. The exposition also introduces the central conflict of the story, which is Johnsy's illness and her belief that she will die when the last leaf falls from the vine outside her window.

10. What is the vision of the last leaf? ​


Josh Lipovetsky is an educator and entrepreneur at Lit For Brains. He is inspired by the prose and poignancy of “The Last Leaf”, and loves literature. So much so, he has created an entire website dedicated to Literature and Liberal Arts Education. Check out his Engaging Youtube Videos (including Plato, Cervantes, Kafka, Aristotle, Hesse) at Lit For Brains.

i dont know kung tama po

11. context of story the last leaf​


The short story 'The Last Leaf' is written by an American short-story writer named O. Henry. 'The Last Leaf' was first published in 1907 in his collection 'The Trimmed Lamp and Other Story'. It is written in the time period when New York was experiencing rapid population growth


"The Last Leaf" is a short story by O. Henry published in 1907 in his collection The Trimmed Lamp and Other Stories. The story is set in Greenwich Village during a pneumonia epidemic. It tells the story of an old artist who saves the life of a young neighbouring artist, dying of pneumonia..

12. Realization about the last leaf

The Last Leaf is all about hope. Johnsy was about to lose hope, when Mr. Burnham gave it to her when he painted the leaf.

13. the last leaf conclusion​

ang baho mo hah napaka baho mo ble mabaho

14. the last leaf biography​


''The Last Leaf” is a story of Johnsy, a poor young woman who is critically ill due to pneumonia. She believes that when the ivy vine on the wall outside her window would lose all its leaves, she would die too. However, her neighbor, Behrman, an artist, tricks her by painting a leaf on the wall. Johnsy recovers.

15. what is the characterization of the last leaf​


Sue is one of the main characters in the story “The Last Leaf”. Her outer characterization reveals that she is a young artist and that she comes from Maine. She shares an art studio with Johnsy in Greenwich Village. As you can see, no further details are given regarding Sue's looks and appearance.

16. The Last Leaf Summary

The Last Leaf

The story The Last Leaf began in November in Greenwich Village in New York, there were two women who lived in a studio type apartment in a three-story building. The first woman is named Sue and the other Johnsy or short for Joanna. The month brought a cold and windy atmosphere the signs of Autumn.

Due to the cold weather, many people were susceptible to a disease called Pneumonia. It made many people suffer and meet their end thus making it a deadly disease at that time of the month. Then, one-day Johnsy was examined by a doctor due to signs indicating that she is ill. Her state was either going for the worse or for the better.

But she was still sick in bed, it made her friend Sue worried as she is insisting that she is gonna fade away. The doctor also asked if she has any reasons to not want to live anymore, perhaps a man he asked. Sue insisted that there was no such thing, the doctor then says that he will do what he can but no more than that.

Johnsy always admired the plant ivy that she can see through their window and in most cases she looks out and look at it. She was counting each leaf that fell and what still remains. In the other room, Sue was busy drawing for a magazine when she noticed Johnsy. She then asks what she is doing and said that she once had trouble counting the leaves but now it's fewer it's easy. And says that till the last leaf fall she intends to watch the vine.

Getting worried about her friend’s mind-set, Sue demands Johnsy that she rest so that she can be well sooner. Since Sue is drawing for a magazine she needed a model thus asking their friend Behrman who lives below the apartment building to do so.

Behrman agreed and engaged in a conversation with Sue. She told him what Johnsy is currently thinking. Behrman became agitated to the thought and insisted that one day he will paint a masterpiece freeing them all. Behrman wasn’t exactly an artist, to begin with, he was somewhat waiting for a time to hold a paintbrush.

Sue let the window blinds down making Johnsy unable to see through it and watch the vine. She then asks Sue to open it up to see what the leaves are doing. The last leaf that Johnsy predicted that will fall already due to the strong wind didn't.

But the last leaf didn’t fall down even till morning it was still there. Johnsy, therefore, forgets about her wanting to end her life and thus makes an effort to be well. But the next time the doctor came to examine her, she heard the news that the man below the apartment caught pneumonia and died. It was Behrman it was only two days that he caught the disease.

It was because he was out all night painting the ivy vine with its last leaf making it somewhat permanent to the wall. This was Behrman’s masterpiece.

The elements of the The Last Leaf:

Plot- A young woman caught an illness called pneumonia and thus betting her life on an ivy leaf. Setting- Greenwich Village, New York Characters: Sue- an artist living together with her friend named Johnsy Johnsy- aka Joanna also an artist, suffers from an illness and got lost in her thought of dying Behrman- often hired as a model for most artist with a low budget, painted the ivy vine for her friend to continue living  Conflict- due to illness Johnsy who caught Pneumonia loses hope in living Resolution-Behrman paints the ivy vine for her friend and makes the ivy leaf to not fall

Learn More:  

The Last Leaf: https://brainly.ph/question/1208754



Keywords: The Last Leaf, Summary of The Last Leaf

17. what is the Cohesion of the last leaf?​


Cohesion of the last leaf


Tanong mo Po sa mama mo plllsss

18. describe sue in the last leaf


Sue who is very kind,loyal,sensitive, considerate,affectionate and motherly who takes the initiative to protect and save her dear friend.. Johnsy is much of a repressed type who is very insecure and depressed. she had no hope left in her that she would remain alive. she is emotionally dependent on Sue.



