The Effect Of The Use Of Mobile Phones By Students

The Effect Of The Use Of Mobile Phones By Students

FactOpinionStatementsSmart phones can be used as learningtools.All parents can afford to buy a smartphone.The Department of Education (DepED)strictly imposes a ban on the use ofcellphones by the students during classhours.Smart phones will only be used in the classif permitted and with the supervision of theteacher to serve as a tool for enhancingskills in specific lesson.Students, who use cell phones gain moreknowledgeSmartphones have negative effects onstudent's behavior and study habits.DO No.83, s. 2002 states that Students AreProhibited in Using Cellphones DuringClass HoursThe Department of Education (DepEd)requires all students to buy smarts phones.Mobile phones can be use in any case ofemergencySmart phones are the best instructionalmaterial a students must have​

Daftar Isi

1. FactOpinionStatementsSmart phones can be used as learningtools.All parents can afford to buy a smartphone.The Department of Education (DepED)strictly imposes a ban on the use ofcellphones by the students during classhours.Smart phones will only be used in the classif permitted and with the supervision of theteacher to serve as a tool for enhancingskills in specific lesson.Students, who use cell phones gain moreknowledgeSmartphones have negative effects onstudent's behavior and study habits.DO No.83, s. 2002 states that Students AreProhibited in Using Cellphones DuringClass HoursThe Department of Education (DepEd)requires all students to buy smarts phones.Mobile phones can be use in any case ofemergencySmart phones are the best instructionalmaterial a students must have​


Fact cause the statement is fact


fact is the state of being true

2. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false. 1. Mobile devices cause a lot of health problems. 2. Addiction is one of the most dangerous effects of using too many mobile devices daily. 3.. One of the best benefits of having a mobile device is it saves a life in an emergency. 4. The excessive use of mobile devices causes heart attack. 5. Mobile devices cannot distract students from their studies and do not addicted to users of mobile phones.​


1. T

2. T

3. T

4. M

5. M


3. SAN11- Performance Task. (5 points )Energy is essential in all aspects even the use of our gadgets such as computers, mobilephones and others. Environmental Health Perpectives published (2019) that one year'sworth of exposure to mobile phone radiation could have a negative effects on thedevelopment of memory performance in specific brain regions in adolescents. As a student,how can you avoid this incident to happen? Write a 3-5 sentence paragraph.​


limit the use of gadgets,have a proper time managemnt in using electronic gadgets,balance activities in order to avoid negative effects

4. 0 Students Should Not Be Allowed to Bring Mobile Phones to School (Excerpted) In recent times, the number of people owning mobile phones has increased dramatically. Now mobile phones are not just for calling, but you can now text, take and send pictures, record videos, access the internet, play games and much more The variety of functions has increased dramatically. They have also become a lot cheaper. Thus more and more young people now own a mobile. So should they be allowed to bring them to school? Mobile phones can cause a distraction in education. They can disturb teachers and students For example, if you were working hard on a piece of work, concentrating hard, and a person's phone rings, it disrupts the whole class. You may become side- tracked or the teacher may be interrupted during speaking to the class. Thus teaching would be constantly disrupted if this kept happening. Thus education standards would deteriorate. Looking then at long term effects, if this was happening every day, you would be wasting five minutes a day, so nearly half an hour a week, and so that would be over ten hours a year of disruption. Also, mobile phones provide a large temptation to cheat in tests. They can communicate to almost anywhere and anyone in the world. Because they are small, students can quietly and discreetly send a text and it can go unnoticed. You got to school to learn, not to waste time playing games or cheating in tests. Research has proven that frequent use of a mobile phone can put the owner at risk of long term health damage. Mobile phones have radiation in them which they send out which can destroy or damage cells. Thus a student who uses a mobile phone regularly is at risk of health damage. With the increase in ownership of mobiles, there you agree with the whiter? 4.what kind of whiting is this?​


yes I agree


because many students can't focus on studying

5. TASK 1: LET’S CONCLUDE! Read the sample conclusion below. Put a check (/) if you think that the specific requirement is being satisfied by the sample conclusion and X, if it does not. This study proves the strong potentials of having phones as supplement learning tools to class discussions. Phones can maximize the learning capacity of the students by allowing them to leaf through information and note-taking. Most of the students have thought it beneficial and have positive effects in their academic performance and such was proven by the rejection of the null hypothesis and acceptance of the alternative hypothesis. However, through this research also, it was found out that even if most of the students believe in its potentials, they too know that there are risks or disadvantages on its usage such as distraction, bullying, and possible cheating. Therefore, the use of phones may be beneficial, but it has its disadvantages as well. Its actual usage needs optimum control coming from the side of the student, teacher, and school administration. Source. HadjiExchan, Jasnaira. P., Buyan, Joan N., &Dumago, Joewana. P. (2019). The Impact of Mobile Phone Usage to the Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students in Balulang National High School. Unpublished typescript, CDONHS-Balulang Annex, Cagayan de Oro City. ___________1. The main research question is answered briefly. ___________2. The problem has been proven through evidence. ___________3. New data or new arguments have been introduced. ___________4. Limitations are NOT mentioned. ___________5. The contributions of the research have been clearly explained. 0​








