4 Filipino Values

4 Filipino Values

What are the 4 ambivalence of Filipino values? ​

Daftar Isi

1. What are the 4 ambivalence of Filipino values? ​


makadiyos makabayan makatao makakalikasan

2. 4 values that can help filipinos identity


hospitality, respect, generosity and helpfulness, family orientation

3. ACTIVITY 4: RELATE IT! In the diagram provided below, explain the relationship and significance of applying Filipino Values to the society FILIPINO IMPACT TO THE SOCIETY VALUES​

wala akong sagot sorry thank you sa point

4. What is the 4 values in filipino drama ang film?





5. 4. What are the values or moral lessons in the story which are related to Filipinoculture and tradition?​


politeness,kindness,courteousness and honesty

6. 4. What Filipino traits and values have hindered the attainment of your dream?​



7. Self-Assessment Question 4: As a Filipino learner, how will you value Filipino traditional dances like itik Itik in the Philippines? ​


As a Filipino learner i can value the Filipino traditional dances like itik itik by patriotizing and by cherishing it. Also by having a program or workshop for the youth on how to dance it efficiently, correctly and gracefully. In that way our values and traditions won't be forgotten or left behind.

8. 4. Do you think Filipinos value the freedom they have? Explain briefly?

no because if Filipinos value the freedom they had they will not do things that will make other people suffer , they will obey the rules because rule dont limit our freedom it is a way to protect us and keep us safe, but true freedom is not always doing what you want true freedom is also considering the rights of the other people.

9. ESSAY (for values subject) 1. based on your observation do you practice filipino values? 2. do you think it still relevant to study values? 3. do you think filipino values is something you should be proud of? 4. do you think filipino values is good? 5. would you teach filipino values to the future generation? how are you doing it now?

1. Yes

2. Yes, because it is in our culture.

3. yes, of course. We must be proud and raise the flag of our country.

4. Yes.

5. Yes. I will comunacat to people thru the internet and teach them the Filipino values.

I hope I helped you! :))

2. Values Education is the basis of everything that we do as a human person. If teachers and parents are successful in educating their children in Values, then all the problems that we have at home and in school about behavior will disappear. As our children mature and go out in society, we will not have problems with corruption. cheating and all the ills of society. This is so, because people will be thinking and behaving as human beings, using their gift of intelligence to seek what is right and choosing to act on it. There will be no perfect society but at least people will reflect on their actions as guided by their intellect and conscience and hopefully, will not be complacent and lax in doing things that contradict what the mind says. ‘To be human is a struggle, but that is why you are above all other beings in this universe—-you are expected to use your mind always and to behave like one, not like animals.

3. The Philippines may be known for its breathtaking beach destinations but besides the tourist spots and culinary surprises, our country is best recognized for one thing — our uniquely Filipino values. In fact, a lot of travelers from all over the globe have raved about the warm welcome from our smiling locals the moment they step out of the plane and into our airport.


Unity, also known as “bayanihan” in Filipino, is a trait we’ve been associated with for decades. More than the hospitality we show strangers, our spirit of generosity and bayanihan is something homegrown. Feasts, festivals, and fiestas are the perfect events where this trait is evident with neighbors helping each other out and opening their doors for visitors.

4. Generally, Filipinos are known to be happy, friendly and very hospitable people and we are known for all these good qualities around the world! But, let us face it, Filipino people also have annoying and bad habits that sometimes give the country a negative reputation


The three primary activities of Filipinos are:

They are very hardworking. When it comes to performing a job, they complete it no matter how hard it is. They are very flexible and adaptable. They always find a way to perform a difficult task with great productivity

11. 4. What Filipino values can be gained from the given text?​


Family orientation. The basic and most important unit of a Filipino's life is the family. ...

Joy and humor. ...

Flexibility, adaptability, and creativity. ...

Religious adherence. ...

Ability to survive. ...

Hard work and industriousness. ...



Family orientation.

Joy and humor.

Flexibility, adaptability, and creativity.

Religious adherence.

Ability to survive.

Hard work and industriousness.



basic and most important unit of a Filipino's life is the family. hindi q na alam

12. 4. As a student, how will you give value to a Filipino product or masterpiece? Explain​


if you don't have money to buy any of the Filipino products, you could at least share it to others and they would also share it. so that a lot of people will know that a certain product is existing and it might catch their attentions. that way you help our country give value to our products.


gg haah ligends haa a yan kasi ang bayan ay bahay

13. 4.How can folk dances also represent the values of Filipinos?​


Philippine folk dance helps keep the people connected to their ancestry and their traditions. Folk dance helps to preserve the cultural unity of the filipinos.

14. CHEATING will not be 1. Brainstorm and come up with a list of common Filipino values. Give 5 Filipino values and consider the strengths and weaknesses of these. 20 pts Weaknesses Filipino Values Strengths 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.​


. helpfulness

. respect




15. Activity 6: Watch Out the ValuesDirections: Review five TV or Radio advertisements and tell what Filipino values areshown in each advertisement. You can write as many values as you canidentifyFilipino ValuesAdvertisements1.​


1.human rese



4.politic values

5.public help care


pa brainlys po

16. Reflection about value of Filipino characteristics 1-4 paragraph



17. 1. based on your observation do you practice Filipino values? 2. do you think it still relevant to study values? 3. do you think Filipino values is something you should be proud of? 4. do you think Filipino values is good? 5. would you teach Filipino values to the future generation? how are you doing it now? 6. observe, what are the current Filipino values today? do we still keep the true Filipino values or has it evolved into other form? 7. do you think modern world poses great treat to filipino values and culture?