Sue is a kind and loyal

Sorry po kung mali

19. The theme of the last leaf

By O. Henry? If it's by O. Henry the themes are death, faith, sacrifice, hope, friendship, and compassion, but it is still depends on your perspective, the author's, and your professor's. 

20. What is the reflection of the last leaf?

The story of the last leaf was sad, but it gives out a subtle but strong message. It teaches us that emotions are very powerful. Johnsy, our protagonist was plagued with Pneumonia which was not so curable at that time. The despair that she felt was so potent that it affected her physical being and had it not been for Sue and Mr. Behrman’s plan, she would have succumbed to the illness. On the other hand, the leaf that gave her hope had a greater influence on her and it gave her back her will to live.

21. In the last leaf what are the similarities of johnsy and leaf?

Both Johnsy and the leaf are holding on to small hope for their life.

22. independent critique of the last leaf​


view the image


look at the photo

23. English The Last Leaf.​


5.Because that leaf help johnsy to have strength to fight for her ill

6.The twist is that the paint help johnsy to have strength but lead mr.behrman to death cause by rain and cold wind.

7.A simply act of kindness for you but for other it is a big deal

yan lang po sagot ko sorry hope makatulong

24. the last leaf tagalog version


ang hulimg dahon


25. climax in the story the last leaf​


The climax in the story "The Last Leaf" by O. Henry occurs when Johnsy, the sick protagonist, sees the last leaf on the vine outside her window and regains hope for her recovery. She had previously believed that she would die when the last leaf fell, and her friend Sue had tried to distract her from this belief by painting a leaf on the wall. However, when the real last leaf on the vine refuses to fall, Johnsy realizes that it represents her own will to live and that she can overcome her illness. This realization marks the climax of the story.


answer with knowledge and valid opinions to help and guide the questioners‚ no copies from anyone or any website‚ pa brainliest.

26. resulotion of the story the last leaf​


Sue opens the window the next morning to find the leaf there. The falling action is that the leaf stays there, and Johnsy gets better. The resolution is when Sue tells Johnsy that the leaf wasn't real, that Behrman painted it, and subsequently died from pnemonia himself.


27. The last leaf falling action


The Last Leaf is a short story written by O. Henry, published in 1907 in his collection The Trimmed Lamp and Other Stories.  

The falling action refers to events that occur once the climax has been reached . The climax in this story occurs when there is only one leaf left on the vine. The climactic expectation is that once this leaf has fallen, Johnsy will die. However, Johnsy survives because when she looks out of her window she notices that the leaf is still there. Not knowing that another person drew a leaf on the wall of the house to make Johnsy believe that her life can’t be connected to a leaf.

For more information about The Last Leaf, please refer to the following links:



28. What is the falling action of The Last Leaf?

Falling Action of The Last Leaf

The Falling Action of The Last Leaf began when Johnsy realized - through the last ivy leaf that was still hanging on the vine - that she has been a wicked girl for wanting to die. After that contemplation, Johnsy asked Sue to bring her a hand-mirror and some pillows so that she may sit and watch her cook broth and prepare milk. Then, Johnsy told Sue that she hopes to paint the Bay of Naples.

When the doctor came back, he said that Johnsy's chance of getting better is growing. Meanwhile, he also told Sue about the news that Mr. Behrman contracted pneumonia who has no chance of survival. However, he would be sent to the hospital to feel more comfortable anyway. After a day, he died and what actually happened would be revealed.

How to Identify the Falling Action of The Last Leaf

To recognize the falling action of The Last Leaf or any other stories in general, here are some of falling action characteristics:

Falling action is the part of the story occurs right after the climax.To better understand the climax, this is where the main conflict of the story has to be dealt with. This is the highest point of tension that could lead to different results.Consequently, falling action is where some loose ends are being resolved. This brings to light the result of the climax.In The Last Leaf, the climax is if Johnsy is going to die as soon as the last leaf from the ivy vine falls. When the last leaf didn't fall, Johnsy regained her strength.Falling action also introduces the conclusion and resolution.In the story, its falling action narrated that while Johnsy is recovering, Mr. Behrman got sick. It would then be revealed why the old man suddenly got sick without a chance to survive.

Learn more about the story of The Last Leaf here: https://brainly.ph/question/290203

29. The body of The last leaf by O.henry

The Last Leaf. The Last Leaf, short story by O. Henry, published in 1907 in his collection The Trimmed Lamp and Other Stories. “The Last Leaf” concerns Johnsy, a poor young woman who is seriously ill with pneumonia.

30. The last leaf summarize

Johnsy expects to die when the last leaf falls from the tree outside her window. However, Mr. Behrman paints the last leaf onto her tree, understanding that this act might cause Johnsy to recover. She does, but Mr. Behrman catches pneumonia frombeing outside in the winter storm, and it is he who finally dies.Oct 17, 2017

The pope compare the filipino youth to a student, because we students are the futures answer to any problems in our own country.

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