basta yan, thank me later

6. You have to read the statements carefully and decide whether it is a fact or opinion. Write the word FACT if the state provided, and the word BLUFF if it is an opinion ,write your answers on the space provided.1. Every year has 365 dayss except to leap year.2. Arnis and Taekwondo are combative sports.3. Empanada taste better with ketchup.4. Elpidio Quirino is a former President of the Philippines5. Inabraw Pinakbet, are llocano Dishes.6. December is the best month of the year.7. Android phones are the best invention ever.World8. Vigan City is recognized as the 7 New Wonder Cities of the9. I Think I Look great wearing my school uniform.10. There are 30.48 centimeter in 1 foot.11. Smart phones can be used as learning tools.12. All parents can afford to buy a smartphone.13. Smart ophones have negative effects on student's behaviorand study habits.14. Students who use cellphones gain more knowledge.15. Mobile phones can be use in any case of emergency.ILESSAY: 10 POINTSDiscuss briefly the difference between FACT and OPINION.​


1. fact







8. opinion








7. Brommation and Computers Technologynoustrial and Communications TechnologyD information and Communications Technology2 How can ICT help people communicate more effectively and much faster?A Through lettersB. Through scrapbookThrough tea messaging andlines mobile phone computerized video conference toD None of these3 What is the meaning of Multimedia Presentation?A it is a highly social too designed to build relationship and networkBis a piece of server software that allows students to create an information data base and editcitis a computer software package used to show information normally in form of slide showAll of the above4 The art of by which to dimensional drawings or inanimate objects are turned into moving visualrepresentations of three-dimensional (3D) lifeA blogB animationsCarchives5 To place or add something in something elseA Embedв BlogCWD. All of the above6. It is the step where you unleash your creativity by choosing the right materials for your productcreate the productdesign your productC advertise your productD deode what maten als to use7. What will you do when a buyer complains that the merchandise she brought from your store hasdamages?get angrytalk propery with respectC tell her to complain to the police​




All of the above... Im not angry i tell her to complain to the police

8. MODULE 1.Directions: On your omswer sheet, write AE if the topic listed in each number can be developed into an argumentative essay, and NA if it cannot be Grade & Section: 1. Religion should be taught in schools. 2. People should protect the environment. 3.Why do need to to my parents advices? 4. Is there a necessity to control social media content? 5. Why is English my favorite subject? MODULE Z Tell whether the following titles of an essay is argumentative, informative, or persuasive 6. "Can Death Penalty Be Effective for Heinous Crimes?" 7. "Steps to Make Student's Speech Persuasive 8. "We Are Dependent on Computers" 9. "All Students Need to Go to College" 10. "Reasons that Lead to High Rate of Homelessness MODULE 3. Directions: Identify each sentences below and tell whether if it is an argumentative, ERA an informative text 11. Mobile phones could cause a big problem especially 12. Vitamin and mineral supplements cannot cure COVID-19) if youths own one bean what à persuasive, or 13. Wearing face mask and face shield, social distancing washing hands frequently, and using alcobalar what at's More et Activi safety measures to lessen transmission of the virus. 14. A dog is a man's best friend as it shows unconditional love to its master. 15. Mothers know what is best for their children.​


1basahin mo mabuti

2mag isip ka

3wag aasasa sa brinlily

9. Write the general statement of each paragraph.4. Excessive use of smartphone paired with negative attitude and feeling of anxiety and dependency on gadgets may increase the risk of anxiety and depression (Rosen et al., 2013[18], Thomée et al., 2011[20]). Jones (2014[10]) conducted a survey about Elon Students' behavior along with an online survey and found out that students seemed to be addicted to their mobile phones. Nevertheless, it was concluded that the excessive smartphone use had a psychological effect. ​


Excessive use of smartphone can cause a psychological effect.

10. Instruction: Choose a topic from the choices given and write at least two(2) to three (3) persuasive paragraphs. Be sure to use range of verbs,adjectives and adverbs to reflect emotive language. Be guided by the rubric.Suggested Topics:1. Mobile phones and smart gadgets ruin school life.2. Junk foods should be banned in schools.3. Energy drinks are harmful to health.4. Animals should not stay in zoos.5. Everyone should remain honest in any life situations.6. All students need to go to college.7. Online or homeschool is an effective way to learn.8. Same-sex marriage should not be legalized.9. Parents need to play a more active role in their children's education.10. Physical Education should not be compulsory subject.​


Animals should not stay in zoos.