1. yes

2. yes

3. yes


18. 4. Do you think Filipinos value the freedom they have? Explain briefly?

Yes, Filipinos value the freedom they have because of the past events in World War and they appreciate freedom without any country bossing them and ruling them.

19. LEARNING TASK 4. Using a Venn Diagram, compare and contrast Filipino and Arab customs and values​


i can't answer


where's the picture?

20. 4. As a Filipino, what practices or values you are proud of that are worthsharing with others?5. How will you promote these values and practices?​

4.As a Filipino,the practices and values that I’am proud of that are worth sharing with others are being faithful,religious,respectful,and hospitable
5.Ensure others become aware of your good work. Without overdoing it, ensure others can see your good work

21. choose 1 out of 4 filipino core values and why you choose that? ​



– Filipinos regard others with dignity and respect This is being observed in a basic sense of justice, fairness and concern for others fellowmen, nature or animals. ...with this Filipino values are centred at preserving social harmony, motivated mainly by the desire to be accepted within a group.

22. List down the 4 Social Relationships and Values of the Filipinos and define based on your own experiences.


Family orientation. The basic and most important unit of a Filipino's life is the family. ...

Joy and humor. ...

Flexibility, adaptability, and creativity. ...

Religious adherence. ...

Ability to survive. ...

Hard work and industriousness. ...



Pili kanalang jan

23. 3. What makes us Filipino? Which traits/values identify us as Filipino? 4. Are these traits and values considered important by Philippine society?​



Family orientation.

Joy and humor.

Flexibility, adaptability, and creativity.

Religious adherence.

Ability to survive.

Hard work and industriousness.



The great majority of the Philippine population is bound together by common values and a common religion. Philippine society is characterized by many positive traits. Among these are strong religious faith, respect for authority, and high regard for amor proprio (self-esteem) and smooth interpersonal relationships.



24. give five filipino values that we are known with1.​


Family orientation.

Joy and humor.

Flexibility, adaptability, and creativity.

Religious adherence.

Ability to survive.


Family orientation Joy and humor Flexibility, adaptability, and creativity Religious adherence Ability to survive Hard work and industriousness Hospitality

more about filipino values:

htt ps : / /  en.w i k ip e d i a . o r g / w i ki/Filipino_values

25. Give at least 4-5 Filipino values andtraditions. Give example for eachvalues and tradition.​


Christmas day


because celebration of Jesus Christ when he born



Filipinos are Hospitable

Family Oriented

Great sense of Humor




Show respect for elders in the for of pagmamano

Noche Buena

Jumping during new years eve



26. 1. To the Filipino, understanding the Filipino value system is necessary. 2. The disvaluing of some Filipino values does not exist in our society. 3. Values are both subjective and objective. 4. There are Filipino values that have historically evolved in the consciousness of the people. 5.The term Filipino originally referred to native inhabitants. 6. Nationalism is being ashamed of your country. 7. Hiya is translated as gaya-gaya.

Filipino Values

The Filipino value system, also known as Filipino values, refers to a set of values that the majority of Filipinos have historically held dear in their lives. This Philippine values system consists of a distinct set of consistent ideologies, moral codes, ethical practices, etiquette, and cultural and personal values that are promoted by their society. However, as in any society, the values that an individual holds sacred can vary depending on religion, upbringing, and other factors.

Here are the answers to the phrases above:

1. True

2. False

3. False

4. False

5. False

6. False

7. False

What are the most important Filipino values?

Hiya, pakikisama, utang na loob, and respect for others make a Filipino an individual with a distinct moral obligation to treat others, resulting in community ties. Filipinos are friendly, hospitable, polite, and loyal because of these values. In summary, the Filipino core values shape how they act in any situation.

What characteristics distinguishes a Filipino?

Friendly, outgoing, sensitive, easily offended, nosy, garrulous, direct, hospitable, feisty, irreverent, good natured, clever, witty, gregarious, happy, generous, easy to laugh, gracious, easy to befriend, casual, fun loving, sensitive, and hospitable have been described as Filipinos.

Know the Filipino values before and today: https://brainly.ph/question/19518340


27. How can you show or practice the 4 clusters of Filipino basic values?​


Preamble of the 1987 Philippine Constitution ... Application of the Good Citizenship Core Values in Daily Life ... We must not wait for the perfect leaders to show us how to live as good.


did koh alam


ikaw ang mag sagot

28. 4.How can folk dances also represent the values of Filipinos?​


Folk dances preserve the philippine culture and pass it on to the next generation .They are a uniting force to the philippine people.


Philippine folk dance helps keep the people connected to their ancestry and their traditions. Folk dance helps to preserve the cultural unity of the filipinos.


correct me if im wrong sorry talaga

29. 4. What are the values or moral lessons in the story which are related to Filipino culture and traditions? ​


I don't know but I have answer china


If you do not know how to love truly many women you will be hurt

30. LEARNING TASK 4. Using a Venn Diagram, compare and contrast Filipino and Arab customs and values​


able and I have to get a job that


asleep and you have to call me

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