Tree Essay

Tree Essay

Family Tree Essay Examples

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1. Family Tree Essay Examples

Having a family tree is great because you get the chance to know all your ancestors and go deep into your family doings. 

2. why are the tree is important? essay​


Importance of Trees Essay: Trees are important for our survival as well as the ecosystem. Without trees, life would not have been possible. Trees provide us with two of life's most crucial components – oxygen and food. As we evolved, we started harvesting trees for medicine, shelter and other commercial uses

3. essay for cause and effect tree​


Search Essay typer and type your subject

Sundin mo nalang siya ok

4. importance of trees in our life essay


Explanation:Trees contribute to their environment by providing oxygen,improving air quality,climate amelioration,conserving water,preserving soil,and supporting wild flowers.During the process of photosynthesis,TREES take in carbon dioxide and produce the oxygen we breathe

5. make essay to the importance of planting ang propagating trees​


They take up the carbon dioxide from atmosphere and release oxygen. Planting more trees can help in reducing the levels of air pollution as they absorb pollutant gases and filter out the particulates. It also maintains the temperature of an area at a lower level than an area that does not have trees.

6. Essay about your family tree


my family is love me and support me

7. what is the importance of planting and propagating trees (essay)​


Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe. Trees reduce the amount of storm water runoff, which reduces erosion and pollution in our waterways and may reduce the effects of flooding. Many species of wildlife depend on trees for habitat. Trees provide food, protection, and homes for many birds and mammals.

Planting more trees can help in reducing the levels of air pollution as they absorb pollutant gases and filter out the particulates. It also maintains the temperature of an area at a lower level than an area that does not have trees. They are also the habitat for birds and many other animals.

8. what are the two trees mentioned in the essay?​

There is a story in Philippine folklore about a mango tree and a bamboo tree. Not being able to agree as to which was the stronger of the two, they called upon the wind to make the decision.

9. Write an essay about the importance of planting trees and fruit bearing trees in your family andcommunity​

The environment Trees help to combat global warming by absorbing carbon dioxide, removing and storing carbon while releasing oxygen back into the air. They also reduce wind speeds and cool the air as they lose moisture and reflect heat upwards from their leaves. it's important to plant trees on our home and community coz it helps to prevent landslides, flood, etc.

10. importance of trees essay 150 words ​


Trees are like the lungs of the planet earth. They are vital for keeping the mother earth healthy. Trees play an essential role in the existence of living beings. Trees consume carbon dioxide and provide us with oxygen. Oxygen is necessary for breathing for all living beings.

Trees are also a source of food. Many herbivores and human beings are dependent on trees for as they provide food, fruits and vegetables. We also get medicines, wood, timber, gum, fire, latex, rubber and many more things from trees. Trees make nature look beautiful and relaxing. Trees also provide us with paper.

Trees also help in fighting soil, air and water pollution. The only way we can help in saving the planet from global warming is by planting and protecting trees. We must prevent trees from being cut. Without trees and everything that they provide us with, it will become impossible to live on planet earth.


10 Lines on Importance of Trees In EnglishTrees are a vital part of the planet earth.All living beings are dependent on trees directly or indirectly.Trees absorb carbon dioxide from and give out oxygen, without oxygen living beings cannot sustain their lives.Trees help in keeping the environment cool by maintaining the temperature and bringing in the rain.Trees give us many medicines that are used in curing diseases.The wood from trees is used in making furniture, house and paper.The fruits and vegetables coming from trees are a source of food for many living beings.We cannot live without trees – which is why we should always protect trees and plant as many as possible.Trees in forests are home to thousands of wild creatures.There are many varieties of trees; each country has different types of plants and trees according to their climate.

Frequently Asked Questions on the Importance of Trees


Trees are very important, valuable and necessary to our existence as they have furnished is with two important life essentials; food and oxygen. Apart from basically keeping us alive, there are many other little and big benefits we get from trees. So, trees are vital resources for the survival of all living beings. Without food we'll starve and might die. Without oxygen, severe oxygen deprivation can cause life threatening problems including come and seizures. Food feeds on one's survival. Food is one important element for all living beings because it is the substance that provides nourishment to the body and allows specific function to work at an optimum level. Trees are important for food and oxygen. Without these, we'll die. Trees also provide shelter and shade us   Trees play an important role or part in every community. Streets, parks, playgrounds, and backyards are filled with trees that form a peaceful, aesthetically pleasing atmosphere. People, including us should be thankful for trees for it provides our needs and keeps our world a better place to live in.


11. { Expert Answer } { Essay } What are the benefits of trees?


Deciduous Trees are Great Energy Savers

Carefully positioned trees can save 25 to 30 percent of energy consumption. Deciduous trees are the most beneficial for energy savings since they provide shade in the warmer months and let the sunlight shine through in the colder months.

Trees come in all sorts of shapes, colors, and sizes. Not only do they make the world a more beautiful place, they provide shade, shelter, and serenity. While their benefits are endless, we have compiled a list of the top 10 benefits of trees.

1. Oxygen Provider

One day's worth of oxygen for a family of four is provided by a single tree.