Animals can stay in the zoos when the wild animals needed in the animal zoos because they are dangerous animals in this world.

11. Exercise 2. Combine each pair of sentences using the appropriate coordinating conjunction. Write your answers on the spaces provided for.1. Some people say that the use of video games in school will helpstudents learn more effectively.Others feel video games are creating poor learners. 2. Parents are alarmed.They wrote a letter to school administrators to ban computergames in school.3. Students go to shopping malls after school to play video games.They also go to Internet shops after school to play video games. 4. It is almost impossible to play Dance Dance Revolution (DDR)for too long.It is so physically demanding.5. Are video games a great way to relax?They are just a means to waste our time completely.Exercise 3. Complete each sentence with the appropriate coordinatingor correlative conjunction.1. Do you use e-mail in communicating to your friends ________you use only your mobile phone?2. ________ you send a soft copy _________ deliver the flashdrive personally does not matter as long as the data is here beforethe office closes.3. My new friend, Yoshi, promised to send me letters via e-mail,_________ he has not done so to date.4. Mobile phones _________ changed our style of communication________ made communication accessible to everyone.5. ________ Lucy _________ Jen are computer savvy ​

An easy way to remember coordinating conjunctions are FANBOYS

F - For

A - And

N - Nor

B - But

O - Or

Y - Yet

S - So

1. Some people say that the use of video games in school will help students learn more effectively BUT others feel video games are creating poor learners.

2. Parents are alarmed SO they wrote a letter to school administrators to ban computer  games in school.

3. Students go to shopping malls after school to play video games AND they also go to Internet shops after school to play video games.

4. It is almost impossible to play Dance Dance Revolution (DDR)

for too long FOR it is so physically demanding.

5. Are video games a great way to relax?  OR They are just a means to waste our time completely.

Correlative conjunctions - either or, neither nor, both and, not only, but also, whether or.

1. Do you use e-mail in communicating to your friends  OR you use only your mobile phone?

2.  WHETHER you send a soft copy OR deliver the flash

drive personally does not matter as long as the data is here before

the office closes.

3. My new friend, Yoshi, promised to send me letters via e-mail, BUT he has not done so to date.

4. Mobile phones NOT ONLY changed our style of communication

BUT ALSO made communication accessible to everyone.

5. BOTH Lucy AND Jen are computer savvy

12. II. Identify the appropriate literature that will support each of the findings in the options below. Choose the letter of the correct answer.A. Marvel (2010) stressed that young adults needs to engage in physical activities to eliminate boredom in school day-to-day engagement.B. Yahum (2015) added that too much exposure to cellular phones can create a blurry vision and physical distress to the users.C. Yahum (2015) says that everything in moderate use can be good. Cellular phone can be an aid to supply the supplementary information to every user.D. BEFA (2010) states the every learner is entitled to positive environment that can provide a well-rounded education to all. Thus, nobody should be left behind.E. K-12 Curriculum of the DEPED promotes quality job immersion experiences to its graduates in order to be ready to the four exits of the program.F. Salem, 2015 encourages good enforcement of values and non-violent approach towards building the character of a person especially the school children.1. Work immersion can bring enhancement to the skills of Grade 12 TVL students of Hinigaran National High School.?A, B, C, D, E, F 2.Excessive exposure to mobile phones can bring massive effects to both physical and psychological aspects of the users.A,B, C, D, E, F3.Coping mechanisms to combat school-related stressors of senior high school students include engagement to physical exercises, travel, watching movies, playing online games, eating and having a deep sleep.A,B,C,D,E,F4.Smartphones can contribute to academic progress among senior high school students. This can be in form of securing notes during class, reaching out what have missed when absent, and quickly supplementary of notes for assignments and research purposes.A,B,C,D,E,F5.Positive discipline can bring a sound environment to senior high school students.A,B,C,D,E,F​







paki brainlies po please po thankes

13. Directions: Read the following statements very carefully. Select only one more effective thesis in the introductory paragraph of a short essay. Keep in mind that an effective thesis statement should be sharply focused and specific, not just a general statement of fact. Write the letter of your answer in your notebook. 1. A. The Hunger Games is a science fiction adventure film based on the novel of the same name by Suzanne Collins. B. The Hunger Games is a morality tale about the dangers of a political system that is dominated by the wealthy. 2. A. There is no question that cell phones have changed our lives in a very big way B. While cell phones provide freedom and mobility, they can also become a leash, compelling users to answer them anywhere and at any time. 3. A. Finding a job is never easy, but it can be especially hard when the economy is still feeling the effects of a recession and employers are reluctant to hire new workers B. College students looking for part-time work should begin their search by taking advantage of job-finding resources on campus 4. A For the past three decades, coconut oil has been unjustly criticized as an artery-clogging saturated fat. B. Cooking oil is plant, animal, or synthetic fat that is used in frying, baking and other types of cookingmay katuloy pa po ito​


1. B


3. A

4. A

5. A


These are specific statements:)

14. A. Based on the given situation, determine the method that is advisable to use in gathering the data. The answer may involve more than one method. 1. favorite subject of the high school students in Ateneo de Manila 2. the married couple in 2014 3. effects of computers in the academic performance of the students 4. record of registered jeepneys in Metro Manila 5. the opinion of the youth in the economic growth of the country 6. the effects of eating organic vegetables to the health of a person 7. favorite noontime show on television of Grade 7 students in a certain school 8. most saleable mobile phone brand 9. relationship of the sleeping habit and academic performance of the students 10. satisfactory rate of the government officials in the Department of Health​


Questionnaire methodRegistration methodExperiment, Observation methodRegistration methodInterview methodExperiment methodQuestionnaire methodObservation methodInterview methodObservation, Registration method

15. Where do you stand on the following issues? Express your stance in one sentence why you agreeor dis-agree. Write your answers on the space provided below.1. Students should not be given homework during weekend2. Only vaccine can stop the spread of COVID-19.3. Too much use of mobile phone has a negative impact on student's learning outcome.4. Students can learn effectively in school than at home.5. The COVID-19 pandemic hindered the students' learning development.​


1. Agree, students must have their full rest day to avoid being burnout.

2. Disagree, vaccine can help to stop covid 19 but unity and self discipline weighs lot more.

3. Agree, too much use can affect the brain performance of a person.

4. Agree, because you have a teacher who'll discuss further more the lesson to the while class.

5. Yes, it drastically change everything and it affect not just the learning development as well the students in all aspects.

16. II. Identify the appropriate literature that will support each of the findings in the options below. Choose the letter of the correct answer.A. Marvel (2010) stressed that young adults needs to engage in physical activities to eliminate boredom in school day-to-day engagement.B. Yahum (2015) added that too much exposure to cellular phones can create a blurry vision and physical distress to the users.C. Yahum (2015) says that everything in moderate use can be good. Cellular phone can be an aid to supply the supplementary information to every user.D. BEFA (2010) states the every learner is entitled to positive environment that can provide a well-rounded education to all. Thus, nobody should be left behind.E. K-12 Curriculum of the DEPED promotes quality job immersion experiences to its graduates in order to be ready to the four exits of the program.F. Salem, 2015 encourages good enforcement of values and non-violent approach towards building the character of a person especially the school children.1. Work immersion can bring enhancement to the skills of Grade 12 TVL students of Hinigaran National High School.?A, B, C, D, E, F 2.Excessive exposure to mobile phones can bring massive effects to both physical and psychological aspects of the users.A,B, C, D, E, F3.Coping mechanisms to combat school-related stressors of senior high school students include engagement to physical exercises, travel, watching movies, playing online games, eating and having a deep sleep.A,B,C,D,E,F4.Smartphones can contribute to academic progress among senior high school students. This can be in form of securing notes during class, reaching out what have missed when absent, and quickly supplementary of notes for assignments and research purposes.A,B,C,D,E,F5.Positive discipline can bring a sound environment to senior high school students.A,B,C,D,E,F​


12345 is a c b e d f

Explanation: cause I d o n t know

17. questions asked are thought-provoking. Directions: Read the article then identify whether the questions provoking. Before each question, put a check (/) if the question is X if it is not. Write your answers on your answer sheet. Mobile Game Addiction, Cyberbullying, and Their Effects on Aca Mobile gaming addiction is a growing concern that increases the use psychological health problems. Video game addiction is part of the so Disorder (IGD) and is often associated with Gambling Addiction. In gene to a poorer academic performance of students in educational institut conducted by Samaha and Hawi (2016) revealed that there is n smartphone addiction risk and academic performance. This denotes a academic performance between TGD and mobile phone addiction. Cyl hand, is also an ethical concern that has affected several adolescer studies on traditional bullying and cyberbullying revealed that both ca performance of students among others. As far as the present study is co been conducted which determines whether mobile game addiction and factors for the academic performance of students. Bath cyberbullying ar (constructs) were neglected as causal factors for the students' academi (Favi 1. In what way can mobile game addiction affect one's psychological health? 2. How many mobile games are being played around tu 3. What would you advice other students to avoid onli- 4. What are the indications that a person is a mobile e 5. Why is it that smartphone addiction does not affect performance while mobile gaming addiction does? 6. How does mobile game addiction affect a student's performance? _7. Who are the developers of the top five most popular games? 8. Which between cyberbullying and mobile game add damage to a student's academic performance? 9. When was the first mobile game developed? 10. What are mobile games? 13 CO_​















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