2. Money Saver

Properly placed tree cover in urban areas can save cities millions of dollars annually in stormwater management, air purification, and energy conservation costs.

3. Power Investor

It's estimated that 50 million well-placed shade trees have the potential of eliminating the need for seven 100-megawatt power plants.

4. Emission Combater

If a tree absorbs 1 ton of carbon over its lifespan, it's like erasing 11,000 miles of car emissions.

5. Air Purifier

One acre of trees has the ability to remove up to 5 tons of carbon dioxide and up to 13 tons of other particles and gases annually. A single tree might absorb up to 1 ton of carbon over a 40-year life span.

6. Natural Coolant

One mature tree has the same cooling power as 15 room-size air conditioners.

7. Stress Reducer

According to Morton Arboretum, the sight of trees reduces blood pressure, exposure to trees makes children less stressed, and drivers who can see trees are less frustrated.

Trees Help Fight Carbon Emissions

If a tree absorbs 1 ton of carbon over its lifespan, it's like erasing 11,000 miles of car emissions.

8. Energy Saver

Carefully positioned trees can save 25 to 30 percent of energy consumption. Deciduous trees are the most beneficial for energy savings since they provide shade in the warmer months and let the sunlight shine through in the colder months.

9. Stormwater Filter

One hundred mature trees can capture up to 100,000 gallons of rainfall per year, reducing runoff and filtering water.

10. Peacemaker

Trees reduce crime and illnesses. According to North Carolina State University, a well-placed tree can also block noise by up to 40 percent


Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe. Trees reduce the amount of storm water runoff, which reduces erosion and pollution in our waterways and may reduce the effects of flooding. Many species of wildlife depend on trees for habitat. Trees provide food, protection, and homes for many birds and mammals

Trees give off oxygen that we need to


Explanation:that's my answer

12. what are the two trees meaty node in the essay​


maple tree and mango tree

these trees are meaty node


Nodes are the points on a stem where the buds, leaves, and branching twigs originate

13. Argumentative Essay about Tree Planting​

Tree planting is a simple yet effective way to contribute to the environment and help mitigate the effects of climate change. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, release oxygen, provide shade and shelter, prevent soil erosion, and support biodiversity. Therefore, it is important for individuals and communities to prioritize tree planting as a means to combat environmental issues.

One of the main benefits of tree planting is its impact on the environment. Trees act as natural carbon sinks, absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it in their biomass. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, a single tree can absorb up to 48 pounds of carbon dioxide per year. By planting trees, we can help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and mitigate the effects of climate change.

In addition, trees provide many ecosystem services. They help to prevent soil erosion by anchoring the soil with their roots, and they provide shade and shelter for wildlife. Trees also improve air quality by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen. In urban areas, trees can help to reduce the heat island effect, which occurs when buildings and roads absorb and re-radiate heat, making cities hotter than surrounding rural areas.

Furthermore, planting trees has social and economic benefits. Trees provide aesthetic value and can enhance the overall beauty of a community. They can also increase property values, improve mental health by providing a sense of calm, and provide opportunities for outdoor recreation. Additionally, planting trees can create jobs in forestry and related industries.

Despite these benefits, there are some arguments against tree planting. One common argument is that trees can be a fire hazard, especially in areas prone to wildfires. While this is a legitimate concern, proper tree management and maintenance can reduce the risk of fires. Another argument is that trees can be expensive to plant and maintain. However, many organizations and government agencies offer grants and funding to support tree planting initiatives.

In conclusion, tree planting is an effective way to combat climate change, support biodiversity, and provide social and economic benefits. While there are some concerns associated with tree planting, the benefits far outweigh the costs. It is important for individuals and communities to prioritize tree planting and work towards creating a more sustainable future.

14. Write an essay that explain why your community needs to plant trees and fruit- bearing trees ​

Community trees are an important part of any healthy urban or rural community. They provide shade, beauty, and essential air and water filtration benefits. Fruits and vegetables grown in community gardens and orchards provide essential nutrients and fresh foods to local residents.

Community trees also provide economic benefits. They can provide jobs during the planting, maintenance, and fruiting stages, and in the sale of fruit and vegetables. In addition, community trees can serve as a local attraction, generating tourism and money for local businesses.

There are many benefits to planting community trees. They can improve air quality, help reduce energy costs, improve water filtration, provide habitat for wildlife, and promote community spirit. Community trees are an important part of any healthy community, and they should be encouraged and supported.

15. What are the proper ways in planting/propagating trees and fruit-bearing trees? ( Make it an essay )

Fruit tree propaganda is usually carried out preventatively (non-sexually) by grafting or budding a desired variety onto a suitable rootstock. perennial plants can be propagated either by sexual or vegetative means. the major methods of a sexual propagation are cuttings, layering, devision, budding and grafting.

It's just my opinion

16. write a descriptive essay about the topic "trees"​


Trees are our freinds because they clean the air we breathe,Likewise, they also clean the water and soil and ultimately make the earth a better place. It is also a fact that people who live near trees are healthier, fit, and happier they also prevent landslides and floods

17. what are the tree main parts of an essay​






Most writers think of essays as having three main parts:





Sana makatulong.

18. essay the importance of planting and propagating trees ​


Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe. Trees reduce the amount of storm water runoff, which reduces erosion and pollution in our waterways and may reduce the effects of flooding. Many species of wildlife depend on trees for habitat. Trees provide food, protection, and homes for many birds and mammals.


Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe. Trees reduce the amount of storm water runoff, which reduces erosion and pollution in our waterways and may reduce the effects of flooding. Many species of wildlife depend on trees for habitat. Trees provide food, protection, and homes for many birds and mammals.

Planting and propagating trees and fruit –bearing trees is a source of livelihood for many families. Nowadays, many people engage in this as a source of additional income for their daily needs. Fruit –bearing trees can be planted in your backyard depend on several factors: the space in your backyard , the kind of soil, and, and the type of climate in your own community.

Why is there a need for plant propagation?

Plant propagation is the process of reproducing or creating a new plant or seedling. It is an important part of gardening, whether outdoors or indoors. Plants are living things that grow either through their roots, stems and leaves of their flowers, fruits, and seeds. It is a method of growing new plants from seed or from parts of existing plants.




19. What are knowledge and skills necessary in planting trees and fruit trees? This is essay​


Tree planting is the recognised as one of the most engaging,environmentally, friendly activities that people can take part into better the planet.

The following nine skills will help you to plan, plant and enjoy healthy garden

-diligent pest controls


-Sun exposure charting

-Seed germination


-Soil analysing

And more.

In planting trees we will learn our responsibility in caring plants, learn how to communicate and compromise with each other, gain leader ship skills and develop self confidence.


Pls mark me as brainlest


20. write an essay about the importance of trees​


Trees are important for our survival as well as the ecosystem. Without trees, life would not have been possible. Trees provide us with two of life’s most crucial components – oxygen and food. As we evolved, we started harvesting trees for medicine, shelter and other commercial uses. Even today, our dependence on trees has not reduced. In fact, we are ever more dependent on trees than ever. The importance of tree essay aims to educate the readers about how trees are integral to the environment. Our needs are so high that we have started cutting down huge swaths of forests for the expansion of human land.

21. Make an essay of caring orchard trees and seedlings ​


Young orchards need regular fertilizing, irrigating, pruning and spraying. Irrigation is not available in all countries, but is recommended for new plantings. Pruning should be carried out in young orchards to improve tree structure, minimize wind damage and to increase fruit bearing area.


Pa Brainliest po

22. Write an essay that explains why your community needs to plant treesand fruit-bearing trees.​


Tress and Fruit-bearing tress is essential to our lives Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe. Trees reduce the amount of stormwater runoff, which reduces erosion and pollution in our waterways and may reduce the effects of flooding, that's why it is important in my community to plant tress in order to reduce the greenhouse gasses and eradicate soil pollution.

I believe if more tress were grown in our place, it can enhance the community's respiratory health. Not just talking about the benefits that well might get from it, but also Planting tress helps Our mother nature recuperate. We people, can also help build a better habitat for some species such as birds, and other animals. So let's, Help our community go green and practice a Healthy environment.

23. Make an essay about the benefits of planting trees Ang fruit bearing trees.​


The importance of planting trees has been emphasized time and again. This is because of the numerous benefits they offer. One of the main benefits of planting trees is that they provide us with the life giving oxygen. Without the presence of oxygen the survival of living beings is not possible. Planting trees is also essential because they have the power to absorb the harmful gases.

Trees and plants are one of the main reasons why we are alive on this earth. They provide the life giving oxygen without which our survival on this planet is simply impossible. Besides this, there are various other benefits of planting trees. There are numerous benefits of planting trees. Some of the benefits they offer include absorbing harmful gases that pollute the environment, providing food and shelter for birds and animals and providing shade during hot summer days.

24. essay propagation and fruit bearing trees​


ikaw po dapat ang gumawa ngan


kasi po ikaw lang dapat ang nakakaalam


25. what two trees are compared in the essay?


coconut and narra


because this are same strong and tall trees

26. tree parts essay structure?​

The three part essay structure:

Parts of an Essay — Traditionally, it has been taught that a formal essay consists of three parts: the introductory paragraph or introduction, the body paragraphs, and the concluding paragraph. An essay does not need to be this simple, but it is a good starting point.


- the introductory paragraph or introduction, the body paragraphs, and the concluding paragraph.

- body paragraphs

- the concluding paragraph

27. what are the tree main parts of an essay


The main parts (or sections) to an essay are the intro, body, and conclusion.


Q: What are the three main parts of an essay?

Answer: The main parts of the essay are the Introduction, Body, and the Conclusion.


Hope it helps po




28. An Essay about Life Without Trees ​


It is easy to make pollution especially in air it Can cause many landslides because it holds high grounds,Also any type of things made of woods would disappear.


done! ^_^

29. essay:why is it important to take care of trees? ​

to help the environment

30. argumentative essay about tree planting​

I hope it's help

I'm just trying

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